How did you help others today?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
In 1983, the Department of Transportation required all auto and small truck manufacturers to install Center High Mounted Stop Lamps (CHMSLs) in order to reduce rear-end accidents. Research showed that such center stop lamps reduced accidents by 4.3%, saving Americans hundreds of millions of dollars in car damages, much less time and trouble.

When I commuted 25 miles each way from LA to Orange County, I would write on my yellow legal pad "BRAKE LIGHT OUT", honk and show it to the driver. For thirty years. I got tired of writing it down and printed it out. During that thirty years, I estimate I have notified 50,000 to 80,000 drivers of burned out brake lights by showing them this sign, which almost always gets a "thumbs up."


On July 12, I filed a formal whistleblower complaint with the Department of Transportation, providing considerable photographic evidence of virtually all car manufacturers violating Standard 108 by obscuring the mandated CHMSL with heavily tinted rear windows.


I have also contacted a major law firm to file class action litigation against every American car manufacturer for product defects endangering the public in every state, even those who do not have the heavy tinted windows, but may be following such a car and cannot see the obscured CHMSL.

Do what you can for as many as you can, every day.

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You know, they do sell lights for the rear light panels. They're easy to replace without help and there are plenty of auto care businesses that focus on cars electrical systems.
Bad turn signal design is still a problem. Good turn signal design gives turn signals a separate amber light. Bad turn signal design has turn signals sharing the red brake light. That's bad because there's a split second when you don't know whether the car ahead is braking or signaling a turn.

And that bad design is used just to save a few dollars.
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Spend your life worrying about drivers putting on their break lights? Chances are that your amateur statistics weren't accurate.
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We all should seek to help someone each day, it's what G-d requests. Ironically this was one in our Scouts oath we'd give every week and it's also in the bible.

It's difficult if we don't always have the opportunity. I don't travel too far most days or live in an overly populated area in which I can help so it can make one a bit sad. The easiest is when I purchase something in a kiosk and I am given the option to give money to charity, I always do.

You can only do what you can and when the opportunity arises. Unfortunately we don't live in a society where one can ask everyone they see, "is there anything I do for your today sir/ma'am?" If we all at least welcome such opportunities, the world would be a better place.
You know, they do sell lights for the rear light panels. They're easy to replace without help and there are plenty of auto care businesses that focus on cars electrical systems.
You know, the lights are useless when they are obscured by extremely dark tinted windows.
I made that quite clear, including a photograph.

Here is another:

TOYOTA 499.jpg

In comparison:

My friend's husband was driving and had a big coat on. When he stopped at a red light, he saw a homeless man on the sidewalk. He put the car in park, ran over to the guy while he was taking his coat off. Wrapped it around the guy and hopped back in his car before the light turned green.
In 1983, the Department of Transportation required all auto and small truck manufacturers to install Center High Mounted Stop Lamps (CHMSLs) in order to reduce rear-end accidents.
Or they could just make big tail lights again like they used to. Bottom line is that if you can't see the car stopped in front of you or big bright taillights, how are you going to notice that stupid little center light? Only time I really need brake lights is at night or in the fog.
Screen Shot 2024-09-05 at 9.41.41 PM.png

I have also contacted a major law firm to file class action litigation against every American car manufacturer for product defects endangering the public in every state, even those who do not have the heavy tinted windows, but may be following such a car and cannot see the obscured CHMSL.
So YOU are the asshole who caused my car prices to go up another $1250?!

I'm sure the owners of those cars appreciate you posting their license plates all over the place! The least you could do is respect their privacy and blank them out. Further, if you want legitimate photos proving anything, you should take your pictures from BEHIND the cars where you might actually have a chance of needing them to avoid a crash. Just because a brake light doesn't show from the side doesn't indicate how they look from the rear, "scientist."

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