How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

Yes. The sign absolutely worked. That sign is there to make sure that not one law abiding citizen would carry a gun into that worked like a fucking charm.
Obama's Muslim heritage sure is working wonders for us, isn't it?

his "heritage" actually makes him a muslime, does anyone here know the "penalty" for denouncing their muslime faith ?

i do, that is one reason O'Husseinbama has a much larger security team than any other prez. :up:
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

He could easily have killed four armed me before being killed himself. How was he stopped? Perhaps by people with guns.

He chose an easy target, a lack of guns would have made no difference. How many bullets did he get off? With a decent gun it would have taken him 1 second to get off that many rounds and kill four people.

Yes....and it is much easier to kill 4 marines when they are unarmed......

And remember that little incident with the draw mohamed cartoon.....2 muslim killers, 2 rifles, with the element of surprise, and one armed man, with a pistol got 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills....

So you know what.....I would rather be armed facing a muslim terrorist with a rifle than about you?
I can't get enough of this says everything you need to know about how stupid the anti gun extremists are...

So why bring up the fire rate of an full auto?

do you really think that muslime son-of-a-bitch used a semi-auto ??
do you know how easy it is to make an AK go full auto ?

do you realize i have an extensive 60+ years of firearms knowledge tucked away in my other vast knowledge of military and civilian firearm tactics ?? :lmao:
So why bring up the fire rate of an full auto?

do you really think that muslime son-of-a-bitch used a semi-auto ??
do you know how easy it is to make an AK go full auto ?

do you realize i have an extensive 60+ years of firearms knowledge tucked away in my other vast knowledge of military and civilian firearm tactics ?? :lmao:

Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.
AK47 type is what I've seen reported. And no he could not kill 4 people in one second.

the cycle rate of a full auto AK47 is apprx. 600 RPM ...., do the math

It was a full auto AK47?

You do realize you have to pull the trigger on a semi auto for each shot, right?

has anyone seen the firearm

to me and it just may be a coincidence

but the entry holes in the glass

remind me of burst (3 rounds) fire
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001. Obama has made discussing Islamic Terrorism off limits to military personal and crossed it off of the FBI's training. It has been totally erased for all manuals. He essentially said during the debates before he was elected, that he would provide good "First Responders", not secure the border or prevent attacks. All he would do is make sure that government personnel would be there to sweep up the eyeballs.

Barack Obama telegraphed what would happen if he was elected president. These types of attacks would become commonplace. It was an absolute certainty.
I was wondering how long it would take for some fucking idiot to blame it on the President, LOL. Actually, I am shocked it took this long for one of you loons. Page two? You nutters are slacking.

Obama hasn't even changed our security posture on post this morning. That's how concerned he is. No difference at all. Usually it takes forever to get thru the gates after an attack. This morning? PHffffffft!!! 30 seconds.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001. Obama has made discussing Islamic Terrorism off limits to military personal and crossed it off of the FBI's training. It has been totally erased for all manuals. He essentially said during the debates before he was elected, that he would provide good "First Responders", not secure the border or prevent attacks. All he would do is make sure that government personnel would be there to sweep up the eyeballs.

Barack Obama telegraphed what would happen if he was elected president. These types of attacks would become commonplace. It was an absolute certainty.
I was wondering how long it would take for some fucking idiot to blame it on the President, LOL. Actually, I am shocked it took this long for one of you loons. Page two? You nutters are slacking.

Obama hasn't even changed our security posture on post this morning. That's how concerned he is. No difference at all. Usually it takes forever to get thru the gates after an attack. This morning? PHffffffft!!! 30 seconds.

that is weird
Who knows why the killer chose the venue? But, consider that 'good guys with guns' don't prevent tragic shootings by lunatics with guns.

If you believe, honestly believe that the presence of a gun would have deterred the shooter, think about March 31, 1981 on the streets of Washington D.C. in broad day light. Four men are wounded, two of them were armed, one of them was rendered paraplegic for the rest of his life and the fourth was rushed to a D.C. hospital with a chest wound. And he was the President of the United States. All the wounded were surrounded by the best trained, best armed cadre of security personnel in history.

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing they cannot do? Well, as it turns out, they cannot prevent shootings.
it says everything you need to know about how stupid the anti gun extremists are...

:iagree: first thing that caught my eye is the anti-gun sign, next is the "pattern" of the bullet holes, semi-auto fire ? hardly, full-auto is my thoughts.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001. Obama has made discussing Islamic Terrorism off limits to military personal and crossed it off of the FBI's training. It has been totally erased for all manuals. He essentially said during the debates before he was elected, that he would provide good "First Responders", not secure the border or prevent attacks. All he would do is make sure that government personnel would be there to sweep up the eyeballs.

Barack Obama telegraphed what would happen if he was elected president. These types of attacks would become commonplace. It was an absolute certainty.
I was wondering how long it would take for some fucking idiot to blame it on the President, LOL. Actually, I am shocked it took this long for one of you loons. Page two? You nutters are slacking.

Obama hasn't even changed our security posture on post this morning. That's how concerned he is. No difference at all. Usually it takes forever to get thru the gates after an attack. This morning? PHffffffft!!! 30 seconds.

that is weird

He doesn't want to offend any Muslims by raising security. He did the same shit in Afghanistan....telling soldiers to turn their desks toward the door so they could maybe duck once the shooting started.
So why bring up the fire rate of an full auto?

do you really think that muslime son-of-a-bitch used a semi-auto ??
do you know how easy it is to make an AK go full auto ?

do you realize i have an extensive 60+ years of firearms knowledge tucked away in my other vast knowledge of military and civilian firearm tactics ?? :lmao:

Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.

until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a FULL auto. look at the bullet hole placement, does that really look like aimed semi-auto fire ?

get real my friend, or do you really think he obeyed our firearms laws ?
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001. Obama has made discussing Islamic Terrorism off limits to military personal and crossed it off of the FBI's training. It has been totally erased for all manuals. He essentially said during the debates before he was elected, that he would provide good "First Responders", not secure the border or prevent attacks. All he would do is make sure that government personnel would be there to sweep up the eyeballs.

Barack Obama telegraphed what would happen if he was elected president. These types of attacks would become commonplace. It was an absolute certainty.
I was wondering how long it would take for some fucking idiot to blame it on the President, LOL. Actually, I am shocked it took this long for one of you loons. Page two? You nutters are slacking.

Obama hasn't even changed our security posture on post this morning. That's how concerned he is. No difference at all. Usually it takes forever to get thru the gates after an attack. This morning? PHffffffft!!! 30 seconds.

that is weird

He doesn't want to offend any Muslims by raising security. He did the same shit in Afghanistan....telling soldiers to turn their desks toward the door so they could maybe duck once the shooting started.

so many good American service folks has left the military by the droves

more so with the prezbos planned reduction

there is good and bad with that

leaves the country more vulnerable

while on the other hand

there are many who are now highly trained civilians

should the government run a muck

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