How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

So why bring up the fire rate of an full auto?

do you really think that muslime son-of-a-bitch used a semi-auto ??
do you know how easy it is to make an AK go full auto ?

do you realize i have an extensive 60+ years of firearms knowledge tucked away in my other vast knowledge of military and civilian firearm tactics ?? :lmao:

Until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a semi auto.

there has been nothing, so far, to show otherwise.

until it is shown otherwise, yes, I believe he was using a FULL auto. look at the bullet hole placement, does that really look like aimed semi-auto fire ?

get real my friend, or do you really think he obeyed our firearms laws ?

I can get similar placement with several of my rifles, and none of them are full auto.
it says everything you need to know about how stupid the anti gun extremists are...

:iagree: first thing that caught my eye is the anti-gun sign, next is the "pattern" of the bullet holes, semi-auto fire ? hardly, full-auto is my thoughts.

Not necessarily.....if he was pulling the trigger as fast as he could....very easy to get that kind of pattern....remember, he probably never tried to murder people before.....
I can get similar placement with several of my rifles, and none of them are full auto.

yes, i'll bet you can.., but you will have to TRY, that is the difference. :lmao:

I would?

What makes you think that?

Put 2-3 targets on an 4x8 sheet of plywood, like a group of men standing behind a door, and try to hit all of them.

You could end up with a similar pattern.

Actually, you probably would.

Til they report the gun had been modified to be full auto, you only have an opinion.

Based on a hope.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

That is just stupid.....their success at knocking down the world trade center made them bigger...and they were on the decline as Bush hunted them down...the muslims have become stronger under obama, not Bush.
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

The man is dead. I don't think that fits the definition of impunity.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

And do you think giving iran billions of dollars, allowing them to get more money by allowing them to sell their oil, and lifting the embargo on ballistic missles and small arms makes us safer?
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

That is just stupid.....their success at knocking down the world trade center made them bigger...and they were on the decline as Bush hunted them down...the muslims have become stronger under obama, not Bush.

lol, it never ends.
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

What makes you think he cared?
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.
It was shot semi auto. On full auto the gun will go up due to recoil. There is no vertical pattern in the bullet holes.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

Uh....Obama implied that electing him would change all of that. Instead it has become worse than at any time under Bush. Now ISIS has average well-adjusted Muslims living in America trying to kill cops and members of the military just for no reason other than it's the right thing to do.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

That is just stupid.....their success at knocking down the world trade center made them bigger...and they were on the decline as Bush hunted them down...the muslims have become stronger under obama, not Bush.

Stupid, hell yeah it was just stupid to go to war in Iraq.

Sure, 9/11 helped them to grow. They grew a bit. In Afghanistan they were able to attract some new people to go fight for them. However it was Iraq that really blew everything wide open.

The guy who essentially started ISIS was a thug who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviets, but turned up too late. Then he went back to fight the Americans, got injured and left. Then Iraq was where he came to the fore. Afghanistan had the Taliban and the Taliban controlled everything.

2,259 US soldiers died in Afghanistan from 2001 up until last month.
4,491 US soldiers died in Iraq from 2003 until whenever the last death was, probably 2013.

For contractors, by 2007 917 had been killed in Iraq and 73 in Afghanistan.

So the numbers for soldiers is double that of Afghanistan in a shorter period of time. Why? Because Iraq was a better battlefield for the insurgents, more people went to fight there, the borders helped a lot.

Afghanistan was seen, more or less, as being something necessary. It attracted extremists who were already extreme or already violent. Iraq changed this. In Britain and Spain bombers from these countries became extreme because of the invasion of Iraq. Not because of 9/11, not because of other stuff, but because Bush went to war in an illegal war.

You might not agree with this. You don't have to. But it's true.

Muslims were becoming stronger under Bush.

ISIS is attempting to take over Iraq and Syria. They tried to do it before, Bush had a surge which knocked them back a bit. That doesn't mean people weren't prepared to die. ISIS is something else. Is it Obama's fault? No, again, it exists because of what happened before.

I'm fed of people saying that anything that happened under Obama's terms in office must be Obama's fault, as if the moment Bush stepped out of the White House suddenly Obama was to blame for Bush's policies. As if anything that started as a process under Bush's terms in office but grew and grew and continued to grow under Obama's terms is somehow only Obama's fault.

Iraq was, a the right like to say, the slippery slope towards Islamic extremism.
Syria was destabilised by the Iraq war and the post war fuck up by Bremer and Bush. The whole Arab Spring which at one point the US was celebrating, was partly due to the Iraq war, and partly due to other factors but when it reached Syria it was mainly because of an destabilised Iraq next door. Syria and Iraq have a very close common history, politicians go back and forward between the two.

So, to say it's all Obama is simply to be talking a load of crap.
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

That is just stupid.....their success at knocking down the world trade center made them bigger...and they were on the decline as Bush hunted them down...the muslims have become stronger under obama, not Bush.

Stupid, hell yeah it was just stupid to go to war in Iraq.

Sure, 9/11 helped them to grow. They grew a bit. In Afghanistan they were able to attract some new people to go fight for them. However it was Iraq that really blew everything wide open.

The guy who essentially started ISIS was a thug who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviets, but turned up too late. Then he went back to fight the Americans, got injured and left. Then Iraq was where he came to the fore. Afghanistan had the Taliban and the Taliban controlled everything.

2,259 US soldiers died in Afghanistan from 2001 up until last month.
4,491 US soldiers died in Iraq from 2003 until whenever the last death was, probably 2013.

For contractors, by 2007 917 had been killed in Iraq and 73 in Afghanistan.

So the numbers for soldiers is double that of Afghanistan in a shorter period of time. Why? Because Iraq was a better battlefield for the insurgents, more people went to fight there, the borders helped a lot.

Afghanistan was seen, more or less, as being something necessary. It attracted extremists who were already extreme or already violent. Iraq changed this. In Britain and Spain bombers from these countries became extreme because of the invasion of Iraq. Not because of 9/11, not because of other stuff, but because Bush went to war in an illegal war.

You might not agree with this. You don't have to. But it's true.

Muslims were becoming stronger under Bush.

ISIS is attempting to take over Iraq and Syria. They tried to do it before, Bush had a surge which knocked them back a bit. That doesn't mean people weren't prepared to die. ISIS is something else. Is it Obama's fault? No, again, it exists because of what happened before.

I'm fed of people saying that anything that happened under Obama's terms in office must be Obama's fault, as if the moment Bush stepped out of the White House suddenly Obama was to blame for Bush's policies. As if anything that started as a process under Bush's terms in office but grew and grew and continued to grow under Obama's terms is somehow only Obama's fault.

Iraq was, a the right like to say, the slippery slope towards Islamic extremism.
Syria was destabilised by the Iraq war and the post war fuck up by Bremer and Bush. The whole Arab Spring which at one point the US was celebrating, was partly due to the Iraq war, and partly due to other factors but when it reached Syria it was mainly because of an destabilised Iraq next door. Syria and Iraq have a very close common history, politicians go back and forward between the two.

So, to say it's all Obama is simply to be talking a load of crap.

No...they were weaker under bush and have achieved their real growth under he has just poured gasoline by giving in to iran......syria was destablized by obama's policies, as was libya, iraq and afghanistan....and now Iran is going to really go to town........
Obama has relaxed America's terrorism posture to worse than it was before 911. Now, because of Political-Correctness, we are more unsafe than we were on 9/11/2001.

We're more unsafe because Bush went to war in Iraq. We're unsafe because Bush made al Qaeda bigger and bigger and bigger while in office. He was recruitment officer number one for Islamic extremism.

Uh....Obama implied that electing him would change all of that. Instead it has become worse than at any time under Bush. Now ISIS has average well-adjusted Muslims living in America trying to kill cops and members of the military just for no reason other than it's the right thing to do.

He said change, he didn't say what he'd change. You took the implication because you wanted to. I mean, it was so easy for Obama when so many people are gullible. "Change, change" and everyone nods their head. An Austrian, all excited, asked me what this would mean for the US. I said, "not much, things won't change", she didn't understand.

Things have become worse, but that doesn't mean it's Obama's fault. Bush went into Iraq and he signed the papers getting out of Iraq. So what is Obama supposed to do about this?

"Hey, Iraq, er... my idiot predecessor invaded your country and put you in as puppets, and then signed a paper to pull out, but you know what, I'm thinking, fuck you, we're staying because, well, because our people want more US Soldiers to die in your country"

No one wanted the US to stay. Not Iraq and not the US. So why would Obama have stayed?
No...they were weaker under bush and have achieved their real growth under he has just poured gasoline by giving in to iran......syria was destablized by obama's policies, as was libya, iraq and afghanistan....and now Iran is going to really go to town........

So what?

It's kind of like mold.

Bush doesn't do any cleaning in the White House. Food gets left behind the bed. Then Obama comes in and the mold starts growing worse. Who's to blame? You blame Obama for doing nothing and claiming the Bush had nothing to do with it. But why was the mold there in the first place?

Bush set it all up. Bush then pulled out of Iraq. Obama came in, the US was getting out of Iraq because Bush said so. So they left Iraq. All of a sudden this is Obama's fault, because..... well, because he didn't invade Iraq, he didn't put in a ridiculously naive policy of getting rid of the Iraqi Army and Police Force, he didn't allow the insurgency to build up and up and up, he didn't not tackle to problems that were going to become ISIS.

Obama came in and there was mold all over the place. He had just had his cleaning stuff signed over to someone else. Then he's expected to do something about it. What exactly?

Oh, you all want him to go to another war in Syria to try and clean up the previous war.

When you go to war and it was a big mistake, the last thing you want to do is start another war, with more troops being killed, with money you don't have (because the last war sent you into recession), and all of a sudden the right are jumping on your back saying "you did bad", but then defend Bush for fucking up so badly it hurts. I don't get it. I don't get this partisan blindness.
This points out the need for MUCH LARGER signs informing everyone they're about to enter a gun-free zone. Yep, a new gun control law should be enacted calling for signs at least four times bigger than the one this gunman obviously missed.

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