How Democrats lost the Impeachment War — and probably 2020

We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
Everyone who agrees with you are bought off pundits and politicians who are scared shittless of the clown thug liar Brat....
We should assign all democrats to read Moby Dick.

It's a story of how blind unchecked hatred will destroy you and all those around you.

Then again...I never knew a leftist who had the ability to LEARN!
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
Everyone who agrees with you are bought off pundits and politicians who are scared shittless of the clown thug liar Brat....
And millions of Americans, whereas you have foreign sources who echo back what they hear from American sources that agree with you. Funny how that works. I notice that you never cite American sources approvingly, though they are the source for the foreign ones you do.
I have three major problems with this thread:

Obama and Clinton have large body counts that could grow rapidly If the Ds go seriously off the track they had laid

The MSM has been played like a flute and they need some other means of survival than being the D agit/prop instrument which is problematical now.

The Ds could lose the race for dog-Catcher for Two Eggs in the panhandle at this rate and we do need an opposition party to keep the Rs on message If we want a working republic in 2025 when Trump's successor takes over
Yep, your mobbed-up lying scumbag orange clown president blackmailing a foreign leader in the middle of a war against scumbag Putin in order to make up another phony scandal against his main rival is no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
Everyone who agrees with you are bought off pundits and politicians who are scared shittless of the clown thug liar Brat....
And millions of Americans, whereas you have foreign sources who echo back what they hear from American sources that agree with you. Funny how that works. I notice that you never cite American sources approvingly, though they are the source for the foreign ones you do.
Bologna. Look up journalist, brainwashed functional moron. Other countries still take journalism seriously. While ours cares more about ratings and controversy... Meanwhile your media are not journalists at all, they are bought off scumbag Liars who will say anything that Rupert Murdoch tells them to... And it is all the same crap.... Al-jazeera has more foreign offices and foreign reporters than all our media combined. Ditto the BBC.
I have three major problems with this thread:

Obama and Clinton have large body counts that could grow rapidly If the Ds go seriously off the track they had laid

The MSM has been played like a flute and they need some other means of survival than being the D agit/prop instrument which is problematical now.

The Ds could lose the race for dog-Catcher for Two Eggs in the panhandle at this rate and we do need an opposition party to keep the Rs on message If we want a working republic in 2025 when Trump's successor takes over
Body counts my ass LOL. All investigated and nothing there but garbage propaganda from your ridiculous Heroes and scumbag billionaires....
Considering that it still hasn't been voted on by the House yet, I fail to see how they have lost anything yet.

Now, if the Senate lets Trump off the hook, THEN you can say they failed. Anything else is jumping the gun.

Let him off from what? Hurting the feelings of obviously incompetent state department twerps?

Poor babies need to grow up.
Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
Everyone who agrees with you are bought off pundits and politicians who are scared shittless of the clown thug liar Brat....
And millions of Americans, whereas you have foreign sources who echo back what they hear from American sources that agree with you. Funny how that works. I notice that you never cite American sources approvingly, though they are the source for the foreign ones you do.
Bologna. Look up journalist, brainwashed functional moron. Other countries still take journalism seriously. While ours cares more about ratings and controversy... Meanwhile your media are not journalists at all, they are bought off scumbag Liars who will say anything that Rupert Murdoch tells them to... And it is all the same crap.... Al-jazeera has more foreign offices and foreign reporters than all our media combined. Ditto the BBC.

And they all report the same things they hear in the dominant media in our country. The ones you don't cite.
Forget to take your Medication
All the Data is showing The GOP taking back The House and President winning in a Landslide.

They screwed the pooch and now they are going to pay!
Trump will sweep all 57 States
At least that's what Barry might think! All joking aside, I don't realistically see ANY of the current Dem contenders winning any more than 10-15 states. THIS is probably the biggest reason the Dems are so desperate and have kept up their clown show, known as "impeachment hearings".
Trump second term he will implement real voter security, er, to prevent Putin hacking.

Yannow, Putin used Illegals and the nonliving to vote Trump in key States
The Putin hacking is of emails of Democrats, brainwashed functional moron. Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet. I caramba...
Hillary Clinton met with Russians $145 Million times.

Obama met with Iran $150 Billion times.

I wouldn’t say probably. This is the worst political blunder in US history since Democrats had their States succeed from the Union.

Note: you see this kind of story common in mainstream media now as they prepare their comrades for dismal failure.

How Democrats lost the Impeachment War — and probably 2020 | Spectator USA
/—-/ Are libtards the least bit mad at Adam Shytface about this claim?
March 03, 2019 - 11:26 AM EST
Schiff claims there's already 'direct evidence' of collusion by Trump campaign
nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 32 times and contacts over 250 times, then they lied about it... LOL. Sorry you missed that LOL I caramba poor America....
Al Jizz?

Friend of yours?

Good thing that didn't happen. That would be bad.
Only in dupe world... Brainwashed functional moron...
So you agree then. It only happened in dupe world where morons believe it.
Everyone who agrees with you are bought off pundits and politicians who are scared shittless of the clown thug liar Brat....
And millions of Americans, whereas you have foreign sources who echo back what they hear from American sources that agree with you. Funny how that works. I notice that you never cite American sources approvingly, though they are the source for the foreign ones you do.
Bologna. Look up journalist, brainwashed functional moron. Other countries still take journalism seriously. While ours cares more about ratings and controversy... Meanwhile your media are not journalists at all, they are bought off scumbag Liars who will say anything that Rupert Murdoch tells them to... And it is all the same crap.... Al-jazeera has more foreign offices and foreign reporters than all our media combined. Ditto the BBC.

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