How did Birth Control become a right?

Rights are made up by man(women)

What wasn't a right 200 years ago can be a right today...Birth control mean more freedom for the female gender and so it is within societies interest.

How is a woman Fn around in a societies interests?

Rights don't come from government, rights come from God. Government only insures those rights are not violated.
Yes it is

The General Welfare of We the People is their business
In the absence of single payer insurance for all, we have instituted employer based insurance
Absolute stupidity

It's been that way for many years. And please point out to me where in the Constitution the federal government is supposed to be in charge of healthcare. No, it's not the general welfare either.

General Welfare of We the People

General Welfare as doing what is good for the people. A basic tenet of democracy

Our tenet ever was . . . that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action.
James Madison
Unfortunately, Madison only provides HIS interpretation

The courts are tasked with the official interpretation

His is more than an interpretation. He was an author.
Doesn't matter

What matters is what was eventually signed and how the courts interpret it
Madison's view has no more authority than anyone else who signed it
Rights are made up by man(women)

What wasn't a right 200 years ago can be a right today...Birth control mean more freedom for the female gender and so it is within societies interest.

How is a woman Fn around in a societies interests?

Rights don't come from government, rights come from God. Government only insures those rights are not violated.
Then let God enforce your rights
After over fifty years, why are conservatives still freaking out over birth control?
There's no god.

Laws and rights come from who ever that rules in society...In ours it is the people.

Birth control is within our interest
Education is within our interest
Infrastructure is within our interest

Some god that isn't likely to be real is a mental illness.
After over fifty years, why are conservatives still freaking out over birth control?

It is about control. Religion at its core is about controlling people and dictating their lives.


Both men and women have the right to what they pay for. RWNJs need to stop lying about this issue.

Its very simple - insurance through your job is part of your pay. Its a benefit in lieu of cash.

The other lie the RWNJs love is that somehow they pay for BC through planned Parenthood. They don't.

Like the other very personal issues - marriage equality, religion, abortion, birth control - RWNJs need to MYOB.
After over fifty years, why are conservatives still freaking out over birth control?

It is about control. Religion at its core is about controlling people and dictating their lives.


Both men and women have the right to what they pay for. RWNJs need to stop lying about this issue.

Its very simple - insurance through your job is part of your pay. Its a benefit in lieu of cash.

The other lie the RWNJs love is that somehow they pay for BC through planned Parenthood. They don't.

Like the other very personal issues - marriage equality, religion, abortion, birth control - RWNJs need to MYOB.

Maybe it's government that needs to mind it's own business and stay out of running our US businesses. Correct, employer health insurance is a benefit that replaces employee pay, therefore it's up to the provider of that benefit to decide what or how much he or she will pay into those benefits.
Rights are made up by man(women)

What wasn't a right 200 years ago can be a right today...Birth control mean more freedom for the female gender and so it is within societies interest.

It's not a constitutional right into it's in the constitution.

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Rights are made up by man(women)

What wasn't a right 200 years ago can be a right today...Birth control mean more freedom for the female gender and so it is within societies interest.

It's not a constitutional right until it's in the constitution.
Rights are made up by man(women)

What wasn't a right 200 years ago can be a right today...Birth control mean more freedom for the female gender and so it is within societies interest.

It's not a constitutional right into it's in the constitution.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, the constitution wasn't written for everything to be listed out! That is why the framers created the congress with only certain limitations within the amendments currently written within its pages...Everything else the congress can enact into law.

You see...If the people want to elect a congress that is supportive of birth control than that shall be law.
Not saying its a right, just that its smart. helps in less abortions, keeps over population down, allows people to finish school & get mature enough to make good marriage choices so we don't have so much divorce. .
Not saying its a right, just that its smart. helps in less abortions, keeps over population down, allows people to finish school & get mature enough to make good marriage choices so we don't have so much divorce. .

Apparently some do feel it's a right if they are suing Trump over it. How can they sue for a President removing the mandate if they don't feel it is a right?
Maybe it's government that needs to mind it's own business and stay out of running our US businesses. Correct, employer health insurance is a benefit that replaces employee pay, therefore it's up to the provider of that benefit to decide what or how much he or she will pay into those benefits.

So if your employer considers you not worth insuring, what does that say about you?

"Um,'s the black guy's fault!"
Maybe it's government that needs to mind it's own business and stay out of running our US businesses. Correct, employer health insurance is a benefit that replaces employee pay, therefore it's up to the provider of that benefit to decide what or how much he or she will pay into those benefits.

So if your employer considers you not worth insuring, what does that say about you?

"Um,'s the black guy's fault!"

Well you keep bringing this up what....... about a hundred times now, and I keep explaining it to you over and over again. But you can't discuss anything with a brick wall. A brick wall doesn't understand. It's all solid and nothing gets through to it.

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