How did Birth Control become a right?

Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
Awwwwwww. I'm sorry. What happened to your dingy ?
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.
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The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

The change fulfills a promise President Trump made in May to the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The nuns had sued the Obama administration over the birth control requirement.

It also sets up a fight between advocates of religious freedom and those of equal rights for women. The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump Administration within hours of the rule being published, claiming it violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which ensures that all people receive equal protection under the law.

Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000, says Sarah Lipton-Lubet, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women and Families. She says the new rule is a tool for discrimination against women.

"Women shouldn't be denied access to basic health care based on their employers' religious beliefs," she says. "We all have the right to our religious beliefs. But the way that this rule treats religion is really an excuse to discriminate."

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.

Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

Maybe some of you leftists can help me out here. How in the world can you say not forcing employers to provide birth control is a violation of equal protection? What's not equal about it? And how is not paying for it "denying access" to birth control? Is there some law that states you can't buy birth control for yourself, and that only your employer can buy it for you?

Who here believes that when the founders wrote the Constitution, that they had forcing employers to provide things for their employees in mind?
I can help!!!!!!!just put a pebble in your shoe!!! It will make you LIMP..............Cheap and Easy Contraception
Everybody has birth control, its called don't get pregnant. What a lot of people don't have is self control.
Nevertheless having sex is something most people do for enjoyment. It is not cancer. It is not MND. It is not a broken leg. It is a recreational activity. Why should I pay for your recreational activities?

I am not surprised that you are ignorant about sex and that it is a necessity for good health.

10/08/2003 @ 12:01AM
Is Sex Necessary?

Fans of abstinence had better be sitting down. “Saving yourself” before the big game, the big business deal, the big hoedown or the big bakeoff may indeed confer some moral benefit. But corporeally it does absolutely zip. There’s no evidence it sharpens your competitive edge. The best that modern science can say for sexual abstinence is that it’s harmless when practiced in moderation. Having regular and enthusiastic sex, by contrast, confers a host of measurable physiological advantages, be you male or female. (This assumes that you are engaging in sex without contracting a sexually transmitted disease.)

In one of the most credible studies correlating overall health with sexual frequency, Queens University in Belfast tracked the mortality of about 1,000 middle-aged men over the course of a decade. The study was designed to compare persons of comparable circumstances, age, and health. Its findings, published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal, were that men who reported the highest frequency of orgasm enjoyed a death rate half that of the laggards. Other studies (some rigorous, some less so) purport to show that having sex even a few times a week has an associative or causal relationship with the following:

- Improved sense of smell: After sex, production of the hormone prolactin surges. This in turn causes stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons in the brain’s olfactory bulb, its smell center.

- Reduced risk of heart disease: In a 2001 follow-on to the Queens University study mentioned above, researchers focused on cardiovascular health. Their finding? That by having sex three or more times a week, men reduced their risk of heart attack or stroke by half. In reporting these results, the co-author of the study, Shah Ebrahim Shah Ebrahim , Ph.D., displayed the well-loved British gift for understatement: “The relationship found between frequency of sexual intercourse and mortality is of considerable public interest.”

- Weight loss, overall fitness: Sex, if nothing else, is exercise. A vigorous bout burns some 200 calories–about the same as running 15 minutes on a treadmill or playing a spirited game of squash. The pulse rate, in a person aroused, rises from about 70 beats per minute to 150, the same as that of an athlete putting forth maximum effort. British researchers have determined that the equivalent of six Big Macs can be worked off by having sex three times a week for a year. Muscular contractions during intercourse work the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and thorax. Sex also boosts production of testosterone, which leads to stronger bones and muscles. Men’s Healthmagazine has gone so far as to call the bed the single greatest piece of exercise equipment ever invented.

Is Sex Necessary?
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How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.

Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.

birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.

Birth control pills are paid for by insurance. Unless you work for a company that has a moral objection to them. Which, you'd have known when you went to work for the company.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
Awwwwwww. I'm sorry. What happened to your dingy ?

Learn to read and comprehend.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
That's what happens when you get sick or have an accident, stupid. That's why they call it insurance or a system. We're the only modern country that doesn't have a system. That's why it cost so much
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.
You are a great little Nazi, a hole.
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.
And because of brainwashed ideological idiots in the GOP, we have millions of single mothers on welfare. Brilliant!
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.

birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.

Birth control pills are paid for by insurance. Unless you work for a company that has a moral objection to them. Which, you'd have known when you went to work for the company.
Then the stupid company can pay for the welfare for the pregnant mother the God damn assholes. This is how Americans get judged as stupid assholes. Actually they are GOP, not us thank you very much. Enjoy hell
No you have to go back to the guns at the time before the constitution.

Not what the Constitution says. It's really very simple.

In addition:

- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28, January 10, 1788
"As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms."

- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

How about more?

So you've quoted two guys. And what about the other 4 million people in the US at the time? What did they think?
Everybody has birth control, its called don't get pregnant. What a lot of people don't have is self control.
Nevertheless having sex is something most people do for enjoyment. It is not cancer. It is not MND. It is not a broken leg. It is a recreational activity. Why should I pay for your recreational activities?

I am not surprised that you are ignorant about sex and that it is a necessity for good health.

10/08/2003 @ 12:01AM
Is Sex Necessary?

Fans of abstinence had better be sitting down. “Saving yourself” before the big game, the big business deal, the big hoedown or the big bakeoff may indeed confer some moral benefit. But corporeally it does absolutely zip. There’s no evidence it sharpens your competitive edge. The best that modern science can say for sexual abstinence is that it’s harmless when practiced in moderation. Having regular and enthusiastic sex, by contrast, confers a host of measurable physiological advantages, be you male or female. (This assumes that you are engaging in sex without contracting a sexually transmitted disease.)

In one of the most credible studies correlating overall health with sexual frequency, Queens University in Belfast tracked the mortality of about 1,000 middle-aged men over the course of a decade. The study was designed to compare persons of comparable circumstances, age, and health. Its findings, published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal, were that men who reported the highest frequency of orgasm enjoyed a death rate half that of the laggards. Other studies (some rigorous, some less so) purport to show that having sex even a few times a week has an associative or causal relationship with the following:

- Improved sense of smell: After sex, production of the hormone prolactin surges. This in turn causes stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons in the brain’s olfactory bulb, its smell center.

- Reduced risk of heart disease: In a 2001 follow-on to the Queens University study mentioned above, researchers focused on cardiovascular health. Their finding? That by having sex three or more times a week, men reduced their risk of heart attack or stroke by half. In reporting these results, the co-author of the study, Shah Ebrahim Shah Ebrahim , Ph.D., displayed the well-loved British gift for understatement: “The relationship found between frequency of sexual intercourse and mortality is of considerable public interest.”

- Weight loss, overall fitness: Sex, if nothing else, is exercise. A vigorous bout burns some 200 calories–about the same as running 15 minutes on a treadmill or playing a spirited game of squash. The pulse rate, in a person aroused, rises from about 70 beats per minute to 150, the same as that of an athlete putting forth maximum effort. British researchers have determined that the equivalent of six Big Macs can be worked off by having sex three times a week for a year. Muscular contractions during intercourse work the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and thorax. Sex also boosts production of testosterone, which leads to stronger bones and muscles. Men’s Healthmagazine has gone so far as to call the bed the single greatest piece of exercise equipment ever invented.

Is Sex Necessary?

So is going jogging and going to the gym. Are you going to pay for my gym membership? Thanks...
Birth control is a right.

Forcing others to pay for your birth control is not a right. Otherwise, pay for my guns.

When health insurance costs $12,000 a year, the person paying the premium has paid for their birth control, asshole.

If my health insurance is part of my employment package, the personal paying the premium is ME! It's part of my salary.
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.
And because of brainwashed ideological idiots in the GOP, we have millions of single mothers on welfare. Brilliant!

How did that happen? Did the GOP knock those women up while they weren't paying attention?
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

Who said it was?
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.

But apparently it must be a right if they can sue the Trump administration for discontinuing the mandate that DumBama put in there.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

Right, we have such a terrible healthcare system that people from all over the world fly here to be part of it.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, and let me tell you, when you walk into the Cleveland Clinic main campus downtown, you are the one who feels like a foreigner.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.
Oh, I thought we were discussing me paying for your birth control? That is the title of the thread. Of course all things related to the having the baby and the baby itself are health related. I have no issue with that.
Then it should be included in a health plan.

By force of government? Maybe you live in the wrong country.
The government makes rules about all kinds of things that cost you money but may not use, the real question is, what do you have against birth control?

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