How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?


You have a Link for this you Stupid little Antisemite Polak?

While Blacks have a much higher murder rate, they are almost certainly Under-repped in Mass shootings.
Mass shootings are a 'head-case' crime of people with bigger but more self-conscious brains. (as opposed to impulsive ones)

How many Polaks does it take to screw in a Link? Unanswerable.

Blacks made up about 17% of mass-shooters between 1982 - 2018, that's still being over-represented, just not so at a huge rate, but at a minor rate.
Depends on how you define "mass"
Jews are definitely very, very ambitious, and there's been some very smart Jews too like Einstein, Oppenheimer etc., however, I wouldn't exactly call most Jews as logical, quite the opposite a lot of Jews support a lot of illogical ideals in general.
If 1.5% of the population can basically run this country they are obviously far superior to the average white. What makes them such supermen?

Jews are still definitely a net negative, they cause a lot of mayhem.
--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.
Hahahaha, yeah, Timmy, you slobbering buffoon, diversity won WWII for us.


Racist whites segregated the army . Too bad it wasn't all white, since it was the evil white mans world war. Do you just have a bloodlust gene or something ?

Our involvement in the World Wars was a resu of Jewish machinations. Don't buy all the pap you are fed, dope.

This board really needs an anti-Nazi filth policy.

I get scared by truths I hate as well....I hate it when truth doesn’t fit for me....I want to pretend I don’t know the truth so I can continue with my head in my ass....truth sucks huh?
Typical, when she doesn't like the truth, she wants it shut down rather than admit it or battle it. Such (((weakness of character))).
SURE go ahead , Hate or dislike whoever you like as the whim hits you .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I once started a thread on that very subject, and it ran for thousands of posts. You know what the answer was? Mexican food. Tacos and burritos. That's it!
Oh, and, um, Chinese "sushi"
Illegals and or barely legals are self serving...they’re pretty much an economy within our economy. If they all vanished tomorrow nobody would care. Simple shit.

The immigration reality: We need workers, not a wall

The U.S. economy needs more legal immigrants, not fewer. Our annual labor force growth has dropped to only 0.5 percent, from more than 1 percent as recently as the 1990s. The pool of native-born workers with native-born parents will shrink by 8 million in the next 20 years.

Without immigration, our overall workforce will soon begin to decline, reducing the potential growth rate of the economy and imposing huge strains on federal retirement programs at a time when millions of baby boomers are leaving the workforce every year.

Almost makes you wonder how America became so great pre wetback...huh?
Wetbacks sustain other wetbacks...PERIOD...third graders know this. They contribute almost nothing of value and take like nobody has ever seen before.
p.s.- what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking good Americans over?

You don't know any people with Hispanic heritage? You live in a cave or something?
not that thinks like an illegal
How do illegals think?

Like uncivilized third worlders, like takers, like federal criminals, like indecent, immoral subhumans with no regard for law and order....Shall I continue?
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I once started a thread on that very subject, and it ran for thousands of posts. You know what the answer was? Mexican food. Tacos and burritos. That's it!
Oh, and, um, Chinese "sushi"

It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.
It's about bringing what used to be called "Christiandom" to its knees.

Never forget, when the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was signed into law, there were celebrations that night in New York City. Jews correctly saw it--and celebrated it--as a Jewish victory.

You know the conservatives pushed for chain immigration because they saw it as a wh to keep the us for whites only .

Conservatives pushed for it?

Yes. Go look it up . Most immigrants had been from white countries . That was the plan to keep it going . White immigrants would bring in white relatives .
No, you stupid shit. As always, you couldn't be more wrong. The quota system was ended in 1924, which was NOT a "chain migration" apparatus.
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
Didn't brag I lectured you since you dont know shit.
Oh and Morocco/Berbers was the first country to recognize the independence of the US google it son. I'm here to help !!!
------------------------------------------ and 'berbers' were 'barbary' pirates out of 'morocco' that probably recognized USA Superiority after they became afraid of the newly formed USA Navy and USA Marines :afro:in the early 1800s eh 'isis' . What do you think 'isis' ??
Is that why every American called Morocco one of the oldest ally and friend? Just recently there was a joint military drills between the two countries, are you telling me the US is training with ISIS?
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
The immigration reality: We need workers, not a wall

The U.S. economy needs more legal immigrants, not fewer. Our annual labor force growth has dropped to only 0.5 percent, from more than 1 percent as recently as the 1990s. The pool of native-born workers with native-born parents will shrink by 8 million in the next 20 years.

Without immigration, our overall workforce will soon begin to decline, reducing the potential growth rate of the economy and imposing huge strains on federal retirement programs at a time when millions of baby boomers are leaving the workforce every year.

Almost makes you wonder how America became so great pre wetback...huh?
Wetbacks sustain other wetbacks...PERIOD...third graders know this. They contribute almost nothing of value and take like nobody has ever seen before.
p.s.- what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking good Americans over?

You don't know any people with Hispanic heritage? You live in a cave or something?
not that thinks like an illegal
How do illegals think?

Like uncivilized third worlders, like takers, like federal criminals, like indecent, immoral subhumans with no regard for law and order....Shall I continue?

Yes, please continue.
If 1.5% of the population can basically run this country they are obviously far superior to the average white. What makes them such supermen?

Jews are still definitely a net negative, they cause a lot of mayhem.
--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
We are the shining beacon of failure and rot. The shining beacon of allowing a hostile alien minority to steal our wealth and shed our blood in the cause of global warmongering, dope.
Jews are still definitely a net negative, they cause a lot of mayhem.
--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?

Where did I suggest otherwise?

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