How did Obama win?

Vast LWC

Aug 4, 2009
New York
There must have been some trick, right?

I mean, it can't possibly be that not everyone agrees with the right-wingers. That's not possible.

Obviously, only crazy Liberals would vote for Obama.

So, the fix must have been in.

Even though states were passing voter suppression laws, left and right.

Even though the supreme court legalized unlimited corporate donations.

Even though Mitt Romney's son literally owned half the voting machines in the country.

There must be come conspiracy that made Obama win.

Several Factors:

Complicit media
GOP's unwillingness to take gloves off and tell it like it is regarding Obama
GOP's fear of putting an actual conservative agenda out there, rather than just Democrat light
Woefully ignorant sector of society who think that free stuff is actually free.
The progressive tactic

Keep getting more and more people on the dole.. More and more getting services and 'stuff' from government, at the expense of others.. more and more people not paying federal income tax so that others are forced to pay.. and they will continue to vote for those who will promote these unequal practices, to keep the freebies coming... greed... pure and simple.. the progressives, like Obamalama, want a majority of the citizenry on the take.. at odds with those who have amassed and earned more, so that they can take and use it for the all powerful State to do as they wish with it... they want more greedy mindless cattle to achieve their goal of almost complete control, and more and more Americans are falling for it hook, line, and sinker... and it will be our downfall
Several Factors:

Complicit media
GOP's unwillingness to take gloves off and tell it like it is regarding Obama
GOP's fear of putting an actual conservative agenda out there, rather than just Democrat light
Woefully ignorant sector of society who think that free stuff is actually free.

Because the conservative agenda has the moderate conservatives running from the Republican party, that's why.
The progressive tactic

Keep getting more and more people on the dole.. More and more getting services and 'stuff' from government, at the expense of others.. more and more people not paying federal income tax so that others are forced to pay.. and they will continue to vote for those who will promote these unequal practices, to keep the freebies coming... greed... pure and simple.. the progressives, like Obamalama, want a majority of the citizenry on the take.. at odds with those who have amassed and earned more, so that they can take and use it for the all powerful State to do as they wish with it... they want more greedy mindless cattle to achieve their goal of almost complete control, and more and more Americans are falling for it hook, line, and sinker... and it will be our downfall

Did you learn that (pile of shit) reading books at your progressive socialized library?
He didn't. Romney lost. Badly.

Just Romney or is this the fault of Republicans in general. They nominated someone who couldn't beat a president with 8% unemployment, trillions in deficits and bad publicity on the foreign front. It would seem the whole party is fundamentally flawed.
Several Factors:

Complicit media
GOP's unwillingness to take gloves off and tell it like it is regarding Obama
GOP's fear of putting an actual conservative agenda out there, rather than just Democrat light
Woefully ignorant sector of society who think that free stuff is actually free.

It's gold nuggets like this that I was counting on for good laughs the day after Obamas victory.

You did not disappoint.
1) It s the economy stupid Romney campaigned on the economy, but turns out the economy wasn't as bad as Romney could hope. Job numbers turned out to rise and to make matters worse: Republicans had nothing to do with it as they have been blocking everything on the federal level

2) Monay talks Money spending on the campaign adds and the stricter regulations for GOP candidates (their campaign money goes largely to the party)

3) "the Unkown issue":Sandy showed that Obama can handle crisis moments very well, governor Christie helped a lot by saying "thank you" as it showed for independants that he can work on a bipartisan base. It s odd to say for me (being not so religious), but Sandy was like "a gift from god" for Obama's campaign

4) Republican primairies was no cakewalk for Romney, he got his image fairly weakened while Obama stayed out of the mudthrowing and kept his image clean. It exposed several weak spots of ROmney: flip flopping, being a mormon, having money in swiss bank accounts to avoid paying the taxes he should if he had it in the US

5) Bin Laden dead is Obama his accomplishment

6) Romney had to move too far from the right to the center, this made him lose a lot of credibility on both sides ( with both conervatives and independents).

7) Republicans lost the latino vote (they still had it under the previous republican president Bush), US demographics are changing, you can not survive politically on white votes alone anymore
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The progressive tactic

Keep getting more and more people on the dole.. More and more getting services and 'stuff' from government, at the expense of others.. more and more people not paying federal income tax so that others are forced to pay.. and they will continue to vote for those who will promote these unequal practices, to keep the freebies coming... greed... pure and simple.. the progressives, like Obamalama, want a majority of the citizenry on the take.. at odds with those who have amassed and earned more, so that they can take and use it for the all powerful State to do as they wish with it... they want more greedy mindless cattle to achieve their goal of almost complete control, and more and more Americans are falling for it hook, line, and sinker... and it will be our downfall

Did you learn that (pile of shit) reading books at your progressive socialized library?
Rules for Radicals101
Special interest group LOLberals is how he won.

Whether your interest is LGBT privileges
~Keeping your Obama phone or food stamps
~Fear a Mitt Romney SCOTUS appointment

I know so many one issue voters is fucking disgusting. They are fairly intelligent people too. But their agenda is in securing their own interests, not the ones of everyone.
Several Factors:

Complicit media
GOP's unwillingness to take gloves off and tell it like it is regarding Obama
GOP's fear of putting an actual conservative agenda out there, rather than just Democrat light
Woefully ignorant sector of society who think that free stuff is actually free.

Or... Just maybe...

The majority of people voted for Obama because they didn't agree with the Republican platform.

Nah, couldn't be that... Could it?
Special interest group LOLberals is how he won.

Whether your interest is LGBT privileges
~Keeping your Obama phone or food stamps
~Fear a Mitt Romney SCOTUS appointment

I know so many one issue voters is fucking disgusting. They are fairly intelligent people too. But their agenda is in securing their own interests, not the ones of everyone.

See my last post.
1) It s the economy stupid Romney campaigned on the economy, but turns out the economy wasn't as bad as Romney could hope. Job numbers turned out to rise and to make matters worse: Republicans had nothing to do with it as they have been blocking everything on the federal level

2) Monay talks Money spending on the campaign adds and the stricter regulations for GOP candidates (their campaign money goes largely to the party)

3) "the Unkown issue":Sandy showed that Obama can handle crisis moments very well, governor Christie helped a lot by saying "thank you" as it showed for independants that he can work on a bipartisan base. It s odd to say for me (being not so religious), but Sandy was like "a gift from god" for Obama's campaign

4) Republican primairies was no cakewalk for Romney, he got his image fairly weakened while Obama stayed out of the mudthrowing and kept his image clean. It exposed several weak spots of ROmney: flip flopping, being a mormon, having money in swiss bank accounts to avoid paying the taxes he should if he had it in the US

5) Bin Laden dead is Obama his accomplishment

6) Romney had to move too far from the right to the center, this made him lose a lot of credibility on both sides ( with both conervatives and independents).

7) Republicans lost the latino vote (they still had it under the previous republican president Bush), US demographics are changing, you can not survive politically on white votes alone anymore

OK, those are mostly good points. Of course, it also just might be that people liked the Obama record and plan better than the Romney record and plan.

After all, the only reason Obama was ever behind in the first place was because people didn't like the way he debated in the first debate.
Special interesst LOLbralism. No one wants to agree with losing anything they feel they are entitled to. Or want to secure privilege for their chosen interest group.

You couldn't even bother to mention economics to a special interest group LOLberal voter. They can barely add, let alone understand complex subjects like economics.
Special interesst LOLbralism. No one wants to agree with losing anything they feel they are entitled to. Or want to secure privilege for their chosen interest group.

You couldn't even bother to mention economics to a special interest group LOLberal voter. They can barely add, let alone understand complex subjects like economics.

You keep on telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better.
I have to tell myself that. In my circle of friends it is 95% special interest group LOLberals. And only a couple of them can grasp economics. Even the most basic things like store of value. The only other thing i could tell myself is, "they're eating stupid pills."
I don't think Mitt did a good job of selling himself on being "the great economy guy". I think more people would have voted for him had he kept social issues out of the talking points, and shown himself to be a leader on the economy.

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