how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

And by 'special treatment' Spare means he graduated law school while being black.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush went to Harvard- Obama for law, Bush for his masters.

Guess what- neither decided to show you his transcripts.

Of course now one expected that Bush got special treatment in Harvard........the son of a wealthy family would never get special treatment.......

No, getting in because he's black. That's special treatment.

So getting special treatment because your family is wealthy is wrong but getting special treatment because of your skin color isn't.

Smells like hypocrisy.

The difference is that no one accused Bush of getting special treatment because his family was wealthy.

But lots of people accused Obama of getting special treatment- because Barack Obama is black.

Think this through- If Obama was not black- these people would not be accusing him of getting special treatment because of his skin color- their accusations are about his race- not because there is ANY evidence he got any special treatment.

They just assume that a black man must have gotten special treatment to get into Harvard Law.

His grades from Occidental were crap yet he got into Harvard. But no special treatment. Uh huh.
Oh? What was his GPA?

Also, don't ignore the benefits of being a legacy helping him gain entry.

I don't know, what was it? Link?
Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.
And by 'special treatment' Spare means he graduated law school while being black.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush went to Harvard- Obama for law, Bush for his masters.

Guess what- neither decided to show you his transcripts.

Of course now one expected that Bush got special treatment in Harvard........the son of a wealthy family would never get special treatment.......

No, getting in because he's black. That's special treatment.

So getting special treatment because your family is wealthy is wrong but getting special treatment because of your skin color isn't.

Smells like hypocrisy.

The difference is that no one accused Bush of getting special treatment because his family was wealthy.

But lots of people accused Obama of getting special treatment- because Barack Obama is black.

Think this through- If Obama was not black- these people would not be accusing him of getting special treatment because of his skin color- their accusations are about his race- not because there is ANY evidence he got any special treatment.

They just assume that a black man must have gotten special treatment to get into Harvard Law.

His grades from Occidental were crap yet he got into Harvard. But no special treatment. Uh huh.
Oh? What was his GPA?

Also, don't ignore the benefits of being a legacy helping him gain entry.

I don't know, what was it? Link?
If you don't know his GPA, you don't know "his grades were crap." Thanks for clearing that up.
Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.

Snopes and FactCheck are bunk then? I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.

Snopes and FactCheck are bunk then? I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Of course they're not not did I suggest they are. Snopes said the emails were not in question in the context they were evaluating the validity of the claim of when the rumor began, not who started it. I pointed out they are in question in the context of you claiming "anonymous" emails were sent by Hillary supporters.

Regrettably, you are easily confused.
No, getting in because he's black. That's special treatment.

So getting special treatment because your family is wealthy is wrong but getting special treatment because of your skin color isn't.

Smells like hypocrisy.

The difference is that no one accused Bush of getting special treatment because his family was wealthy.

But lots of people accused Obama of getting special treatment- because Barack Obama is black.

Think this through- If Obama was not black- these people would not be accusing him of getting special treatment because of his skin color- their accusations are about his race- not because there is ANY evidence he got any special treatment.

They just assume that a black man must have gotten special treatment to get into Harvard Law.

His grades from Occidental were crap yet he got into Harvard. But no special treatment. Uh huh.
Oh? What was his GPA?

Also, don't ignore the benefits of being a legacy helping him gain entry.

I don't know, what was it? Link?
If you don't know his GPA, you don't know "his grades were crap." Thanks for clearing that up.

If you don't know his gpa, you don't know that his grades weren't crap. He claimed his GPAs were 3.7. Proof of that? Still waiting.

"By disclosing his college GPAs during a November 2011 interview with author and reporter David Maraniss, Obama has put himself in a comparable position to Biden in 1987. That is, Obama has publicly disclosed during a presidential campaign important elements of his academic record, knowing that there were questions among the voters about his academic performance.

Before Obama chose to disclose his grades to the media, Obama’s grades were unquestionably private and confidential. If he was truthful about his college GPAs, then they are now unquestionably public and non-confidential. Having voluntarily chosen to disclose his GPAs, there is no reason for him now to object to independent verification of those claims unless he knows that his grades differ from what he told the media.

With respect to his GPA at Occidental College, Obama said he was “goofing off for the first two years of college” and had a “lackadaisical approach to his [Occidental] studies.” One of his Occidental professors said Obama “wasn’t a very serious student” and another said that Obama “wasn’t working hard enough.” One of Obama’s law school recommenders said, “I think [Obama] didn’t do too well in college.” If Obama had a 3.7 GPA at Columbia, then why did he graduate without honors? Why is there no public evidence that he made Columbia’s Dean’s List, which required only a 3.33 GPA in any semester? Why hasn’t Obama sought to collect (at least for charity) the million-dollar bet from his classmate, Wayne Allyn Root, that Obama had a sub-3.5 GPA at Columbia?"

Was he required to release his transcripts? No. But when you make a claim then refuse to back it up . . . Why wouldn't he back it up with proof, he must have been hiding something .... sounds like Trump not releasing his tax stuff doesn't it?.

"Some have claimed that the issue is uniquely related to Obama being our first African American president. This claim is refuted by the fact that the media have published Biden’s law school and college grades, Bradley’s SAT score, Bush’s college grades and SAT score, Gore’s SAT score and college grades, Kerry’s college grades, McCain’s class rank, Perry’s college grades, and JFK’s high school grades and test scores. The media have even disclosed Romney’s ninth-grade transcript, GPA at BYU (3.97 GPA), rank at Harvard Business School (top 5%), and honors at Harvard Law School (cum laude). What makes President Obama unique among presidential candidates is not the public’s interest in his academic records but the media’s lack of interest in them."

Obama, Biden: Academic Transcripts and the Truth - Breitbart
Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.

Snopes and FactCheck are bunk then? I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Of course they're not not did I suggest they are. Snopes said the emails were not in question in the context they were evaluating the validity of the claim of when the rumor began, not who started it. I pointed out they are in question in the context of you claiming "anonymous" emails were sent by Hillary supporters.

Regrettably, you are easily confused.

Snopes and FactCheck claim the email was started by clinton supporters anonymously (no names). So, they're bunk sources? I'll keep that in mind.
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Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.

Snopes and FactCheck are bunk then? I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Of course they're not not did I suggest they are. Snopes said the emails were not in question in the context they were evaluating the validity of the claim of when the rumor began, not who started it. I pointed out they are in question in the context of you claiming "anonymous" emails were sent by Hillary supporters.

Regrettably, you are easily confused.

Snopes and FactCheck claim the email was started by clinton supporters anonymously. So, they're bunk sources? I'll keep that in mind.
Nonsense. Snopes was quoting Politico and then rated their assessment as false. Snopes was not questioning if Hillary supporters were involved. How could they since the emails were anonymous? They were speaking to where it started, which as they point out, started on a rightwing forum, just as I told you earlier.

Factcheck was also quoting Polito, and then the Telegraph, to mention the anonymous emails. But unlike Snopes, factcheck used those sources to corroborate their own similar claims from years earlier, of which factcheck erroneously attributed the birth to Hillary supporters as we know it started on the right. So yes, factcheck did get that one wrong.
Right, that's the article I saw which idiotically identifies "anonymous" folks as Hillary supporters and erroneously claims that was when birtherism began.

You really need to go take a remedial reading class. Seriously.

"That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

I'm done, you're too dumb to converse with.

Yeah, good idea for you to run while you're behind. :scared1:

Idiot.... of course the source of those emails is in question. They were sent anonymously. As I suspected, you can't prove your ridiclous assertion that Hillary supporters circulated that email.

Snopes and FactCheck are bunk then? I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Of course they're not not did I suggest they are. Snopes said the emails were not in question in the context they were evaluating the validity of the claim of when the rumor began, not who started it. I pointed out they are in question in the context of you claiming "anonymous" emails were sent by Hillary supporters.

Regrettably, you are easily confused.

Snopes and FactCheck claim the email was started by clinton supporters anonymously (no names). So, they're bunk sources? I'll keep that in mind.
that's a big part of it, we never know any names. who posted the pdf on whitehouse dot com. if it was me, i'd be so proud, i'd tell the world. i'd certainly tell everyone at bullfeather's that day.

we get the savannah guthrie cell phone version... it was a hoax, that presser that day.

probably the same for the hospital where he was born. it's taken an inordinate amount of time for someone to.... claim him. except for kenya.
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Huh? What email did the Hillary campaign send that implied Obama was not born in Hawaii?

You know, I've lost count of how many times I've told you to READ WHAT I ACTUALLY POSTED. Fucking moron.
Scuse me.... Hillary's supporters....
Still no answer.... what email did Hillary supporters send to imply Obama was not born in Hawaii? The only such email I saw were sent anonymously with no way of identifying the sender.

You know, it would do you well to actually read what I've already posted instead of constantly asking, because I've already provided this answer.

"The idea that Obama was born elsewhere, specifically Kenya, was first floated in April 2008, according to a 22 April 2011 Politico article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau on the origins of birtherism:

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous e-mail questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

You know, it would do you well to actually read what I've already posted instead of constantly asking, because I've already provided this answer.

You keep saying that but I don't think it means what you think it does.

The campaign never considered, adopted or acted on anything remotely close to birtherism. Certainly not in any way, shape or form that is close to what Trump did.

You've failed. Give it up.
Natchury, A White Ho Fits in a White House. Yessum!

If birtherism is racist, so was her "It's 3 AM" commercial. Doesn't it imply that only the White Elite can handle crises?
What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.

And by 'special treatment' Spare means he graduated law school while being black.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush went to Harvard- Obama for law, Bush for his masters.

Guess what- neither decided to show you his transcripts.

Of course now one expected that Bush got special treatment in Harvard........the son of a wealthy family would never get special treatment.......

Actually, what 'special treatment' Spare means is that Obama was selected as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review because the chancellor was being pressured to apply Affirmative Action to the position. Obama was NOT the most qualified, but he was the blackest. In fact, his grades at Columbia would not have justified his admission to Harvard Law School had it not been for Affirmative Action.
What was the minimum GPA required to get into Harvard in 1988 for a legacy?
Blacks Fight for Bluebloods

You're getting dangerously close to revealing the Establishment's secret that the born-rich hate all other White people and shared their own legacy Affirmative Action with groups hostile to the majority.
Actually, what 'special treatment' Spare means is that Obama was selected as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review because the chancellor was being pressured to apply Affirmative Action to the position. Obama was NOT the most qualified, but he was the blackest. In fact, his grades at Columbia would not have justified his admission to Harvard Law School had it not been for Affirmative Action.

Gonna hafta prove it brah.

No, as a matter of fact, I don't .... those packets are not available to the general public, and you will only find snippets of them on the Internet.

The only way to prove that I'm wrong is to pick up your phone. If you're too lazy to do that, then you can continue to be terminally ignorant.

It's your choice.
No, you don’t.

And absent proof your claim is worthless and devoid of merit.
... which means, simply, that you are more interested in feeding your ego than learning something.

You're a lost cause --- believe as you wish ... just recognize that you're wrong.
How does he recognize he's wrong when you have failed miserably to prove he's wrong?

For the fourteenth time, I carefully explained how he could learn the truth ... but, he's so wrapped up in his pathetic little ego that he would rather be ignorant than proven wrong.
Gonna hafta prove it brah.

No, as a matter of fact, I don't .... those packets are not available to the general public, and you will only find snippets of them on the Internet.

The only way to prove that I'm wrong is to pick up your phone. If you're too lazy to do that, then you can continue to be terminally ignorant.

It's your choice.
No, you don’t.

And absent proof your claim is worthless and devoid of merit.
... which means, simply, that you are more interested in feeding your ego than learning something.

You're a lost cause --- believe as you wish ... just recognize that you're wrong.
How does he recognize he's wrong when you have failed miserably to prove he's wrong?

For the fourteenth time, I carefully explained how he could learn the truth ... but, he's so wrapped up in his pathetic little ego that he would rather be ignorant than proven wrong.
Again... it's no one else's job but yours to prove you right.
No, as a matter of fact, I don't .... those packets are not available to the general public, and you will only find snippets of them on the Internet.

The only way to prove that I'm wrong is to pick up your phone. If you're too lazy to do that, then you can continue to be terminally ignorant.

It's your choice.
No, you don’t.

And absent proof your claim is worthless and devoid of merit.
... which means, simply, that you are more interested in feeding your ego than learning something.

You're a lost cause --- believe as you wish ... just recognize that you're wrong.
How does he recognize he's wrong when you have failed miserably to prove he's wrong?

For the fourteenth time, I carefully explained how he could learn the truth ... but, he's so wrapped up in his pathetic little ego that he would rather be ignorant than proven wrong.
Again... it's no one else's job but yours to prove you right.
Again --- it's not your job to be so incredibly stupid and narrow minded ... but you do it anyway ... and ever so well.
No, you don’t.

And absent proof your claim is worthless and devoid of merit.
... which means, simply, that you are more interested in feeding your ego than learning something.

You're a lost cause --- believe as you wish ... just recognize that you're wrong.
How does he recognize he's wrong when you have failed miserably to prove he's wrong?

For the fourteenth time, I carefully explained how he could learn the truth ... but, he's so wrapped up in his pathetic little ego that he would rather be ignorant than proven wrong.
Again... it's no one else's job but yours to prove you right.
Again --- it's not your job to be so incredibly stupid and narrow minded ... but you do it anyway ... and ever so well.
Sure, uh-huh. At least I prove my claims when challenged.
You know, I've lost count of how many times I've told you to READ WHAT I ACTUALLY POSTED. Fucking moron.
Scuse me.... Hillary's supporters....
Still no answer.... what email did Hillary supporters send to imply Obama was not born in Hawaii? The only such email I saw were sent anonymously with no way of identifying the sender.

You know, it would do you well to actually read what I've already posted instead of constantly asking, because I've already provided this answer.

"The idea that Obama was born elsewhere, specifically Kenya, was first floated in April 2008, according to a 22 April 2011 Politico article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau on the origins of birtherism:

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous e-mail questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

That Hillary Clinton supporters circulated such an e-mail isn't in question, but the claim that that's the moment the birther theory "first emerged" simply isn't true. The likeliest point of origin we've been able to find was a post on conservative message board dated 1 March 2008 (which, according to a report in The Telegraph, was at least a month before Clinton supporters got on the e-mail bandwagon)."

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

You know, it would do you well to actually read what I've already posted instead of constantly asking, because I've already provided this answer.

You keep saying that but I don't think it means what you think it does.

The campaign never considered, adopted or acted on anything remotely close to birtherism. Certainly not in any way, shape or form that is close to what Trump did.

You've failed. Give it up.
Natchury, A White Ho Fits in a White House. Yessum!

If birtherism is racist, so was her "It's 3 AM" commercial. Doesn't it imply that only the White Elite can handle crises?

Not in any way.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

It wasn't racism when Hillary's camp did it. Once others picked it up, everyone but Hillary turns into racist.

Still not once did Hillary clinton question President Obama's place of birth.

Donald TRump questioned Obama place of birth for 5 years- even after he saw his birth certificate AND even after Hawaii said he was born there.

If it wasn't because of race- why did Trump lie?

Right, her campaign did it, not her. Her hands are clean, although she most likely personally requested it to exploit the possibility.

Her campaign did it. She did it. Once caught, she fired "those responsible". Someone always takes a virtual or real bullet for Hillary. One for the team.

One person on her campaign forwarded a Birther hit piece- didn't create it- sent it off- and was fired for it.

Meanwhile- Hillary Clinton never once suggested Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump spent 5 years telling the American people that he didn't know where President Obama was born. Donald Trump lied to you for 5 years- not his campaign- nor did he fire anyone for his lies- Donald Trump lied to you for 5 years about President Obama.

As always Donald Trump always blames someone else for his actions- and never takes responsibility.

So once again- if race was not the reason Trump was lying about President Obama- what was the reason?
And by 'special treatment' Spare means he graduated law school while being black.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush went to Harvard- Obama for law, Bush for his masters.

Guess what- neither decided to show you his transcripts.

Of course now one expected that Bush got special treatment in Harvard........the son of a wealthy family would never get special treatment.......

No, getting in because he's black. That's special treatment.

So getting special treatment because your family is wealthy is wrong but getting special treatment because of your skin color isn't.

Smells like hypocrisy.

The difference is that no one accused Bush of getting special treatment because his family was wealthy.

But lots of people accused Obama of getting special treatment- because Barack Obama is black.

Think this through- If Obama was not black- these people would not be accusing him of getting special treatment because of his skin color- their accusations are about his race- not because there is ANY evidence he got any special treatment.

They just assume that a black man must have gotten special treatment to get into Harvard Law.

His grades from Occidental were crap yet he got into Harvard. But no special treatment. Uh huh.

Well show us those grades from Occidental.

If you can't- why do you assume that a black man who went to Occidental college had bad grades?
Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,..

You do realize- you lying 10 times doesn't make it any less of a lie.

There is no 'original packet', no candidates provide their birth certificate- you are just pulling this out of Birther assdom.

Pick up the damn phone --- call your newspaper, and ask them how many presidential candidate birth certificates they have seen in the past 50 years ...

then, crawl back here and apologize for the obviously rampant stupidity in your house.

You do realize- you lying 11 times doesn't make it any less of a lie.

There is no 'original packet', no candidates provide their birth certificate- you are just pulling this out of Birther assdom.

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