How did Hillary lose? I would really like to discuss this.

Hillary was betrayed by several - including the DNC and some very powerful so-called "friends"...
Romney never went on Limbaugh. Romney never went on Hannity. Romney never went on Savage. Romney never went on Levin.
I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

Hillary did not 'lose'... she was rejected by the DNC machine who chose obama.

The natural question is 'who are these people?', but there is no need to know WHO they are, in order to know WHAT THEY ARE and WHAT they are, is whatever it took to get the media to turn from Hillary's predetermined coronation to that of obama, which is otherwise inexplicable and made ever so much more unlikely, given the media's impenetrable lack of concern for obvious fabrication that is obama's history... and the abyss that is the record of which would otherwise qualify him for consideration to run for the office, let alone those which qualify him to HOLD office and for all of that NOTHING to push him above the choice which had so clearly been their collective

Hey hey hey!!!!! My op my assholeness lol.:lol: lose or lost or how do we determine what happened to Hillary in that election cycle. No one wants to seem to talk about it.

It really helps if you'd read the response, before you comment on it.

Hillary is outside of the interests of who or, what ever it is that makes the 'decision' on who is 'in' and who is out.

Look... all that would be needed for Hillary to be 'back' is that one morning you wake up and the media just as inexplicably turns back to it's adoration; with the same disinterests in her history as they have always had... matched only be their implacable determination to see justice for her and woman everywhere.

It turns on and off like a switch.

You want to discuss the minutia in the pretense that its relevant. It's not.
If you remember the DNC convention they would not permit a vote. That's how afraid the DNC was that the delegates would follow their conscience at the last and vote Hillary. Instead they gave Hillary a tiny spotlight by announcing obumble's nomination by acclaim.

And then, Obama stomped the Republicans two elections in a row.
And ended up despised and destroyed the democratic party.
If you remember the DNC convention they would not permit a vote. That's how afraid the DNC was that the delegates would follow their conscience at the last and vote Hillary. Instead they gave Hillary a tiny spotlight by announcing obumble's nomination by acclaim.

Thank you. I would really like to go at what really happened historically with this nomination process.
It was stolen, in the best tradition of Chicago politics, in back rooms, where the Hillaryites were not even present to watch it happen.

She is done for now.

Before, she had nothing to run on except a few years as a do nothing Senator.

Now she has a record as a failure of a Secretary of State.

She will not be nominated, I'd bet that.

I heard she was asking Bill, "who is Ben Ghazi?"

True story!
Does anyone think you can bring back your party again?

It was only a sleepy midterm election. Democrats still control the White House. Obama is still president for 2 more years.

Only one branch. Your battle is about to begin.

I wonder who will be the future of the Democrats. I'm not an asshole Lakhota. I see great things with the party if you work with the Heitkamps. They are my kinda politicians. You swing serious left with Warren you can kiss the party good bye.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Obama just ran a much better campaign. As in, the big picture. His team did the math and figured out where to put resources to get the best return in delegates.

First, he didn't waste money in MI and FL, two states that all candidates had agreed would not get delegates, due to the way they held primaries early without permission.

Obama then won small on Super Tuesday, won by a bigger margin in the rest of February. After that, he coasted on his lead to the win. As is standard, the superdelegates went along with the majority choice of the pledged delegates.

That was also despite Hillary attempting to break the mutually-agreed-upon rules by demanding MI and FL have their votes restored.

Unless you define "not letting Hillary change the rules" or "not having superdelegates overturn the pledged delegates" as "backstabbing", there was no backstabbing.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

Won't Hillary be even older and more tired in a couple of years? (Yet folks are still calling on the old nag to come out of the pasture and run for Prez).
Now the LIBTARDS can feel bad that a woman has never been president...feeling bad is an orgasm for a libtard.
What a completely assinine post. Why would someone think this is part of any intelligent discussion on politics?
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

Won't Hillary be even older and more tired in a couple of years? (Yet folks are still calling on the old nag to come out of the pasture and run for Prez).
Now the LIBTARDS can feel bad that a woman has never been president...feeling bad is an orgasm for a libtard.
What a completely assinine post. Why would someone think this is part of any intelligent discussion on politics?

Ya gotta admit that there is some truth to it. I've never known a liberal who bases his/her beliefs on good judgment and common sense. Most of their beliefs are based on political correctness and knee-jerk emotionalism.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

not even close. Try looking beyond the left's reasoning. It had a lot to do with Teddy Kennedy.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

Won't Hillary be even older and more tired in a couple of years? (Yet folks are still calling on the old nag to come out of the pasture and run for Prez).
Now the LIBTARDS can feel bad that a woman has never been president...feeling bad is an orgasm for a libtard.
What a completely assinine post. Why would someone think this is part of any intelligent discussion on politics?

Ya gotta admit that there is some truth to it. I've never known a liberal who bases his/her beliefs on good judgment and common sense. Most of their beliefs are based on political correctness and knee-jerk emotionalism.
Another person who makes broad, sweeping generalizations. It is a logical fallacy to do so. Everything you say about 'liberals' can be said about conservatives. It is not a matter of all liberals being such and such and all conservatives being such and such. That kind of situation just does not exist. It is illogical to make a statement that all people of any persuasion, politically or otherwise, think alike, do alike, etc. It is silly and childish to include in what should be intelligent political discussion these kind of broad generalizations about people with differing perspectives. And, in fact, this statement of yours, "their beliefs are based on political correctness and knee-jerk emotionalism" is the very thing of which you accuse others: it certainly is not based on valid reasoning.

And you seem to completely overlook the fact of the name calling--how infantile that is and, as well, how it doesn't belong in any discussion wherein the person who uses such terms can be taken seriously.
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I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

It looks like her campaign manager just straight up didn't understand how electoral politics worked on the primary level. When speaking of their strategy, he cited the delegates from Hillary leaning states as going to hillary, despite the fact that these states split the delegates based on proportion of the vote.

This is a stunning oversight. And on Super Tuesday, it cost her dearly. As her victory strategy was based on getting all the delegates from those key states that leaned her way. And she received only a majority of those delegates.
I think what we have on this board is most amazing.

Obamabots vs Democrats.

yeah but you are stupid

You're missing what I am saying here plas. I really want you to pay attention. I believe in Democrats. I believe in good adversaries. I believe in the opposition.

Obamabots are unto their own. They don't believe in Democrats. Not at all.

Moderate Muslims vs Extremely Observant Muslims?
Another major issue in the 2008 democratic primary was that two states Hillary was going to win easily (Michigan and Florida) were disqualified for pushing their primary votes early. None of the delegates from either State were counted in the Democratic National Convention.
The Democrats made an issue of "War on Women." She was supposed to be the "Women's choice". So she was... and that left the males out. Stupid move on defining a candidate that way.

The democrats are doing now too with the black race. Are whites going to vote D or R? Soon, it may just be R.
I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

I think she lost for two reasons:
a) Obama appeared to have a more positive message- and was a very dynamic speaker and
b) She was a Clinton- though a strong brand name I think people were looking for something new.

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