How did Birth Control become a right?

sure you are. how else does one with nothing get something? it's given to them for free. and at my cost. and then you don't think those giving the free service should say anything to these ungrateful freeloaders. too funny.

See? American healthcare culture. People have no right to anything unless they can pay for it themselves.
And that is something I hope will change...
I agree, make it fking affordable and get rid of insurance companies. simple.
Do you honestly think it can be? I think that is a pipe dream.

The US spends far more than other comparable countries on healthcare Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

But it's not just because of health insurance. A coronary bypass is 50% more in the US than Europe with its national healthcare.
again, it's called malpractice insurance, the doctor has it the hospital has it. we pay for the medical field to have malpractice insurance. why not get rid of that?
If you got rid of that insurance you would lose doctors.
Going back to birth control, why should employers have the right to pick and choose which kinds of medial care an employee should or should not receive?

As a childless employer, should I have the right to deny medical care to those employees who choose to have children?

As a vegan employer, should I have the right to deny medical care to those employees who eat meat?

As a fit employer, should I have the right to deny medical care to employees who are fat?

Why should any employer have the right to choose whether or not an employee has access to a certain kind of health care?

Because they are the ones paying for it?

What right does a government have forcing an employer to pay for specific care they may not want to pay for? That makes about as much sense as the government forcing employers to give their employees company stocks for free.
The employee pays as well, a good bit. Don't they have a say?
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

Get out your quill pen and ink well then.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lets go back. I spent most of my life without a computer or cell phone. The Constitution is obsolete.

This is the shit we get from a diluted society....we let in way too much foreign filth...these piece of shits seek to rid America of anything and everything AMERICAN including our Constitution. They genuinely believe they have a right to morph our nation into the same filthy shitholes they fled....How's that for retard logic?
Build that fucking wall....TODAY!
Charity is freely giving your money to somebody or some people you believe are in need. Forcefully taking somebody's money and giving it to who you feel need it is theft.

Yep. And the American culture is that no one is really in "need". Because 'Murica. Land of the dreamers. Where if you don't have everything you need it must be because you haven't worked hard enough.
Your taxes pay for all kind of struff that you personally will never use, so why pick on planning a family? It would seem like the charitable thing to do, helping families.

Charity is freely giving your money to somebody or some people you believe are in need. Forcefully taking somebody's money and giving it to who you feel need it is theft.

That is how this garbage permeates society ... It allows for people to think they are doing good when they spend other people's money.

Sure they may contribute some as well ... But they only do so through subjugating their responsibilities to the government or others.
They would not ... Or could not ... Accomplish their goals by their own means ... So they co-op their efforts in the name of false altruism.

The politicians lap it up ... As it gets them one step closer to controlling our lives ... And making us slaves to their false gods.

I have several guns and not one of them ever brought an "ultimate harm to society."

I strongly disagree. The culture of gun ownership in America is harmful. Its a harmful ideology. If you buy into it -- you are the problem. But...another thread.

My government is not obligated to provide me with a firearm, and neither is my employer.
Sure. And your government (meaning your people) are not obligated to provide for anything. The problem with the US is that you are so individualistic that you can't conceive of a society which actually bands together as a collective to help each other. Everything is about individual pay-for-shit
Your taxes pay for all kind of struff that you personally will never use, so why pick on planning a family? It would seem like the charitable thing to do, helping families.

Charity is freely giving your money to somebody or some people you believe are in need. Forcefully taking somebody's money and giving it to who you feel need it is theft.

That is how this garbage permeates society ... It allows for people to think they are doing good when they spend other people's money.

Sure they may contribute some as well ... But they only do so through subjugating their responsibilities to the government or others.
They would not ... Or could not ... Accomplish their goals by their own means ... So they co-op their efforts in the name of false altruism.

The politicians lap it up ... As it gets them one step closer to controlling our lives and making us slaves to their false gods.

False altruism? I don't think so. I know many people who support things as both a matter of public policy and with substantial contributions of their own. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
I have several guns and not one of them ever brought an "ultimate harm to society."

I strongly disagree. The culture of gun ownership in America is harmful. Its a harmful ideology. If you buy into it -- you are the problem. But...another thread.

My government is not obligated to provide me with a firearm, and neither is my employer.
Sure. And your government (meaning your people) are not obligated to provide for anything. The problem with the US is that you are so individualistic that you can't conceive of a society which actually bands together as a collective to help each other. Everything is about individual pay-for-shit

Yep and there in lies the problem of the US. However, they see it as 'freedom'...
What right does a government have forcing an employer to pay for specific care they may not want to pay for?

That is not actually the question. The question was whether or not an employer should have the right to choose to deny specific care for things they are opposed to.

Think about what you are saying. Why should your employer have the right to deny you a specific type of care (by denying equal funding for certain types of care)? If you have a basic right to "health care" in its broadest terms, why should your employer be able to pick and choose from the health care menu? Why isn't that YOUR decision?
I have several guns and not one of them ever brought an "ultimate harm to society."

I strongly disagree. The culture of gun ownership in America is harmful. Its a harmful ideology. If you buy into it -- you are the problem. But...another thread.

My government is not obligated to provide me with a firearm, and neither is my employer.
Sure. And your government (meaning your people) are not obligated to provide for anything. The problem with the US is that you are so individualistic that you can't conceive of a society which actually bands together as a collective to help each other. Everything is about individual pay-for-shit

Yep and there in lies the problem of the US. However, they see it as 'freedom'...
It is both a strength and a weakness because the other side of the coin is that the US also ranks very high in private charitable giving I think.
The employee pays as well, a good bit. Don't they have a say?

Yes they have a say ... If they don't like what the employer offers ... They can purchase their own healthcare for what they want at their own expense.
I doubt an employer would mind an employee not signing up for their healthcare plan.

As an employer ... My employees can either accept my healthcare benefit options ... Or the money I would spend on the bisuness' part, if they don't like it.
I do that out of kindness ... Not because I am required to ... And if they don't like it, I will help them buy their own ... :thup:

False altruism? I don't think so. I know many people who support things as both a matter of public policy and with substantial contributions of their own. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

It doesn't matter what you think or how you attempt to justify it ... I know a lot of people who think they are good people.
There isn't pro-rated scale were you can judge your income and decide how much responsibility you are allowed to put on others to accomplish your altruistic goals.

If you want to be truly altruistic ... Do something on your own, or within a partnership where all contributors agree with your goals.

The employee pays as well, a good bit. Don't they have a say?

Yes they have a say ... If they don't like what the employer offers ... They can purchase their own healthcare for what they want at their own expense.
I doubt an employer would mind an employee not signing up for their healthcare plan.

As an employer ... My employees can either accept my healthcare benefit options ... Or the money I would spend on the bisuness' part, if they don't like it.
I do that out of kindness ... Not because I am required to ... And if they don't like it, I will help them buy their own ... :thup:

The employer is not doing it out of kindness. It is part of an entire compensation package that includes pay and benefits. Compensation for work provided. You don't get to choose what an employee does with his legally earned compensation. That means if I want to use it ( or the portion I put my money in to) for birthcontrol, what right do you have to prevent me from doing so?
False altruism? I don't think so. I know many people who support things as both a matter of public policy and with substantial contributions of their own. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

It doesn't matter what you think or how you attempt to justify it ... I know a lot of people who think they are good people.
There isn't pro-rated scale were you can judge your income and decide how much responsibility you are allowed to put on others to accomplish your altruistic goals.

It doesn't matter what you think either, no one made you the judge of what is or isn't altruism based on your political ideology.
The culture in Canada, Scandinavia and Europe is that everyone has a right to healthcare. Period. Not a question. Doesn't matter if you can afford it or not. Doesn't matter who pays for it (we all do). Its a right to be able to take your kids to the doctor if they are sick. Its a basic right to be able to get treatment for disease. Just like its a basic right to be educated (which tax payers pay for).

I truly don't understand why some Americans fight against this so hard.
The employer is not doing it out of kindness. It is part of an entire compensation package that includes pay and benefits. Compensation for work provided. You don't get to choose what an employee does with his legally earned compensation. That means if I want to use it ( or the portion I put my money in to) for birthcontrol, what right do you have to prevent me from doing so?

I don't know what you are talking about ... I said I am doing it out of kindness ... I am kind because I don't have to.

Of course I don't get to choose what they do with their compensation.
They can buy a crack rock with it as long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to do their job to my standards ... I never said I could tell them what to do.

You don't have the right to have birth control ... You would have the ability to afford it ... It has nothing to do with rights.
I don't care if you take birth control ... I am not required to provide you with it.
You can buy it yourself ... Or purchase insurance that better suits your desires ... I cannot deny you that.

What right does a government have forcing an employer to pay for specific care they may not want to pay for?

That is not actually the question. The question was whether or not an employer should have the right to choose to deny specific care for things they are opposed to.

Think about what you are saying. Why should your employer have the right to deny you a specific type of care (by denying equal funding for certain types of care)? If you have a basic right to "health care" in its broadest terms, why should your employer be able to pick and choose from the health care menu? Why isn't that YOUR decision?
It's your decision when you pay. When someone else pays, it's their decision.
It doesn't matter what you think either, no one made you the judge of what is or isn't altruism based on your political ideology.

I don't have to be a judge to know the 18 enumerated powers granted to the federal government in the Constitution ... Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
If you think forcimng someone else pay for your charitable exploits makes you a good person ... Well, that's just fucked up ... :thup:


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