How did Birth Control become a right?

I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with the fraudulent housing market implosion (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL
The gov did that is who. Sure beats having abortions. I don't want to pay for prostate checks but we do.

when they wrote the constitution , we had single shot muzzle loaders, who said everyone should carry a semi auto pistol.

Want to go back to the writing of the constitution , lets do it.

Go for it! There's a method to do just that, it's called amending the constitution. Here's how!

Steps to amend the Constitution
The first step to amend the Constitution calls for a two-thirds majority vote from both houses of Congress, as well as two-thirds of all state legislatures. In order to ratify, three-fourths of all state legislatures must ratify or three-fourths must approve via Ratifying Conventions.
I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.
I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.

No. It was the fraudulent practices of the real estate and banking industries that caused the collapse. And the ringleaders all got away without a scratch.
I have not heard of Viagra being needed for heart problems. Isn't there something better suited for treating something like that? Seems a little strange.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.
Reagan was governor of California when he cut Aid to the university, the first time that happened since the Democratic GI Bill. Ever since Republicans have cut aid to public universities. The cost of them doubled just under w. All to save the rich from paying the fair share they used to.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.

No. It was the fraudulent practices of the real estate and banking industries that caused the collapse. And the ringleaders all got away without a scratch.
The Democratic Fannie and Freddie Cher of the market went from 75%to 25% in 2003 and GOP regulators let their cronies in the industry get away with murder. End of story.
Actually it's the medicine for heart problems the medicine for diabetes and the medicine for prostate and many other things that cause ED... So you young GOP pups should think of the future for a change... Try a little empathy and thought...

Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.
Reagan was governor of California when he cut Aid to the university, the first time that happened since the Democratic GI Bill. Ever since Republicans have cut aid to public universities. The cost of them doubled just under w. All to save the rich from paying the fair share they used to.

Want to know another reason why tuition rates have increased several-fold? Because when I was in college about 5 years ago, I walked into the cafeteria one day and noticed a flatscreen TV serving as the Taco Bell menu. Our university president was making well over 500k, giving herself 100k bonuses, and I'm pretty sure the football coach was making at least as much. Colleges waste tons of money and no one holds them accountable. Part of it is the GOP's lax attitude toward education. But the democrats have done nothing to fix the problem either.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
No you have to go back to the guns at the time before the constitution.

Not what the Constitution says. It's really very simple.

In addition:

- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28, January 10, 1788
"As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms."

- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

How about more?
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.
Think of the future like the old folks did for us, right? By destroying the economy with housing market bubbles (that they knew was coming) and allowing the cost of higher education to skyrocket to unprecedented levels even after being adjusted for inflation, among probably a hundred other things. Were they thinking of our futures? Because if so, I'll certainly be thinking of the old folks' futures along much of the same lines ...
That was all done by the GOP silly all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share... Thank God I'm here LOL seems like all GOP voters are trying to screw everybody else... Unbelievable and refuse to see that they are to blame... LOL

You cannot blame all that on the GOP. That was just boomers not giving a fuck about anyone else. Even their own children. Inexcusable, and they'll pay for it in the end... everyone gets old, eventually ...
The real estate bubble was all GOP low taxes on the rich is all the GOP blocking universal healthcare forever has all been on the GOP Reagan and the GOP were saddam's Pals and then ruined the Middle East. Yes I blame it all on the GOP. The only way they get elected is by lying and brainwashing the ignorant. The US has never seen anything like Rush Limbaugh Fox network etc etc etc.
Reagan was governor of California when he cut Aid to the university, the first time that happened since the Democratic GI Bill. Ever since Republicans have cut aid to public universities. The cost of them doubled just under w. All to save the rich from paying the fair share they used to.

Want to know another reason why tuition rates have increased several-fold? Because when I was in college about 5 years ago, I walked into the cafeteria one day and noticed a flatscreen TV serving as the Taco Bell menu. Our university president was making well over 500k, giving herself 100k bonuses, and I'm pretty sure the football coach was making at least as much. Colleges waste tons of money and no one holds them accountable. Part of it is the GOP's lax attitude toward education. But the democrats have done nothing to fix the problem either.
Cuts in federal aid to the states so the GOP can have low rates of tax on the rich. End of story.
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.

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