How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?

Where did I suggest otherwise?
Since you hate Jews I associated you with the left
I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?

Where did I suggest otherwise?
Since you hate Jews I associated you with the left

Jews are a big part of the Left, why most main-line Conservatives don't get that is a different story.
Jews are still definitely a net negative, they cause a lot of mayhem.
--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?
---------------------------------- HATE anyone you like , Hate is legal all over the USA .
--------------------------- seems to me that Jews are fine at least in the USA . Nice people for the most part and except for their liberal dem leanings [heard about] are pretty nice people sometimes with an attitude . Anyway , i have met Jews of different political leanings for years since 1969 in Miami Beach and they seem harmless and nice to me . Plus i see what Israelis have done in Israel and thats impressive .

I haven't found Jews to be particularly nice.....Quite the opposite they seem quite stand-offish.
-------------------------------- i think that being standoffish is their RIGHT in a Free Country SOB !!

So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?
---------------------------------- HATE anyone you like , Hate is legal all over the USA .
You and I know that. The left won’t allow it. They bully people that hate. Tell advertisers to pull out of tv shows
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
Didn't brag I lectured you since you dont know shit.
Oh and Morocco/Berbers was the first country to recognize the independence of the US google it son. I'm here to help !!!
------------------------------------------ and 'berbers' were 'barbary' pirates out of 'morocco' that probably recognized USA Superiority after they became afraid of the newly formed USA Navy and USA Marines :afro:in the early 1800s eh 'isis' . What do you think 'isis' ??
Is that why every American called Morocco one of the oldest ally and friend? Just recently there was a joint military drills between the two countries, are you telling me the US is training with ISIS?
---------------------------------------- THINK that there might be a difference between the ' moroccon government' and its 'berbers' and other muslims 'isis' . The moroccon government might be working with USA Government to avoid being overthrown . Its may be in USA interest for the moroccon gov to stay in place . The muslim terrorist 'imams' and recruits work in the shadows and many are not loyal to the Government as they want a worldwide 'caliphate' . [see my links in this thread about muslim 'imams' recruiting terrorists in morocco 'isis' ]
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I think you are aware of the benefits of diversity. You just chose to ignore them. However, for the millionth time:
1. Individuals from diverse backgrounds can offer a selection of different talents, skills and experiences. People from different cultures take different approaches to problem solving and come up with differ ideas. It's one of the best way to avoid groupthink.

2. By working alongside people of different backgrounds, experiences and working styles, creative concepts can be born from bouncing ideas off of each other and offering feedback and suggestions. Whereas one person may be great at generating exciting, out of the box ideas, another individual may have the necessary experience to execute it.

3. Language barriers and cultural differences can often act as an obstacle for a businesses who want to expand their business overseas. We've all heard the stories of American fast food businesses serving Americanize food in China and Japanese businessmen being insulted by American who knew nothing of their culture, but the problems go much deeper. What might be a great product name, advertising scheme, or packaging in the US is often disastrous abroad. Failures in various countries of US household names such as Amazon, Google, eBay, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Taco Bell can all be traced misunderstanding, customs, language, and infrastructure.

4. Companies who embraces diversity attract a wider range of candidates to their vacancies, as it's viewed as more a progressive organisation and will appeal to individuals from all walks of life.

5. Employees are more likely to feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusiveness is a priority. A gay, disabled, or socially handicapped person is far more likely to be happy in such an environment. The higher the morale, of employees, the more productive they are.
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for Catholic built societies see S. america and some parts of 'europe' . In south america see starving 'venezuelans' chasing a cow through a grassy field so they can kill it with rocks and sticks for a steak dinner . Video is on 'youtube' . And for really nasty stuff , see some of muslim built 'arabia' and the middle east Ben .
On Kristalnacht, the young Germans attacked the Jewish press. Gee, I think I'm on the Germans' side.

Wow, not many people step out and pronounce themselves to be Nazi's.

Kristallnacht was not perpetrated by "young Germans" but rather the Sturmabteilung, a paramilitary branch of the Nazi Party led by your idol, Adolph Hitler.

Sad to see you're on the side of the Nazi murders.
for Catholic built societies see S. america and some parts of 'europe' . In south america see starving 'venezuelans' chasing a cow through a grassy field so they can kill it with rocks and sticks for a steak dinner . Video is on 'youtube' . And for really nasty stuff , see some of muslim built 'arabia' and the middle east Ben .

What in the world does Catholicism have to do with the Socialist takeover, and subsequent failure, of Venezuela?
for Catholic built societies see S. america and some parts of 'europe' . In south america see starving 'venezuelans' chasing a cow through a grassy field so they can kill it with rocks and sticks for a steak dinner . Video is on 'youtube' . And for really nasty stuff , see some of muslim built 'arabia' and the middle east Ben .

What in the world does Catholicism have to do with the Socialist takeover, and subsequent failure, of Venezuela?
-------------------------------------------------------- 'venezuela' just an example of 'catholic' built society . Forget about them for now and check out 'mexico' , honduras , guatamala and other sub par societies invaded , colonized and then built by catholics . Compare them to Protestant built USA Markle .
Venezuela , i think that the Catholic majority voted for 'chavez' to begin with didn't they ?? chavez died and 'maduro' took over . Its not like the 'socialists' took over is it . Catholic people of Venezuela voted for the plight that they are in didn't they Markle ??
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Venezuela , i think that the Catholic majority voted for 'chavez' to begin with [didn't they ?? chavez died and 'maduro' took over . Its not like the 'socialists' took over by is it . Catholic people of Venezuela voted for the plight that they are in didn't they Markle ??

Maduro indeed "took over". His election is considered to be a fraud and he is considered to now be a dictator.

Not at all surprised that you are proud of being a bigot.

All the poor nations in Africa, according to you, they are all run by Catholics. "Interesting"!
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Venezuela , i think that the Catholic majority voted for 'chavez' to begin with [didn't they ?? chavez died and 'maduro' took over . Its not like the 'socialists' took over by is it . Catholic people of Venezuela voted for the plight that they are in didn't they Markle ??

Not at all surprised that you are proud of being a bigot.

All the poor nations in Africa, according to you, they are all run by Catholics. "Interesting"!

Allow raw honesty a chance...don’t be scared to look through rational eyes. Enlighten ALL those “brown” nations kicking ass would you please?
Thanks in advance.
Venezuela , i think that the Catholic majority voted for 'chavez' to begin with [didn't they ?? chavez died and 'maduro' took over . Its not like the 'socialists' took over by is it . Catholic people of Venezuela voted for the plight that they are in didn't they Markle ??

Maduro indeed "took over". His election is considered to be a fraud and he is considered to now be a dictator.

Not at all surprised that you are proud of being a bigot.

All the poor nations in Africa, according to you, they are all run by Catholics. "Interesting"!
--------------------------------------------------- i never said anything about 'africa' so don't change subjects . ------------------------------ chavez was elected by majority Catholics wasn't he , chavez died and 'maduro' took over . His election is a fraud , according to Who Markle ??
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I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I think you are aware of the benefits of diversity. You just chose to ignore them. However, for the millionth time:
1. Individuals from diverse backgrounds can offer a selection of different talents, skills and experiences. People from different cultures take different approaches to problem solving and come up with differ ideas. It's one of the best way to avoid groupthink.

2. By working alongside people of different backgrounds, experiences and working styles, creative concepts can be born from bouncing ideas off of each other and offering feedback and suggestions. Whereas one person may be great at generating exciting, out of the box ideas, another individual may have the necessary experience to execute it.

3. Language barriers and cultural differences can often act as an obstacle for a businesses who want to expand their business overseas. We've all heard the stories of American fast food businesses serving Americanize food in China and Japanese businessmen being insulted by American who knew nothing of their culture, but the problems go much deeper. What might be a great product name, advertising scheme, or packaging in the US is often disastrous abroad. Failures in various countries of US household names such as Amazon, Google, eBay, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Taco Bell can all be traced misunderstanding, customs, language, and infrastructure.

4. Companies who embraces diversity attract a wider range of candidates to their vacancies, as it's viewed as more a progressive organisation and will appeal to individuals from all walks of life.

5. Employees are more likely to feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusiveness is a priority. A gay, disabled, or socially handicapped person is far more likely to be happy in such an environment. The higher the morale, of employees, the more productive they are.

That’s a super noble sentiment...a real tear jerker...I’d guess you have “tolerant” snowflakes feeling all warm and fuzzy...GOOD JOB!
I would actually agree with you on a few points...Americans can and do benefit from a very small number of high iQ, productive, decent immigrants....BUT , let’s not get caught up with allowing the 2% to vouch for the other 98%...Tards often make that mistake. Further, I think we both know this thread is really about Mexico, Central and South American know, that 98%.
I’m thinking Gustavo can’t really give any meaningful advice to Juan...Juan knows exactly how to start a lawn mower and pick oranges...right?
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
Didn't brag I lectured you since you dont know shit.
Oh and Morocco/Berbers was the first country to recognize the independence of the US google it son. I'm here to help !!!
------------------------------------------ and 'berbers' were 'barbary' pirates out of 'morocco' that probably recognized USA Superiority after they became afraid of the newly formed USA Navy and USA Marines :afro:in the early 1800s eh 'isis' . What do you think 'isis' ??
Is that why every American called Morocco one of the oldest ally and friend? Just recently there was a joint military drills between the two countries, are you telling me the US is training with ISIS?
---------------------------------------- THINK that there might be a difference between the ' moroccon government' and its 'berbers' and other muslims 'isis' . The moroccon government might be working with USA Government to avoid being overthrown . Its may be in USA interest for the moroccon gov to stay in place . The muslim terrorist 'imams' and recruits work in the shadows and many are not loyal to the Government as they want a worldwide 'caliphate' . [see my links in this thread about muslim 'imams' recruiting terrorists in morocco 'isis' ]
You have 0 clue about the subject. You are good at being a bigot and racist only, nothing else.
well hey , you seem to be nothing but an Anti American RIGHTS and name calling 'muslim berber' recently imported into the USA which i know you begged to get into . You are also Anti Gun and Anti American RIGHTS and thats my biggest reason for liking your messages on this board . You serve as a great example to Americans of the dangers that YOU and other imported third worlder pose to America . Hey , i am happy that YOU are here 'isis' . :afro:
50 pages in and the answer is clear .

Americas problem ain’t with diversity, it’s with racism.

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