How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

Marion Morrison, post: 19346000
It's almost as if they knew the shooting was going to happen and had all these bills and protests planned in advance.

Trash the victims. They all sat there waiting to be shot to death in hopes the survivors could instantly become political activists. You gun nuts are getting sicker and sicker every munute.
Marion Morrison, post: 19346000
It's almost as if they knew the shooting was going to happen and had all these bills and protests planned in advance.

Trash the victims. They all sat there waiting to be shot to death in hopes the survivors could instantly become political activists. You gun nuts are getting sicker and sicker every munute.

If that teacher that bravely shielded his kids and got shot to death had a gun, maybe most would not have had to sit and wait to be shot and maybe that beloved teacher would be a living....instead of dead hero. Protecting our kids on site and in school should be our very first priority, not the impossible lie that we are going to get rid of guns and crazy people.
Trash the victims. They all sat there waiting to be shot to death in hopes the survivors could instantly become political activists. You gun nuts are getting sicker and sicker every munute.
and in true liberal fashion addressing something you wish were said instead of what was actually said
Yeah these partisan hacks think they can secret themselves among the dead, and wounded; and then try to convince people that the attacks on them, are really attacks on their pawns. Too bad for them that everyone see through their childish ruse...
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These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

Dumb shit.

They have simply had their voices heard. Indivisible and The Women's March have offered help and amplified their voice.

I'm with these kids. Why aren't you?
Thanks for proving my point “Dumbshit”.
Indivisible is an anti Trump organization.
The Indivisible Project

Leftist right along with Women’s March.
Our Mission
But congratulations on making yourself useful for the first time in your life. And to think... You did it; proving my point.

Sorry, idiot. I only speak the truth. The kids got the ball rolling and now they are getting help from other Grass Roots organizations.

You have such low comprehension skills that you don't understand what I wrote. They started this themselves. It is not a fucking conspiracy.
The NRA and GOP, with their opposition to any kind of reasonable gun control, are both accessories to murder. The kids are right, and should they have a march in Portland, I will march with them. Every adult that values the lives of their children and grandchildren should do the same.

There is one in Portland.
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These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

Dumb shit.

They have simply had their voices heard. Indivisible and The Women's March have offered help and amplified their voice.

I'm with these kids. Why aren't you?
Thanks for proving my point “Dumbshit”.
Indivisible is an anti Trump organization.
The Indivisible Project

Leftist right along with Women’s March.
Our Mission
But congratulations on making yourself useful for the first time in your life. And to think... You did it; proving my point.

Sorry, idiot. I only speak the truth. The kids got the ball rolling and now they are getting help from other Grass Roots organizations.

You have such low comprehension skills that you don't understand what
The NRA and GOP, with their opposition to any kind of reasonable gun control, are both accessories to murder. The kids are right, and should they have a march in Portland, I will march with them. Every adult that values the lives of their children and grandchildren should do the same.

There is one in Portland.
So did I. You leftists are using these children to further your agenda. And you got called on it. Now deal with it.
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?

No they are not.
If they understood anything about the internet, they would not be texting all the time on expensive smartphone protocols.
If they knew anything about the Constitution, they would know all federal weapons laws are prohibited and illegal.
If they knew anything about life, they would know they were responsible for the tragedy by teasing and bullying an autistic boy who just lost his parents, twice.

These high school kids are the most ignorant and selfish I have even seen.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

High School is all about organizations and clubs.
High school clubs and organizations - Wikipedia

Clubs are sponsored by the school, these buses cost lost of real money, and it is not coming from the school.
All I can say is.....

The Left GETS IT any means necessary.....they WILL NOT QUIT until you are defeated. PERIOD. You have to hand them that regardless.

The Right will take at least another 300 years to get off their asses and have ANY kind of organized mass demonstration......

This is why the Left will slowly but surely get their way....on everything.

If the Founding Fathers had been AT ALL like modern day Righties we'd still be an English colony

I am probably the most extreme leftest on this board, and I can assure you that no leftest would ever support any sort of gun control. Gun control started from the right, preventing Black, immigrants, and labor organizers from defending themselves. And the current gun control fanatics, like Hillary, is not at all leftest. She was Wall St. and Bankers. That is not leftest. Unions are leftest.
Yeah...just saw that. Got cut off. Dickhead.
btw, if you didn't know it was cut off before you posted it how was anyone else suppose to know? and shouldn't you make sure your post is comprehensible before incorrectly assuming that it was someone else's inability to comprehend it?...never before has anyone gotten so much, so wrong, so fast with so little to work with.
All I can say is.....

The Left GETS IT any means necessary.....they WILL NOT QUIT until you are defeated. PERIOD. You have to hand them that regardless.

The Right will take at least another 300 years to get off their asses and have ANY kind of organized mass demonstration......

This is why the Left will slowly but surely get their way....on everything.

If the Founding Fathers had been AT ALL like modern day Righties we'd still be an English colony

I am probably the most extreme leftest on this board, and I can assure you that no leftest would ever support any sort of gun control. Gun control started from the right, preventing Black, immigrants, and labor organizers from defending themselves. And the current gun control fanatics, like Hillary, is not at all leftest. She was Wall St. and Bankers. That is not leftest. Unions are leftest.
good post
Yeah...just saw that. Got cut off. Dickhead.
btw, if you didn't know it was cut off before you posted it how was anyone else suppose to know? and shouldn't you make sure your post is comprehensible before incorrectly assuming that it was someone else's inability to comprehend it?...never before has anyone gotten so much, so wrong, so fast with so little to work with.

Sentences begin with capital letters.
The correct term is "supposed to". You forgot the "ed". That is a sign that you are a moron.
I didn't claim that the cut off sentence was misunderstood by anyone. You seem to have difficulty following along.
Sentences begin with capital letters.
The correct term is "supposed to". You forgot the "ed". That is a sign that you are a moron.
I didn't claim that the cut off sentence was misunderstood by anyone. You seem to have difficulty following along.
I see you decided to ignore [a sign of ignorance] the point and address what it is you wish the point was/were: that you should make sure your post is comprehensible instead of incorrectly assuming that someone else is incapable of comprehending.
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Sentences begin with capital letters.
The correct term is "supposed to". You forgot the "ed". That is a sign that you are a moron.
I didn't claim that the cut off sentence was misunderstood by anyone. You seem to have difficulty following along.
I see you decided ignore [a sign of ignorance] the point and address what it is you wish the point was/were: that you should make sure your post is comprehensible instead of incorrectly assuming that someone else is incapable of comprehending.

You hopped on an simple error that I made. In doing so, you exposed yourself for being a moron. A barely literate moron. You will now try very hard to
convince others that you aren't a moron. You will fail.
You hopped on an simple error that I made.

lol, I pointed out the obvious contradiction and gave proof of who it was that lacked comprehension skills, the above and below posts by you are just further proof

In doing so, you exposed yourself for being a moron. A barely literate moron. You will now try very hard to
convince others that you aren't a moron. You will fail.
demand your tuition back, I will be your character witness.
Leo123, post: 19349964
To me that is unreasonable. Convincing kids they live in a Utopia where guns will never affect them is not reasonable and actually abusive.

What is abusive is your sick desire to play with assault rifles for entertainment.

Frankeneinstein, post: 19350139
and in true liberal fashion addressing something you wish were said instead of what was actually said

Gun nuts are trashing victims left and right. Quit pretending they aren't.

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