How do the non-spiritual explain it?

To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
Ever look at what a cut looks like under a microscope? The blood rushes in and then a clot seals it. That's our universe.
God's designs are in truth, wonderful......
Yep. Your gawds blueprint for the cancer cell is in truth, wonderful.
Science explains the benefits of religion and why people believe. I've explained it to you.

No, you gave me a bunch of atheist opinion masquerading as science and I didn't let you get away with that. Yes, we can see benefits from religion, but we can't justify the existence of religion on this basis because history is full of examples where it wasn't beneficial to be religious. That got you dead. So we understand that religion has existed when it was beneficial and also when it wasn't. This is because Religion is driven by intrinsic human spirituality.

Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
There is no such thing as your religion of "intrinsic human spirituality".

Your reciting of slogans and cliches' is a propensity for cultists.
Great point. It was simply a tradition that caught on. So the buzzards wouldn't get them or to kill or bury the deseased. Or burn them.

Sorry... Warding off buzzards does not explain ritual ceremonies with red ocher.

No, they were practicing spirituality. And eddy, spirituality is not superstition.
That is exactly what it is, now prove your 95% claim.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.
To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
Ever look at what a cut looks like under a microscope? The blood rushes in and then a clot seals it. That's our universe.
God's designs are in truth, wonderful......
Yep. Your gawds blueprint for the cancer cell is in truth, wonderful.
except a cancer cell is an abnormal has distorted God's blueprint, just as your brain were not intended to be so is the impact of atheism upon your thoughts that have caused that cancerous abnormality between your ears........
To me it seems the universe is a living thing. Suns beat like a heart. So do planets. Aren't planets just wanna be stars not hot enough to burn bright but hot in the core? Its all amazing.
????.....but why?....according to your beliefs it only exists because some other universe had a bad case of diarrhea......
Ever look at what a cut looks like under a microscope? The blood rushes in and then a clot seals it. That's our universe.
God's designs are in truth, wonderful......
Yep. Your gawds blueprint for the cancer cell is in truth, wonderful.
except a cancer cell is an abnormal has distorted God's blueprint, just as your brain were not intended to be so is the impact of atheism upon your thoughts that have caused that cancerous abnormality between your ears........
How typical. You pick and choose the elements of your religion as though you were ordering Chinese food.

I guess we have to conclude your gawds were just inept and incompetent "designers" who couldn't get so many things right.

Atheism is not an abnormality. Most of the planet is atheistic toward your polytheistic gawds.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.

Total rubbish. Only some isolated Neanderthal tribes in Europe ever practiced any form or spirituality. It is believed they were merely trying to copy their homo sapien counterparts as their species was dying out. The act of burial is not spiritual. The act of ritual ceremony is spiritual.

As for the 95% of humans who have always been spiritual, I can't post the statistical data here, there is not enough room for over 100,000 years of human history. There have been civilizations where 100% were spiritual, there have some where maybe only 10% were spiritual. They didn't last long, but they tried. All told, about 95% of our species has always been spiritual. I don't care if you don't like that statistic.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.

Total rubbish. Only some isolated Neanderthal tribes in Europe ever practiced any form or spirituality. It is believed they were merely trying to copy their homo sapien counterparts as their species was dying out. The act of burial is not spiritual. The act of ritual ceremony is spiritual.

As for the 95% of humans who have always been spiritual, I can't post the statistical data here, there is not enough room for over 100,000 years of human history. There have been civilizations where 100% were spiritual, there have some where maybe only 10% were spiritual. They didn't last long, but they tried. All told, about 95% of our species has always been spiritual. I don't care if you don't like that statistic.
What I don't like is YOUR pontification.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.

Total rubbish. Only some isolated Neanderthal tribes in Europe ever practiced any form or spirituality. It is believed they were merely trying to copy their homo sapien counterparts as their species was dying out. The act of burial is not spiritual. The act of ritual ceremony is spiritual.

As for the 95% of humans who have always been spiritual, I can't post the statistical data here, there is not enough room for over 100,000 years of human history. There have been civilizations where 100% were spiritual, there have some where maybe only 10% were spiritual. They didn't last long, but they tried. All told, about 95% of our species has always been spiritual. I don't care if you don't like that statistic.
Your 95% slogan is just that, a slogan. It's another of your "because I say so" arguments, totally void substantiation.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.

Total rubbish. Only some isolated Neanderthal tribes in Europe ever practiced any form or spirituality. It is believed they were merely trying to copy their homo sapien counterparts as their species was dying out. The act of burial is not spiritual. The act of ritual ceremony is spiritual.

As for the 95% of humans who have always been spiritual, I can't post the statistical data here, there is not enough room for over 100,000 years of human history. There have been civilizations where 100% were spiritual, there have some where maybe only 10% were spiritual. They didn't last long, but they tried. All told, about 95% of our species has always been spiritual. I don't care if you don't like that statistic.
We're also very young in the grand scheme of things. Just because we were superstitious the first 100,000 years doesnt mean we will be for the next million years. 95% of the people that lived the last 100,000 were also really stupid. You can't make a watch telescope engine eye glasses airplane lightbulb hell you probably don't even know how to make fire probably.

If it weren't for the 5% like Carl Sagan or Darwin where would we be? No coincidence a high number of intelligent scientists are athiests.

Newton may have been religious but nothing ever came from his quest to find hidden messages in the bible.

So in a way you're smarter than newton because you know the bibles a bunch of hooey.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.
Boss says is if the native americans came up with gods and the Greeks came up with gods and because ancient primitive uneducated man always believed we are stuck with their invention. Because they couldn't imagine any other way and neither can boss there must be a creator. It it intelligent? Does it care? Is it eternal? Does it dedicate? Did it build a heaven for christians only? Did it talk to moses Noah or impregnate Mary? What do you think?

Its such a stupid thought. Like ghosts or angels or Satan.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.

Total rubbish. Only some isolated Neanderthal tribes in Europe ever practiced any form or spirituality. It is believed they were merely trying to copy their homo sapien counterparts as their species was dying out. The act of burial is not spiritual. The act of ritual ceremony is spiritual.

As for the 95% of humans who have always been spiritual, I can't post the statistical data here, there is not enough room for over 100,000 years of human history. There have been civilizations where 100% were spiritual, there have some where maybe only 10% were spiritual. They didn't last long, but they tried. All told, about 95% of our species has always been spiritual. I don't care if you don't like that statistic.
Your 95% slogan is just that, a slogan. It's another of your "because I say so" arguments, totally void substantiation.
How many Persians in iran or Arabs in the middle east dont believe but stay silent? How many atheists in China india Japan Europe canada australia Africa South america and america?

Bet we're more than 5%. And growing ever since the Enlightenment over the past few hundred years.
spirituality has nothing to do with religion, its origin is purely derived from within the Garden the beings inhabit.

humanities version is greatly corrupted by its artificial settlements, cities that are abstractions that for many cause them to lose their direction from the origin of life and a true spirituality.

How many Persians in iran or Arabs in the middle east dont believe but stay silent? How many atheists in China india Japan Europe canada australia Africa South america and america?

Bet we're more than 5%. And growing ever since the Enlightenment over the past few hundred years.

I don't know how man don't believe but stay silent... How many believe but claim they don't? Seems like if we get into what people feel instead of what they say, we can rationalize all kinds of statistics that aren't valid.

Nihilism is the belief in absolute nothingness. No God, no possibility for one, no spiritual nature, no possibility for any, nothing greater than human minds, no possibility of anything else, ever, end of story. These people represent about 5% of the species and there has never been any civilization where this number was much higher.
Science has not pinpointed when man supposedly "invented" spirituality. You can claim that as an opinion, you can't claim it's a scientific fact. It's just not.
Well it was the Neanderthals who started the superstitious burial rituals you define as "spiritualism," so what is so unscientific about Neanderthals inventing burial superstitions/spiritualism?
And prove 95% of Neanderthals were superstitious.
Boss says is if the native americans came up with gods and the Greeks came up with gods and because ancient primitive uneducated man always believed we are stuck with their invention. Because they couldn't imagine any other way and neither can boss there must be a creator. It it intelligent? Does it care? Is it eternal? Does it dedicate? Did it build a heaven for christians only? Did it talk to moses Noah or impregnate Mary? What do you think?

Its such a stupid thought. Like ghosts or angels or Satan.

It's not an invention. You have to prove this in order to claim it. We've been through this already, so stop being stubborn and claiming this when you have no basis for the claim.

Especially something that completely contradicts everything we know about animal behavior. Not a damn living thing has ever "invented" a fundamental attribute of it's species. Attributes are formed over time and develop, they aren't inventions. Attributes which have no beneficial purpose are forgotten and discarded in favor of attributes which help the species thrive.

So all your "invented hocus pocus" claims are invalid. This is why you have zero evidence of a pinpoint in time where man "invented" spirituality. It has been with man all along as an intrinsic attribute.
We're also very young in the grand scheme of things. Just because we were superstitious the first 100,000 years doesnt mean we will be for the next million years.

Spirituality is not superstition. You can believe that but it's not true. Like religion, superstitions are evidence of human spirituality at work inside a fertile imagination. It is unfortunately because we are spiritually aware and have such a spiritually inspired mind, that we can imagine superstitious beliefs.

A lot of religions are superstitious in nature, I won't argue that, but again... religions are also a byproduct of our human spirituality. Our spirituality is not superstition because that's where superstition comes from... do you see any signs of superstition anywhere else in nature? Superstitions without the spirituality basis makes absolutely no sense whatsoever... it defies nature.
We're also very young in the grand scheme of things. Just because we were superstitious the first 100,000 years doesnt mean we will be for the next million years.

Spirituality is not superstition. You can believe that but it's not true. Like religion, superstitions are evidence of human spirituality at work inside a fertile imagination. It is unfortunately because we are spiritually aware and have such a spiritually inspired mind, that we can imagine superstitious beliefs.

A lot of religions are superstitious in nature, I won't argue that, but again... religions are also a byproduct of our human spirituality. Our spirituality is not superstition because that's where superstition comes from... do you see any signs of superstition anywhere else in nature? Superstitions without the spirituality basis makes absolutely no sense whatsoever... it defies nature.
Your claims to spirit realms, magical gawds and supernatural entities certainly are superstitions. Superstitions are evidence of a child-like fear of the unknown. Those fears have been the basis for invention of uncounted gawds who were in control of natural forces not understood.

It's actually truly disturbing that you spend such enormous amounts of time promoting fear and superstition under the guise of your invented religion of Boss's New Fangled Religion of Spirit Realms.
How many Persians in iran or Arabs in the middle east dont believe but stay silent? How many atheists in China india Japan Europe canada australia Africa South america and america?

Bet we're more than 5%. And growing ever since the Enlightenment over the past few hundred years.

I don't know how man don't believe but stay silent... How many believe but claim they don't? Seems like if we get into what people feel instead of what they say, we can rationalize all kinds of statistics that aren't valid.

Nihilism is the belief in absolute nothingness. No God, no possibility for one, no spiritual nature, no possibility for any, nothing greater than human minds, no possibility of anything else, ever, end of story. These people represent about 5% of the species and there has never been any civilization where this number was much higher.
This is just more of your endlessly recycled rattling of slogans and cliches'.

Your insistence on the promotion of the fear, ignorance and superstitions that haunt your existence has gone beyond creepy. At this point, just accept that you're not winning converts to Boss's New Fangled Religion of Spirit Realms.

Remember, L. Ron Hubbard failed in his first attempt at religion building until he found the "hook" he needed to rope people in which was the metaphysics of Dianetics. You need a hook there, Laddie, something more than silly slogans and cliches'.
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