How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?
Hmmm...I'd put my money on four highly trained armed Marine marksmen vs. an asswipe cowardly follower of Muhamhead any day.
Then pay to station them there.
Obama made a lot ofppeomi
No...they were weaker under bush and have achieved their real growth under he has just poured gasoline by giving in to iran......syria was destablized by obama's policies, as was libya, iraq and afghanistan....and now Iran is going to really go to town........

So what?

It's kind of like mold.

Bush doesn't do any cleaning in the White House. Food gets left behind the bed. Then Obama comes in and the mold starts growing worse. Who's to blame? You blame Obama for doing nothing and claiming the Bush had nothing to do with it. But why was the mold there in the first place?

Bush set it all up. Bush then pulled out of Iraq. Obama came in, the US was getting out of Iraq because Bush said so. So they left Iraq. All of a sudden this is Obama's fault, because..... well, because he didn't invade Iraq, he didn't put in a ridiculously naive policy of getting rid of the Iraqi Army and Police Force, he didn't allow the insurgency to build up and up and up, he didn't not tackle to problems that were going to become ISIS.

Obama came in and there was mold all over the place. He had just had his cleaning stuff signed over to someone else. Then he's expected to do something about it. What exactly?

Oh, you all want him to go to another war in Syria to try and clean up the previous war.

When you go to war and it was a big mistake, the last thing you want to do is start another war, with more troops being killed, with money you don't have (because the last war sent you into recession), and all of a sudden the right are jumping on your back saying "you did bad", but then defend Bush for fucking up so badly it hurts. I don't get it. I don't get this partisan blindness. just means Obama is a liar

He claimed to be the answer to all of the before mentioned problems......Instead not only has he made them worse.....but he keeps creating new ones....

Are the recruiters armed in your country, foreigner?
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.
Like I said before, the liberals aren't the ones who disarmed military recruiters. They have never been armed.


So let's say you arm the recruiters. Then the terrorists will just start shooting up malls and restaurants and daycare centers.

Your big hammer solution is worthless.
Not to mention they will claim a conspiracy to kill citizens, just like they do with Jade Helm.
Like I said before, the liberals aren't the ones who disarmed military recruiters. They have never been armed.


So let's say you arm the recruiters. Then the terrorists will just start shooting up malls and restaurants and daycare centers.

Your big hammer solution is worthless.
Not to mention they will claim a conspiracy to kill citizens, just like they do with Jade Helm.
Yep. If armed men started showing up at recruiting centers all over America, the exact same paranoiacs would see another joint Obama-Walmart venture in the making.
The guy is dead, thats like the opposite of impunity. Theres No excuse for being this fucking stupid

The only stupid one is you. The guy shot up two places with IMPUNITY. NOBODY STOPPED HIM FROM SHOOTING, so thus he shot with impunity. Just because cops showed up after the fact and took him out doesn't mean he wasn't able to kill everyone easily. Without impunity would have meant as soon as he starts shooting bullets start flying back at him. That didn't happen. Because of liberal idiots like yourself.

Thats not what impunity means dick face. I even posted the definition. You dont define words retard
Yes it does, dumbass. I can't help that you can't read.

Impunity doesn't mean exempt from punishment forever. If someone says I did this with impunity, it doesn't mean in 20 years they can't be arrested for it. They still DID IT WITH IMPUNITY. That guy shot at those people with impunity. He was not shot at while shooting. He was only shot long after. Unless he was taking fire while doing it, he did it with impunity.

God, lets start comparing up our college degrees. You go first. I love when people call me a dumbass, then when asked for credentials, they go silent.
Yes it does, dumbass. I can't help that you can't read.

Impunity doesn't mean exempt from punishment forever. If someone says I did this with impunity, it doesn't mean in 20 years they can't be arrested for it. They still DID IT WITH IMPUNITY. That guy shot at those people with impunity. He was not shot at while shooting. He was only shot long after. Unless he was taking fire while doing it, he did it with impunity.

God, lets start comparing up our college degrees. You go first. I love when people call me a dumbass, then when asked for credentials, they go silent.
You are incorrect. Thank the nice policeman for making it so no one else was killed after the first four.
Guns are prohibited in all federal facilities, except for authorized armed guards.
Yep, in other words you're a sitting duck for any muslim or liberal with a gun and an ax to grind.

Yep, especially recruiting offices that are only staffed by 2-3 people and are normally in isolated locations like strip centers with no security.
Seems the guy made several trips to the middle east.

Chattanooga shooting 4 Marine killed in Tennessee -

Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez was carrying 30-round magazines when he opened fire, according to a source briefed by law enforcement. Abdulazeez kept police at bay for some time with the amount of ammunition he had, according to the source.

The shooting suspect was armed with an AK-47 style weapon‎ at the time of the attack according to two law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation.

Sounds like an American who decided to join Jihad. Glad he's dead its just to bad he took those four marines with him.
Nothing screams 'American Christians are dangerous' like a Yemeni Muslim immigrant who floated back and forth between Jordan and the US before targeting unarmed military stations. Yup Americans are bad news.
Can you imagine if everyone walking around had guns? Now factor in emotionally unstable, aggressive people - like the two guys I watched come to blows in the supermarket parking lot last week (because one of them accidentally backed-up and dented the other's car). If they had guns, they could have shot each other. If you increased gun ownership and relaxed carrying laws, you'd see these kinds of shootings every day.

Compared to other advanced industrial nations which all have much tighter gun laws, we have the highest percentage of gun violence in the world. And now [wait for it] you want to make gun laws even looser?

Sounds smart.

(And yes, I agree that an increase in gun carriers would lower the body count in some instances, but this doesn't take into account the general increase in gun violence that would happen in a statistical increase of gun owners, which by definition would include an increase in every psychological category, including violent crazy people or anyone who lacks sufficient control over their emotions)
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Can you imagine if everyone walking around had guns? Now factor in emotionally unstable, aggressive people - like the two guys I watched come to blows in the supermarket parking lot last week (because one of them accidentally backed-up and dented the other's car). If they had guns, they could have shot each other. If you increased gun ownership and relaxed carrying laws, you'd see these kinds of shootings every day.

Compared to other advanced industrial nations which all have much tighter gun laws, we have the highest percentage of gun violence in the world. And now [wait for it] you want to make gun laws even looser?

Sounds smart.
You think only criminals should be armed. We believe our military personnel should. Now sit down and stfu.
Ps....crime rates in areas with the strictest gun laws In the states are the highest. That includes violent crimes committed by armed criminals. They target places where ppl are known to be unarmed.
If every time a mass shooter opened fire on a crowd of people, several of them blew him away with their own guns, the shooters would start thinking twice before they opened fire and these incidents would become far less common.
You think only criminals should be armed.

God no.

I think that relaxing gun laws even further, and making it easier for people to carry, you will create an environment where more criminals and more violent psychopaths will thrive, erasing the advantage of being able to shoot them.

Having said that, I grew up in a family that hunts, and have zero problem with responsible gun ownership. I just don't buy the logic that by putting more guns out there the result will necessarily be fewer gun massacres.
If every time a mass shooter opened fire on a crowd of people, several of them blew him away with their own guns, the shooters would start thinking twice before they opened fire and these incidents would become far less common.
The sad thing is this very thing happens more often than not..and our admin propagandist "journalists" won't report it. So idiots like Londoner aren't aware of it, since they only tune into propaganda and anti-American bs.

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