How did Birth Control become a right?

sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
No one suggested services be given away. You are investing in a straw man.
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.
Affordable is not necessarily free.
affordable doesn't exist. free exists. try to get to affordable and the libturds start calling you names. funny how they operate ain't it. I want to find a way to fix healthcare, not argue over who should get health insurance.
I have affordable medical care. The only names I'm seeing being called seem to be coming from you...:eusa_think:
you don't like the term libturd or freeloader? hmmm too bad. I have affordable medical care as well, however, it doesn't mean out of pocket expenses aren't required first. you? you have a deductable? you ever meet your deductable? me either.
I don't care about what names you choose to call others I just find your statement to be a well fluffed bit of irony. I have a deductible. My policy covers my husband who is disabled with multiple medical problems so we do meet our deductible and go well over even with what is covered.
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...

We can hope and try to do the work, even if its in the somewhat futile attempt to educate people on boards like this.
you can't help, but you keep thinking you are. It gets you to sleep at nights.
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.
Affordable is not necessarily free.
affordable doesn't exist. free exists. try to get to affordable and the libturds start calling you names. funny how they operate ain't it. I want to find a way to fix healthcare, not argue over who should get health insurance.
I have affordable medical care. The only names I'm seeing being called seem to be coming from you...:eusa_think:
you don't like the term libturd or freeloader? hmmm too bad. I have affordable medical care as well, however, it doesn't mean out of pocket expenses aren't required first. you? you have a deductable? you ever meet your deductable? me either.
I don't care about what names you choose to call others I just find your statement to be a well fluffed bit of irony. I have a deductible. My policy covers my husband who is disabled with multiple medical problems so we do meet our deductible and go well over even with what is covered.
and the freeloaders don't have to do that. and you just say oh well that's fair. well that's you, not me. I find it insulting that I pay for theirs and mine. they don't pay shit. yeah that's fked up.
... People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.

They have no right to anything based on whether or not they can pay for it.
Whether or not they can afford something isn't were our rights come from.

That would be an ability or access ... Not a right ... :thup:

Oh, boy, as a Canadian, do I EVER get that. See, here in Canada, and in most of the civilized world, we pay taxes as a collective in order to improve the welfare of all Canadians. Yes, we actually PAY money to help each other. We actually choose to subsidize those who need it. Because it benefits us all. The HORROR!

And, your comment about "women being unable to control the spawn of their sex lives" is as telling as it is ugly.
Why would you think I would give a frozen rat's ass what you do in Canada? Women who cannot control the spawn of their sex lives should move there as far as I'm concerned. As long as they stay the hell out of the Czech Republic. We already have too many Gypsies here. They were all trying to get to Canada for free stuff until Canada slapped visa requirements in the 1990s.
why is it one must wait months for a procedure then? why do many canadians come to doctors here in the US? If it's sooooo great and all.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control).
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
why is it one must wait months for a procedure then? why do many canadians come to doctors here in the US? If it's sooooo great and all.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control).
dude canadian, too fking funny.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.
you just admitted you do have to wait so how is it a fallacy? hly fk too special.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?
why is that, why isn't it first come first served. If my injury or sickness takes less time why not get rid of it, why treat civilians like soldiers in war?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control)

so you don't care about all people, wow,
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
oh bull hockey, doctor bills are as high as they are due to liability laws. Doctors get paid to cover malpractice insurance to protect against lawsuits.
why is it one must wait months for a procedure then? why do many canadians come to doctors here in the US? If it's sooooo great and all.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control).
dude canadian, too fking funny.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.
you just admitted you do have to wait so how is it a fallacy? hly fk too special.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?
why is that, why isn't it first come first served. If my injury or sickness takes less time why not get rid of it, why treat civilians like soldiers in war?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control)

so you don't care about all people, wow,

Actually, when it comes to elective procedures we also have to wait. Those with more critical needs are seen to first. Just look at how it's handled in an emergency room. A heart attack trumps your sprained ankle.
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
oh bull hockey, doctor bills are as high as they are due to liability laws. Doctors get paid to cover malpractice insurance to protect against lawsuits.
That does add to costs in certain areas like obstetrics and I'm not adverse to making changes to that. But it isn't the only problem.
why is it one must wait months for a procedure then? why do many canadians come to doctors here in the US? If it's sooooo great and all.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control).
dude canadian, too fking funny.

Well, first, its a fallacy (deliberate?) that Canadians wait months for procedures. Its just not true in nearly all cases.
you just admitted you do have to wait so how is it a fallacy? hly fk too special.

Secondly, you've heard of the concept of triage, yes? Those in need are served first. Whoa. I know, right?
why is that, why isn't it first come first served. If my injury or sickness takes less time why not get rid of it, why treat civilians like soldiers in war?

Third, Canada underfunds preventative and educational services, thus much of our healthcare (as is true elsewhere in the world) is to address preventable disease which would be better funded at the prevention level. (You know, like birth control)

so you don't care about all people, wow,

Actually, when it comes to elective procedures we also have to wait. Those with more critical needs are seen to first. Just look at how it's handled in an emergency room. A heart attack trumps your sprained ankle.
oh so there is no difference today? hmmm that isn't what she claimed, they are better because they do that. so which is it?
See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
oh bull hockey, doctor bills are as high as they are due to liability laws. Doctors get paid to cover malpractice insurance to protect against lawsuits.
That does add to costs in certain areas like obstetrics and I'm not adverse to making changes to that. But it isn't the only problem.
it is the number one problem. I never said it was the only one. it is the most costly one.
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
again, it's called malpractice insurance, the doctor has it the hospital has it. we pay for the medical field to have malpractice insurance. why not get rid of that?
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

What is the religious (fairy tail) stance on boner pills?
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?

What is the religious (fairy tail) stance on boner pills?
it's a boner pill? that women love?
sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
oh bull hockey, doctor bills are as high as they are due to liability laws. Doctors get paid to cover malpractice insurance to protect against lawsuits.

More than that is the fact you can't see just one doctor anymore in most cases. Years ago your family doctor took care of everything. The only time you were sent to a specialist is when there was something going on that the doctor couldn't figure out.

Today when you see your doctor for something beyond a cold or something simple, he or she sends you to two or three specialists, orders tests that have little to do with the problem you came there for, the bills get run up and insurance has to pay for all the extras. Why? To pass the liability buck to other people.
By passing legislation in the liberal media that's how. Its called propaganda, can't muster the support of the American people, can't get actual laws passed, then use propaganda in the schools and media to faux pass it.

I get that. What I don't get is how anybody can file a lawsuit over it. Employers provide (or should be allowed to provide) whatever benefits they desire. No government should force any industry to provide anything but a safe workplace and reasonable demands of an employee.

What's even more disturbing is that some liberal court will actually rule employees have the right to free birth control by their employers.

Birth control pills, NO. Boner pills, Yes. Got it!
One must pay for firearms, so the Second Amendment 'right' is based entirely on ability to pay.

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