How did Biden get Covid?

Some people think the 1st step to getting Biden outta the WH is to tell everybody he's got COVID whether he actually does or not. Wouldn't surprise me either way, do they want to replace Biden before election day with Harris? Don't know, but I wouldn't think so cuz the day that Harris assumes the presidency is the day she cannot cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, and they don't want that. Say that Biden temporarily steps down as prez and Harris becomes the acting president, at that point I believe she cannot also be the VP and perform the duties of that office.
She would get to appoint a new VP, who would have to be approved by the senate if I understand correctly. But since she would no longer be VP, she would not have the tie breaking vote for that vote.
The facts don't agree w/you idiot.

People have been, and will be going to prison over that "tiff."

What does that have to do with Biden and covid? Why derail the thread? Someone just started yet another silly thread on that January thing, go there if you need a good cry.

You folks should be worried, lose Joe, lose the Senate edge.
Did the ReThuglicans kick the Traitor to the curb, who is a serial adulterer and attended parties where underage girls were made available for sex?
They tried to, but there were too many democrats in the senate at that time.
Now we learn MAGA crawls on its belly

They're your people, not mine. I do not want him to die of Covid. Democrats are such a power hungry group of totalitarians they will do anything to retain power. Lots of people on Twitter saying the same thing. If the tragic happens, lots and lots of Americans will believe this is exactly what went down.
You are half right. more people did die, but not in less time. Trump had less than 11 months of COIVD deaths.

I would need to look at the numbers again, but here's a sobering thought:

To this point, it's not even debatable that more people have died from Covid under Biden than did under Trump. After all, the first death occurred while Trump had only 325 days left in office, and Biden's been dealing with it for well over a year. But here's the odd thing: Biden's entire tenure has been one during which there was the availability of a Covid vaccine.

The first COVID-19 vaccine outside a clinical trial setting was administered on Dec 8, 2020, when Trump had a mere 42 days left in office with the availability of a vaccine.

If the vaccine really works, it would have...
They're your people, not mine. I do not want him to die of Covid. Democrats are such a power hungry group of totalitarians they will do anything to retain power. Lots of people on Twitter saying the same thing. If the tragic happens, lots and lots of Americans will believe this is exactly what went down.

Between Joe's cancer and now Covid, he may just decide to end it all and shoot himself in the back of the head six times.
Did the ReThuglicans kick the Traitor to the curb, who is a serial adulterer and attended parties where underage girls were made available for sex?

Let's ask Bill.

I would need to look at the numbers again, but here's a sobering thought:

To this point, it's not even debatable that more people have died from Covid under Biden than did under Trump. After all, the first death occurred while Trump had only 325 days left in office, and Biden's been dealing with it for well over a year. But here's the odd thing: Biden's entire tenure has been one during which there was the availability of a Covid vaccine.

The first COVID-19 vaccine outside a clinical trial setting was administered on Dec 8, 2020, when Trump had a mere 42 days left in office with the availability of a vaccine.

If the vaccine really works, it would have...

That's why Biden lied, repeatedly claiming there was no vaccine when he was inaugurated. The facts and the actual numbers show what an utter failure Biden has been on Covid.

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