How did Birth Control become a right?

The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

wow an old school commie. uh life begins at conception, its called science . now for the rest of your shit argument. human life is the most valuable thing on the planet, so it should be protected.

on guns, who gives a fuck what they had in 1776 for weapons, didnt see alot of mass shootings and hell not many people owned warships or cannom either, so whats your point?
You obviously have no idea what communism is ignoramus dupe...

oh god i cant wait

please tell me ehat communism is
It means you believe in a dictatorship that owns all industry and business, dupe. Which No One Believes In anymore, especially in the United States. Try the 21st century and change the channel...
A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

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Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

Why should the government have the power to force employers to provide anything at all for their employees? It would be more honest for the government to create a new welfare program and supply it directly. This way just interferes with private contracts.

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Because people are refusing things for stupid reasons, like believing in an invisible being who they think disapproves. Employees need to be protected from the whims of retards.

So let the government do it.

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A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

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Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

So what?

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A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

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Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

Why should the government have the power to force employers to provide anything at all for their employees? It would be more honest for the government to create a new welfare program and supply it directly. This way just interferes with private contracts.

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Because so much of our healthcare system is based on employer supplied Health Care duh!

So change it. Create a new welfare program.

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Are that actually prop out that who don't age with contraception? And I don't mean paying for it but just against the idea of it? If so what are their not so well thought out objections? Low IQ?
1. Because, ultimately, it is better for the collective, society as a whole, to have healthy citizens and wanted babies by people who are prepared in all ways to raise them.

2. Because you are not paying for the recreational activity but are sharing the cost of ensuring that "recreational activity" does not become part of a larger, more expensive and more damaging societal issue.

3. Because the definition of "recreational activities" is vague and seems to apply solely to birth control.

4. Because you pay for all sorts of "recreational activities" which have health consequences. Are you suggesting that everyone should pay their own medical care for all "recreational activities"? So people who own guns get no paid medical care or insurance for gunshot wounds? Sports practitioners get no medical coverage for sports injuries or chronic disease from their sport? That smokers should get no medical coverage for disease arising from smoking? Ditto drinking and drug use. That fat people should get no medical coverage for obesity related diseases? That meat eaters should get no medical coverage from cancers relating to consumption of meat? That people who choose to have children should pay for their own child's education and medical coverage?

Are you suggesting that employees should fill out a form listing all their "recreation activities" and have all of those items be excluded from their medical coverage?

Totally disagree. Your gun analogy is not correct. For it to be equal, I need for you to be the one buying me my guns.

Can you pay for the seat belt and airbag component in my car. They too are part of driving, which can be construed to be a health issue. After all, I might have an accident.

No, it is not vague. Most people shag because it feels good and they enjoy doing it. It is not a necessity for life which at the end of the day is what health is all about. Not whether I should cover you because you like having sex. No wonder premiums go up.

You probably don't know this, but I'm not from the US (I've never hidden this fact but you seem new to the board0. If I've had this argument on this board once I've had it a thousand times. When talking to friends down here about it, they have all said (and their politics are varied) to varying degrees if I'm being serious. "People expect insurance companies and policy holders to pick up the tab for contraception? Really??"

There's a thing called social responsibility sure, but there is also personal responsibility. IMO, contraception definitely falls into the latter. The whole point of health insurance (which aspects are a scam to a degree) is to cover people for serious health issues, or even general health issues.

What next, vanity cosmetic surgery?
I get that. What I don't get is how anybody can file a lawsuit over it. Employers provide (or should be allowed to provide) whatever benefits they desire. No government should force any industry to provide anything but a safe workplace and reasonable demands of an employee.

What's even more disturbing is that some liberal court will actually rule employees have the right to free birth control by their employers.

Who gave the white men in the house, (the GOP) the right to decide when human life begins?

Who gave you the right to murder that life?

Answer the question, who gave white GOP men in the House the right to decide when a life is viable??

Who gave anyone the right to decide, especially when life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg.

Who gave anyone the right to decide when a embryo is viable?

Why do Liberals try to use science to explain global warming but put their head in the sand when it comes to a baby in the womb with a beating heart? Have you ever heard a baby's heart beating inside a woman?
It means you believe in a dictatorship that owns all industry and business, dupe.

You mean like creating law that BUSINESSES must carry birth control insurance? You mean like forcing medical insurance companies to spend 80% of their premium collections on medical claims alone? You mean like trying to force BUSINESSES to carry medical insurance in the first place--or be fined by the federal government? You mean like forcing car dealerships to close down? You mean like forcing coal fired power plants to shut down? You mean like taking over the student loan business from banks? You man like forcing cigarette shops to close down? You mean like stopping credit card banks from increasing interest rates and assess penalties to irresponsible borrowers who either don't submit their monthly payment or are always late?

You are correct, America doesn't want this. That's why we have a Republican controlled house, Senate and White House, because we don't want it.
What should medical insurance companies spend their money on Ray? I pay my premiums and expect my company to cover all...every last tiny....medical need....thats their only job. No denials ever or they should be shut down....i agree with not having insurance cover contraception...but insurance companies are not perfect. Any business worth working for offers insurance otherwise I would advise folk to look elsewhere if its full time employment. Those that don't offer it are for sure terrible companies.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.
Then it should be included in a health plan.
A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

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Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

Why should the government have the power to force employers to provide anything at all for their employees? It would be more honest for the government to create a new welfare program and supply it directly. This way just interferes with private contracts.

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Because people are refusing things for stupid reasons, like believing in an invisible being who they think disapproves. Employees need to be protected from the whims of retards.

So let the government do it.

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We're talking about company health care plans.
A lot of people take medications that keep them alive. Where are their advocates to force everyone else to pay for that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Public medication plans are starting to happen more and more in the Western world. But here we're talking about employers who already have health plans who don't want to include birth control because they think their invisible friend will disapprove, as though that's the only strike they'd have against them for getting into a non-existant invisible paradise.

Why should the government have the power to force employers to provide anything at all for their employees? It would be more honest for the government to create a new welfare program and supply it directly. This way just interferes with private contracts.

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Because so much of our healthcare system is based on employer supplied Health Care duh!

So change it. Create a new welfare program.

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What do you have against birth control?
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.
Then it should be included in a health plan.

By force of government? Maybe you live in the wrong country.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.

birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.

birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.

The law is not limited to prescriptions. It covers any and all forms of birth control. But even still, why should the federal government force an employer to carry prescription coverage?
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.

birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.

The law is not limited to prescriptions. It covers any and all forms of birth control. But even still, why should the federal government force an employer to carry prescription coverage?

that isn't a question relevant only to birth control.

and the fact is they DO provide prescription coverage... and it is relevant because most of us have employer based insurance.
Since Viagra is still covered, who is, well, you know? If only guys can do it. You know what I mean.

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