How did Biden get Covid?

Experiencing mild symptoms
This could be the big break dem partisans and kamala harris have been preying for to their false god

Now if old joe will just go quickly before november
This could be the big break dem partisans and kamala harris have been preying for to their false god

Now if old joe will just go quickly before november
The really want to get him past January.

If he were incapable of continuing as president now... this would count as Round Heels first term.
Very few people actually died FROM covid.

And very few people actually die from cancer, it is almost always the heart failure that does them in. Yet they are still considered cancer deaths. How sneaky
The really want to get him past January.

If he were incapable of continuing as president now... this would count as Round Heels first term.
They know now, this is best Harris can hope for. She will never win an election on the national stage. Especially given the abject failure of every task she's been given.
The really want to get him past January.

If he were incapable of continuing as president now... this would count as Round Heels first term.

Lame duck now.

It might be. It could be he believed it to be true. Who knows or even really cares
Who even really cares? Um anyone with one functioning brain cell or more.

Here’s what
He said it four separate times. You like being lied to, don't you?
i don’t care about Biden. I’m just calling balls and strikes. This is what Biden and the government has been saying all along. If you think Biden has been promoting a different message, then fine. I just think he’s an idiot that often times misspeaks.


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