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How did Hitler tackle unemployment?

Hitler managed to completely reverse the economy so fast because he had the government print its own money and leave the international bankers grasping for air. .

100% stupid. Putting people to work building weapons does not reverse an economy at all or raise the standard of living. Putting them to work building consumer goods would help a little but hitler did very little of that.
It’s often been claimed, even by some supposedly reputable scholars, that Hitler’s success in reviving his nation’s economic life was based largely on government spending for rearmament and preparation for war. This is a myth. As the renowned British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted: / 37 “Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest on rearmament; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads, and this public spending stimulated private spending also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. Hitler actually skimped on armaments, despite his boasting, partly because he wished to avoid the unpopularity which a reduction of the German standard of living would cause, but more from the confident belief that he would always succeed in bluff. Thus, paradoxically, while nearly everyone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.”
Jews made up about one percent of Germany’s total population when Hitler came to power. While the new government moved quickly to remove them from the nation’s political and cultural life, Jews were permitted to carry on in economic life, at least for several years. In fact, many Jews benefited from the regime’s recovery measures and the general economic revival. In June 1933, for example, Hitler approved a large-scale government investment of 14.5 million marks in the Jewish-owned firm Hertie, a Berlin department store chain. This “bail out” was done to prevent the ruin of the large firm’s suppliers, financiers, and, above all, its 14,000 employees. / 26

Prof. Gordon Craig, who for years taught history at Stanford University, points out: “In the clothing and retail trades, Jewish firms continued to operate profitably until 1938, and in Berlin and Hamburg, in particular, establishments of known reputation and taste continued to attract their old customers despite their ownership by Jews. In the world of finance, no restrictions were placed upon the activities of Jewish firms in the Berlin Bourse [stock market], and until 1937 the banking houses of Mendelssohn, Bleichröder, Arnhold, Dreyfuss, Straus, Warburg, Aufhäuser, and Behrens were still active.” / 27 Five years after Hitler had come to power, the Jewish role in business life was still a significant one, and Jews still held considerable real estate holdings, especially in Berlin. This changed markedly in 1938, however, and by the end of 1939 Jews had been largely removed from German economic life.
When there is work that needs done again why does it matter?.

dear, in the private sector you hire someone to do real work efficiently and pay him with your own money for work that really needs to be done profitably.

in the soviet public sector you build bridges to nowhere or solar panels at Solyndra, and in the case of China, whole cities in which no one wants to live.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. Did you really want to be a stupid liberal all your life?
I would like to STRONGLY reply to this thread!

To do what was done by Hitler, you had to have a person in COMPLETE control. You had to throw out civil liberties. You had to confiscate peoples businesses. You had to demand that they could only make what that ONE person insisted you could make. In other words, you have to have a DICTATOR!

We see (if we know history) how that seems to always work out for the people. We seen how it all worked out for Germany, now don't we.

Socialists, Communists, and Liberals always think they have the answers. To do their solutions, they always have to CONFISCATE something, from people, because they have never been able to create something themselves. CONSIDER: when a very wealthy person decides to give his/her wealth to a cause, while people may laugh at the cause, do they complain? NO! We believe it is THEIR money, they made it, and if they want to give it to (insert anything you wish here) it is up to them.

Now look at Socialism, Communism, Liberalism. (and when I say Liberalism, I mean modern Liberalism) Their whole shtick is to confiscate, and redistribute. To do this, they require a person who will DICTATE these changes, because if not, the smart people who have assets will spirit them away. To do this also, they must steal, cajole, and basically go against human rights; as they did by confiscating every Jewish persons business in the 3rd Reich.

This is our model put forth by the author of the OP? We are to be Hitler, Stalin, Mao? And yet, in the next breath, this guy supports giving Iran 150 billion we could have kept? Talk about inconsistencies!

Socialists, Communists, and Liberals all follow this same mantra. The all powerful government, telling you what you can, and can NOT do, for the good of the collective; even if it infringes upon your civil liberties. They always want a strong head to enforce their beliefs, (ala Hitler) and if you do not comply, then you go to a gulag or concentration camp.

Normally, it is said when someone invokes the name of Adolf Hitler, anything else they say is to be ignored. I DISAGREE! I think this is a teachable moment about how far LEFT the liberals have gone, and believe they can get away with it, and slip it by YOU, the American people.
You are obviously of the republican/libertarian/conservative and we are never going to agree on economics etc. trickle down doesn't work. A collective works when its done correctly. In the US not a chance it would work.
Also since the US and Pre Hitler Germany have a LOT in common at least as far as the debt goes and the dollar etc not going as far are there aspects of how Hitler fixed the economy and how we can fix ours?

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment

This was fascinating to me because a lot of it was written or taken from a US adviser to several American presidents.

Why doesn't the US tell the Federal Reserve to take a hike and issue our own currency that's not backed by the international banking arena? That's what Germany did.Seems to have worked wonders.

Hitler and FDR tackled unemployment with make-work govt jobs. Today we know that each make-work liberal govt job you create destroys one real private sector job. Therefore, no net gain is possible.
Hitler put people back to work rebuilding the nation who cares if it was government jobs or private entity jobs? Also no not ALL jobs in Germany were of government and by government. That would have been impossible.

When has a collective government ever worked for more than 100 years? They all eventually run out of the other guys money and resort to attacking their neighbors in a vain attempt to get the peoples minds off of the fact that their leaders have boned them up the ass.

Collectivist governments ALWAYS end in mass murder.
Jews made up about one percent of Germany’s total population when Hitler came to power. While the new government moved quickly to remove them from the nation’s political and cultural life, Jews were permitted to carry on in economic life, at least for several years. In fact, many Jews benefited from the regime’s recovery measures and the general economic revival. In June 1933, for example, Hitler approved a large-scale government investment of 14.5 million marks in the Jewish-owned firm Hertie, a Berlin department store chain. This “bail out” was done to prevent the ruin of the large firm’s suppliers, financiers, and, above all, its 14,000 employees. / 26

Prof. Gordon Craig, who for years taught history at Stanford University, points out: “In the clothing and retail trades, Jewish firms continued to operate profitably until 1938, and in Berlin and Hamburg, in particular, establishments of known reputation and taste continued to attract their old customers despite their ownership by Jews. In the world of finance, no restrictions were placed upon the activities of Jewish firms in the Berlin Bourse [stock market], and until 1937 the banking houses of Mendelssohn, Bleichröder, Arnhold, Dreyfuss, Straus, Warburg, Aufhäuser, and Behrens were still active.” / 27 Five years after Hitler had come to power, the Jewish role in business life was still a significant one, and Jews still held considerable real estate holdings, especially in Berlin. This changed markedly in 1938, however, and by the end of 1939 Jews had been largely removed from German economic life.

do you have any idea what your point is????
Hitler put people back to work rebuilding the nation who cares if it was government jobs or private entity jobs? .

a govt job is a make-work job while a private sector job is a real job. Do you have the IQ to understand?
When there is work that needs done again why does it matter? Roads needed built in Germany so people were hired to do so. Some of it was Government some was private industry. Any government that was FOR the people BY the people as NS Germany was is just fine by me. Some people just hate government no matter who or what its for etc.I am of the belief government is great as long as it serves those its intended to serve.

Although German businesses flourished, profits were controlled and by law were kept within moderate limits. / 21 Beginning in 1934, dividends for stockholders of German corporations were limited to six percent annually. Undistributed profits were invested in Reich government bonds, which had an annual interest yield of six percent, and then, after 1935, of four and a half percent. This policy had the predictable effect of encouraging corporate reinvestment and self-financing, and thereby of reducing borrowing from banks and, more generally, of diminishing the influence of commercial capital. / 22

Corporation tax rates were steadily raised, from 20 percent in 1934 to 25 percent in 1936, and to 40 percent in 1939-40. Directors of German companies could grant bonuses to managers, but only if these were directly proportionate to profits and they also authorized corresponding bonuses or “voluntary social contributions” to employees. / 23

Between 1934 and 1938, the gross taxable income of German businessmen increased by 148 percent, and overall tax volume increased during this period by 232 percent. The number of taxpayers in the highest income tax bracket -- those earning more than 100,000 marks annually -- increased during this period by 445 percent. (By contrast, the number of taxpayers in the lowest income bracket -- those earning less than 1500 marks yearly -- increased by only five percent.) / 24

Hard to have business income increase if no one was working to produce products no? Again I don't care if government was employing them or a private business was. The end result was the people as a collective were better off for it.

Because government doesn't create wealth. Government is a leech. When you have a government entity do a job it has to be paid for by the private sector. The government takes it's cut which means they can never do the same amount of work as a private company can for the same cost. Government jobs always cost more and always are of lesser quality.
Facts prove you wrong Edward. Try reading the link and you would see certain ways of doing things work when others don't.

Your link is not factual. It is mainly opinion.

Do you understand the difference between the two?
Also since the US and Pre Hitler Germany have a LOT in common at least as far as the debt goes and the dollar etc not going as far are there aspects of how Hitler fixed the economy and how we can fix ours?

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment

This was fascinating to me because a lot of it was written or taken from a US adviser to several American presidents.

Why doesn't the US tell the Federal Reserve to take a hike and issue our own currency that's not backed by the international banking arena? That's what Germany did.Seems to have worked wonders.
He got really nationalist and really socialist; much more than FDR.

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