How Democrats missed a chance to reshape the Supreme Court for a generation

Thank you for being honest. May God have mercy on your soul.

Well, he already did.

With the Trump's election, I got what I wanted.....the SCOTUS in the hands of the conservatives.

If he calls RBG home, it will all that much more so.

You have a nice night.

I am sure Clinton enjoys the fact that you still pine for her.....
I feel sorry for you

Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.
kyzr, trump won't be president then, and after 2018 he will be not have a real opportunity to shape the corut.

Well, since you are batting zero percent in your predictions, I think we'll all just collectively laugh at you.
I am far more accurate than you over the course of time, and you can't prove differently.

The trumpers are having their day for now, so enjoy it. Won't last long.

You are far more funny in your delusional claims.

I don't have to prove it are generally seen as the board moron.

Take a hint.

Trump sucks....but his SCOTUS appointment ROCKS.
Only by the insane far right like you, Sun Devil, think your silliness. You can't even support your own Church's positions. You generally have been wrong far more than me. You are right, he sucks as bad as hillary. She is gone, now trump needs be impeached and removed. His popularity has gone down during his first two weeks.

Gorsuch, if nominated, will protect corporations. He will do nothing about Obergefell or Roe. He will protect the 14th as is. So it evens out.
kyzr, trump won't be president then, and after 2018 he will be not have a real opportunity to shape the corut.

Well, since you are batting zero percent in your predictions, I think we'll all just collectively laugh at you.
I am far more accurate than you over the course of time, and you can't prove differently.

The trumpers are having their day for now, so enjoy it. Won't last long.

You are far more funny in your delusional claims.

I don't have to prove it are generally seen as the board moron.

Take a hint.

Trump sucks....but his SCOTUS appointment ROCKS.
Only by the insane far right like you, Sun Devil, think your silliness. You have been wrong far more than me, and you cant prove differently. You are right, he sucks as bad as hillary. She is gone, now trump needs be impeached and removed. His popularity has gone down during his first two weeks.

Gorsuch, if nominated, will protect corporations. He will do nothing about Obergefell or Roe. He will protect the 14th as is. So it evens out.

Can you try to make sense when you post.

You've never been right and you can't prove differently. Which is really pretty incredible when you think about it.

He's president and you are babbling about impeachment all the while calling me silly.

His decisions are gaining in popularity.

I am sure you are pissed he lost and you are probably cold from participating in all those marches.

He has been nominated...fool.

And he'll be confirmed.

Then Ginsburg dies.......

He need do nothing about Roe...others are already killing it.
Well, he already did.

With the Trump's election, I got what I wanted.....the SCOTUS in the hands of the conservatives.

If he calls RBG home, it will all that much more so.

You have a nice night.

I am sure Clinton enjoys the fact that you still pine for her.....
I feel sorry for you

Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
I feel sorry for you

Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.
I feel sorry for you

Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.

Oh good grief.....we all know that you simply pointed that out.

The left simply makes stuff up to argue against.

I am no less interested in seeing Breyer's heart stop beating.

I could really care less what OldFool says.
Yes, I do.

The sooner the better.
Thank you for being honest. May God have mercy on your soul.

Well, he already did.

With the Trump's election, I got what I wanted.....the SCOTUS in the hands of the conservatives.

If he calls RBG home, it will all that much more so.

You have a nice night.

I am sure Clinton enjoys the fact that you still pine for her.....
I feel sorry for you

Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.
I seem to remember you wishing the same on Cheney
Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.
No he didn't lol. Retarded or unhinged? Which are you?
Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.

This is exactly what I said, feel free to point out my defense of anyone.
Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
The only thing Sun Devil is right about is that Gorsuch will be probably be ratified. Other than that, he babbles, and he every times he lies, he gets his nose to stuck in it.

He has clearly not researched Gorsuch's creds. He will not end Roe or Obergefell. That means gays and abortions are safe. He will protect the 14th. It evens out.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.

This is exactly what I said, feel free to point out my defense of anyone.
Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
Alright let's clear this up then. What do you think of Sundevil hoping that Ginsburg dies soon?
Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.

Oh good grief.....we all know that you simply pointed that out.

The left simply makes stuff up to argue against.

I am no less interested in seeing Breyer's heart stop beating.

I could really care less what OldFool says.

Damn you keep doubling down on stupid.
Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.

This is exactly what I said, feel free to point out my defense of anyone.
Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
Alright let's clear this up then. What do you think of Sundevil hoping that Ginsburg dies soon?

See post #53
Why ? As much as I don't like guy won.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.
You might want to scale back the holier than thou bullshit when you are being such a blatant hypocrite:
Dead Pool 2
Dick Cheney
Darn, Dick Cheney still hasn't died yet
Sad news: Dick Cheney is still alive : (
kyzr, trump won't be president then, and after 2018 he will be not have a real opportunity to shape the corut.

Well, since you are batting zero percent in your predictions, I think we'll all just collectively laugh at you.
I am far more accurate than you over the course of time, and you can't prove differently.

The trumpers are having their day for now, so enjoy it. Won't last long.
Have you ever been right starky?

I cant recall a single accurate prediction from you.
If Ginsburg keels over at 3-years 11-months, any takers that the seat isn't filled before inauguration day?
Not a chance. The republicans will fill that seat instantly if they have to and they have the political power atm to do so.
You wish death on another human being, so that a guy you don't like can take advantage of it. That's sad.

Screw you, many on your side celebrated Scalia's death.
That was terrible of them. Interesting that you are now on record defending somebody wishing death on another SC justice. Sickening move man.

I didn't defend anyone, I simply pointed out your sides hypocrisy. I said I want her to retire, along with Kennedy and Breyer. Pay attention child.
You defended a person who wants her to die. Asshole.
You might want to scale back the holier than thou bullshit when you are being such a blatant hypocrite:
Dead Pool 2
Dick Cheney
Darn, Dick Cheney still hasn't died yet
Sad news: Dick Cheney is still alive : (
Lol well done :clap:

Impressive compliation.

Of course, I never wished for him to die though :thup:
kyzr, trump won't be president then, and after 2018 he will be not have a real opportunity to shape the corut.

Well, since you are batting zero percent in your predictions, I think we'll all just collectively laugh at you.
I am far more accurate than you over the course of time, and you can't prove differently.

The trumpers are having their day for now, so enjoy it. Won't last long.
Have you ever been right starky? I cant recall a single accurate prediction from you.
That's because you can't think clearly. The dems can the Senate back in 2018 if Trump completely implodes. It seems, otherwise, the deck is stacked against them.

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