How Democrats Will Spin Dallas Tragedy by Dawns Early Light

And what will the right say ?

Don't think "gun free zone " applies . Or more guns needed.

The reality is that right wingers have created a police state . Always have .

the police being murdered by snipers in your mind is a police state. Really, that is what you are going with? Whow, you certainly are proving the Comey defense applies.
Protesters March in Dallas...officers required for overtime...several are murdered in cold blood. Please pray for these officers and their families. But you can better best be believing liberals will politicize this. As they are predictable they will spin it.
So how will Democats and liberal media spin the story by time of morning news?
#1.) "We need more gun control"
# 2.) " This is a result of the culture of racism in this country."
#3.) "It's all Donald Trump's fault."

Reality: Liberal policies create generational welfare...lack of employment...and public housing projects that are cesspool's of crime. High rates of children born out of wedlock and gang violence in these areas. Police show up to a call in these neighborhoods and they are on edge and scared to death because at any given moment their life can end. What happened in Louisiana and Minnesota are creations of big government nanny state.
yesterday after I saw the man who got murdered by cops in Minnesota, I said to my wife, you know, heres what going to happen here ... the people are going to start retaliating over the loss of these mens lives ... she said to me you're full of it ... about 3 hours later what did we see 4 officers getting killed and 9 injured ... your point of pointing out how they live is cause by people like you who want to keep them in place ... the man who was murder in Minnesota was a working man ... had a good Job ... who was a kind person ...who also worked in his church helping people ...who also was engaged to be married ...their goes that children out of wedlock thing of yours... who also had a carry permit ... who was responding to what the officers told him to show him his carry permit ...what do they do they shot him to death doing what the officer asked him to do ... now you're trying to imply well he was a blister on the state and should have been killed ... because he was on a assistance program that you thought he was ... sense when does it give them the right for police to shoot people who are on assistance ... who have children out of wedlock is now a crime to you ... lets line them up and star shooting them all in the streets like the Germans did ...that will teach them to be on assistance
You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong
I asked what video you saw, the one I saw started after the shooting so repeating your lies and stupidity while blaming Republicans is a poor substitute.
yesterday after I saw the man who got murdered by cops in Minnesota, I said to my wife, you know, heres what going to happen here ... the people are going to start retaliating over the loss of these mens lives ... she said to me you're full of it ... about 3 hours later what did we see 4 officers getting killed and 9 injured ... your point of pointing out how they live is cause by people like you who want to keep them in place ... the man who was murder in Minnesota was a working man ... had a good Job ... who was a kind person ...who also worked in his church helping people ...who also was engaged to be married ...their goes that children out of wedlock thing of yours... who also had a carry permit ... who was responding to what the officers told him to show him his carry permit ...what do they do they shot him to death doing what the officer asked him to do ... now you're trying to imply well he was a blister on the state and should have been killed ... because he was on a assistance program that you thought he was ... sense when does it give them the right for police to shoot people who are on assistance ... who have children out of wedlock is now a crime to you ... lets line them up and star shooting them all in the streets like the Germans did ...that will teach them to be on assistance
You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong

Geeze... how early do you start drinking?
When does he stop?
They'll blame it on Bush somehow.
I think Jesse jackass already blamed Trump.....
good ... he should be blamed ... after all with all of his racist talk what would you expect to happen...
We are not talking about Obama.....:lol:

Sadly, we just witnessed his racist talk.....
I don't believe obama name was in the post ... it clearly said trump ... do you too have a comporehention problem too??? seems to run wild in the republican party...

Looks like it is you with the comporehention problem ya dumbshit.
and the stupid ones keep coming...owebo said: "I think Jesse jackass already blamed Trump....." do you see any where in Owebo statement that says OBAMA ??? I don't !!!! do you have some sort of mental disorder or are you just plain stupid ... I side on the side you're just plain stupid ...
This sounds like the Comey defense. The murderers committed no crime because their intent was merely social justice.
yesterday after I saw the man who got murdered by cops in Minnesota, I said to my wife, you know, heres what going to happen here ... the people are going to start retaliating over the loss of these mens lives ... she said to me you're full of it ... about 3 hours later what did we see 4 officers getting killed and 9 injured ... your point of pointing out how they live is cause by people like you who want to keep them in place ... the man who was murder in Minnesota was a working man ... had a good Job ... who was a kind person ...who also worked in his church helping people ...who also was engaged to be married ...their goes that children out of wedlock thing of yours... who also had a carry permit ... who was responding to what the officers told him to show him his carry permit ...what do they do they shot him to death doing what the officer asked him to do ... now you're trying to imply well he was a blister on the state and should have been killed ... because he was on a assistance program that you thought he was ... sense when does it give them the right for police to shoot people who are on assistance ... who have children out of wedlock is now a crime to you ... lets line them up and star shooting them all in the streets like the Germans did ...that will teach them to be on assistance
You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong
I asked what video you saw, the one I saw started after the shooting so repeating your lies and stupidity while blaming Republicans is a poor substitute.
yesterday after I saw the man who got murdered by cops in Minnesota, I said to my wife, you know, heres what going to happen here ... the people are going to start retaliating over the loss of these mens lives ... she said to me you're full of it ... about 3 hours later what did we see 4 officers getting killed and 9 injured ... your point of pointing out how they live is cause by people like you who want to keep them in place ... the man who was murder in Minnesota was a working man ... had a good Job ... who was a kind person ...who also worked in his church helping people ...who also was engaged to be married ...their goes that children out of wedlock thing of yours... who also had a carry permit ... who was responding to what the officers told him to show him his carry permit ...what do they do they shot him to death doing what the officer asked him to do ... now you're trying to imply well he was a blister on the state and should have been killed ... because he was on a assistance program that you thought he was ... sense when does it give them the right for police to shoot people who are on assistance ... who have children out of wedlock is now a crime to you ... lets line them up and star shooting them all in the streets like the Germans did ...that will teach them to be on assistance
You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong
I asked what video you saw, the one I saw started after the shooting so repeating your lies and stupidity while blaming Republicans is a poor substitute.
thats not true she record it up to the shooting and stop it when he was being shot ... then started it back up after he was shot ... I guess fox noise doesn't want you to see the whole truthh thats their way
Protesters March in Dallas...officers required for overtime...several are murdered in cold blood. Please pray for these officers and their families. But you can better best be believing liberals will politicize this. As they are predictable they will spin it.
So how will Democats and liberal media spin the story by time of morning news?
#1.) "We need more gun control"
# 2.) " This is a result of the culture of racism in this country."
#3.) "It's all Donald Trump's fault."

Reality: Liberal policies create generational welfare...lack of employment...and public housing projects that are cesspool's of crime. High rates of children born out of wedlock and gang violence in these areas. Police show up to a call in these neighborhoods and they are on edge and scared to death because at any given moment their life can end. What happened in Louisiana and Minnesota are creations of big government nanny state.

Politics was your FIRST thought about it?

You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong

Geeze... how early do you start drinking?
When does he stop?
don't smoke, don't drink . never have ... and I never will ... my question to you is is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
And what will the right say ?

Don't think "gun free zone " applies . Or more guns needed.

The reality is that right wingers have created a police state . Always have .

Yep, their war on drugs have made us one! We have more prisoners then any country on earth. Thanks repubicans.

Actually, the vast majority of Federal drug laws were enacted by Democrat controlled Congresses, often with super-majorities, and most often, signed by a Democrat president. thanked the wrong party.
You have no idea what led up to the shooting so you are part of the problem. You run your alligator mouth before having the facts. If it was murder the way to deal with it is in court, not killing innocent lives. You and everyone like you are the problem.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong
I asked what video you saw, the one I saw started after the shooting so repeating your lies and stupidity while blaming Republicans is a poor substitute.
thats not true she record it up to the shooting and stop it when he was being shot ... then started it back up after he was shot ... I guess fox noise doesn't want you to see the whole truthh thats their way
FOX? Republicans? So she recorded the non event, stopped when the shooting occurred and then resumed afterwards? You lying dumb fuck.
If you had a clue Iceweeny you would realize I was speculating to my wife yesterday ... there wasn't any facts stated by me it was all speculation on my part ... Realize you have a problem with comprehension this is true so stop posting on things you don't grasp ... you're making a fool of yourself
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong

Geeze... how early do you start drinking?
When does he stop?
don't smoke, don't drink . never have ... and I never will ... my question to you is is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
I don't believe anything you say.
have you noticed when republican can't refute your post that they start attacking you with things that doesn't apply ... its like the part in their brain that deals in facts has shut down ... take Iceweeny for instance the last couple months he said hillarys going to jail ...and he posted all of the disinformation from him about benghazi and her email... I pointed out the actual facts and was told that I have my lips wrapped around hillarys ass ... so ice weeny are you going to respond why hillary isn't in jail like you assured us she would be??? or are you just going to call me a poopie head
Oh I have a clue alright. You said "I saw the man who got murdered by cops..." So you are a lying stupid asshole.
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong

Geeze... how early do you start drinking?
When does he stop?
don't smoke, don't drink . never have ... and I never will ... my question to you is, is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
I don't believe anything you say.
right back at you ... you have never said anything that has any truth to it so far ... just right wing banter

you didn't answer is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
They'll blame it on Bush somehow.
I think Jesse jackass already blamed Trump.....
good ... he should be blamed ... after all with all of his racist talk what would you expect to happen...

What racist talk? So, you're blaming the massacre of cops by BLM on Trump? You're completely insane.
It was BLM? Where did you get that info?
where they get all their information they pull it out of their ass
They'll blame it on Bush somehow.
I think Jesse jackass already blamed Trump.....
good ... he should be blamed ... after all with all of his racist talk what would you expect to happen...

What racist talk? So, you're blaming the massacre of cops by BLM on Trump? You're completely insane.
It was BLM? Where did you get that info?
The TV.....are you even paying attention? democrat talking points to guide you,,so your totally fucking clueless, aren't you....:lol:
theres that comprehension problems you republicans suffer from ... here let me make it easy for you by typing ever word so you can grasp I hope ... yesterday, in the film of the man being shot who said he had a gun and had a permit to carry ... are ya grasping so far oh stupid one ??? he was told by the officer to give them his permit ... so when he reach for his permit the cops shot him many times the shooting was not on tape because the girl friend din't want it to be recorded right after the shooting stop she started recording again and thats all on tape ..thats murder any way you want to paint it ... you can push your right wing bull shit iceweeny I don't care ...murder is murder any why you want to look at it...

P.S. By they way you assure me that I was a idiot when I said hillary wouldn't get prosecute over benghazi or her emails ... so look whose got egg on their face Icerweeny that would be you Iceweeny ... don't you ever get tired of being wrong

Geeze... how early do you start drinking?
When does he stop?
don't smoke, don't drink . never have ... and I never will ... my question to you is, is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
I don't believe anything you say.
right back at you ... you have never said anything that has any truth to it so far ... just right wing banter

you didn't answer is your brain so picked with booze you can't comprehend anymore
I asked what video you saw and you lied and tried to turn it into the Republican's fault. Lying smearing stupid asshole.

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