How did Hillary lose? I would really like to discuss this.

In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

She lost because she supported the disastrous Iraq War and refused to admit she'd been wrong. End of story.

From 2008:

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I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

She lost because she supported the disastrous Iraq War and refused to admit she'd been wrong. End of story.

From 2008:


Oh my the far left programmed drones think they actually had a choice in the primaries..

It is so cute to watch them drone on and on...
btw, recently Hillary decided to admit she was wrong about Iraq. Obviously for political purposes. That alone should tell Democrats she doesn't deserve the 2016 nomination.
btw, recently Hillary decided to admit she was wrong about Iraq. Obviously for political purposes. That alone should tell Democrats she doesn't deserve the 2016 nomination.

Well then if that is the criteria for the far left then Obama should not be president..

Starting illegal wars..

Doing away with Due process...

Yet you support Obama without question or Hesitation..
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

Won't Hillary be even older and more tired in a couple of years? (Yet folks are still calling on the old nag to come out of the pasture and run for Prez).
Now the LIBTARDS can feel bad that a woman has never been president...feeling bad is an orgasm for a libtard.
What a completely assinine post. Why would someone think this is part of any intelligent discussion on politics?
Because that's the only reason Obama won your nomination.
Fact is....nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008

Hillary couldn't and the Republicans lost by a 2:1 margin

Obama was a political force who was young, black and dynamic. Nobody saw him coming
Well, in my humble opinion, she lost because the DNC decided to support Obama over her... They were neck and neck all the way down to a week or two before the convention. It was not like Candidate Obama was way ahead of her, at any point in the primary. She had strong support from the American people....

The DNC had their reasons for thinking Obama would be the better and the easier candidate to support...He was young, he was bright, he was a good orator, and he energized the youth vote, along with the minority vote, and knew his "stuff" when it came down to the electoral college.

And most importantly, they were concerned with all of the Republican trashing of Hillary Clinton that could take place due to the Republican hate, for anything Clinton....and the DNC did not want Bill's affairs being splattered every which way but the right wing media....

Little did the DNC know, the hatred for Obama being President by the Republicans, was even GREATER than their hatred for anything Clinton.....
Well, in my humble opinion, she lost because the DNC decided to support Obama over her... They were neck and neck all the way down to a week or two before the convention. It was not like Candidate Obama was way ahead of her, at any point in the primary. She had strong support from the American people....

The DNC had their reasons for thinking Obama would be the better and the easier candidate to support...He was young, he was bright, he was a good orator, and he energized the youth vote, along with the minority vote, and knew his "stuff" when it came down to the electoral college.

And most importantly, they were concerned with all of the Republican trashing of Hillary Clinton that could take place due to the Republican hate, for anything Clinton....and the DNC did not want Bill's affairs being splattered every which way but the right wing media....

Little did the DNC know, the hatred for Obama being President by the Republicans, was even GREATER than their hatred for anything Clinton.....
Hatred for obabble, the feckless, incompetent, lying tool of the progtards.
In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
Why do you call her Hillary Haldeman? I thought it was Hillary Rodham Clinton
Wow....just listen to yourselves righties...this election victory brought out the worst in all of you.

The last time that happened, Romney DID NOT win by a landslide
I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

In part, because she didn't have the balls to flat-out lie about her goals for health care reform.
Fact is....nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008

Hillary couldn't and the Republicans lost by a 2:1 margin

Obama was a political force who was young, black and dynamic. Nobody saw him coming

And nobody knew what the hell he stood for. White guilt pushed him over the line. Hopefully, folks are permanently cured of "white guilt" from this day forward.
Hillary lost as the result of a combination of factors.

First, Obama's campaign was well organized in all the states. Clinton assumed the primary race would be over by Super Tuesday and had not set up much organization beyond those states involved. She was not expecting a serious challenger and when Obama came along, he upset the calculus, big time. Even though she raised record-breaking amounts of campaign cash, she spent it all early and was dead broke after Super Tuesday, right when she really needed it.

Second, Obama captured the unions. Actually, the unions captured Obama, but you get the point. Obama has been in the pocket of the unions from the start, and that is a huge Democrati c demographic.

Third, Clinton/Bush fatigue. It's funny how people have forgotten this. But back in 2008, the thought of a Bush and then a Clinton and then a Bush and then another Clinton was just too much for many people to bear. As the economy was crashing, this not only damaged the Bush Jr. legacy, it also stained the entire Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton chain.

Fourth, the extreme elements in a party have more influence in the primaries than they do in the general election. Obama was far more liberal than Hillary and so he attracted more of the people who actually come out to vote in primaries.

Fifth, Hillary made some stupid bungles. Like that moment she pretended to cry, and her ever changing accents.

There were other factors, but these were among the bigger ones.
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from the start the OP proclaimed to be "shit faced". She must have been over at Haggards crib slamming shots .. in a couple of years she will be afforded the opportunity to ask "how did Hillary win"...curiosity killed the Cuervo.
Fact is....nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008

Hillary couldn't and the Republicans lost by a 2:1 margin

Obama was a political force who was young, black and dynamic. Nobody saw him coming

And nobody knew what the hell he stood for. White guilt pushed him over the line. Hopefully, folks are permanently cured of "white guilt" from this day forward.

He stood for passing a healthcare program, getting us out of Iraq and fixing the economy

What did McCain stand for?

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