How did Birth Control become a right?

There will be millions of women that won't get BC which mean millions of unwanted babies or more abortions.
Leave it to Trump and you halfwits to make everything worse in this country..

BC is relatively cheap I guess they will have to skip one McDonalds night out a month.
There will be millions of women that won't get BC which mean millions of unwanted babies or more abortions.
Leave it to Trump and you halfwits to make everything worse in this country..
why can't they use BC? that makes absolutely no sense it isn't reasonable. get it?
There will be millions of women that won't get BC which mean millions of unwanted babies or more abortions.
Leave it to Trump and you halfwits to make everything worse in this country..

Sure, explain that to your mom.
Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.
Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.

Everybody has access to BC...
Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.

Neither the man or woman can afford BC? What makes you think they can afford Obamacare. You libs make less sense with each passing day.
Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.
access to BC is available for everyone. you're confused. it's called non-coital.
Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.

So if somebody doesn’t give you something for free, it means you have no access to it? No wonder why you leftists are so helpless without government.

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Access to bc is a benefit to the entire country. It is mind boggling that the same party that wants to take away a women's right to chose is the same party that wants to put more woman into the situation of having to make that choice.
Republican hypocrisy at its finest.

So if somebody doesn’t give you something for free, it means you have no access to it? No wonder why you leftists are so helpless without government.

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One does not have the 'right' to a fire arm. One has the 'right' to buy and possess firearms.
'Rights' are what people decide they are.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

wow an old school commie. uh life begins at conception, its called science . now for the rest of your shit argument. human life is the most valuable thing on the planet, so it should be protected.

on guns, who gives a fuck what they had in 1776 for weapons, didnt see alot of mass shootings and hell not many people owned warships or cannom either, so whats your point?
The decision to have a child or not is absolutely a health issue. And a societal issue.

Nevertheless having sex is something most people do for enjoyment. It is not cancer. It is not MND. It is not a broken leg. It is a recreational activity. Why should I pay for your recreational activities?

Well, a couple reasons.

1. Because, ultimately, it is better for the collective, society as a whole, to have healthy citizens and wanted babies by people who are prepared in all ways to raise them.

2. Because you are not paying for the recreational activity but are sharing the cost of ensuring that "recreational activity" does not become part of a larger, more expensive and more damaging societal issue.

3. Because the definition of "recreational activities" is vague and seems to apply solely to birth control.

4. Because you pay for all sorts of "recreational activities" which have health consequences. Are you suggesting that everyone should pay their own medical care for all "recreational activities"? So people who own guns get no paid medical care or insurance for gunshot wounds? Sports practitioners get no medical coverage for sports injuries or chronic disease from their sport? That smokers should get no medical coverage for disease arising from smoking? Ditto drinking and drug use. That fat people should get no medical coverage for obesity related diseases? That meat eaters should get no medical coverage from cancers relating to consumption of meat? That people who choose to have children should pay for their own child's education and medical coverage?

Are you suggesting that employees should fill out a form listing all their "recreation activities" and have all of those items be excluded from their medical coverage?
A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

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Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

Why should the government have the power to force employers to provide anything at all for their employees? It would be more honest for the government to create a new welfare program and supply it directly. This way just interferes with private contracts.

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Because so much of our healthcare system is based on employer supplied Health Care duh!
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

wow an old school commie. uh life begins at conception, its called science . now for the rest of your shit argument. human life is the most valuable thing on the planet, so it should be protected.

on guns, who gives a fuck what they had in 1776 for weapons, didnt see alot of mass shootings and hell not many people owned warships or cannom either, so whats your point?
You obviously have no idea what communism is ignoramus dupe...
The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?
/----/ They can buy BC pills from Walmart RX for about $9 a month.
But they don't and become single mothers supported by welfare for years... Great job GOP. Who cares about reality, right, dupe?
/----/ And why is that anyone else's responsibility to pay for her BC pills? What about the guy who is porking her? Where is his responsibility? Libtards don't like to talk about that.
Some people are not selfish brainwashed ideological fools and accept reality.
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

wow an old school commie. uh life begins at conception, its called science . now for the rest of your shit argument. human life is the most valuable thing on the planet, so it should be protected.

on guns, who gives a fuck what they had in 1776 for weapons, didnt see alot of mass shootings and hell not many people owned warships or cannom either, so whats your point?
You obviously have no idea what communism is ignoramus dupe...

oh god i cant wait

please tell me ehat communism is

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