How did Biden get Covid?

He never got the shot, because he told us the virus stops with the vaccine.

Thats wild. He either lied about getting the vax or he lied about the vax stopping the virus.
Doesn't change the fact that he told the lie. And you believed it. And infected God knows how many people.
Huh? It’s not a lie if you know the context dumbass. For example people say sarcastic statements and jokes all the time, that doesn’t make them liars. As for you saying I believed it. That’s an outright lie that you can’t back up.

You shouldn’t critique others for lying if you’re gonna run around spreading lies. That makes you a hypocrite Marvin.
Like I always say in these situations, I pass along the same sentiments to Biden as the left did for Trump when he got COVID.

EXACTLY the same sentiments.

You cultists know what I mean.
That’s interesting. What about the Left inspires you to act like them?
Oh really? Did the Dems invade the Capitol in an effort to keep the Liar in Chief in place?
That was a flagwaving and baby carriage protest, why would Dimmers be there? They enjoy the burning, looting and murder events like last summer much more than all that.
"they said" that vaccination primarily reduces odds of serious illness and deaths. Vaccinations have never prevented Omicron variant inflections.

Too bad you are ignorant of what "they said"

I can keep going if you want. Or have you had enough of my "ignorance"? Ignorance just means you don't know something, I showed my statements were correct.

I was also speaking in general terms of the president and his administration since he is the topic of conversation here and I backed it up.

So who here is actually ignorant?
The first COVID-19 vaccine outside a clinical trial setting was administered on Dec 8, 2020, when Trump had a mere 42 days left in office with the availability of a vaccine.

If the vaccine really works, it would have...

Or one could argue the deaths would have been much more had we not had it at all.

We are averaging about 200 less deaths a day in the US under Biden than under Trump. Is that because or despite of the vaccine.

Who knows really, there are so many other factors that matter like how contagious the different variants are and how the vaccine impacts them.

And also even now less than 70% of the population is vaccinated, does that play a role? Hell, I do not know.

I know that I got the first two doses at the advice of my wife an RN that spent all of 2020 and most of 2021 treating COVID patients. I have COPD and she saw what it did to people with that. So I listened to her advice as I am rather prone to do. I have not gotten any other boosters.

This is how it should be, people make their own minds up based on their situations. I never supported the Govt mandates

I can keep going if you want. Or have you had enough of my "ignorance"? Ignorance just means you don't know something, I showed my statements were correct.

I was also speaking in general terms of the president and his administration since he is the topic of conversation here and I backed it up.

So who here is actually ignorant?
Biden is THEY? Do you think he is some sort of a king perhaps? :slap:

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