How did we get to this point?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything

Other ideas/thoughts?
Good question.

What's truly stunning, is Dimocrats had the opportunity to nominate someone younger, dynamic, good speaker, and would have been a good counter to Trump's style.
Instead, they went in the opposite direction and nominated an old school doddering fool, that is likely to decline rapidly once the real stress of being president is on his shoulders.
The truth is, if elected, the real power will be held by people who are radically different than Biden, and will be fooling him behind his back every day.

WTF were Dimocrats thinking? If Covid hadn't come along, Trump would have steamrolled them.
Good question.

What's truly stunning, is Dimocrats had the opportunity to nominate someone younger, dynamic, good speaker, and would have been a good counter to Trump's style.
Instead, they went in the opposite direction and nominated an old school doddering fool, that is likely to decline rapidly once the real stress of being president is on his shoulders.
The truth is, if elected, the real power will be held by people who are radically different than Biden, and will be fooling him behind his back every day.

WTF were Dimocrats thinking? If Covid hadn't come along, Trump would have steamrolled them.
As I predicted.

What about the fact that so many think Trump is unfit? I assume your opinion is that they're lying, conned by the media, or both.
Biden happened because the everyday voter is an ignorant fuck off that operates on name recognition and buzz words. The DNC believes him riding what's left of Obama's wave is their best shot at stopping Trump.

Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything

Other ideas/thoughts?

I think you're closest with #1.
Biden happened because the everyday voter is an ignorant fuck off that operates on name recognition and buzz words. The DNC believes him riding what's left of Obama's wave is their best shot at stopping Trump.
There's a lot of pushback from the progressives, who are so pissed off they're trying to start a new party (The People's Party).

If Biden loses, it'll be interesting to see how much influence they gain in the party, if any.
Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything

Other ideas/thoughts?

Trump got "elected" because the Wall Street Types realize that the only way to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests is to play on their racial, religious and sexual fears. Trump is just the most toxic distillation of their strategy that the Wall Street Bloodsuckers have gone alone with for years.

As for Biden. Biden got nominated because frankly, any former or sitting Vice President who seeks his party's nomination usually gets it. Nixon- Twice, Humphrey, Bush, Mondale, Gore, and now Biden. Simply nothing more complicated than that... the VP has been vetted, and our politics favor them. The only exception was Quayle, who didn't get the nomination because his rep was already so poor.

Also, after impeaching Trump for trying to slime Biden, the Democrats would have looked a little silly if they reached over him to select Bernie. Bernie was the only real alternative, but he was just as old and unacceptable to the Wall Street types.

So to review. Stormy Mac, Wall Street PARASITE, whines that the system created by Wall Street Parasites to control who runs for president is unhappy with the choices that WALL STREET PARASITES gave us.
Good question.

What's truly stunning, is Dimocrats had the opportunity to nominate someone younger, dynamic, good speaker, and would have been a good counter to Trump's style.
Instead, they went in the opposite direction and nominated an old school doddering fool, that is likely to decline rapidly once the real stress of being president is on his shoulders.
The truth is, if elected, the real power will be held by people who are radically different than Biden, and will be fooling him behind his back every day.

WTF were Dimocrats thinking? If Covid hadn't come along, Trump would have steamrolled them.
As I predicted.

What about the fact that so many think Trump is unfit? I assume your opinion is that they're lying, conned by the media, or both.

Trump is a course, even vulgar man with a off putting style.

But he seems quite smart and stable.
Which candidate suggested ingesting or injecting bleach, and really powerful light, to combat the virus?

Which candidate consistently suggests facts be respected and scientific guidance be followed?

1. A majority correctly identifies Trump as unfit for office. Many of those who had worked - close to Trump in high-profile positions and therefore in a position to know - in this administration have said so: Temperamentally, morally, intellectually unfit office.

2. Another group, faithfully listening to Trump and Russian disinformation, bends reality to arrive at the politically convenient conclusion that Biden is unfit.

3. A third group, let's call them "both-sides bullshitters", think, by dint of their personal superiority, they deserve better, and subscribe to both of the above stances.

Whoever thinks the three groups have the facts on their side in equal measure, is unfit to render judgment on that matter.
Good question.

What's truly stunning, is Dimocrats had the opportunity to nominate someone younger, dynamic, good speaker, and would have been a good counter to Trump's style.
Instead, they went in the opposite direction and nominated an old school doddering fool, that is likely to decline rapidly once the real stress of being president is on his shoulders.
The truth is, if elected, the real power will be held by people who are radically different than Biden, and will be fooling him behind his back every day.

WTF were Dimocrats thinking? If Covid hadn't come along, Trump would have steamrolled them.
As I predicted.

What about the fact that so many think Trump is unfit? I assume your opinion is that they're lying, conned by the media, or both.
I hope you are not suggesting they are one and the same?
That would be ridiculous.
Bidens mental decline is beyond obvious, and also obvious is the DNC and his handlers are doing everything they can to hide it. For instance, there is credible evidence that when he was asked questions recently - he was reading answers off of a teleprompter someone else wrote.
Trump is what Trump is... he does not suffer from senility yet. He has the same terrible speaking habits, has no idea when to shut up, and his ego is monumental so he talks about himself when he should be talking about the issues.
But Trump does not suffer from the same senility and significant decline as Biden.
And you know it.
I hope you are not suggesting they are one and the same? That would be ridiculous.
How in the world can two people be "one and the same"?

Humans are different from each other. That doesn't mean they can fall into the same general category now and then.
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3. A third group, let's call them "both-sides bullshitters", think, by dint of their personal superiority, they deserve better, and subscribe to both of the above stances.

Quite right.

Mitlaufer Mac spent the last three years whining about how the Democrats had gone too far left because they weren't stroking his white privilege hard enough. So they nominate the most harmless, middle of the road person they could find, and he's STILL not happy.
But Trump does not suffer from the same senility and significant decline as Biden.
And you know it.

Trump just blurted out he intentionally misled the country on Covid in front of Bob Woodward... If that isn't a sign of senility, I don't know what is.

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