How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity?

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

An armed society is a polite society.
And personally I prefer concealed carry.

You personally prefer to pretend you're a man.

oh golly gee i'm cut by your rapier wit and your masterful insult abilities
Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


And for the record...rifles and shot guns are for when you are actually expecting trouble....just walking around with one is excessive...but these guys.....aren't shooting anyone are they......

You really want to focus on the guys actually walking in and shooting people....if they yell allah ahkbar before hand......then you can be worrried......the cookie monster above...not so much...

You have no problem with these three guys walking into a bank fully protected by the law to do so?

lol, you're in the nut camp.

if the bank puts up a no guns sign that is fine with me....but...if they keep the weapons on their slings and don't threaten anyone....what is the problem? the guys who are the problem are the ones using them and pointing them at people threatening to kill people....right? there is a huge difference...right? and of course...if the bank puts up a no guns allowed sign...these guys will leave their guns at home...while the actual criminals will still walk in and threaten to kill people.....right?

Why don't you worry about the actual criminals and focus on stopping them......since they are the problem......

Aha, so you admit that gun free zones DO make sense.

No, they don't make sense.....and only someone like you would interpret what I posted like that. Since a gun free sticker in the window would not stop criminals from entering the bank with whatever gun they wanted, how do you figure gun free zones make sense. Even these guys you posted, with slung rifles, pose no threat in that bank. I believe in private property rights, including bakers and pizza makers.....if a bank doesn't want guns they can put in a sticker, and they will insure that law abiding gun owners will not carry guns into the bank.....criminals will still carry guns into the bank so putting a sign up is fucking stupid. But it is still their property and if they want to be stupid, that is their business...

and please...keep posting that is good that criminals and terrorists think that Americans are armed in our will restrict their target selection to places you hang out.....
With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?
Really? Are you that dumb? He could have just walked in that day...he chose not to you moron........and fired from the street.....what exactly kept him from open carrying into that storefront that day.....the stupid fucking sign?

The only people who couldn't open carry were the peaceful, law abiding citizens who were not going to shoot up the place....... you guys think before you post......

You want open carry, really? You want to be at your bank and see these three guys come walking in?


And for the record...rifles and shot guns are for when you are actually expecting trouble....just walking around with one is excessive...but these guys.....aren't shooting anyone are they......

You really want to focus on the guys actually walking in and shooting people....if they yell allah ahkbar before hand......then you can be worrried......the cookie monster above...not so much...

You have no problem with these three guys walking into a bank fully protected by the law to do so?

lol, you're in the nut camp.

if the bank puts up a no guns sign that is fine with me....but...if they keep the weapons on their slings and don't threaten anyone....what is the problem? the guys who are the problem are the ones using them and pointing them at people threatening to kill people....right? there is a huge difference...right? and of course...if the bank puts up a no guns allowed sign...these guys will leave their guns at home...while the actual criminals will still walk in and threaten to kill people.....right?

Why don't you worry about the actual criminals and focus on stopping them......since they are the problem......

Aha, so you admit that gun free zones DO make sense.

And do you realize you anti gun extremists used to only want open carry......then you changed your minds because when people see people simply carrying guns, they have less fear of them....and become more accepting of guns....and you anti gun extremists don't want that, so you began concealed carry only.....
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

It took a while before it was even reported that the shooter was a Muslim and had tweeted that it was time to submit to Allah before the killings.

Yes, these whackos clearly prefer gun-free zones. Yet, the idiots keep putting up those signs to make sure law abiding people aren't armed when they enter. Only a complete moron would feel safer knowing that only people who respect the law will leave their guns behind. I honestly cannot understand why these signs are still posted since they merely serve as a heads up to murderers? Only a brain dead liberal would think they are a good idea.

The left immediately starts calling for gun control when there is a shooting, but they aren't real interested in preventing it. The gun-free zones are an invitation, not a deterrence and they should know that. Of course, if a would-be mass murderer was shot by a would-be victim, it would hardly support their calls for more gun control.

And it's even crazier that the left thinks gun control will stop radical Muslims like this puke.

You realize way more people are killed in accidental shootings than these types of mass shootings right?

Gainesville Police investigate accidental shooting at recruitmen - Atlanta News Weather Traffic and Sports FOX 5

So. In 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths in a country of over 320 million people, with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 12.8 million people actually carrying guns for self defense. that is pretty good control and respect for the responsibility of owning a gun.

And way more people die in accidental shootings than mass shootings. Your answer to the problem kills more than the problem.
With open carry, this guy could have walked in carrying a weapon in each hand and the LAW YOU WANT would prevent the occupants from legally taking any action before he started firing.

...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

The only people that obey gun free zones aren't going on shooting sprees anyway.
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

It took a while before it was even reported that the shooter was a Muslim and had tweeted that it was time to submit to Allah before the killings.

Yes, these whackos clearly prefer gun-free zones. Yet, the idiots keep putting up those signs to make sure law abiding people aren't armed when they enter. Only a complete moron would feel safer knowing that only people who respect the law will leave their guns behind. I honestly cannot understand why these signs are still posted since they merely serve as a heads up to murderers? Only a brain dead liberal would think they are a good idea.

The left immediately starts calling for gun control when there is a shooting, but they aren't real interested in preventing it. The gun-free zones are an invitation, not a deterrence and they should know that. Of course, if a would-be mass murderer was shot by a would-be victim, it would hardly support their calls for more gun control.

And it's even crazier that the left thinks gun control will stop radical Muslims like this puke.

You realize way more people are killed in accidental shootings than these types of mass shootings right?

Gainesville Police investigate accidental shooting at recruitmen - Atlanta News Weather Traffic and Sports FOX 5

So. In 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths in a country of over 320 million people, with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 12.8 million people actually carrying guns for self defense. that is pretty good control and respect for the responsibility of owning a gun.

And way more people die in accidental shootings than mass shootings. Your answer to the problem kills more than the problem.
And more unarmed people are killed by murderers with guns in no gun zones than both combined.
...and, as you see, none of the gun rights extremists have any problem with that scenario.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.

And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......
The gunman could have picked any office, anywhere.

But apparently he wanted one where, even though it was staffed by U.S. Marines, he could just sit there and fire away without worrying about being stopped before he could rack up a large body count.

And he knew this office would suit his purposes.

How did he know?

Look at the sign on the door (now peppered with bullet holes):


Yep... a sign saying "Guns are forbidden here", or its equivalent.

The gunmen knew all law-abiding people inside would be disarmed and unable to shoot back, even though they were Marines.

Good job, whoever put up the sign. Did it accomplish what you wanted?

It took a while before it was even reported that the shooter was a Muslim and had tweeted that it was time to submit to Allah before the killings.

Yes, these whackos clearly prefer gun-free zones. Yet, the idiots keep putting up those signs to make sure law abiding people aren't armed when they enter. Only a complete moron would feel safer knowing that only people who respect the law will leave their guns behind. I honestly cannot understand why these signs are still posted since they merely serve as a heads up to murderers? Only a brain dead liberal would think they are a good idea.

The left immediately starts calling for gun control when there is a shooting, but they aren't real interested in preventing it. The gun-free zones are an invitation, not a deterrence and they should know that. Of course, if a would-be mass murderer was shot by a would-be victim, it would hardly support their calls for more gun control.

And it's even crazier that the left thinks gun control will stop radical Muslims like this puke.

You realize way more people are killed in accidental shootings than these types of mass shootings right?

Gainesville Police investigate accidental shooting at recruitmen - Atlanta News Weather Traffic and Sports FOX 5

So. In 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths in a country of over 320 million people, with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 12.8 million people actually carrying guns for self defense. that is pretty good control and respect for the responsibility of owning a gun.

And way more people die in accidental shootings than mass shootings. Your answer to the problem kills more than the problem. didn't think before you posted......there are more situations than mass shooters that require self defense with a you are wrong....on average 2 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attacks and save lives......way more than accidental deaths and gun murders, which include all murder with guns, not just mass shootings...... didn't think before you posted......there are more situations than mass shooters that require self defense with a you are wrong....on average 2 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attacks and save lives......way more than accidental deaths and gun murders, which include all murder with guns, not just mass shootings......

That is because liberals think all gun owners are dangerous. Braindead libs think they can talk all the bad guys into surrendering their weapons if they talk to them long enough. Psychopaths and sociopaths don't respond to any rational discussion, but you can't get that through libs' heads. They don't see good guys with guns, unless of course they are bodyguards for important liberals.

Liberal sheep don't see good and bad people. They group people according to different issues and assume all in the group are the same. Hispanics are all the same, both the legal immigrants and the criminals. Blacks are all the same, both the good and criminals. Southerners are all bad. Republicans are all bad. Gays are all the same, regardless of what kind of person they are. Wealthy people (except all liberals) are greedy and mean.

Gun owners, in their eyes, are all evil members of the NRA who want people out there killing each other.

Too many liberals are simple minded and the sad part is that they don't think on their own. Every response is a talking point that has been uttered countless times and you won't get anything beyond that.
No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......

Goddam you're stupid.
No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......

You don't want security. You said above you want government buildings to be forced to allow open carry. That's insane.
What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......

Goddam you're stupid.

Is this opposite day?
Why the fuck didnt anyone tell me!?!?!?
What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......

Goddam you're stupid.

Well, allow me to translate: Wow...2aguy just showed how stupid my point was and I have no come back....a metal detector won't stop someone who just walks through it shooting...what a fucking idiot I am for not thinking of that.......
What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


Yeah genius....and what would the metal detector do to stop that guy when he just walked through it shooting? as the detector is sounding the alarm he would already be shooting.........perhaps the guard with the gun would be more effective....? you think before you post?

We are the ones who want armed security...and armed citizens........both would help deter bad guys......

You don't want security. You said above you want government buildings to be forced to allow open carry. That's insane.

who said we don't want security....allowing law abiding, peaceful, tax paying, citizens to carry personal weapons for self defense to get their drivers license, to get a library book or visit the town hall.......does not exclude having armed fact it enhances it. since the law abiding gun owners aren't going to shoot anyone there is no reason to prevent them from carrying a gun in those places is there? It is the killers who will go to those locations anyway because they don't care about your gun free zones that will shoot people in those places...... yourself a favor...think before you post....
And you know just how stupid what you just posted that office, not one law abiding, peaceful, decent person could walk into that place with a gun of any kind....while nothing at all stopped this guy from doing the same.....the gun free zone sticker kept law abiding people out....and did absolutely nothing to stop him from shooting the place up....

Boy, you are just stupid.

No, you're the idiot because if you had your way that office would NOT be a gun free zone and the perpetrator would have been able to open carry into the office.

What a retarded viewpoint ...

It's the NRA/gun nut viewpoint. You want open carry legal and you want gunfree zones eliminated.

Pretty much....but only in public buildings....private property owners should still be able to decide for themselves. Again, what exactly is the problem with open carry......if the open carrier isn't shooting people.....and again, the people who are going to actually shoot people are not stopped by the law that says you can't open carry...right? Did you think through your post or do you just start typing?

At a county building near me, with the DMV, county clerk, etc., you have to pass through a metal detector overseen by a sheriff's department employee.

Why? Because years ago some guy disgruntled over child support walked in with a gun and shot three people dead.

You go tell them they're full of shit to have that security and that they would be better off if people with guns had unfettered access in and out of the building.


It just occurred to obviously never saw the Matrix...right.....? The scene with the metal detectors.......

Now imagine if they simply started shooting as they walked through the metal detectors...kind of blows your point all to shit doesn't it.....?
AK47 type is what I've seen reported. And no he could not kill 4 people in one second.

the cycle rate of a full auto AK47 is apprx. 600 RPM ...., do the math

It was a full auto AK47?

You do realize you have to pull the trigger on a semi auto for each shot, right?

has anyone seen the firearm

to me and it just may be a coincidence

but the entry holes in the glass

remind me of burst (3 rounds) fire

An AK-47 doesnt have three round burst capability.

yes that is what i thought but i do not pay that much attention to the ak

so i didnt know if anything new has come along

has anyone from the public seen the firearm that was used as of yet

or are we just being told it looked like an ak 47

in the past i have seen news reports

that an "assault rifle" was used

only later to discover it was a pump shotgun
AK47 type is what I've seen reported. And no he could not kill 4 people in one second.

the cycle rate of a full auto AK47 is apprx. 600 RPM ...., do the math

It was a full auto AK47?

You do realize you have to pull the trigger on a semi auto for each shot, right?

has anyone seen the firearm

to me and it just may be a coincidence

but the entry holes in the glass

remind me of burst (3 rounds) fire

An AK-47 doesnt have three round burst capability.

yes that is what i thought but i do not pay that much attention to the ak

so i didnt know if anything new has come along

has anyone from the public seen the firearm that was used as of yet

or are we just being told it looked like an ak 47

in the past i have seen news reports

that an "assault rifle" was used

only later to discover it was a pump shotgun

Havent really paid that much attention other than hearing the one witnesses account.
Sounded like it was a semi auto.
the cycle rate of a full auto AK47 is apprx. 600 RPM ...., do the math

It was a full auto AK47?

You do realize you have to pull the trigger on a semi auto for each shot, right?

has anyone seen the firearm

to me and it just may be a coincidence

but the entry holes in the glass

remind me of burst (3 rounds) fire

An AK-47 doesnt have three round burst capability.

yes that is what i thought but i do not pay that much attention to the ak

so i didnt know if anything new has come along

has anyone from the public seen the firearm that was used as of yet

or are we just being told it looked like an ak 47

in the past i have seen news reports

that an "assault rifle" was used

only later to discover it was a pump shotgun

Havent really paid that much attention other than hearing the one witnesses account.
Sounded like it was a semi auto.

thanks i was just wondering if the cops said what type it was

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