How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

Their Government sends em off to risk their lives just so some Globalist Elites can get richer, and then doesn't trust them enough to allow them to be armed. What a country. Way to treat our honorable soldiers. :(
Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.

Tennessee gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America Fox News

Abdulazeez, 24, a Kuwaiti-born Chattanooga resident who was killed by police to end his rampage, used an AK-47 to gun down the unarmed Marines after crashing into a gate at the Navy Operations Support Center, according to Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. And the troubled gunman, who officials believe had become increasingly radicalized in recent months, wore an ammo vest with multiple rounds of ammunition, while carrying other weapons.

unless you can prove otherwise, an AK47 IS a select fire/full auto weapon.

i sometimes get the impression you are trying to defend that fucking muslime scumbag..., are you ?
Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.

Tennessee gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America Fox News

Abdulazeez, 24, a Kuwaiti-born Chattanooga resident who was killed by police to end his rampage, used an AK-47 to gun down the unarmed Marines after crashing into a gate at the Navy Operations Support Center, according to Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. And the troubled gunman, who officials believe had become increasingly radicalized in recent months, wore an ammo vest with multiple rounds of ammunition, while carrying other weapons.

unless you can prove otherwise, an AK47 IS a select fire/full auto weapon.

i sometimes get the impression you are trying to defend that fucking muslime scumbag..., are you ?

He had an AK47, or a lookalike?

NO, I"m, not defending the dead piece of shit.

I'd like to steal his body from the morgue and pour pigs blood all over it.

I'm merely countering your questionable opinion his weapon was full auto.
...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


And for the record...rifles and shot guns are for when you are actually expecting trouble....just walking around with one is excessive...but these guys.....aren't shooting anyone are they......

You really want to focus on the guys actually walking in and shooting people....if they yell allah ahkbar before hand......then you can be worrried......the cookie monster above...not so much...

You have no problem with these three guys walking into a bank fully protected by the law to do so?

lol, you're in the nut camp.
July 18, 2015
Unarmed American troops: another view
By John Smith

Newsmachete’s blog about the DoD regulation restricting the carrying of firearms while not on the front lines correctly points out the absurdity of the anti-gun culture of the Pentagon. As the author mentions, the key element is trust between the soldier and the military and civilian leadership. In reality, this trust has been on the glide slope down for decades, even impacting on operational readiness. A trip down memory lane, courtesy of the experiences of the professionals I served with and my own observations, illustrates this decline.

The initial stage of the Korean War was an abject lesson in not being ready for fighting either in operational capability or soldier training. Consequently, in the 1950s and ’60s, units in Europe were locked and cocked. Tanks were uploaded with ammo, crew served, and individual weapons were already on board. The only items to be checked out of the arms room were the “sensitive items” of binoculars and head space and timing gauges for the .50 caliber machine guns. Except under strictly authorized circumstances, such a readiness posture today would be impossible.

The situation in Vietnam during the ’60s was similar. On base camps, soldiers had their weapons and ammo under their cots in the hooch. At night they were ready to roll out and defend the base if it got hit. One seasoned veteran related to me that his second tour in 1971 was completely different from his first tour in the ’60s. He returned to the exact same unit only to find out that his weapon had to be – you guessed it – stored in an arms room on the camp. No doubt this was part of the restrictive rules of engagement, which were later adopted in the extreme by the commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the ’70s, the Army in Germany began to download ammo into centralized storage areas and placed weapons into the arms room. A few units that had missions along the border at least had ammo storage areas in their motor pool. These restrictions may have been the result of host nation concerns, but regardless, a U.S. commander had to sign off on these policies. Also, some posts in the U.S. had ranges open after duty hours with firearms available so soldiers could practice their marksmanship before going to their quarters. These eventually were closed, indicating a further erosion of trust and a risk-averse leadership.

So, to sum up: we were more ready in the ’50s than the ’60s, more ready in the ’60s than the ’70s, and so on. The leadership has not only become a low-no-risk profession, but appears to reflect the anti-gun culture of its Beltway political sponsors. To their credit, they at least have allowed all service members and some government civilians to be armed at base camps in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But this brings up an important point. If the powers that be balk at arming at least a few soldiers on stateside posts because of fears of soldier gunfights, they can look to the huge numbers of armed troops at base camps in Iraq, where, as far as I know, no shootings took place. I like to think the words of Robert Heinlein apply in this case: “An armed society is a polite society.”
Blog Unarmed American troops another view
AK47 type is what I've seen reported. And no he could not kill 4 people in one second.

the cycle rate of a full auto AK47 is apprx. 600 RPM ...., do the math

It was a full auto AK47?

You do realize you have to pull the trigger on a semi auto for each shot, right?

has anyone seen the firearm

to me and it just may be a coincidence

but the entry holes in the glass

remind me of burst (3 rounds) fire

An AK-47 doesnt have three round burst capability.
They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?

Your going to have to be a little clearer as to why guns would have been useless.
Do you think a car door is bullet proof?
They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?

You'll have to explain why him being in a car would make it unlikely that an armed person couldnt kill him.
You think car doors are bullet proof?
You obviously dont know the difference between cover and concealment...

This .400 of 4140 commercial heat treat with standard 5.56 ball ammo.
A car door wouldnt even slow down the round.
And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


And for the record...rifles and shot guns are for when you are actually expecting trouble....just walking around with one is excessive...but these guys.....aren't shooting anyone are they......

You really want to focus on the guys actually walking in and shooting people....if they yell allah ahkbar before hand......then you can be worrried......the cookie monster above...not so much...

You have no problem with these three guys walking into a bank fully protected by the law to do so?

lol, you're in the nut camp.

if the bank puts up a no guns sign that is fine with me....but...if they keep the weapons on their slings and don't threaten anyone....what is the problem? the guys who are the problem are the ones using them and pointing them at people threatening to kill people....right? there is a huge difference...right? and of course...if the bank puts up a no guns allowed sign...these guys will leave their guns at home...while the actual criminals will still walk in and threaten to kill people.....right?

Why don't you worry about the actual criminals and focus on stopping them......since they are the problem......
July 18, 2015
Unarmed American troops: another view
By John Smith

Newsmachete’s blog about the DoD regulation restricting the carrying of firearms while not on the front lines correctly points out the absurdity of the anti-gun culture of the Pentagon. As the author mentions, the key element is trust between the soldier and the military and civilian leadership. In reality, this trust has been on the glide slope down for decades, even impacting on operational readiness. A trip down memory lane, courtesy of the experiences of the professionals I served with and my own observations, illustrates this decline.

The initial stage of the Korean War was an abject lesson in not being ready for fighting either in operational capability or soldier training. Consequently, in the 1950s and ’60s, units in Europe were locked and cocked. Tanks were uploaded with ammo, crew served, and individual weapons were already on board. The only items to be checked out of the arms room were the “sensitive items” of binoculars and head space and timing gauges for the .50 caliber machine guns. Except under strictly authorized circumstances, such a readiness posture today would be impossible.

The situation in Vietnam during the ’60s was similar. On base camps, soldiers had their weapons and ammo under their cots in the hooch. At night they were ready to roll out and defend the base if it got hit. One seasoned veteran related to me that his second tour in 1971 was completely different from his first tour in the ’60s. He returned to the exact same unit only to find out that his weapon had to be – you guessed it – stored in an arms room on the camp. No doubt this was part of the restrictive rules of engagement, which were later adopted in the extreme by the commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the ’70s, the Army in Germany began to download ammo into centralized storage areas and placed weapons into the arms room. A few units that had missions along the border at least had ammo storage areas in their motor pool. These restrictions may have been the result of host nation concerns, but regardless, a U.S. commander had to sign off on these policies. Also, some posts in the U.S. had ranges open after duty hours with firearms available so soldiers could practice their marksmanship before going to their quarters. These eventually were closed, indicating a further erosion of trust and a risk-averse leadership.

So, to sum up: we were more ready in the ’50s than the ’60s, more ready in the ’60s than the ’70s, and so on. The leadership has not only become a low-no-risk profession, but appears to reflect the anti-gun culture of its Beltway political sponsors. To their credit, they at least have allowed all service members and some government civilians to be armed at base camps in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But this brings up an important point. If the powers that be balk at arming at least a few soldiers on stateside posts because of fears of soldier gunfights, they can look to the huge numbers of armed troops at base camps in Iraq, where, as far as I know, no shootings took place. I like to think the words of Robert Heinlein apply in this case: “An armed society is a polite society.”
Blog Unarmed American troops another view

To your point....a 17 year old can carry a rifle, pistol and use heavy weapons to fight and die over seas....then, they step on American soil and they can't carry a pistol to defend their families or themselves...
Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.

Tennessee gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America Fox News

Abdulazeez, 24, a Kuwaiti-born Chattanooga resident who was killed by police to end his rampage, used an AK-47 to gun down the unarmed Marines after crashing into a gate at the Navy Operations Support Center, according to Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. And the troubled gunman, who officials believe had become increasingly radicalized in recent months, wore an ammo vest with multiple rounds of ammunition, while carrying other weapons.

unless you can prove otherwise, an AK47 IS a select fire/full auto weapon.

i sometimes get the impression you are trying to defend that fucking muslime scumbag..., are you ?

sorry, the likely weapon used would have been a civilian weapon which would be semi- automatic...and the shot pattern shows this. so, until we find out otherwise it was most likely a civilian model.
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...
...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


Does it scare you to see people walking around with guns slung over their shoulders?

That picture alone made him wet his underoos ....
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.
No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


And for the record...rifles and shot guns are for when you are actually expecting trouble....just walking around with one is excessive...but these guys.....aren't shooting anyone are they......

You really want to focus on the guys actually walking in and shooting people....if they yell allah ahkbar before hand......then you can be worrried......the cookie monster above...not so much...

You have no problem with these three guys walking into a bank fully protected by the law to do so?

lol, you're in the nut camp.

if the bank puts up a no guns sign that is fine with me....but...if they keep the weapons on their slings and don't threaten anyone....what is the problem? the guys who are the problem are the ones using them and pointing them at people threatening to kill people....right? there is a huge difference...right? and of course...if the bank puts up a no guns allowed sign...these guys will leave their guns at home...while the actual criminals will still walk in and threaten to kill people.....right?

Why don't you worry about the actual criminals and focus on stopping them......since they are the problem......

Aha, so you admit that gun free zones DO make sense.
With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

An armed society is a polite society.
And personally I prefer concealed carry.
...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

An armed society is a polite society.
And personally I prefer concealed carry.

You personally prefer to pretend you're a man.
Wait till they start targeting gay pride parades.

We can hope. Maybe we should be petitioning muslim radicals .....
Now now we aren't self hating, self destructive nutjobs like your everyday homonazi. We understand that a group willing to target schoolchildren and their own women makes as good a friend as a rattlesnake.
Of course homonazis also target women and children, so it should come as no surprise they overlook those traits in others.

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