How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

mornin SOB !! Hey , I'm mostly looking at Catholic built countries south of the USA that i am familiar with . And its obvious that they suck with their Saints , pope and Mary worship eh . And then i note that the USA [best country in the world] was Protestant built from its very beginnings by a small Group of very White Male Protestants from a very small area of the British Isles . I'm not really familiar with Catholic Poland , Ireland , Switzerland and Africa as those backwaters aren't really significant in the world today . And then Germany is polluting its lands with muslims and doing it on purpose . Africa has always been a mess . Poland is still recovering from 'communism' [for how many years :afro: now] . Yeah , Protestant America is where it is AT since America was founded and established by Protestants SOB .

Many of the most educated, intelligent, and wealthiest states in the U.S.A are the ones with the most Catholics like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Compare that to the most Protestant states like Alabama, West Virginia, and Mississippi....
---------------------------------------------------- and the states you mention as wealthy and pseudo educated are full of 'catholic' and other foreign third worlders that are dragging the USA down SOB .
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and wealthy , while i am not wealthy or rich in most wealth worshippers and money lovers eyes i am wealthy and rich enough to be able to do , eat or own and live most anything and anywhere i want . My point is , money is not that important to me that i would want to live in anti FREEDOM wealthy areas that you mention . I prefer Peaceful Appalachian types , White or Black to living among so called wealthy elites SOB .
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mornin SOB !! Hey , I'm mostly looking at Catholic built countries south of the USA that i am familiar with . And its obvious that they suck with their Saints , pope and Mary worship eh . And then i note that the USA [best country in the world] was Protestant built from its very beginnings by a small Group of very White Male Protestants from a very small area of the British Isles . I'm not really familiar with Catholic Poland , Ireland , Switzerland and Africa as those backwaters aren't really significant in the world today . And then Germany is polluting its lands with muslims and doing it on purpose . Africa has always been a mess . Poland is still recovering from 'communism' [for how many years :afro: now] . Yeah , Protestant America is where it is AT since America was founded and established by Protestants SOB .

Many of the most educated, intelligent, and wealthiest states in the U.S.A are the ones with the most Catholics like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Compare that to the most Protestant states like Alabama, West Virginia, and Mississippi....
------------------------------------------- and i think that the North Eastern States you mention just above as being Wealthy and Rich are the most Anti Gun , anti Freedom , pro law and pro regulation areas in the USA . Also add New York , California and other Coastal Western states and note that they are being filled up with Catholic - mexican - south american third worlders who will eventually vote SOB .
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If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
So, it's also our right to not like Jews?
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?
---------------------------------- HATE anyone you like , Hate is legal all over the USA .
You and I know that. The left won’t allow it. They bully people that hate. Tell advertisers to pull out of tv shows

You can hate all you want. What you can’t do with impunity, is to act on that hate. You can’t beat up or physically harm or even threaten those you hate.

The bakers weren’t fined $125,000 for refusing to bake a wedding cake for the gay couple. They were fined because the published the names and addtess if the couple on the bakery’s FaceBook page and the gay couple were threaten and harassed. When ordered by the judge to remove this information from their FaceBook page, the bakers refused, citing their first amendment right to free speech.

Your right to free speech is only the right to speak out against the government. It doesn’t allow you to publically denigrate or threaten your neighbours with impunity.

And if you publically promote hate on TV, those who disagree with you have the right to boycott your sponsors - the people who finance and provide you with a public platform to promote your ideas.

Your right to free speech doesn’t allow you to file false police reports, cry “Fire” in a crowded theatre unless there really is a fire, nor does it give you the right to threaten or bully others.
what is wrong is you telling a sponsor they need to stop sponsoring a program. if you don't want to do business is one thing demanding a sponsor pull out is egregious

No it’s not. You say you support free speech, but then you don’t. If you can’t see the hypocrisy in that, you’re even dumber than I thought.

There is no obligation on the part of the sponsor to actually pull their ads. That’s their choice. They may pull ads because they don’t want to be associated with the hate speech.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
Back when people were actually capable of learning the exchange of ideas from the corners of the earth lead to technological advances. Now I see engineers that want to tell realtors about real estate and vice versa, I have seen realtors that want to tell engineers how to build bridges. All of a sudden the stupid think they know every thing and it does not seem like any body can learn anything any more. Until some thing changes nobody is learning anything anymore!
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .
as far as i know , there is NO such thing as ILLEGAL Hate Speech in the USA DLady . --------- just a comment !!
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .
Well, how specifically do muslim and latino immigrants act differently towards self-determination than did colonialists? That is the basic premise of this thread, that there's something "different" about these people. The Puritans did not practice free market economics. I know a muslim who is a venture capitalist. I lived next door to a latino immigrant who started and operated a business ultimately employing upwards of a hundred office cleaning folks.
but's not alright to hate illiegals right?
---------------------------------- HATE anyone you like , Hate is legal all over the USA .
You and I know that. The left won’t allow it. They bully people that hate. Tell advertisers to pull out of tv shows

You can hate all you want. What you can’t do with impunity, is to act on that hate. You can’t beat up or physically harm or even threaten those you hate.

The bakers weren’t fined $125,000 for refusing to bake a wedding cake for the gay couple. They were fined because the published the names and addtess if the couple on the bakery’s FaceBook page and the gay couple were threaten and harassed. When ordered by the judge to remove this information from their FaceBook page, the bakers refused, citing their first amendment right to free speech.

Your right to free speech is only the right to speak out against the government. It doesn’t allow you to publically denigrate or threaten your neighbours with impunity.

And if you publically promote hate on TV, those who disagree with you have the right to boycott your sponsors - the people who finance and provide you with a public platform to promote your ideas.

Your right to free speech doesn’t allow you to file false police reports, cry “Fire” in a crowded theatre unless there really is a fire, nor does it give you the right to threaten or bully others.
what is wrong is you telling a sponsor they need to stop sponsoring a program. if you don't want to do business is one thing demanding a sponsor pull out is egregious

No it’s not. You say you support free speech, but then you don’t. If you can’t see the hypocrisy in that, you’re even dumber than I thought.

There is no obligation on the part of the sponsor to actually pull their ads. That’s their choice. They may pull ads because they don’t want to be associated with the hate speech.
yes it is, it's called bullying. I thought lefts wanted to get bullying removed from society. Why do you encourage it then?
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .
Well, how specifically do muslim and latino immigrants act differently towards self-determination than did colonialists? That is the basic premise of this thread, that there's something "different" about these people. The Puritans did not practice free market economics. I know a muslim who is a venture capitalist. I lived next door to a latino immigrant who started and operated a business ultimately employing upwards of a hundred office cleaning folks.
-------------------------------------------------------- I think that i have said it before , my main problem with importing people is First , i don't like the population growth in the USA . Second , see the views of some third world muslim imports on this board that came to the USA and who want to change Gun Laws in the USA . Third , see some third world imports that want to modify Free Speech in the USA . As example see the 'muslims' that tried to murder some 'mohamad' cartoonists a few years ago in Texas . Plus some third world muslim imports that want to modify or discard USA law and use their muslim sharia law . -------------------------------------------------- And everyone thinks that they are economic experts . So on economics , i guess that everyone is poor or just wants MORE . I am not one of those people . As a blue collar guy of 68 i have always done 'good enough' in the USA to have never concerned myself about the USA Economics or wanted money more than i want a cohesive American Society Ben .
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--- --- see AMI on the streets of Minnesota as he interviews imported muslims Ben .
How do we benefit by going beyond already being the most inclusive, diverse, free society in the world? Namely, how do we benefit by constantly letting other nation states call US racists when some of those nations maintain homogenous pipulariins and keep others out? How do we benefit by letting Mexico dictate to us how we should treat immigrants when ours is far and above more humane and equal compared to ours? How do we benefit in the name of diversity other nations reminding US of our Slavery legacy when the very factions and cultures that engaged with US then are still actively trading slaves today? How do we benefit in the name of diversity being measured from a level of tolerance when it comes to gays and women while other cultures and nations beat and stone them to death?

Apologizing for American Exceptionalism or having to reaffirm our commitment to diversity is tried and tired play from The Left for control.
its my opinion that the wierdos that listen to the lefties and some on the right is that their reward is coming as time goes by .
On Kristalnacht, the young Germans attacked the Jewish press. Gee, I think I'm on the Germans' side.

Wow, not many people step out and pronounce themselves to be Nazi's.

Kristallnacht was not perpetrated by "young Germans" but rather the Sturmabteilung, a paramilitary branch of the Nazi Party led by your idol, Adolph Hitler.

Sad to see you're on the side of the Nazi murders.
If young Americans violently attacked the Jewish owned press in this country, however that might occur, I'd be right there with them. You people are poison. I've been reading some Mein Kampf. Like everything else you people touch, we've been lied to about Mr. Hitler, too. Everything he wrote that I've read so far rings true as fuck. Meanwhile, CNN stinks to high heaven of Jewish lies.
If we'd just kept out Roger Williams and his ilk, this could have truly become God's Great Nation.
They shoulda shot Asser Levy in the head when he stepped foot in North America then sent him back with a note: FAIR WARNING
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
Jew lies. It was white male Christians who first cast slavery as a moral issue, you fucking liar.
for Catholic built societies see S. america and some parts of 'europe' . In south america see starving 'venezuelans' chasing a cow through a grassy field so they can kill it with rocks and sticks for a steak dinner . Video is on 'youtube' . And for really nasty stuff , see some of muslim built 'arabia' and the middle east Ben .

LOL, Switzerland, Austria, and Ireland are all Catholic, and among the most rich nations in the entire World.
Not really.
Ireland and Austria are predominately Catholic
Switzerland is not. 36.5% Roman Catholic
Only Switzerland and Ireland are among the 15 wealthiest countries.
These Are the Richest Countries in the World
Religion in Switzerland - Wikipedia
as i have said numerous times in this thread , Money and Wealth are not really important to me . RIGHTS , Freedoms and being The only SUPERPOWER are where its at for me . 68 years old and i and family going back to the 1890s [that i know about] have always had what we have wanted or needed . Some people are moneygrubbers , whores that will do anything for money but I am not built that way Flopper .
and Austria , rich as it may be , i think that Austria is being flooded with muslim - syrian refugees so much that Austrian authorities tell school girls to dress in a way that won't tempt the refugees to rape them Flopper .

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