How Did Jesus Have Patience With People?

...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish

Read my signature. Do you think I care about your opinions? I don't care anymore and if you don't believe in God,.. then what the heck are you doing here!?! :mad: (You see this is why I lose my patience to people like this.)
still not proof of god
What proof would you need to convince you?
what are you looking for?
What are you hoping to find?

The only time I remember him being really angry was at the Temple.
He didn't like the way people were profiting off of traditions and selling goats for sacrifices. He also had issues with the hypocrites in the Sanhedrin.

Yeah that's the time that I was thinking of,.. but it's people like these that give the prime example of why I need help controlling my anger. I know it's not possible,.. but I sort of have that fear of I'm sinning too much so I must be losing my salvation. :sad:
All things are possible :)
This video is a comfort to me right now though that's for sure.

That is an awesome video April. Thank you for sharing.

I would like to add one thing to that.
When you go around the forum and you run into all kinds of different people.
Understand, that God loves them just as much as he loves you.
And we are to love them the same way God loves us.
We all make mistakes. We all have a rebellious spirit.
We all want to do things our own ways.

And when you can see others as you want God to see you,
when you need God's love and his mercy and forgiveness..
Remember that these other people, they need love and mercy and forgiveness also.
And sometimes the closest they will come to knowing how God feels about them,
is when you show them, by doing what God would do for you.

You don't even need to mention his name. You just need to be an example that leads them to him.

A lot of people are really hurting, and maybe things are really overwhelming them.
We don't know what their lives look like. They could be the kid packing their bags and heading out the door.
They could be the parents who just watched their kids walk out that door.
They could be alone. They could be sick. They could be angry over things we don't even know,
But they have to get it out. Because all that anger builds up and hurts.
So they hit others trying to make themselves feel right or better.
They become bullies and sometimes they don't even know why.

We have to look beyond all of that. We have to see the child inside the man or the woman.
And we just have to love them and show mercy and give forgiveness.
Even when we think they don't deserve it.

We are His witnesses, we are his examples. We are to live our lives the same way we are shown he lived his.

That was an awesome video.

there is no god

And you have a right to believe that.
Not everyone does.
Maybe your heart is just too hard to listen when people reach out to you to give you a reason to believe,
that something much bigger than ourselves is capable of loving us.
Maybe you never took the time to feel what real love is.
Maybe you never experinced true unconditional love.
And if that's the case.. your not alone.
A lot of people would rather keep themslves closed up and protected, than to open themselves up
to feel pain or guilt or loneliness.
All we can do is tell you and show you...
no matter what you think, no matter how you feel..
You are loved.

I'm a Heathen, not a Christian, so maybe I ain't the best one to opine on this, but every time someone says "WWJD", I just remember that flipping over tables and beating bankers with whips is an option, lol.
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.

I would assume Jesus knew his purpose, his blessings, and his place in the Kingdom of God.

Or, if your are Christian, you have to admit Jesus lost his temper at the Temple, and more than once (Matthew: 21 and John: 2).
I am not Christian, but if you are, that may help.

Oops ... mudwhistle beat me to it, and I should have read down further.

Yes, the Bible says it was for the love of his father that he got angry.
The temple was meant to be a place of prayer. A place where people would come to console each other, a place of healing.
A place of rejoicing, a fellowship, a gathering. A place to give thanks.

But it had been turned into a cold loveless business.
A place of greed and abuse. Of oppression and carelessness.

He was angry because they had turned their backs on the one that put them in charge to be their brother's keeper.
They were the watchers, the healers, the judges, the teachers.
And they failed. And they took a lot of people with them down into the depths of depression and hopelessness.

Yes, he was angry, and righteously so.

Thank You
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.

I would assume Jesus knew his purpose, his blessings, and his place in the Kingdom of God.

Or, if your are Christian, you have to admit Jesus lost his temper at the Temple, and more than once (Matthew: 21 and John: 2).
I am not Christian, but if you are, that may help.

Oops ... mudwhistle beat me to it, and I should have read down further.

Yes, the Bible says it was for the love of his father that he got angry.
The temple was meant to be a place of prayer. A place where people would come to console each other, a place of healing.
A place of rejoicing, a fellowship, a gathering. A place to give thanks.

But it had been turned into a cold loveless business.
A place of greed and abuse. Of oppression and carelessness.

He was angry because they had turned their backs on the one that put them in charge to be their brother's keeper.
They were the watchers, the healers, the judges, the teachers.
And they failed. And they took a lot of people with them down into the depths of depression and hopelessness.

Yes, he was angry, and righteously so.

Thank You
read it again. NO WHERE does Jesus come close to saying what you claim He
THOUGHT. The key to understanding the NT is in the NT itself
Jesus did not have patience with all people.....He did not have patience with morons.:nono:
Yeah, they wasn't morons.
They cared more about money and fame than they did about their fellow man.
He tried to explain to them what they were supposed to be teaching others, but they didn't want to listen.
It was more beneficial for them to be rich and famous, then to go out and wash each other's feet.
They were so much better than that. They were the elite. They wanted their feet washed and felt they deserved it.

He spoke in parables to show them how ignorant they really were.
For if they had been doing the "Father's" business, they would have understood the meanings.
And that got them angry. They knew he was calling them out to their face. And they got offended.

I would call that incredible patience. Taking the time and effort to show them exactly where they were going wrong.
Like a school teacher with a class of unruly students.
Everytime they come to him and ask him questions.. even though he knew they was mocking him,
he still gave them truthful answers. They just didn't want to hear it.

Thank You
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.

I would assume Jesus knew his purpose, his blessings, and his place in the Kingdom of God.

Or, if your are Christian, you have to admit Jesus lost his temper at the Temple, and more than once (Matthew: 21 and John: 2).
I am not Christian, but if you are, that may help.

Oops ... mudwhistle beat me to it, and I should have read down further.

Yes, the Bible says it was for the love of his father that he got angry.
The temple was meant to be a place of prayer. A place where people would come to console each other, a place of healing.
A place of rejoicing, a fellowship, a gathering. A place to give thanks.

But it had been turned into a cold loveless business.
A place of greed and abuse. Of oppression and carelessness.

He was angry because they had turned their backs on the one that put them in charge to be their brother's keeper.
They were the watchers, the healers, the judges, the teachers.
And they failed. And they took a lot of people with them down into the depths of depression and hopelessness.

Yes, he was angry, and righteously so.

Thank You
read it again. NO WHERE does Jesus come close to saying what you claim He
THOUGHT. The key to understanding the NT is in the NT itself
Why don't you explain it then.
I would like to hear your thoughts.
Thank You
Jesus did not have patience with all people.....He did not have patience with morons.:nono:
Yeah, they wasn't morons.
They cared more about money and fame than they did about their fellow man.
He tried to explain to them what they were supposed to be teaching others, but they didn't want to listen.
It was more beneficial for them to be rich and famous, then to go out and wash each other's feet.
They were so much better than that. They were the elite. They wanted their feet washed and felt they deserved it.

He spoke in parables to show them how ignorant they really were.
For if they had been doing the "Father's" business, they would have understood the meanings.
And that got them angry. They knew he was calling them out to their face. And they got offended.

I would call that incredible patience. Taking the time and effort to show them exactly where they were going wrong.
Like a school teacher with a class of unruly students.
Everytime they come to him and ask him questions.. even though he knew they was mocking him,
he still gave them truthful answers. They just didn't want to hear it.

Thank You

I know.

In my personal opinion

By morons I mean evil people, ignorant people, idiots.....etc.

At the end of the day He was so fed up with them that He said ..."Those (morons or idiots) who live by the sword die by the sword."

That was the only solution He might have thought , patience or any amount of talk would help them!:dunno:

But then I'm not an expert in these topics., and it's only my opinion.
Jesus did not have patience with all people.....He did not have patience with morons.:nono:
so true------didn't He say "DON'T cast your pearls before swine" ?
Isn't that what I said?
no Jesus said it-----he got it from the talmud. It was a commonly known
adage at the time
I imagine so. I imagine there were a lot of old sayings that people used back then, but he had this crazy way of making sense of all of it. They said he spoke in terms that the people of the day could relate to while the Sanhedrin would simply spout scripture and everyone would nod and agree and never understand what it meant. He also practiced what he preached.
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.

I would assume Jesus knew his purpose, his blessings, and his place in the Kingdom of God.

Or, if your are Christian, you have to admit Jesus lost his temper at the Temple, and more than once (Matthew: 21 and John: 2).
I am not Christian, but if you are, that may help.

Oops ... mudwhistle beat me to it, and I should have read down further.

Yes, the Bible says it was for the love of his father that he got angry.
The temple was meant to be a place of prayer. A place where people would come to console each other, a place of healing.
A place of rejoicing, a fellowship, a gathering. A place to give thanks.

But it had been turned into a cold loveless business.
A place of greed and abuse. Of oppression and carelessness.

He was angry because they had turned their backs on the one that put them in charge to be their brother's keeper.
They were the watchers, the healers, the judges, the teachers.
And they failed. And they took a lot of people with them down into the depths of depression and hopelessness.

Yes, he was angry, and righteously so.

Thank You
read it again. NO WHERE does Jesus come close to saying what you claim He
THOUGHT. The key to understanding the NT is in the NT itself
Why don't you explain it then.
I would like to hear your thoughts.
Thank You
the reason that Jesus and his companions made a PLANNED foray into the
Temple courtyard in order to attack the money changers WAS because the
money changers were ROMAN SHILLS just as were the appointed high priests who
were SADDUCEES and just as was HEROD who was not actually qualified to be King.
The key to understanding who Jesus was is IN THE NT.
Jesus did not have patience with all people.....He did not have patience with morons.:nono:
so true------didn't He say "DON'T cast your pearls before swine" ?
Isn't that what I said?
no Jesus said it-----he got it from the talmud. It was a commonly known
adage at the time
I imagine so. I imagine there were a lot of old sayings that people used back then, but he had this crazy way of making sense of all of it. They said he spoke in terms that the people of the day could relate to while the Sanhedrin would simply spout scripture and everyone would nod and agree and never understand what it meant. He also practiced what he preached.
can you cite the words that Jesus used to state that the SANHEDRIN at that time
simply spouted scripture with no understanding? It seems to me that Jesus used
what you call "the old sayings" in the same way they were widely used at that time.
It was part of the lingo
Jesus did not have patience with all people.....He did not have patience with morons.:nono:
Yeah, they wasn't morons.
They cared more about money and fame than they did about their fellow man.
He tried to explain to them what they were supposed to be teaching others, but they didn't want to listen.
It was more beneficial for them to be rich and famous, then to go out and wash each other's feet.
They were so much better than that. They were the elite. They wanted their feet washed and felt they deserved it.

He spoke in parables to show them how ignorant they really were.
For if they had been doing the "Father's" business, they would have understood the meanings.
And that got them angry. They knew he was calling them out to their face. And they got offended.

I would call that incredible patience. Taking the time and effort to show them exactly where they were going wrong.
Like a school teacher with a class of unruly students.
Everytime they come to him and ask him questions.. even though he knew they was mocking him,
he still gave them truthful answers. They just didn't want to hear it.

Thank You

I know.

In my personal opinion

By morons I mean evil people, ignorant people, idiots.....etc.

At the end of the day He was so fed up with them that He said ..."Those (morons or idiots) who live by the sword die by the sword."

That was the only solution He might have thought , patience or any amount of talk would help them!:dunno:

But then I'm not an expert in these topics., and it's only my opinion.
At the end of the day..
He said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.

Don't try and be a better Christian on here.

The way to controlling yourself on here is to know what you want.

Do you want to get in a bitch slap argument every five minutes? Probably not.

So, if someone insults. Block them. You can tell which people are interested in a proper discussion within a few posts. Don't take the bait, just block. They disappear. It's not worth it.

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