How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

Obama made a lot ofppeomi
No...they were weaker under bush and have achieved their real growth under he has just poured gasoline by giving in to iran......syria was destablized by obama's policies, as was libya, iraq and afghanistan....and now Iran is going to really go to town........

So what?

It's kind of like mold.

Bush doesn't do any cleaning in the White House. Food gets left behind the bed. Then Obama comes in and the mold starts growing worse. Who's to blame? You blame Obama for doing nothing and claiming the Bush had nothing to do with it. But why was the mold there in the first place?

Bush set it all up. Bush then pulled out of Iraq. Obama came in, the US was getting out of Iraq because Bush said so. So they left Iraq. All of a sudden this is Obama's fault, because..... well, because he didn't invade Iraq, he didn't put in a ridiculously naive policy of getting rid of the Iraqi Army and Police Force, he didn't allow the insurgency to build up and up and up, he didn't not tackle to problems that were going to become ISIS.

Obama came in and there was mold all over the place. He had just had his cleaning stuff signed over to someone else. Then he's expected to do something about it. What exactly?

Oh, you all want him to go to another war in Syria to try and clean up the previous war.

When you go to war and it was a big mistake, the last thing you want to do is start another war, with more troops being killed, with money you don't have (because the last war sent you into recession), and all of a sudden the right are jumping on your back saying "you did bad", but then defend Bush for fucking up so badly it hurts. I don't get it. I don't get this partisan blindness. just means Obama is a liar

He claimed to be the answer to all of the before mentioned problems......Instead not only has he made them worse.....but he keeps creating new ones....
They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?
I think the OP doesnt know what the word Impunity means. The guy is dead
Not at the hands of one of his victims numbnuts.

Yeah, looks like someone else doesnt know the meaning of impunity.


The guy is dead, thats like the opposite of impunity. Theres No excuse for being this fucking stupid
They are called our "armed forces". But under obozo they are not allowed to be "armed".

This makes absolutely no sense.
They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?

It was a "gun free zone" idiot. Yeah, he might have still killed some of them, but its very likely that he would not have made it to his second target.
How bout that 'Gun-Free Zone?' Very sad times when the powers-that-be don't trust their own soldiers enough to allow them to be armed. What does that say? Probably time to contemplate the reasons.
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Military recruiters have never been armed, dumbasses. Their weapons weren't taken away by Obama or anyone else.

You utterly fail at demagoguery while standing on the corpses of these men.

The guy is dead, thats like the opposite of impunity. Theres No excuse for being this fucking stupid

The only stupid one is you. The guy shot up two places with IMPUNITY. NOBODY STOPPED HIM FROM SHOOTING, so thus he shot with impunity. Just because cops showed up after the fact and took him out doesn't mean he wasn't able to kill everyone easily. Without impunity would have meant as soon as he starts shooting bullets start flying back at him. That didn't happen. Because of liberal idiots like yourself.
The guy is dead, thats like the opposite of impunity. Theres No excuse for being this fucking stupid

The only stupid one is you. The guy shot up two places with IMPUNITY. NOBODY STOPPED HIM FROM SHOOTING, so thus he shot with impunity. Just because cops showed up after the fact and took him out doesn't mean he wasn't able to kill everyone easily. Without impunity would have meant as soon as he starts shooting bullets start flying back at him. That didn't happen. Because of liberal idiots like yourself.
See my previous post, dipshit.
And it's stupid, asshole. You know that there are people out there that attack our military and you leave these stations unarmed? WTF idiot would do that?
A number of these militant Islamic jihadis have picked places where their victims were forbidden to carry guns.

Plainly the jihadis don't care about getting killed themselves, many of them ARE killed when police finally show up. This doesn't stop the next one, or the next.

But they DO care about racking up the biggest body count they can, before they are taken out. And for that reason, they pick places where no one can shoot back, so they can kill the most possible before anyone with a gun can show up.

Somebody courteously left a sign in the door here, shown in the OP, saying, "Dear Mr. Islamic Jihadi: We have made sure that the people in this office will not be able to stop you, and it will probably take the cops a while to get here and do it. So if you want to murder a bunch of American servicemen without being disturbed until AFTER you have done your work, this is probably the best place. Have a nice day."

Do you suppose it might be a good idea for us to change our policies?
Like I said before, the liberals aren't the ones who disarmed military recruiters. They have never been armed.


So let's say you arm the recruiters. Then the terrorists will just start shooting up malls and restaurants and daycare centers.

Your big hammer solution is worthless.
They are called our "armed forces". But under obozo they are not allowed to be "armed".

This makes absolutely no sense.
Ruling was made by the DOD under GHWBush. That applies to military bases. Doesn't appear to apply to recruitment or training facilities.

Sorry to disappoint you.
They could have all been armed to the teeth but he shot them from his car through the windows. Weapons would have been virtually useless. And how does anyone know if any of them were armed or not?

It was a "gun free zone" idiot. Yeah, he might have still killed some of them, but its very likely that he would not have made it to his second target.
It wasn't a gun free zone. Quit spreading that lie. Just because YOU aren't allowed to bring your weapons there doesn't mean the employees, etc., aren't allowed to have weapons. It's fucking assholes like you that get people killed.

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