How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

Leo123, post: 19349964
To me that is unreasonable. Convincing kids they live in a Utopia where guns will never affect them is not reasonable and actually abusive.

What is abusive is your sick desire to play with assault rifles for entertainment.

Frankeneinstein, post: 19350139
and in true liberal fashion addressing something you wish were said instead of what was actually said

Gun nuts are trashing victims left and right. Quit pretending they aren't.
Leo123, post: 19349964
To me that is unreasonable. Convincing kids they live in a Utopia where guns will never affect them is not reasonable and actually abusive.

What is abusive is your sick desire to play with assault rifles for entertainment.

Frankeneinstein, post: 19350139
and in true liberal fashion addressing something you wish were said instead of what was actually said

Gun nuts are trashing victims left and right. Quit pretending they aren't.
No. They aren’t... Nice try though. Many however are attacking political activists who are threatening the rest of the nation with assaults on the second amendment. If any of those same activists were at one time a victim...? Oh well. They should have stayed out of the ring. Leftists will find no sanctuary from which they can launch an assault on my freedom unopposed. Anytime. Anyplace. Anyone...
What is abusive is your sick desire to play with assault rifles for entertainment.

I never said I liked to play with assault rifles. I was making the case that our children should be protected. I said it was abusive to use these kids as political fodder by the Democrats to push their useless gun-grabbing agenda that will do absolutely nothing to protect our kids. BTW your post is abusive, cut the crap.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

Once they stop eating Tide-Pods, they're better able to regurgitate liberal talking points.
I am glad that I didn't grow up in a world that thinks teachers should be armed. That's what security guards are paid for. This "arm the teachers" idea/rant is stupid bullshit. My teachers had arms for hugs.
I know, right? How did they do it without relying on Koch money, having a megaphone in Fox News and CNBC, and using astroturf organizations? Yeesh, don't they know how the game is supposed to be played!?
View attachment 178048

Here is David Hogg in his HS Yearbook picture, From Rondondo HS in California, where he Graduated in 2015. He Never went to the School in Florida where the Shooting was.

Piper Fogle on Twitter
Where is the proof that yearbook picture is from CA in 2015 or thats even Hogg?

Does this help?

By the way, where is the proof that Hogg attends the Parkland school?
If youre an idiot it may help but intelligent people arent convinced by a random video. My first question is where is the name of the high school? I bet that question just flew right over your pointy little head didnt it. :rolleyes:
View attachment 178048

Here is David Hogg in his HS Yearbook picture, From Rondondo HS in California, where he Graduated in 2015. He Never went to the School in Florida where the Shooting was.

Piper Fogle on Twitter
Where is the proof that yearbook picture is from CA in 2015 or thats even Hogg?

Does this help?

By the way, where is the proof that Hogg attends the Parkland school?

You know, if you scroll down just a little bit in that twitter post, someone posts another video which shows the cover of that yearbook more clearly.....and it's from Marjory Stoneham Douglas.

Here's a photo of it:

And a link to the video: Joey on Twitter
OMG! What an idiot! America@no actually linked proof that he is a gullible idiot. I keep telling people cons are even more stupid today than they were just a year ago.
Yeah, no dead kids in Chicago when we had a gun ban. DERP!

But it is you who sounds like the moron, as only a moron would think that laws are uselss, if they don't prevent all instances of thw banned activity. By your moronic troll logic, murder laws are useless.
All I can say is.....

The Left GETS IT any means necessary.....they WILL NOT QUIT until you are defeated. PERIOD. You have to hand them that regardless.

The Right will take at least another 300 years to get off their asses and have ANY kind of organized mass demonstration......

This is why the Left will slowly but surely get their way....on everything.

If the Founding Fathers had been AT ALL like modern day Righties we'd still be an English colony
. Is it that the working class right are being oppressed by their own masters, but they don't realize it ???? Hmmm... Makes one think about it and pause for a second. The Demon-crats are always saying "why are you voting for those who are killing you, and starving you, and hurting you" to the conservatives and/or to the so called right.

Will be bad if the conservatives we're to find out (even with how bad the left is), that they were right about that part of it all.
A friend posted this on image on FB last night, I decided to share it, within 10 minuets it was deleted from my FB, as well as my friends. If there’s no truth to this theory, then why delete it?

View attachment 178052

Super coincidental this kid lived in Florida and decided to visit LA last August?

Its more coincidental that there is red lettering attached to both pictures.

The significance of this would be???

The kid is clearly in a California news report in August of '17 and is now in a Florida High School shooting news report in February of '18, if this is just coincidental, please clarify your point...

I can't wait to hear this :popcorn:...

the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

Precisely. Much to the dismay of the Left; we aren't a nation governed by mob rule, or feelz... We are a constitutional republic. And the Constitution trumps all.

that's so funny from the "lock her up" imbeciles.

what we aren't, is a nation run by the NRA and a bunch of angry white males who think guns make them feel like they have genitalia.

the funny thing is if black men were the ones demanding their rights to guns, gun control would be law before your loser heads could turn.

You need to look up Colion Noir.
Where'd they get all those fancy new unmarked buses?

Any number of places. The school could have provided them as a way to show support of the students, they could have rented them from a transportation service and everyone donated money to rent them.

There are a myriad of ways that they could have gotten the buses.

So the kids themselves had enough money? NO.....Someone provided them because this is a POLITICAL demonstration to promote GUN CONTROL.

Hey, this shooting happened in a pretty affluent area of Florida. Even if the kids themselves didn't have the money, I'm pretty sure the parents would be willing to pony up a few bucks to support their children.

Parents do it all the time.

A pretty affluent area? The shooter lived in a trailer park!
A friend posted this on image on FB last night, I decided to share it, within 10 minuets it was deleted from my FB, as well as my friends. If there’s no truth to this theory, then why delete it?

View attachment 178052

Super coincidental this kid lived in Florida and decided to visit LA last August?

Its more coincidental that there is red lettering attached to both pictures.

The significance of this would be???

The kid is clearly in a California news report in August of '17 and is now in a Florida High School shooting news report in February of '18, if this is just coincidental, please clarify your point...

I can't wait to hear this :popcorn:...
Yes it's coincidental, and it has already been clarified.

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