Zone1 How Do Black People Define Racism?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Is it truly classified as racism? Or is it just pointing a finger at white people because the tables have now turned where they now think that they are better than us (not all of them, I'm mostly talking about an individual on this message board at the moment, and I'm not speaking as the majority of them) and that we should be ashamed of our skin color because of what those who came before us did? I honestly can't tell anymore. ThomasSowellsFro what say you since you were the one who brought up the fact that you believe the majority of white Americans are racist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Black people listen to the far left so in general they consider racism, "white people saying something or expecting something". They believe white people are all racist and evil and they're above all judgement.

They defined it in away that whites are evil and should never be listen too on any issue. It is a deep held hatred and it isn't good for society.
Is it truly classified as racism? Or is it just pointing a finger at white people because the tables have now turned where they now think that they are better than us (not all of them, I'm mostly talking about an individual on this message board at the moment, and I'm not speaking as the majority of them) and that we should be ashamed of our skin color because of what those who came before us did? I honestly can't tell anymore. ThomasSowellsFro what say you since you were the one who brought up the fact that you believe the majority of white Americans are racist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
I don't know what "it" is. You'd have to provide an example. But, yes. Racialism is the norm in virtually every context of human life, and always has been. It cannot be "pointing the finger ta da whaaait man" because anyone can be accused of racism, hence, Conservatives crying about Obama being a racist. Likewise, I posit the same question to you, given I haven't seen Obama do anything even remotely racist, yet that's what many on the right said.

You keep talking about this idea of white guilt, which is a strawman. The fact is, you interpret any an everything as "white guilt" because you are a racist. TO you, the whaiiit mane is infallible and supreme, and how dare you say anything whatsoever that doesn't acquiesce to that. You're not even the typical racist that simply gives lip service to the "Critical Post Racial Theory" by spewing platitudes, but an avowed racist. E.G, you said that whites should be white supremacists and be proud of their race, said by every KKK member ever. So, yes, everything is racist in the world that you live i/ want to continue to live in.
Black people listen to the far left so in general they consider racism,

Oh you'd be surprised to see how many black people are leaving their party and becoming a conservative after what a mess our country has turned into.

I don't know what "it" is. You'd have to provide an example. But, yes. Racialism is the norm in virtually every context of human life, and always has been. It cannot be "pointing the finger ta da whaaait man" because anyone can be accused of racism, hence, Conservatives crying about Obama being a racist. Likewise, I posit the same question to you, given I haven't seen Obama do anything even remotely racist, yet that's what many on the right said.

You keep talking about this idea of white guilt, which is a strawman. The fact is, you interpret any an everything as "white guilt" because you are a racist. TO you, the whaiiit mane is infallible and supreme, and how dare you say anything whatsoever that doesn't acquiesce to that. You're not even the typical racist that simply gives lip service to the "Critical Post Racial Theory" by spewing platitudes, but an avowed racist. E.G, you said that whites should be white supremacists and be proud of their race, said by every KKK member ever. So, yes, everything is racist in the world that you live i/ want to continue to live in.

I should have known better that you cannot have a real conversation without accusing me or anybody else to be a racist. My mistake.
Oh you'd be surprised to see how many black people are leaving their party and becoming a conservative after what a mess our country has turned into.

I should have known better that you cannot have a real conversation without accusing me or anybody else to be a racist. My mistake.
You don't know any black people.
Is it truly classified as racism? Or is it just pointing a finger at white people because the tables have now turned where they now think that they are better than us (not all of them, I'm mostly talking about an individual on this message board at the moment, and I'm not speaking as the majority of them) and that we should be ashamed of our skin color because of what those who came before us did? I honestly can't tell anymore. ThomasSowellsFro what say you since you were the one who brought up the fact that you believe the majority of white Americans are racist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
The only criteria is insufficient pandering.
Is it truly classified as racism? Or is it just pointing a finger at white people because the tables have now turned where they now think that they are better than us (not all of them, I'm mostly talking about an individual on this message board at the moment, and I'm not speaking as the majority of them) and that we should be ashamed of our skin color because of what those who came before us did? I honestly can't tell anymore. ThomasSowellsFro what say you since you were the one who brought up the fact that you believe the majority of white Americans are racist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Wrong. You are a racist now. Yet you keep talking about something that happened before you were born as if you are not continuing the behavior.

How Do Black People Define Racism?​

Sadly, a great many blacks have been successfully trained to see racism in anything and everything.

It has, for far too long, provided an all-purpose excuse for ANY black problem or shortcoming. According to this way of thinking, blacks cannot be held responsible for ANY negative outcome that results from their own decisions. Every negative thing in their lives is considered to be "whitey's" fault.

The term "racist" also provides the truly brain-dead with a simple to remember, all-purpose insult they can hurl at anyone who disagrees with them about anything.

In short, "racism" is the all-purpose excuse for.....anything.

The term has become so elastic that it's definition can be instantly tailored to fit the need of the moment. Maybe that's why many people consider the entire idea nearly meaningless, as presently used.
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How Do Black People Define Racism?​

Sadly, a great many blacks have been successfully trained to see racism in anything and everything.

It has, for far too long, provided an all-purpose excuse for ANY black problem or shortcoming. According to this way of thinking, blacks cannot be held responsible for ANY negative outcome that results from their own decisions. Every negative thing in their lives is considered to be "whitey's" fault.

The term "racist" also provides the truly brain-dead with a simple to remember, all-purpose insult they can hurl at anyone who disagrees with them about anything.

In short, "racism" is the all-purpose excuse for.....anything.

The term has become so elastic that it's definition can be instantly tailored to fit the need of the moment. Maybe that's why many people consider the entire idea nearly meaningless, as presently used.
And how do you know this?

Have you been black?

No. And racism has not become an elastic term. What has happened is right wing whites now whine about every criticism of whites as being racist.

People aren't called racists because they disagree, it happens because you make racist comments. After all, if I explain how things affect blacks, who in the hell are YOU to disagree? You have never been black so how can you tell somebody black how they are wrong about things affecting black people?

Racism is a belief in one race's inherent superiority and another's inferiority. To think you are so superior that you can disagree with somebody black when they talk about lived experience or documented occurrences is the utmost belief in your superority.

Is it truly classified as racism? Or is it just pointing a finger at white people because the tables have now turned where they now think that they are better than us (not all of them, I'm mostly talking about an individual on this message board at the moment, and I'm not speaking as the majority of them) and that we should be ashamed of our skin color because of what those who came before us did? I honestly can't tell anymore. ThomasSowellsFro what say you since you were the one who brought up the fact that you believe the majority of white Americans are racist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
I don't know about other black people, but when I talk about racism I'm referring to the structural/institutional racism upon which this country was built. This infrastructure was built upon the false premise of the superiority of the white race and the inferiority of the black race.

Based on this false belief system the parties involved then created a system of laws, policies, procedures, court rulings, social mores etc. which reinforced this false belief and codified into law their perspective that the black race was meant by God to be subservient to the white race for all eternity.

Even if the entire white population did not believe this, this was the law nonetheless and it gave white people the ability to oppress and abuse black people up to the point of kidnappings, whippings, other assaults all the way up to murder. They also made laws that forbade black people from bearing arms in order to defend themselves at the end of the civil war. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney in the infamous landmark Dred Scott v Sanford ruling wrote [paraphased] that "the black man is so far beneath the white man that he has no rights which the white man need respect". This case determined that black people, even those not held in slavery were not citizens of the United States and therefore not afforded any of the protections of the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights including the right to keep & bear arms.

When SCOTUS handed down it's decision the landmark case of Brown v The Board of Education, determining that the doctrine of 'separate but equal' was unconstitutional, a school district in Virginia, rather than comply with the law and allow the desegregation of it's schools, instead shut down the entire school district. They then created a fund to pay for private schools for the white children knowing that the white parents would pull them from public school and pay the money rather than allow their children to attend school with black children. The black children in that school district lost 5 years of their education due to this circumvention of the law by the school district.

It took 10 more years before the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 finally ended lawful racial discrimination in the United States. To date that's 170+ years of lawful racial discrimination versus roughly 58 year without. So when black people refer to "white privilege" it's not actually to try to make white people who had nothing to do with the previous abuses of black people in America feel guilty about being white, it's merely to point out that for 170+ the law gave white people a 'legal upper hand' in relation to their dealings with black people.

That 'upper hand' has legislatively been removed but it still exists in the hearts & minds of many white people and we as black people are still on the negative receiving end of that imbalance despite the changes in the laws. A privilege is defined as a benefit or advantage afforded to members of a particular group that others do not have. It's also protect against certain disadvantages and pains that those who are not a member of the group are subjected to. Anyone who cannot see how being born into the white race affords them advantages over black people that white people themselves passed into law are being less than honest.

'But for' that original infrastructure built on the false premise of white supremacy we wouldn't be where we are today. It's going to take at least as many years without as we had with legal racial discrimination to repair the damage wrought, in my opinion.

This is what I personally mean when I speak of white racism in the United States because it's impossible to separate what was allowed and done in the past from the perspectives and attitudes that continue even today in the year 2022.

...She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.​
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States.​
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A "racist" is anybody who does not roll on their back and pee on their belly in abject shame whenever a black person is directing intense racial hatred their way.

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