How did John McCain make America better?

He was able to piss off the silly wingers in both parties. That's certainly a good thing.
He didn’t piss off Democrats at all....
You guys need to get your stories straight.
Do Obama, Biden, Schumer and Pelosi mean it now when they praise John McCain or did they actually mean it back when they were calling him a Bush toady, a corporate tool, and a peddler of despicable political smears? The Internet never forgets.
The post you quoted contradicts the point you are trying to make.

The same Democrats praising him today hated him in 2008 because McCain was a Republican at the end of the day. His “reaching across the aisle” got him absolutely nothing. He was a tool for the Democrats.
So your original post was a lie. As I suspected.
Reading comprehension appears to be a dying art.
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?

One person cannot make an entire country better. But his example was second to none.

Which is why he won the presidency that year....right?

McCain did more to serve the country by losing with dignity than Donald has accomplished by winning with degeneracy.

Democrats are the ones who created degeneracy in this country.

You all are the reason why my family went from my grandparents being friends with Bush and his cabinet members(specifically Rumsfeld), to my mom(their daughter, who doesn’t so much as curse)literally crying at the prospect that Trump was going to lose the election to the bitch Hillary at about 10pm, to me being a Trumplican before I even liked Trump.

Trump is far less degenerate and vulgar than the pieces of shit who give you your news and “comedy” every day.
After 9-11, the US degraded ourselves by engaging in torture

McCain, being tortured himself, spoke out vehemently agains the practice as immoral
This is NOT torture, idiot.

Then why are they doing it?

Because Arabs feel like they are drowning stepping in a puddle. It is extremely easy to scare them by splashing them in the face a few times.

They don’t have many lakes and rivers in the Middle East.

If it wasnt an effective torture technique, they wouldn’t use it

America engaging in torture is degrading

McCain fought to stop it

Clarify for me if you will: You oppose waterboarding terrorists that are suspected of having information on the next big terrorist attack but are ok with our government threatening a person's family in order to get information that might damage a political foe?
He crossed the aisle and worked with Senators of both parties to reach agreements.
He actually compromised to reach deals and pass legislation

An art that sadly, has disappeared

He made deals? The Keating 5 made deals but it was not good for America. In fact, John could have easily gone to jail for it.

What deals in particular that were good for America was he involved in?
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?

He didn't. All he did was make a cushy job for life for himself.

Man wasn't a hero. He was a POW like thousands of others who made it home. Don't see those thousands declaring themselves heroes do you.

He turned his POW status into a way to get into the Senate where he's been ever since.

Cushy, work free job. Who could ask for more.
You forgot he was a spolied brat silver spooner who had his military career propped up by his wealthy parents.
And he sucked as a pilot.
I dunno, by helping reduce the population by sending young men to die in foreign countries?
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?

One person cannot make an entire country better. But his example was second to none.

Which is why he won the presidency that year....right?

McCain did more to serve the country by losing with dignity than Donald has accomplished by winning with degeneracy.

You know what we call someone who loses politely?
A loser.
He crossed the aisle and worked with Senators of both parties to reach agreements.
He actually compromised to reach deals and pass legislation

An art that sadly, has disappeared
Spineless McCain
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?

He didn't. All he did was make a cushy job for life for himself.

Man wasn't a hero. He was a POW like thousands of others who made it home. Don't see those thousands declaring themselves heroes do you.

He turned his POW status into a way to get into the Senate where he's been ever since.

Cushy, work free job. Who could ask for more.
You forgot he was a spolied brat silver spooner who had his military career propped up by his wealthy parents.
And he sucked as a pilot.

And that is the main reason I started this thread.

I've started similar threads about Hillary. What on earth did she accomplish other than being the wife of a successful career politician?

She would never have had a career had it not been for her husband.

Her resume includes being a Congressman, so what did she accomplish there, and Secretary of State who oversaw Benghazi and Syria.

The same could be said for the Bush clan. The only reason the Bush clan saw the light of day was because Reagan chose one for VP. Then the family rode the popularity of Reagan into a political dynasty that has helped destroy the GOP.

Just from what I've heard, McCain's main objective in the military was to become an admiral like his daddy, but he was a poor student, and poor pilot, so even with political connections it was never going to happen.

So what did McCain do with his political career that is so impressive?
The left love him because he ran a shit campaign.

He wouldn’t bring up Obama’s radical roots.

Reverend Wright? Give me a break.

Obama is a radical who hates America and fundamentally changed it for the worse. That was his goal and the goal of his supporters.
This is about McCain?

I love it how it's you Republicans who are talking bad about him. You are a bunch of evil sob's.

I didn't like McCain either. Remember, it was stupid Republican voters in Arizona who elected him all those years. Don't tell us that us liberals loved him. We tried to unseat that fucker for years.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.
The left love him because he ran a shit campaign.

He wouldn’t bring up Obama’s radical roots.

Reverend Wright? Give me a break.

Obama is a radical who hates America and fundamentally changed it for the worse. That was his goal and the goal of his supporters.
This is about McCain?

I love it how it's you Republicans who are talking bad about him. You are a bunch of evil sob's.

I didn't like McCain either. Remember, it was stupid Republican voters in Arizona who elected him all those years. Don't tell us that us liberals loved him. We tried to unseat that fucker for years.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.
I agree; there are a plethora of stupid voters in both parties.
The left love him because he ran a shit campaign.

He wouldn’t bring up Obama’s radical roots.

Reverend Wright? Give me a break.

Obama is a radical who hates America and fundamentally changed it for the worse. That was his goal and the goal of his supporters.
This is about McCain?

I love it how it's you Republicans who are talking bad about him. You are a bunch of evil sob's.

I didn't like McCain either. Remember, it was stupid Republican voters in Arizona who elected him all those years. Don't tell us that us liberals loved him. We tried to unseat that fucker for years.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.

Exactly, so why have libs sucked his dick since 2016?

Odd, huh?

I am claiming I am mad at him for running a shit campaign against Obama. It's been my opinion for 10 years. He did.
The reality is that McCain advocated preemptive war abroad while advocating for restraints on liberty here at home.
The left love him because he ran a shit campaign.

He wouldn’t bring up Obama’s radical roots.

Reverend Wright? Give me a break.

Obama is a radical who hates America and fundamentally changed it for the worse. That was his goal and the goal of his supporters.
This is about McCain?

I love it how it's you Republicans who are talking bad about him. You are a bunch of evil sob's.

I didn't like McCain either. Remember, it was stupid Republican voters in Arizona who elected him all those years. Don't tell us that us liberals loved him. We tried to unseat that fucker for years.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.

Would you then say that all this praise for John McCain is not merited?
The left love him because he ran a shit campaign.

He wouldn’t bring up Obama’s radical roots.

Reverend Wright? Give me a break.

Obama is a radical who hates America and fundamentally changed it for the worse. That was his goal and the goal of his supporters.
This is about McCain?

I love it how it's you Republicans who are talking bad about him. You are a bunch of evil sob's.

I didn't like McCain either. Remember, it was stupid Republican voters in Arizona who elected him all those years. Don't tell us that us liberals loved him. We tried to unseat that fucker for years.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.

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