How Did Jesus Have Patience With People?

The disciples failed continually and yet he pressed on with them instead of discarding em.
Looks like they did a good job. The world bought their story.
Take Peter, 2 notable failures, stepped out of boat to walk on water and had to be rescued. Denied Christ 3 times day of his death. Before that they all fell asleep in the garden.
Black people say Jesus and his crew were black. Peter couldn’t swim? Sounds black to me.
Ignoring all of these dumbasses is probably the best way to go before I do something stupid to the people who are insulting me and my beliefs (or saying that I'm not really a Christian when they don't know shit as I'm not perfect just because I'm a Christian hence Christ's sacrifice on the cross) and virtually smack all the stupid out of them. It isn't worth it for one, for two,.. it isn't what Jesus wants,.. and finally,.. it would take a WHOLE lot of smacking anyways. :mad: (Besides this is not supposed to be a flaming forum remember?)
Ignoring all of these dumbasses is probably the best way to go before I do something stupid to the people who are insulting me and my beliefs (or saying that I'm not really a Christian when they don't know shit as I'm not perfect just because I'm a Christian hence Christ's sacrifice on the cross) and virtually smack all the stupid out of them. It isn't worth it for one, for two,.. it isn't what Jesus wants,.. and finally,.. it would take a WHOLE lot of smacking anyways. :mad: (Besides this is not supposed to be a flaming forum remember?)
Maybe you just need to take a break from this one for a day or so until things calm down.
You can always go to the other forum for some R & R.
Maybe you just need an internet break. You have a lot of things on your mind and I know Jessie is one of them.
Do what you need to do. Don't worry about these what you call them dumbasses?
They'll still be here when you come back.
And you know where you are I'll be around. Just PM me.
I check in all of them every day.
When is Jessie's appointment I forgot if you said when.
Let me know so I can be with you in prayer when you go.
Thanks, but I think just putting them on ignore is the best way to go. WillHaftawaite loved my one comment of asking somebody what they were doing in this part of the forum if they didn't believe in Jesus so I already know this thread is being moderated so,.. I'm happy. :)
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
The Christ was not concerned with ANGER.........He was concerned with defending the Gospel Truth, He was anything but "tolerant" when it came to defending the truth. Those who present Jesus as always "turning the other cheek" in the blatant disregard for the truth have never studied the true nature of God and His Son.

The beginning of true worship of God is to FEAR HIM (to know God is to fear Him, FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS -- Eccl. 12:13, Matthew records it this way, do not fear man but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul -- Matt. 10:28)......when a message is presented that Jesus (God incarnate) was always tolerant, even of lies and deceit, that message is based upon false doctrine. When you present the Christ as a weak, tolerant agent of stop fearing Him.

Its not sinful to become angered, its more of a sin to allow mistruths to go unchallenged. Jesus was very intolerant of sin and especially lies and deceit and He never hid His anger when it came to defending the Gospel Truth from Heaven. The majority of the time Jesus spent on earth was in condemnation of the Jewish hierarchy. He told His followers, "....take heed of the Pharisees and Sadducees...." -- Matt. 16:6

He told His followers that the doctrine being taught by both sects were based upon LIES. (Matt. 16:12). Was He angered when it came to the doctrine being taught by the Pharisees and Sadducees? You be the judge. He called them HYPOCRITES, SERPENTS, VIPERS.....LAWLESS...... (Matt. 11:21-22).

Jesus was very intolerant of those who set aside God's law in favor of manmade traditions (Matt.15:3-9). He would not tolerate FALSE CHRISTS or FALSE PROPHETS (Matt. 24:24)

Did He turn the other cheek to the Pharisees and Sadducees in order not to show His anger? Of course not......He confronted them with THE TRUTH, " are MISTAKEN, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES NOR THE POWER OF GOD." -- Matt. 22:29.

The disciples of Jesus followed the advice of Jesus. The early church did not tolerate blatant sin as with the example of Ananias and Sapphira.....who lied to the Holy Ghost, and was struck down. I would say that God was angered by them. (Acts 5:1-11)

Then we find Paul and Barnabas disputing some of the teaching that went on in Antioch, "Paul and Barnabas HAD NO SMALL DISSENSION AND DISPUTE WITH THEM." -- Acts 15:2

And when these same teachers of false doctrine tired to compel all Christians to be circumcised "........Paul did not yield submission even for an hour, that the Gospel (Truth....good news) might continue with you." -- Gal. 2:5

Take the example of the disciple Stephen when he called the Jews teaching false doctrine, ".......STIFFNECKED AND UNCIRCUMCISED IN HEART AND EARS......" -- Acts 7:51-52

Conclusion: Be angered for the right reasons and Sin Not.......simply presenting righteous doctrine is not sinful in the least.
All I know is that right now I feel like such a horrible Christian. I don't usually cuss but people on here have pushed me to writing this in my signature.
That's just an excuse. No one has the power to make you do anything. You give them that.
That's turning the the other cheek. Not letting them push you into anything you know isn't right.
Not giving them the satisfaction of making you angry.
Some arguments need defending. You need to speak up and speak out.
The challenge is, thinking about what you say before you say it.
And choosing your words wisely.
We're all learning. No one gets it all right all of the time.
But the more we practice the better we get.
True, but on the plus side that's letting them know that their words aren't going to bother me or change my opinions about things.
True, but on the plus side that's letting them know that their words aren't going to bother me or change my opinions about things.
Your worried about what other people think of you.
You don't like it when they call you unchristian.
You know the say, you are what you eat?
The same goes for, you are how you speak and act.
They can only see what you show them.
Or sometimes they see what they want to see.
What they think or what they see, how they judge you isn't important.
It's how you think, how you see yourself, and what standard you judge your own words and actions.
Remember, It's not about how the world see you, It's how God sees you.
That's what christians are more concerned about. Not what others think but what God knows about you.
And the closer we get to God the more we want to be like him.
And our example that we've been given to follow is Jesus.
And how can you follow an example if you don't know the example your to follow?
That's why we study the bible. So we can learn.
Life is all about learning. Every minute of everyday in everything.
You have a point but actually I don't care what people think of me hence the signature and hence the fact that I've already stated if you're not God then you can't judge me. Do I have a temper? Yes, and I feel terribly awful about it too for the record and that's how I already know that I'm an awful Christian. If it wasn't for all the stupid people provoking me though I would never say a bad thing to anybody on here, but they're bringing it on themselves.
This video is a comfort to me right now though that's for sure.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
With is fathers words" C'mon man"
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
I presume you have not read your Gospels.
Jesus was a very angry person.
Not really.
Do you normally barge into a business or a church or a thread to denounce that business or church or thread with negativity?

I used to belong to a large Jewish congregation in Singapore. We had a lot of visitors to our congregation because of the transitory nature of the population. Hardly a week went by when someone didn't come into the services or the after service activities and start preaching "Jesus".

It got so bad that they had to start screening visitors to the services.

Interestingly enough, religious proselytizing is illegal under Singapore Law and we could have turned them over to police.
Well.....if your faith is strong you cannot be converted.
I'm willing to listen to people who believe in Islam or Buddha......but it's not going to change my beliefs.
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
You know Satan owns and runs this place don't you?

The mods are actually spirits sent to hell and must for eternity be shifting and deleting threads here from a lot of knuckleheads

I set a very good example here of very clean and polite language. Just read the last 30 of my threads to find out
Something good happens, praise Jesus. Something bad happens, the lord works in mysterious ways.

How come Satan never gets credit?
Satan gets alot of credit.
He's in charge of the Earth....and you can see Satan in Washington every single day.
The disciples failed continually and yet he pressed on with them instead of discarding em.
Looks like they did a good job. The world bought their story.
Take Peter, 2 notable failures, stepped out of boat to walk on water and had to be rescued. Denied Christ 3 times day of his death. Before that they all fell asleep in the garden.
Black people say Jesus and his crew were black. Peter couldn’t swim? Sounds black to me.
Does it matter what color skin he had?
We know he was Jewish. Blacks and Whites used to live together in Judea and practice the same religion until Muhammad came along. Many blacks in America were either Jewish or Christian. Muslims started converting American Blacks to Islam in prison after WWII.
To be honest.....most Jews and Muslims ultimately were related way back in the time of Abraham.
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
1. jesus was just another person
2. we don't know for sure if he did have patience
3. christians are no better than anyone else

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