How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

---------------------------------------- the ting is , what is best for American society and diverstity is NOT best for AMERICAN Society HJoy .

That's not true. For example we need immigration otherwise our workforce will shrink and therefore our economy.

Illegals and or barely legals are self serving...they’re pretty much an economy within our economy. If they all vanished tomorrow nobody would care. Simple shit.

The immigration reality: We need workers, not a wall

The U.S. economy needs more legal immigrants, not fewer. Our annual labor force growth has dropped to only 0.5 percent, from more than 1 percent as recently as the 1990s. The pool of native-born workers with native-born parents will shrink by 8 million in the next 20 years.

Without immigration, our overall workforce will soon begin to decline, reducing the potential growth rate of the economy and imposing huge strains on federal retirement programs at a time when millions of baby boomers are leaving the workforce every year.

Where has anyone said that we do not need, and should stop legal immigration?
--------------------------------------------------- [raising hand] That'd be ME , we - I don't need or want any immigration legal or illegal especially as it has been since 'dead kennedy's' redo of immigration in 65 - 66 . All immigration to the USA should be stopped Markle .

Tough shit, it’s not going to be.
Do you know how many blacks, Asians, Jews, Whites and Hispanics have worked to make any of those companies a success?

I can guarantee you one thing, not one single USMB wingnut complaining about diversity has helped build any of those companies.
As I said in my post before the one you quoted
#295: How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?
Asians, UNLIKE all other minorities (except Jews as well) have higher IQ's, and lower crime rates, and are Net winners for this country.

If you want to give credit to others for taking the jobs White American created/invented... those are jobs anyone could do.. obviously.

Blacks and Browns inordinately populate our prisons and are a a large net drag on the country economically.....
Just as they are in their own Failed State ****holes.
Which is why they ARE here.

Blacks are here because of why?

We are the most powerful country on earth and the most diverse. We as a people can do any-fucking-thing we choose to do including putting our balls on the scale to take out the Nazis (we can do it again so watch out) and help rebuild an entire continent. Or at least the parts that were properly rebuilt.
Blacks are here because of why?
We are the most powerful country on earth and the most diverse. We as a people can do any-fucking-thing we choose to do including putting our balls on the scale to take out the Nazis (we can do it again so watch out) and help rebuild an entire continent. Or at least the parts that were properly rebuilt.
Blacks are here because 'we' took their stupid backward asses from their ****holes 200/300 or so years ago.

The reason 'we' were able to do so is their vastly Inferior society and brainpower left them as easy marks.
(why are their monkeys in zoos and not humans?)

While Slavery was indeed brutal, those sub-Saharans who came here, became American 'Blacks' (avg 75% sub-Saharan, 25% White), and ergo have 85 IQs, midway between the white 100 and sub-Saharan 70.

Those lucky survivors have an average GDP per capita of $35,000.. about 10x what unenslaved Africans make/created.
Many sub-Saharan Africans still live as they did 50,000 years ago: huts.
Yeah, the world has progressed due to Afro advances!
That's the ticket!
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Blacks are here because of why?
We are the most powerful country on earth and the most diverse. We as a people can do any-fucking-thing we choose to do including putting our balls on the scale to take out the Nazis (we can do it again so watch out) and help rebuild an entire continent. Or at least the parts that were properly rebuilt.
Blacks are here because 'we' took their stupid backward asses from their ****holes 300 or so years ago.

The reason 'we' were able to do so is their inferior society and brainpower left them as easy marks.

While Slavery was indeed brutal, those sub-Sahrans who came here, became American 'Blacks' (75% sub-Saharan, 25% White), and ergo have 85 IQs, midway between the white 100 and sub-Saharan 70.

Those lucky survivors have an average GDP per capita of 35,000.. about 10x what unenslaved Africans make/created.
Many sub-Saharan Africans still live as they did 50,000 years ago: huts.
Yeah, the world has progressed due to Afro advances!
That's the ticket!

Africa has it's own problems.

I'm talking about the people in this country. Sure blacks are incarcerated more often however they also receive harsher sentences for the same crimes as whites. Whites didn't have to undergo racist policies for decade such as red lining and improper search and seizures. Whites weren't discriminated from jobs or housing. There was not an even playing field.

And I have to come back to you. What is so special about you? How is it you aren't a raving success after winning the gene pool lottery? You are obligated to be a top earner but we both know you aren't and very few white supremacists are.
Africa has it's own problems.

Happy Joe said:
I'm talking about the people in this country. Sure blacks are incarcerated more often however they also receive harsher sentences for the same crimes as whites. Whites didn't have to undergo racist policies for decade such as red lining and improper search and seizures. Whites weren't discriminated from jobs or housing. There was not an even playing field.
Jews and Asians were discriminated against here as well.

Jews expelled and pogrommed/genocided from many countries for 1000 years.
Many signs said "No Blacks OR Jews" until at least the 1950s.

Many Asians came here as indentured railway labor about the time Blacks were liberated from slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII.
Half their male population killed.. and the resourceLess seismic rock Nuked by us.

So how is it Jews/Asians are not only equal in IQ/Income, but higher?

And of course, you really didn't/Couldn't answer my post, while I absolutely Gutted yours.
This is/will always be easy for me because I understand the country and world (and NBA) look the way they do because of unequal IQ/other-trait distribution.

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Africa has it's own problems.

An admission? No, it's simply the truth.

Happy Joe said:
I'm talking about the people in this country. Sure blacks are incarcerated more often however they also receive harsher sentences for the same crimes as whites. Whites didn't have to undergo racist policies for decade such as red lining and improper search and seizures. Whites weren't discriminated from jobs or housing. There was not an even playing field.
Jews and Asians were discriminated against here as well.

Jews expelled and pogrommed/genocided from many countries for 1000 years.
Many signs said "No Blacks OR Jews" until at least the 1950s.

Many Asians came here as indentured railway labor about the time Blacks were liberated from slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII.
Half their male population killed.. and the resourceLess seismic rock Nuked by us.

So how is it Jews/Asians are not only equal in IQ/Income, but higher?

And of course, you really didn't/Couldn't answer my post, while I absolutely Gutted yours.

Jews and Asians were discriminated against however they were never as economically depressed as blacks and while people like you may hire jews because of your perception of their intelligence, you probably don't want your daughter to marry one. Or at least a few white supremacists feel that way, anyway, bigotry is there but it manifests differently.

And no, you didn't 'gut' my post, you see more blacks in prison and you reach out to right wing sources to conclude it's an IQ thing. It's simply your racism that ignores all other available information.

What is your lot in life? Like I said, most white supremacists appear to be poor and they blame minorities for their problems. So, what's your excuse?
An admission? No, it's simply the truth.
Yes. it IS the truth because they are less intelligent/backwards.
That IS "their own problem".
You have no answer why.
Again, the world only makes sense acknowledging evolutionary differences.

Happy Joe said:
Jews and Asians were discriminated against however they were never as economically depressed as blacks and while people like you may hire jews because of your perception of their intelligence, you probably don't want your daughter to marry one. Or at least a few white supremacists feel that way, anyway, bigotry is there but it manifests differently.

And no, you didn't 'gut' my post, you see more blacks in prison and you reach out to right wing sources to conclude it's an IQ thing. It's simply your racism that ignores all other available information.

What is your lot in life? Like I said, most white supremacists appear to be poor and they blame minorities for their problems. So, what's your excuse?
Why weren't Jews And Asians ever as "economically depressed" as blacks?
Why did black society never rise as high as Europe or Asians ones even pre-contact?
In fact, sub-Sahara it barely rose in 50,000 years.

When Euros FIRST came upon Asia they found Silk, Ceramics, gun powder, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records.
When the came upon Africa they just found post-ape hunter-gatherers, with no written language, no wheel etc.
Thet was PRE any colonialization.
No excuse.

More recently:
Jews and Japanese lost Half their populations during WWII.
That never happened to Africa.
Though We/Whites have prevented it many times recently, such as with the Ebola/AIDS epidemics, which only because of White Medicine didn't kill half the sub-Saharans.

Blacks Crime rates are high not just because of IQ (and testosterone btw) but are OF COURSE the SAME high rates in their own countries.
This ony makes sense because of RACE.


And besides your idiotic answers, and as part of them, you call me a "White Supremacist" despite me pointing out Jews and Asians have higher IQs and lower crime rates.
You think that would fly on Stormfront?

You are both Dishonest and Stupid, and down about 50 IQ points in the discussion.
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An admission? No, it's simply the truth.
Yes. it IS the truth because they are les intelligent backwards.
That IS "their own problem".
You have no answer.

I never said that, you did.

Happy Joe said:
Jews and Asians were discriminated against however they were never as economically depressed as blacks and while people like you may hire jews because of your perception of their intelligence, you probably don't want your daughter to marry one. Or at least a few white supremacists feel that way, anyway, bigotry is there but it manifests differently.

And no, you didn't 'gut' my post, you see more blacks in prison and you reach out to right wing sources to conclude it's an IQ thing. It's simply your racism that ignores all other available information.

What is your lot in life? Like I said, most white supremacists appear to be poor and they blame minorities for their problems. So, what's your excuse?
Why weren't Jews And Asians ever as economically depresed as blacks?
Why did black society never rsie as high as Europe or Asians ones even pre-contact?

I already gave you a list of reasons and you ignored them. You never answered my question. If you've been gifted with this superior gene pool then what is your excuse? Why do you have to depend on any supposed successes of your race to feel superior? I've seen very few white supremacists who can stand on their own.

When Euros FIRST came upon Asia they found Silk, Ceramics, gun powder, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records.
When the came upon Africa they just found post-ape hunter-gatherers, with no written language, no wheel etc.
Thet was PRE any colonialization.
No excuse.

I'm not giving you excuses. Why are there black people smarter than you?

More recently:
Jews and Japanese lost Half their populations during WWII.
That never happened to Africa.

We helped rebuild Japan and establish a country for jews. Also, like I said the racist sentiment against Asians and Jews is acted on differently. You for example keep saying how intelligent they are so you'd probably hire them (if you were in a position to do so) where as blacks you wouldn't hire. Living in poverty, society calling you dumb and ugly has a devastating effect on people, so much so that it can manifest in self loathing and depression, something you most likely wouldn't have a chance of surviving. I don't think you've really thought about what the black population has had to deal with, nor do I think you really care.

Though We/Whites have prevented it many times recently, such as with the Ebola/AIDS epidemics, which only because of White Medicine didn't kill half the sub-Saharans.

Really? Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Jews have nothing to do with the field of medicine? I bet blacks have had more involvement in this field then Who made you so great? What have you accomplished? You're not answering this question.

Blacks Crime rates are high not just becausde of IQ (and testosterone btw) but are OF COURSE the SAME high rates in their own countries.
This ony makes sense because of RACE.

And besides your idiotic answers, and as part of them, you call me a "White Supremacist" despite me pointing out Jews and Asians have higher IQs and lower crime rates?
You think that would fly on Stormfront?

You are a white supremacist. Many have commented on the intelligence of Asians and Jews being higher than whites. In the end you really only care about whites.

You are both Dishonest and Stupid, and down about 50 IQ points in the discussion.

Haven't been dishonest at all, you seem to be really focused on IQ levels. Combined that with you attaching yourself to success via race makes me think you worry about your own intelligence and IQ level and you use race to compensate for your own perceived lack of intelligence and accomplishment.
An admission? No, it's simply the truth.
Yes. it IS the truth because they are less intelligent/backwards.
That IS "their own problem".
You have no answer why.
Again, the world only makes sense acknowledging evolutionary differences.

Happy Joe said:
Jews and Asians were discriminated against however they were never as economically depressed as blacks and while people like you may hire jews because of your perception of their intelligence, you probably don't want your daughter to marry one. Or at least a few white supremacists feel that way, anyway, bigotry is there but it manifests differently.

And no, you didn't 'gut' my post, you see more blacks in prison and you reach out to right wing sources to conclude it's an IQ thing. It's simply your racism that ignores all other available information.

What is your lot in life? Like I said, most white supremacists appear to be poor and they blame minorities for their problems. So, what's your excuse?
Why weren't Jews And Asians ever as "economically depressed" as blacks?
Why did black society never rise as high as Europe or Asians ones even pre-contact?
In fact, sub-Sahara it barely rose in 50,000 years.

When Euros FIRST came upon Asia they found Silk, Ceramics, gun powder, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records.
When the came upon Africa they just found post-ape hunter-gatherers, with no written language, no wheel etc.
Thet was PRE any colonialization.
No excuse.

More recently:
Jews and Japanese lost Half their populations during WWII.
That never happened to Africa.
Though We/Whites have prevented it many times recently, such as with the Ebola/AIDS epidemics, which only because of White Medicine didn't kill half the sub-Saharans.

Blacks Crime rates are high not just because of IQ (and testosterone btw) but are OF COURSE the SAME high rates in their own countries.
This ony makes sense because of RACE.


And besides your idiotic answers, and as part of them, you call me a "White Supremacist" despite me pointing out Jews and Asians have higher IQs and lower crime rates.
You think that would fly on Stormfront?

You are both Dishonest and Stupid, and down about 50 IQ points in the discussion.

The evil whites raped and pillaged Africa . Who are the real criminals ? The blood lust whites who only know greed and murder ?

The Asians gave us fireworks . The whites turned it into weapons of death . Take a good look at history and see who the true villians are.
An admission? No, it's simply the truth.
Yes. it IS the truth because they are less intelligent/backwards.
That IS "their own problem".
You have no answer why.
Again, the world only makes sense acknowledging evolutionary differences.

Happy Joe said:
Jews and Asians were discriminated against however they were never as economically depressed as blacks and while people like you may hire jews because of your perception of their intelligence, you probably don't want your daughter to marry one. Or at least a few white supremacists feel that way, anyway, bigotry is there but it manifests differently.

And no, you didn't 'gut' my post, you see more blacks in prison and you reach out to right wing sources to conclude it's an IQ thing. It's simply your racism that ignores all other available information.

What is your lot in life? Like I said, most white supremacists appear to be poor and they blame minorities for their problems. So, what's your excuse?
Why weren't Jews And Asians ever as "economically depressed" as blacks?
Why did black society never rise as high as Europe or Asians ones even pre-contact?
In fact, sub-Sahara it barely rose in 50,000 years.

When Euros FIRST came upon Asia they found Silk, Ceramics, gun powder, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records.
When the came upon Africa they just found post-ape hunter-gatherers, with no written language, no wheel etc.
Thet was PRE any colonialization.
No excuse.

More recently:
Jews and Japanese lost Half their populations during WWII.
That never happened to Africa.
Though We/Whites have prevented it many times recently, such as with the Ebola/AIDS epidemics, which only because of White Medicine didn't kill half the sub-Saharans.

Blacks Crime rates are high not just because of IQ (and testosterone btw) but are OF COURSE the SAME high rates in their own countries.
This ony makes sense because of RACE.


And besides your idiotic answers, and as part of them, you call me a "White Supremacist" despite me pointing out Jews and Asians have higher IQs and lower crime rates.
You think that would fly on Stormfront?

You are both Dishonest and Stupid, and down about 50 IQ points in the discussion.

The evil whites raped and pillaged Africa . Who are the real criminals ? The blood lust whites who only know greed and murder ?

The Asians gave us fireworks . The whites turned it into weapons of death . Take a good look at history and see who the true villians are.

The Chinese were weaponizing gun powder 1000 years ago, long before the West ever heard of it.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

That's a justification for importing genius physicists. What's the excuse for importing ignorant Muslim savages and Mexican peasants?
Oh btw Mr racist your orange racist president's Mar-a-Lago architecture is mainly Moroccan (Islamic).
Yeah, so that happened only because we imported a bunch of Morrocans to this country? I think not. By the time it was built the airplane and the camera had already been invented.

And BTW, Islam isn't a race.
Airplane ? Abbas ibn Farnass google him.
Camera? Is an Arabic word and the technology behind it was from a Muslim man in Andalucia Spain. Google it....
I know none of this stuff you knew about. I sent blame you, but I blame both your parents and school system in the US.
In the 11th century, Arab physicist Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) wrote very influential essays about the camera obscura, including experiments with light through a small opening in a darkened room. Ibn al-Haytam's writings on optics became very influential in Europe through Latin translations, inspiring people such as Witelo, John Peckham, Roger Bacon, Leonardo Da Vinci, René Descartesand Johannes Kepler.[7]
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Go to the Walmart in Dearborn and you'll see plenty of Muslims living on welfare.
One Walmart? Go to thousands and you will see lot of whites on welfare.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

They are also successful at shooting up people, bombing, running vehicles into people and crashing airplanes into buildings. They belong to a vile group that have declared war on Christians, Jews and non believers. Who wants those little shits and there burkas and their Sharia law and all the other shitty Middle East cultural things? That is not America.
Most mass shooters are white. Muslims are one the least minorities who commit crimes in the US. Oh jesus is middle eastern and the virgin Mary were held burka, what's wrong ?
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

They are also successful at shooting up people, bombing, running vehicles into people and crashing airplanes into buildings. They belong to a vile group that have declared war on Christians, Jews and non believers. Who wants those little shits and there burkas and their Sharia law and all the other shitty Middle East cultural things? That is not America.
Most mass shooters are white. Muslims are one the least minorities who commit crimes in the US. Oh jesus is middle eastern and the virgin Mary were held burka, what's wrong ?

how are you defining "white" -----the rapist pig of mecca was not
"white" -----he was a stinking raisin head ABED?. If he was he would
have been SOLD That bitch KHADJIA would not have married a filthy raisin head abed
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Indeed, a lot of the Muslims we've gotten thus far have been in the U.S.A at least have been largely the upper classes.

That still doesn't make everything peachy, however.

- Muslims of a higher class level are more likely to be terrorists.

- Muslims high class or not, are still more likely to support Sharia Law, and other oppressive religious elements.

- Muslims high class, or not change the culture of the U.S.A.
muslims hate women.
Ok...I'd that's what youbelieve. I'm a Muslim and never bragged or intended to grab women by the pussy nor molested little kids like some.
Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Indeed, a lot of the Muslims we've gotten thus far have been in the U.S.A at least have been largely the upper classes.

That still doesn't make everything peachy, however.

- Muslims of a higher class level are more likely to be terrorists.

- Muslims high class or not, are still more likely to support Sharia Law, and other oppressive religious elements.

- Muslims high class, or not change the culture of the U.S.A.
muslims hate women.
Ok...I'd that's what youbelieve. I'm a Muslim and never bragged or intended to grab women by the pussy nor molested little kids like some.

Like some what? ----oh----those muzzie scum----the rapist pigs
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
Didn't brag I lectured you since you dont know shit.
Oh and Morocco/Berbers was the first country to recognize the independence of the US google it son. I'm here to help !!!
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
Didn't brag I lectured you since you dont know shit.
Oh and Morocco/Berbers was the first country to recognize the independence of the US google it son. I'm here to help !!!

you are here to fart out the shit you licked off the mosque floor during the khutbah jumaat feces fling
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?

You ignore the positives . USA has been diverse since day one . And we’ve become the greatest country . So it’s on you to explain why it’s bad .

How does it hurt? 250 in and you can’t give a good example . Other than it annoys racists .

LOL, the U.S.A, like Australia, and Canada were at an advantage over Europe due to having much more resources, and avoiding a lot of economically crippling wars caused by "Diverse Balkanization" in Europe.

As to why the U.S.A is slightly ahead of Australia, and Canada, while it maybe true that "diversity" played a role , but it's "White Diversity" however that's likely the culprit, and that it's actually because the U.S.A lured in a lot of White Catholic, and , or Jewish elites from Ireland, Poland, and Italy etc.

Indeed, if we look at regions of the U.S.A of a similar ethnicity as Australia, and Canada (The Southern, and some of the Western states) where British Protestant backgrounds prevail like in Australia, and Canada, then there's virtually no difference in wealth between the U.S.A vs Australia & Canada.
The brains behind the door boom, silicon valley and others is the diversity and HB1Visa. Walk around there and you see lot of brown people from almost everywhere. You guys need to get over your superiority complex.

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