How do the non-spiritual explain it?

You theists do it to us. You make us crazy! Hard not to lump you all together. Lol

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.

Uhm, you were crazier than a loon the first time I ever talked to you here. Don't blame that on me! Besides, how many times do I need to tell you that I am not a religious person? Closed-minded bigots lump people all together.

It is interesting how you can see the universe is amazing and seems to have a life of it's own. Fascinating that you are aware of something greater, though you can't define it so you've decided to rebuke and reject it. You exhibit all the classic signs of someone in complete denial.

No, planets are nothing like stars, in fact, planets aren't even like each other. Some are gas giants, some have molten cores, some have atmospheres and magnetic fields. Ours has an abundance of water, unlike any other planet in our solar system, or any other planet we've seen, for that matter.

Suns are like giant nuclear reactors made of mostly helium and hydrogen. They range is size and intensity, our sun is relatively small. Now again, I take you back to the origin of the universe, however you believe that happened... IF certain constants had been different by just a hair, suns and planets couldn't have formed. To me, this is a very important observation.

We shoot off fireworks and marvel at the beauty of the pattern of design... do we believe fireworks just so happen to do this? Bunch of Chinese stuff some gunpowder in a tube and viola! Beautiful fireworks! Of course not! The firework is carefully constructed in a certain way. It has to be built that way to get the desired effect. If there is any deviation in how the firework is constructed, it doesn't work. Now, I have no idea how to build a firework to make it do certain things... don't have a clue. But somebody does! I have enough sense to know it's not magic or random chance, even though I can't explain it or identify who did it.
You're the one trying to define our amazing universe as god. Everything you can't explain or understand must be god. Your arguments are the same weak arguments theists made before the Abraham religions were made up. Your arguments werent winning any debates so Abraham said god talked to him and now you theists finally had proof your creator existed! Now go write your book.
You theists do it to us. You make us crazy! Hard not to lump you all together. Lol

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.

Uhm, you were crazier than a loon the first time I ever talked to you here. Don't blame that on me! Besides, how many times do I need to tell you that I am not a religious person? Closed-minded bigots lump people all together.

It is interesting how you can see the universe is amazing and seems to have a life of it's own. Fascinating that you are aware of something greater, though you can't define it so you've decided to rebuke and reject it. You exhibit all the classic signs of someone in complete denial.

No, planets are nothing like stars, in fact, planets aren't even like each other. Some are gas giants, some have molten cores, some have atmospheres and magnetic fields. Ours has an abundance of water, unlike any other planet in our solar system, or any other planet we've seen, for that matter.

Suns are like giant nuclear reactors made of mostly helium and hydrogen. They range is size and intensity, our sun is relatively small. Now again, I take you back to the origin of the universe, however you believe that happened... IF certain constants had been different by just a hair, suns and planets couldn't have formed. To me, this is a very important observation.

We shoot off fireworks and marvel at the beauty of the pattern of design... do we believe fireworks just so happen to do this? Bunch of Chinese stuff some gunpowder in a tube and viola! Beautiful fireworks! Of course not! The firework is carefully constructed in a certain way. It has to be built that way to get the desired effect. If there is any deviation in how the firework is constructed, it doesn't work. Now, I have no idea how to build a firework to make it do certain things... don't have a clue. But somebody does! I have enough sense to know it's not magic or random chance, even though I can't explain it or identify who did it.
Planets are a lot like stars in fact they were born from stars. So were you. Everything you see is made of star stuff.
You theists do it to us. You make us crazy! Hard not to lump you all together. Lol

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.

Uhm, you were crazier than a loon the first time I ever talked to you here. Don't blame that on me! Besides, how many times do I need to tell you that I am not a religious person? Closed-minded bigots lump people all together.

It is interesting how you can see the universe is amazing and seems to have a life of it's own. Fascinating that you are aware of something greater, though you can't define it so you've decided to rebuke and reject it. You exhibit all the classic signs of someone in complete denial.

No, planets are nothing like stars, in fact, planets aren't even like each other. Some are gas giants, some have molten cores, some have atmospheres and magnetic fields. Ours has an abundance of water, unlike any other planet in our solar system, or any other planet we've seen, for that matter.

Suns are like giant nuclear reactors made of mostly helium and hydrogen. They range is size and intensity, our sun is relatively small. Now again, I take you back to the origin of the universe, however you believe that happened... IF certain constants had been different by just a hair, suns and planets couldn't have formed. To me, this is a very important observation.

We shoot off fireworks and marvel at the beauty of the pattern of design... do we believe fireworks just so happen to do this? Bunch of Chinese stuff some gunpowder in a tube and viola! Beautiful fireworks! Of course not! The firework is carefully constructed in a certain way. It has to be built that way to get the desired effect. If there is any deviation in how the firework is constructed, it doesn't work. Now, I have no idea how to build a firework to make it do certain things... don't have a clue. But somebody does! I have enough sense to know it's not magic or random chance, even though I can't explain it or identify who did it.
I make a camp fire and marvel at the beauty and design of the logs as they burn. It all boils down to you can't believe we are here if no one put us here. You believe something must have intelligently put us here on purpose for a reason and by design. Maybe.
Yep.. It's always wise to build a foundation for your relationship on lies and deception. That's a winning plan right there, Boob!

Is it so important that I have to tell her my every belief and see what are deal breakers? I like anal. Should I tell her on the first date? Maybe I will tactfully ask her how religious she is and let her know I have my doubt's. Just not on the first date.

Do I care if she believes in UFOs ghosts and the lochness monster? So why should I care if she believes in gods?

I'm sure though I'll eventually tell her. Not until after I've been balls deep of course.

Wow.. It's amazing to see how brazenly proud you are about being a sleaze with such low character as to deceive people in order to get sex. My experience has been, people with such little sense of ethics can't ever be trusted.

I guess I can be relieved this girl isn't one of my daughters. They are way too smart for someone like you. They would have culled you long before any first date. Not much gets by their bullshit meters.
Are you kidding me? You have no idea how many people you know think you're full of shit because they just listen and nod politely as you ramble on about your bastardized version of god.

Atheists Muslims Jews Mormons and christians all think you are fos. How did you find a woman who believes like you do? Did you tell her before you had sex with her that you aren't a christian?
You're the one trying to define our amazing universe as god. Everything you can't explain or understand must be god. Your arguments are the same weak arguments theists made before the Abraham religions were made up.

We've already established that human spirituality dates back to the origin of human civilization. This attribute is not an argument, it's an undeniable trait found in 95% of the species for all it's existence. You are trying to dismiss it as a failed argument, but this defies science. The attribute would simply not exist in the species if it weren't fundamental.

I've already addressed your meme about "god did it" and nothing has changed, people who believe in God already believe God did everything. They assume this whether they can explain how or not. Science is exploring the unknown to find answers, so how is "God did it" any sort of logical approach? It doesn't answer any question for someone who already believes God did it. Science is about discovering HOW God did it.
You theists do it to us. You make us crazy! Hard not to lump you all together. Lol

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.

Uhm, you were crazier than a loon the first time I ever talked to you here. Don't blame that on me! Besides, how many times do I need to tell you that I am not a religious person? Closed-minded bigots lump people all together.

It is interesting how you can see the universe is amazing and seems to have a life of it's own. Fascinating that you are aware of something greater, though you can't define it so you've decided to rebuke and reject it. You exhibit all the classic signs of someone in complete denial.

No, planets are nothing like stars, in fact, planets aren't even like each other. Some are gas giants, some have molten cores, some have atmospheres and magnetic fields. Ours has an abundance of water, unlike any other planet in our solar system, or any other planet we've seen, for that matter.

Suns are like giant nuclear reactors made of mostly helium and hydrogen. They range is size and intensity, our sun is relatively small. Now again, I take you back to the origin of the universe, however you believe that happened... IF certain constants had been different by just a hair, suns and planets couldn't have formed. To me, this is a very important observation.

We shoot off fireworks and marvel at the beauty of the pattern of design... do we believe fireworks just so happen to do this? Bunch of Chinese stuff some gunpowder in a tube and viola! Beautiful fireworks! Of course not! The firework is carefully constructed in a certain way. It has to be built that way to get the desired effect. If there is any deviation in how the firework is constructed, it doesn't work. Now, I have no idea how to build a firework to make it do certain things... don't have a clue. But somebody does! I have enough sense to know it's not magic or random chance, even though I can't explain it or identify who did it.
I make a camp fire and marvel at the beauty and design of the logs as they burn. It all boils down to you can't believe we are here if no one put us here. You believe something must have intelligently put us here on purpose for a reason and by design. Maybe.

You totally missed the point on the fireworks analogy. Let's get it straight on what I believe specifically... I believe our intricately fine-tuned universe was created by some guiding intuitive force which we are unable to understand. I do not believe there is a possibility for physical nature and life to be created otherwise. I am comfortable calling this force spiritual nature or God. I'm fine with admitting I don't have proof of this entity and only faith. I don't expect physical science to ever explain it and that isn't required for me to accept it.

Whether there is some ultimate purpose or reason, I have to assume there probably is. I base this on the logic that most things do happen for a reason. We are drawn to light, away from darkness... time moves in one direction... we are compelled spiritually to better ourselves and do "good" as opposed to "bad" so all these things seem to indicate a clear path or course... a purpose and reason. What is it? Don't know! Don't claim to know!
We've already established that human spirituality dates back to the origin of human civilization.
No YOU didn't, YOU simply pontificated.

It's established in archeology as well as it can be established from a scientific perspective. (Sans the idiot morons who want to argue ritual burial ceremonies aren't spirituality.)
Burial rites may be superstitious, but that doesn't in any way establish as a fact that 95% of Neanderthals practiced the superstition.
You're the one trying to define our amazing universe as god. Everything you can't explain or understand must be god. Your arguments are the same weak arguments theists made before the Abraham religions were made up.

We've already established that human spirituality dates back to the origin of human civilization. This attribute is not an argument, it's an undeniable trait found in 95% of the species for all it's existence. You are trying to dismiss it as a failed argument, but this defies science. The attribute would simply not exist in the species if it weren't fundamental.

I've already addressed your meme about "god did it" and nothing has changed, people who believe in God already believe God did everything. They assume this whether they can explain how or not. Science is exploring the unknown to find answers, so how is "God did it" any sort of logical approach? It doesn't answer any question for someone who already believes God did it. Science is about discovering HOW God did it.
Science explains the benefits of religion and why people believe. I've explained it to you. And we are still a very young unevolved primitive uneducated superstitious species. We are very young. Babies need god. We won't always be babies. Even you have evolved to be smart enough not to buy any organized religions bullshit. But you actually just took a step back because your arguments were the arguments made before the organized religions were made up. Why were they made up? Because your arguments werent enough. Next!
You theists do it to us. You make us crazy! Hard not to lump you all together. Lol

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.

Uhm, you were crazier than a loon the first time I ever talked to you here. Don't blame that on me! Besides, how many times do I need to tell you that I am not a religious person? Closed-minded bigots lump people all together.

It is interesting how you can see the universe is amazing and seems to have a life of it's own. Fascinating that you are aware of something greater, though you can't define it so you've decided to rebuke and reject it. You exhibit all the classic signs of someone in complete denial.

No, planets are nothing like stars, in fact, planets aren't even like each other. Some are gas giants, some have molten cores, some have atmospheres and magnetic fields. Ours has an abundance of water, unlike any other planet in our solar system, or any other planet we've seen, for that matter.

Suns are like giant nuclear reactors made of mostly helium and hydrogen. They range is size and intensity, our sun is relatively small. Now again, I take you back to the origin of the universe, however you believe that happened... IF certain constants had been different by just a hair, suns and planets couldn't have formed. To me, this is a very important observation.

We shoot off fireworks and marvel at the beauty of the pattern of design... do we believe fireworks just so happen to do this? Bunch of Chinese stuff some gunpowder in a tube and viola! Beautiful fireworks! Of course not! The firework is carefully constructed in a certain way. It has to be built that way to get the desired effect. If there is any deviation in how the firework is constructed, it doesn't work. Now, I have no idea how to build a firework to make it do certain things... don't have a clue. But somebody does! I have enough sense to know it's not magic or random chance, even though I can't explain it or identify who did it.
I make a camp fire and marvel at the beauty and design of the logs as they burn. It all boils down to you can't believe we are here if no one put us here. You believe something must have intelligently put us here on purpose for a reason and by design. Maybe.

You totally missed the point on the fireworks analogy. Let's get it straight on what I believe specifically... I believe our intricately fine-tuned universe was created by some guiding intuitive force which we are unable to understand. I do not believe there is a possibility for physical nature and life to be created otherwise. I am comfortable calling this force spiritual nature or God. I'm fine with admitting I don't have proof of this entity and only faith. I don't expect physical science to ever explain it and that isn't required for me to accept it.

Whether there is some ultimate purpose or reason, I have to assume there probably is. I base this on the logic that most things do happen for a reason. We are drawn to light, away from darkness... time moves in one direction... we are compelled spiritually to better ourselves and do "good" as opposed to "bad" so all these things seem to indicate a clear path or course... a purpose and reason. What is it? Don't know! Don't claim to know!
So I guess I probably will get around to telling that girl I have my doubt's but I don't think it needs to be a deal breaker if shes nice. Hell I'll even go back in the closet if she's nice enough. Christian girls are wild in bed.

Trust me bro yod be lucky to have me as a son in law. I'd treat your daughter right and teach your grandkids how to be good people and why. Not so one day they can make it into the pearly gates.

Funny theists worry about their souls living for eternity and atheists seem to be more worried that our species lives forever. So who do you think care more about the planet? Fuck it right you'll be in heaven when it all ends. In fact didn't the martin Luther's believe the end days were soon them? Didn't Jesus followers believe the second coming would be in their lifetime? You keep thinking this way because the fools back then were superstitious. You're a fool.
Hey boss. Imagine me as your son in law at thanksgiving arguing with you about this shit. Lol. Dont worry pops I'd let you win.
We've already established that human spirituality dates back to the origin of human civilization.
No YOU didn't, YOU simply pontificated.

It's established in archeology as well as it can be established from a scientific perspective. (Sans the idiot morons who want to argue ritual burial ceremonies aren't spirituality.)
Burial rites may be superstitious, but that doesn't in any way establish as a fact that 95% of Neanderthals practiced the superstition.
Great point. It was simply a tradition that caught on. So the buzzards wouldn't get them or to kill or bury the deseased. Or burn them.
.....Because I don't know where the key is......
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next.
it's not that creepy.....John3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God......hardly registers a single blip on the creep-o-meter.......
Well fuck it if we're condemned already. Lol

By the way yes whenever you quote the bible its creepy.
that then would be your choice....

There is general agreement among scholars that the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) show a high level of cross-reference. The usual explanation, the Two-source hypothesis, is that Mark was written first and that the authors of Matthew and Luke relied on Mark and the hypothetical Q document.

Early Christian tradition held that the Gospel of Matthew was written in "Hebrew" (Aramaic, the language of Judea) by the apostle Matthew, the tax-collector and disciple of Jesus, but according to the majority of modern scholars it is unlikely that this Gospel was written by an eyewitness. Modern scholars interpret the tradition to mean that Papias, its source, writing about 125–150 CE, believed that Matthew had made a collection of the sayings of Jesus. Papias's description does not correspond well with what is known of the gospel: it was most probably written in Greek, not Aramaic or Hebrew, it depends on the Greek Gospels of Mark and on the hypothetical Q document, and it is not a collection of sayings. Although the identity of the author is unknown, the internal evidence of the Gospel suggests that he was an ethnic Jewish male scribe from a Hellenised city, possibly Antioch in Syria, and that he wrote between 70 and 100 CE using a variety of oral traditions and written sources about Jesus.
I'm sorry, but it simply isn't true that a "majority of modern scholars" believe would be more accurate to state that a whole lot of atheists with a total disregard for scholastic research believe that.......
To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
Ever look at what a cut looks like under a microscope? The blood rushes in and then a clot seals it. That's our universe.
To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
Ever look at what a cut looks like under a microscope? The blood rushes in and then a clot seals it. That's our universe.
God's designs are in truth, wonderful......
Great point. It was simply a tradition that caught on. So the buzzards wouldn't get them or to kill or bury the deseased. Or burn them.

Sorry... Warding off buzzards does not explain ritual ceremonies with red ocher.

No, they were practicing spirituality. And eddy, spirituality is not superstition.
Science explains the benefits of religion and why people believe. I've explained it to you.

No, you gave me a bunch of atheist opinion masquerading as science and I didn't let you get away with that. Yes, we can see benefits from religion, but we can't justify the existence of religion on this basis because history is full of examples where it wasn't beneficial to be religious. That got you dead. So we understand that religion has existed when it was beneficial and also when it wasn't. This is because Religion is driven by intrinsic human spirituality.

Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.

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