How did John McCain make America better?

All be honest, I have no clue.

I’m sure with all his service he did something though
He gave America a cautionary tale: if one stores too much Viet Cong semen in their mouth, it leaves the person's cheeks permanently distended so they cover more square area than the skull itself. Was he even human? Human beings are NOT supposed to have cheeks that resemble circus tents.

The very fact that McCain dumped the mother of his 3 children when she got crippled in a car crash instantly tells me ALL I need to know about that sewer rat's character, regardless of anything else he did.
After 9-11, the US degraded ourselves by engaging in torture

McCain, being tortured himself, spoke out vehemently agains the practice as immoral

Yet Obama never closed GITMO which was one of his campaign promises. I wonder why...
So all of this praise from the media about him being a "lion of a man" and BS is just that, BS?
That praise from the media should tell you that the media isn't as liberal as you think.

Or maybe John was more liberal than you think.
Nope. See, you guys just can't get it through your thick skulls that the media aint liberal. John McCain aint a fucking liberal. He's one of yours. Just because you now piss on his grave doesn't make him a liberal. You guys are horrible to anyone who strays off the plantation. You remind me of us when we talk about Ben Carson. LOL.
Only a stupid ass motherfucker would think that John McCain was a conservative....

He did score low Scorecard

But Tax breaks to the rich? Yup.
Break the unions? Yup
Send jobs overseas? Yup
Back when he was running, cons loved illegals doing jobs American's wouldn't do. CHECK
Iraq war? Check
Cut social programs? You becha.

What was he liberal about?
He was ALL GOP establishment... It doesn’t get any more GOP a Establishment than spineless McCain
After 9-11, the US degraded ourselves by engaging in torture

McCain, being tortured himself, spoke out vehemently agains the practice as immoral

Yet Obama never closed GITMO which was one of his campaign promises. I wonder why...
It was a good thing club Gitmo was not closed, we don’t want them sorry ass motherfucking Muslims on US soil....
He gave America a cautionary tale: if one stores too much Viet Cong semen in their mouth, it leaves the person's cheeks permanently distended so they cover more square area than the skull itself. Was he even human? Human beings are NOT supposed to have cheeks that resemble circus tents.

The very fact that McCain dumped the mother of his 3 children when she got crippled in a car crash instantly tells me ALL I need to know about that sewer rat's character, regardless of anything else he did.
Spineless McCain certainly is no hero
Would you then say that all this praise for John McCain is not merited?
I don't think he was a good man. He wasn't a good husband, Senator, candidate for President. He was a bonafide asshole.

So all of this praise from the media about him being a "lion of a man" and BS is just that, BS?
That praise from the media should tell you that the media isn't as liberal as you think.

Or maybe John was more liberal than you think.
Nope. See, you guys just can't get it through your thick skulls that the media aint liberal. John McCain aint a fucking liberal. He's one of yours. Just because you now piss on his grave doesn't make him a liberal. You guys are horrible to anyone who strays off the plantation. You remind me of us when we talk about Ben Carson. LOL.

We should simply get rid of bastardized terms like liberal and conservative.

As we both know, both parties disdain parts of their base. For example, the GOP despises the abortion rights Christian right and fiscal conservatives, and the DNC despises groups like BLM who they admitted in their private e-mails are akin to terrorist groups. The GOP runs around pretending to not want big government at home and the DNC runs around pretending to not want big government abroad, but in the end, they both want big government everywhere. These are the Swamp creatures that sell their collective souls to the Swamp in return for life long immunity and a reputation that is defended by the press. They are all just globalists in drag who want corporations to usher in a one world order of sorts that their children can inherit and run for them.
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?
He didn't. He was a Russian Mole. He even had a Russian Casket Carrier. He was a Communist and a War Hawk. He was also a Globalist and a RINO, and a Traitor to his country. He colluded with Russia to try to take down his arch enemy Donald Trump, and that IMO is UNFORGIVABLE.
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?
/———/ Breaking:
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who was Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election, has been excluded from his funeral.
Breitbart News has independently confirmed an earlier report in People magazine, which reported that Palin was not sent an invitation, and was told through intermediaries to stay away from the ceremony.
I admire McCain's military service. His time in the Senate, not so much.

I still think he is dirty from the Keating scandal.
For those who would like to eulogize him, now is your chance.

How did John McCain make America better?
/———/ Breaking:
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who was Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election, has been excluded from his funeral.
Breitbart News has independently confirmed an earlier report in People magazine, which reported that Palin was not sent an invitation, and was told through intermediaries to stay away from the ceremony.

Wow - what a nasty-ass thing to do. He really was a bitter old man.

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