How did you become a US citizen?

Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Don't be such a pansy, be bold! change your species too.
Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Don't be such a pansy, be bold! change your species too.

Like what? A Gorilla?

I see how you are you racist cracker.

You are just doing that because I am a soon to be Black woman!
Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Can you claim to be one gender from the waist down and another gender from the waist up? How about one foot, can you claim just one of your feet identifies as a different race? I can have some fun with this.
Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Can you claim to be one gender from the waist down and another gender from the waist up? How about one foot, can you claim just one of your feet identifies as a different race? I can have some fun with this.

Sure you can, just answer "mixed" when anybody inquires about your gender, or if you really want to fuck with their heads "to be determined".
Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Can you claim to be one gender from the waist down and another gender from the waist up? How about one foot, can you claim just one of your feet identifies as a different race? I can have some fun with this.

Sure you can, just answer "mixed" when anybody inquires about your gender, or if you really want to fuck with their heads "to be determined".

Lol @ to be determined!
Legally, that's how I became a US citizen. Then I became wealthy by stepping on the poor and not paying my fair share. :funnyface:

I did all that, just by being white.

You white male privilege bastard!! I'm telling Bernie on you!

Before you do that, please consider that I am considering changing both my race And my gender.

Can you claim to be one gender from the waist down and another gender from the waist up? How about one foot, can you claim just one of your feet identifies as a different race? I can have some fun with this.

Sure you can, just answer "mixed" when anybody inquires about your gender, or if you really want to fuck with their heads "to be determined".

I think my ass identifies as black.
Can you illegally immigrate to Mexico and become a citizen?

Fuck no you retard, and they don't give a fuck if you risked your life or not. They will put your stupid ass in jail for 6 months THEN deport you.

But, but,'s racist when we want to do the same thing.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
People don't seem to realize that a large part of this is border security. The question always arises, who crossed our southern border yesterday? Someone looking for work? A drug dealer? A rapist? A murderer? A terrorist? No one knows and that isn't good.

In addition, this whole idea of amnesty has been tried before. Reagan granted what 2.7 million amnesty, what did we get for that? Another 11mil, although that number is more than likely a joke. So if we do it again in 30 years we'll have what
another 40mil?

As far as your Canada analogy, the Canadians put the military on the border when they started to see hundreds a week. I sincerely doubt we will be welcome. They will probably build a wall .
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
The legal way. And YOU didn't supplement my arrival with welfare or social programs so kindly get bent.

I had sex with a high ranking government official.
I filled out a form on the back cover of a book of matches and got a certificate in the mail a few weeks later. Coincidentally the certificate also ordained me as an official minister in the church of Our Lady in Perpetual Agony.
Like Dreamers, I came here at a young age. Unlike Dreamers, I came here at a young age legally. I then kept a clean criminal record and ultimately obtained my citizenship through the naturalization process. #MAGA

Congratulations and well done.

Don't be upset but I like you came here at young age legally and didn't have to bother with that whole naturalization process nonsense.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
/----/ I became a US Citizen the old fashioned way -- I was born here. As far as the Canadian jobs, I'd certainly apply for one and enter their country legally and respect their laws. I wouldn't ask for special treatment or handouts.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

I don't need to sneak into Canada seeing I was born there.

What is so hard to understand that if you are coming here then come here legally, obey the laws and do what is needed to become a citizen?

Why should illegals be rewarded for breaking the law while those that did everything correctly be told their hard work and obeying the law matter not?

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