How Did the CTs Miss this one?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
In an effort to "prove" 9/11 was something other than what the NIST concluded, Mad Sci posted a pic of the remains of the jet engine found on the sidewalk after 9/11. He claimed it was the engine of a 737! 737! 737!
Of course, he posted no evidence in support of that claim and when asked repeatedly for the source of his "knowledge" he simply did the CT boogie ... he slithered away. So come on Guys ... check in with Alex Jones and get back to me with something in support of Mad Sci's "facts." :D
In an effort to "prove" 9/11 was something other than what the NIST concluded, Mad Sci posted a pic of the remains of the jet engine found on the sidewalk after 9/11. He claimed it was the engine of a 737! 737! 737!
Of course, he posted no evidence in support of that claim and when asked repeatedly for the source of his "knowledge" he simply did the CT boogie ... he slithered away. So come on Guys ... check in with Alex Jones and get back to me with something in support of Mad Sci's "facts." :D

You seem to require that people post things that easily found, but you don't do the same when asked. There is a lot information regarding the planes, the engines, and even the ACARS information on the fights. Google is your friend.
That was actually a post in response to another poster who claimed no plane actually hit the WTC. So I posted that as proof that plane had hit because there's the 737 engine.

It got NO reponse so I posted it again. THEN you and Short Round (Ollie) chime in that the only sites that say it's a 737 engine are "truther sites".

I'm not the only one who thinks it's a 737 engine.

If you have proof other wise, post it.
That was actually a post in response to another poster who claimed no plane actually hit the WTC. So I posted that as proof that plane had hit because there's the 737 engine.

It got NO reponse so I posted it again. THEN you and Short Round (Ollie) chime in that the only sites that say it's a 737 engine are "truther sites".

I'm not the only one who thinks it's a 737 engine.

If you have proof other wise, post it.

BS. You were emphatic about its being a 737 engine as though attempting to bolster your CT. When asked repeatedly for the source of your 737 "knowledge" you slithered away. So who besides you thinks it's a 737 engine? :D
In an effort to "prove" 9/11 was something other than what the NIST concluded, Mad Sci posted a pic of the remains of the jet engine found on the sidewalk after 9/11. He claimed it was the engine of a 737! 737! 737!
Of course, he posted no evidence in support of that claim and when asked repeatedly for the source of his "knowledge" he simply did the CT boogie ... he slithered away. So come on Guys ... check in with Alex Jones and get back to me with something in support of Mad Sci's "facts." :D

You seem to require that people post things that easily found, but you don't do the same when asked. There is a lot information regarding the planes, the engines, and even the ACARS information on the fights. Google is your friend.

No Princess, I simply expect posters to be able to support the BS they post here in support of their wild-eyed CTs. Do you have a credible source who can prove the remains of that jet engine were, as Mad Sci claimed, from a 737 or are you just blowing smoke? :D
Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career.
Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Essay: "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
No Princess, I simply expect posters to be able to support the BS they post here in support of their wild-eyed CTs. Do you have a credible source who can prove the remains of that jet engine were, as Mad Sci claimed, from a 737 or are you just blowing smoke? :D
Ok, What do you consider a credible source?
Lt. Cdr. Bernard J. Smith, U.S. Nay (ret) – Retired carrier Naval Aviator and former aircraft accident investigator.
Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"From my several years experience as an aircraft accident investigator for the U.S.Navy, I am appalled at the basic principles of investigation being ignored; ie, premature destruction of evidence, reliable eye witness accounts ignored, etc. To allow the official version to be the final word in this planned event, as is evident from the AE9/11 investigation, would be a major disservice to the victims and the nation." World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:
Lt. Col. Jeff Latas

Lt. Col. Jeff Latas, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former combat fighter pilot. Aerospace engineer. Currently Captain at a major airline. Combat experience includes Desert Storm and four tours of duty in Northern and Southern Watch. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle and General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter/bomber. Former President, U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board. Also served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review. Awarded Distinguish Flying Cross for Heroism, four Air Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals, and nine Aerial Achievement Medals. 20-year Air Force career.
Audio interview with Rob Balsamo 6/25/07: Regarding the 9/11 Commission's account of the impact of Flight 77 at the Pentagon and discrepancies with the actual Flight Data Recorder information:

"After I did my own analysis of it, it's obvious that there's discrepancies between the two stories; between the 9/11 Commission and the flight data recorder information. And I think that's where we really need to focus a lot of our attention to get the help that we need in order to put pressure on government agencies to actually do a real investigation of 9/11. And not just from a security standpoint, but from even an aviation standpoint, like any accident investigation would actually help the aviators out by finding reasons for things happening. ...
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
If you know how easily evidence was thrown out, you'll know that The 9/11 Report ITSELF isn't a credible source either.
Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career.
Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Essay: "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Nice dodge, Princess. The issue was and remains the deafening silence produced when Mad Sci is asked to reveal who told him the jet engine remains found on a NY sidewalk on 9/11 was, as Mad Sci claimed, that of a "737, 737, 737" engine. Your response did not answer what is a very straight forward question. :D
Nice dodge, Princess. The issue was and remains the deafening silence produced when Mad Sci is asked to reveal who told him the jet engine remains found on a NY sidewalk on 9/11 was, as Mad Sci claimed, that of a "737, 737, 737" engine. Your response did not answer what is a very straight forward question. :D
Again I ask: What do you consider a credible source?
If you know how easily evidence was thrown out, you'll know that The 9/11 Report ITSELF isn't a credible source either.

You're still doing the CT shuffle, Princess. You posted that pic of engine remains on the NY sidewalk from 9/11 in an effort to prove your CT. All I asked you for was the source of your "knowledge" that it was a 737 engine. So far all you've done is dance (and not all that well). :D
Nice dodge, Princess. The issue was and remains the deafening silence produced when Mad Sci is asked to reveal who told him the jet engine remains found on a NY sidewalk on 9/11 was, as Mad Sci claimed, that of a "737, 737, 737" engine. Your response did not answer what is a very straight forward question. :D
Again I ask: What do you consider a credible source?

What I consider to be credible is of no significance, Princess. Just quit deflecting and post a link to your "facts," then we'll all have a good laugh. :D
the 9/11 commission and NIST reports are cover-ups...all evidence is withheld from veiw or destroyed..because the perpetrators controlled the investigation..the NIST report and 9/11 reports are proof of inside complicity in the 9/11 attacks
Nice dodge, Princess. The issue was and remains the deafening silence produced when Mad Sci is asked to reveal who told him the jet engine remains found on a NY sidewalk on 9/11 was, as Mad Sci claimed, that of a "737, 737, 737" engine. Your response did not answer what is a very straight forward question. :D
Again I ask: What do you consider a credible source?

What I consider to be credible is of no significance, Princess. Just quit deflecting and post a link to your "facts," then we'll all have a good laugh. :D
Wrong Princess. YOU said CREDIBLE source in THIS Thread.

I'm gonna' ask you for the final time: What do YOU consider a CREDIBLE source?
Again I ask: What do you consider a credible source?

What I consider to be credible is of no significance, Princess. Just quit deflecting and post a link to your "facts," then we'll all have a good laugh. :D
Wrong Princess. YOU said CREDIBLE source in THIS Thread.

I'm gonna' ask you for the final time: What do YOU consider a CREDIBLE source?

C'mon, Princess, quit deflecting and just throw your source out there for all to see and then I'll answer your question. This board has been waiting for you to fess up for a week now. :D
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