How Democrats lost the Impeachment War — and probably 2020

All the Data is showing The GOP taking back The House and President winning in a Landslide.

They screwed the pooch and now they are going to pay!
Trump will sweep all 57 States
At least that's what Barry might think! All joking aside, I don't realistically see ANY of the current Dem contenders winning any more than 10-15 states. THIS is probably the biggest reason the Dems are so desperate and have kept up their clown show, known as "impeachment hearings".
Trump second term he will implement real voter security, er, to prevent Putin hacking.

Yannow, Putin used Illegals and the nonliving to vote Trump in key States
The Putin hacking is of emails of Democrats, brainwashed functional moron. Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet. I caramba...
Putin had Illegals and the nonliving flip the election for Trump
No he hacked the DNC server gave it all to Fox noise and we ended up with 60% of all political coverage in the 2016 election being about ridiculous conspiracy theories based on taking emails between powerless DNC staffers bullshiting totally out of context. about three weeks ago they stopped investigating everything about them because there was nothing there and didn't mean a damn thing.... But it was great for ratings for the propaganda machine and corporate media who are also a disgrace but nothing like that LOL...
No he hacked the DNC server gave it all to Fox noise and we ended up with 60% of all political coverage in the 2016 election being about ridiculous conspiracy theories based on taking emails between powerless DNC staffers bullshiting totally out of context. about three weeks ago they stopped investigating everything about them because there was nothing there and didn't mean a damn thing.... But it was great for ratings for the propaganda machine and corporate media who are also a disgrace but nothing like that LOL...

Your mom must have smoked crack
Only in dupe World, Dupe.

And the village idiot chimes in. Get your tissues and butthurt cream stocked up for next year DOPE. You’re going to need them.
Most of your Trump campaign staff the top ones are in prison, and Trump is called conspirator number one because he told them to do those things and to lie. Unfortunately mealy mouthed GOP douchebag Mahler believes the president cannot be indicted. Sorry you missed everything about it, brainwashed functional moron. Whatever you do don't get off the propaganda machine, hater dupe LOL... I have a masters in history and pay attention to all media in the world oh, you have a master's in garbage character assassination phony scandal garbage propaganda...

Your “masters” is in latrine cleaning and getting on your knees for your Dim masters. GFY you uneducated, know nothing, no evidence of any of your bullshit loser.
Too bad you don't have any argument, ignoramus, except for the usual trolling stupid talking points and ridiculous insults... Just like Fox noise and Rush etcetera etc. The rest of the world thinks you are absolutely insane, they don't know about Fox noise and Rush etc etc and all the crap you believe.... Where I live is 73% Trump and there are more cows than people... Love you dearly but your politics is off the Wall garbage....breaking -Democrats are honest (remember innocent until proven guilty and don't start with the deep State garbage conspiracy theory-you have nothing no evidence but idiotic propaganda), the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you and for 35 years now the middle class has been going to hell. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot top Rich from paying their fair share. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. Only the brainwash and ignoramuses like you make this mess possible.... Sorry about facts and reality.
Claims the Dufus who says he’s cracked the Trump/Russia case the Mueller and his team of high priced lawyers missed in their 2 year witch hunt.
Sorry you miss all the actual news, brainwashed functional moron. Why do you think manafort and Cohen are in prison LOL? And who told them to do it? Poor America I caramba...
And the village idiot chimes in. Get your tissues and butthurt cream stocked up for next year DOPE. You’re going to need them.
Most of your Trump campaign staff the top ones are in prison, and Trump is called conspirator number one because he told them to do those things and to lie. Unfortunately mealy mouthed GOP douchebag Mahler believes the president cannot be indicted. Sorry you missed everything about it, brainwashed functional moron. Whatever you do don't get off the propaganda machine, hater dupe LOL... I have a masters in history and pay attention to all media in the world oh, you have a master's in garbage character assassination phony scandal garbage propaganda...

Your “masters” is in latrine cleaning and getting on your knees for your Dim masters. GFY you uneducated, know nothing, no evidence of any of your bullshit loser.
Too bad you don't have any argument, ignoramus, except for the usual trolling stupid talking points and ridiculous insults... Just like Fox noise and Rush etcetera etc. The rest of the world thinks you are absolutely insane, they don't know about Fox noise and Rush etc etc and all the crap you believe.... Where I live is 73% Trump and there are more cows than people... Love you dearly but your politics is off the Wall garbage....breaking -Democrats are honest (remember innocent until proven guilty and don't start with the deep State garbage conspiracy theory-you have nothing no evidence but idiotic propaganda), the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you and for 35 years now the middle class has been going to hell. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot top Rich from paying their fair share. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. Only the brainwash and ignoramuses like you make this mess possible.... Sorry about facts and reality.
Claims the Dufus who says he’s cracked the Trump/Russia case the Mueller and his team of high priced lawyers missed in their 2 year witch hunt.
Sorry you miss all the actual news, brainwashed functional moron. Why do you think manafort and Cohen are in prison LOL? And who told them to do it? Poor America I caramba...
Nothing to do with Trump, fascist girl.
I think it’s time to quit feeding the paid trolls around here. It’s obvious the trending and public sentiment is turning against The Democrat Party.

You don’t impeach a president over non Existent crimes that you cannot even find in US Code.

All the Data is showing The GOP taking back The House and President winning in a Landslide.

They screwed the pooch and now they are going to pay!
Trump will sweep all 57 States
conspirator number one - Google Search
Most of your Trump campaign staff the top ones are in prison, and Trump is called conspirator number one because he told them to do those things and to lie. Unfortunately mealy mouthed GOP douchebag Mahler believes the president cannot be indicted. Sorry you missed everything about it, brainwashed functional moron. Whatever you do don't get off the propaganda machine, hater dupe LOL... I have a masters in history and pay attention to all media in the world oh, you have a master's in garbage character assassination phony scandal garbage propaganda...

Your “masters” is in latrine cleaning and getting on your knees for your Dim masters. GFY you uneducated, know nothing, no evidence of any of your bullshit loser.
Too bad you don't have any argument, ignoramus, except for the usual trolling stupid talking points and ridiculous insults... Just like Fox noise and Rush etcetera etc. The rest of the world thinks you are absolutely insane, they don't know about Fox noise and Rush etc etc and all the crap you believe.... Where I live is 73% Trump and there are more cows than people... Love you dearly but your politics is off the Wall garbage....breaking -Democrats are honest (remember innocent until proven guilty and don't start with the deep State garbage conspiracy theory-you have nothing no evidence but idiotic propaganda), the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you and for 35 years now the middle class has been going to hell. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot top Rich from paying their fair share. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. Only the brainwash and ignoramuses like you make this mess possible.... Sorry about facts and reality.
Claims the Dufus who says he’s cracked the Trump/Russia case the Mueller and his team of high priced lawyers missed in their 2 year witch hunt.
Sorry you miss all the actual news, brainwashed functional moron. Why do you think manafort and Cohen are in prison LOL? And who told them to do it? Poor America I caramba...
Nothing to do with Trump, fascist girl.
Hilarious super dupe...
conspirator number one - Google Search
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!

Hahaha you said "Democrats" and "read" in the same sentence. Do they make a Moby Dick popup book?
What McConnell said yesterday on Hannity kinda disturbs me. He said that he was going to totally coordinate and work with the WH.

But wait......................isn't the Senate where the trial is supposed to be held? If McConnell is saying that he is going to coordinate with the WH, that means that he can't be an impartial juror like he's supposed to be.

McConnell: 'Total coordination' with White House for impeachment trial

WASHINGTON- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Thursday that he will be in "total coordination with the White House counsel" as the impeachment into President Donald Trump presses forward.

During an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, the Majority Leader said that "everything" he does "during this, I'm coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this, to the extent that we can."
Truly amazing. Muellers team of hillary donors spent 2 years investigating Trump and nothing

They went into full panic mode as Trump looked into their corruption.

Now that they have been put on straight jackets, it is time to uncover all of the real corruption.
Well I'll be damned. I guess there is a philanthropist publisher out there who is actually interested in the education of Decocrats. Put this on your Christmas list for any TDS suffering relatives

Hahaha you said "Democrats" and "read" in the same sentence. Do they make a Moby Dick popup book?

Welp, I was just about to say "silly me" and take my lumps...but then you found the actual pop-up book so now I feel vindicated :)
Trump will sweep all 57 States
At least that's what Barry might think! All joking aside, I don't realistically see ANY of the current Dem contenders winning any more than 10-15 states. THIS is probably the biggest reason the Dems are so desperate and have kept up their clown show, known as "impeachment hearings".
Trump second term he will implement real voter security, er, to prevent Putin hacking.

Yannow, Putin used Illegals and the nonliving to vote Trump in key States
The Putin hacking is of emails of Democrats, brainwashed functional moron. Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet. I caramba...
Putin had Illegals and the nonliving flip the election for Trump
No he hacked the DNC server gave it all to Fox noise and we ended up with 60% of all political coverage in the 2016 election being about ridiculous conspiracy theories based on taking emails between powerless DNC staffers bullshiting totally out of context. about three weeks ago they stopped investigating everything about them because there was nothing there and didn't mean a damn thing.... But it was great for ratings for the propaganda machine and corporate media who are also a disgrace but nothing like that LOL...
^ Putin bot wants to let Vlad keep using Illegals and the nonliving to flip States
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
How dare ewe!!
Good one! This is off topic, but your post reminded me of a joke/riddle. "What's the difference between Mick Jagger and an irate Scottish sheep farmer?" "Mick famously sang, "Hey, you, get off of my cloud", while the farmer said, "Hey, McCloud, get off of my EWE!"
And speaking of EWE(s), here's a joke I came up with off the top of my head. (Like my joke about circumcision.) Please let me know what EWE think. Here it is - Our intrepid reporter was on his venture to find out about animal buggery and he approached a sheep farmer who was widely rumored to be a practitioner of this heinous activity. He noticed there was a sheep right behind the farmer and he greeted him with, "So, Toro, is she your latest girlfriend?" To which Toro replied, without missing a bleat (sic), "Ewe betcha!"
I did a little digging. It seems that Moby Dick popup book was way ahead of its time!

Moby Dick Schiff 2.jpg
even if he didnt collude with russia and ukraine, Trump still needs to be impeached, my friends!

He'll be impeached then acquitted and re-elected. You are not very well informed or just blinded by hate! go here it may help you.


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even if he didnt collude with russia and ukraine, Trump still needs to be impeached, my friends!

He'll be impeached then acquitted and re-elected. You are not very well informed or just blinded by hate! go here it may help you.

LOL, it's basquebromance, he's doing what he does--troll and stir the pot. You've read the signs about feeding the trolls, right?
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
At least that's what Barry might think! All joking aside, I don't realistically see ANY of the current Dem contenders winning any more than 10-15 states. THIS is probably the biggest reason the Dems are so desperate and have kept up their clown show, known as "impeachment hearings".
Trump second term he will implement real voter security, er, to prevent Putin hacking.

Yannow, Putin used Illegals and the nonliving to vote Trump in key States
The Putin hacking is of emails of Democrats, brainwashed functional moron. Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet. I caramba...
Putin had Illegals and the nonliving flip the election for Trump
No he hacked the DNC server gave it all to Fox noise and we ended up with 60% of all political coverage in the 2016 election being about ridiculous conspiracy theories based on taking emails between powerless DNC staffers bullshiting totally out of context. about three weeks ago they stopped investigating everything about them because there was nothing there and didn't mean a damn thing.... But it was great for ratings for the propaganda machine and corporate media who are also a disgrace but nothing like that LOL...
^ Putin bot wants to let Vlad keep using Illegals and the nonliving to flip States
What ridiculous conspiracy theory are you referring to, dimwit? Unbelievable. Trump loves Putin wants to build a tower in Moscow, is probably being blackmailed by Putin. And just gave Syria to him. Great job! No none of that has been discredited either except dupe World from the Big Orange clown. It's really too bad he could be the greatest president of all time, he already has blind support from all of you people, if he coulds just act like a smart businessman and president....

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