How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Why do you need to decrease it when it was higher before human life?

Trust me when I say you are simply too stupid to understand if someone were to explain it to you.

So go ahead and screech like you usually do. Tell us all about what ails you.

JC, no one actually cares what you say because you never say anything of value. So why don't you just sit back and read something. LEARN something before you post!

It's fun to learn stuff! You may be mentally challenged but you can still learn.
Trust me when I say you are simply too stupid to understand if someone were to explain it to you.

So go ahead and screech like you usually do. Tell us all about what ails you.

JC, no one actually cares what you say because you never say anything of value. So why don't you just sit back and read something. LEARN something before you post!

It's fun to learn stuff! You may be mentally challenged but you can still learn.
There is the possibility he suffers from pessimism bias.
Trust me when I say you are simply too stupid to understand if someone were to explain it to you.

So go ahead and screech like you usually do. Tell us all about what ails you.

JC, no one actually cares what you say because you never say anything of value. So why don't you just sit back and read something. LEARN something before you post!

It's fun to learn stuff! You may be mentally challenged but you can still learn.
I know I am far smarter than you will ever be! You think 120 ppm of co2 Carrie’s more heat than the sun! That’s ridiculous
I understand that. I just hope he's redeemable. No one should have to go through life like that, it's very sad
He's made 116,000 posts/quips. He can never engage in a true conversation or write a paragraph.
Again he is just a full time harassment Troll.
and I wouldn't put it past this MB that he's a paid page-view/post generator.
He has NO content.
This place runs/makes money on Page Views and they love these little shlts running up the score.
This is THEE internet Home of One-Line RW Trolls.
Many banned from more coherent boards.
Toddster (one line question responses) and Ding same (and occasional 100 time repeated graphic/link) are two more
Last edited:
He's made 116,000 posts/quips. He can never enegage in a true conversation or write a paragraph.
Again he is just a full time harassment Troll.
and I wouldn't put it past this MB that he's a paid page-view/post generator.
He has NO content.
This place runs/makes money on Page Views and they love these little shlts running up the score.
This is THEE internet Home of one-line RW Trolls.
Many banned from more coherent boards.
Toddster and Ding are two more
You still haven’t explained why renewables are cheaper? Why?

Seriously, what are you, associates degree...MAYBE? Something simple suiting a simpleton?

You don't seem to have any technical knowledge of anything .

Smarter. LOLOLOL. You would struggle to be smarter than an anencephalic baby.
Common sense
Brought out and paraded around to create doubt in the science.

But it's not! CFC's are very good at what they do. Finding an alternative, as I understand it, required going with analogues of CFC's.

It isn't impossible. Clearly humanity existed for thousands of years prior to industrialization. We CAN decrease it even today...and still enjoy our modern lifestyle! We need to seriously work on renewables and non-GHG energy (yeah, including nuclear).

We don't HAVE to be doing this.

And if we REALLY want to put the screws to China that's really simple! Just stop buying things. Pretty much everything, but yeah, just stop buying stuff. That'll put a damper on their economy.

But it's not! CFC's are very good at what they do.

Very good and very cheap. That helped get them replaced, the manufacturers made good money on the new ones.

It isn't impossible. Clearly humanity existed for thousands of years prior to industrialization.

Greens should definitely run on that. Use the Flintstones.

We need to seriously work on renewables and non-GHG energy (yeah, including nuclear).

You should tell your team.

And if we REALLY want to put the screws to China that's really simple! Just stop buying things. Pretty much everything, but yeah, just stop buying stuff.

Careful, you sound a bit Trumpian.
The 14-C bit is correct. But 12-C and 13-C are fractionated by the plants that created the coal. Plants in general tend to prefer lighter 12-C isotopes to the heavier 13-C and so they preferentially enrich it in 12-C.

Now, the question you and I both seem unclear on is: does catagenesis or diagenesis alter that? I am uncertain but it won't necessarily change the original phrase "vegetal and fossil fuels" because burning regular vegetation should, if I'm understanding the fractionation properly, lead to a general increase in 12-C content in atmospheric carbon.

There may be some degree to which coal, having been through catagenesis and diagenesis and had biological actions and thermal actions on the plant material, would have even more 12-C and thus stand out, I think it more overall appropriate to include vegetal as well as fossil fuels.

When it comes to 14-C the difference is that 14-C is the radioactive isotope and it is fixed at the time of death of the plant so as it ages it obviously loses 14-C which, as you rightly note, winds up with lower levels of 14-C represented in the atmospheric CO2. Something we did see prior to the 1960's and nuke air testing.
Glad we agree on the C-14 stuff. You lose me with the rest. You seem stuck on coal being the definitive "fossil" fuel. It doesn't work that way for me. Perhaps if you could share a source or two discussing the matter as you see it we could better see eye to eye on this.
Are you talking about highs and lows in barometric pressure ?

Indeed, smarter.

Still waiting on how a high pressure system can be next to low pressure system with the same amount of co2? You ran
https://scied.ucar>leafning-zone The highs and lows of air pressure/center for scientific education. At low pressure or high temperature there will be fewer air molecules in the sample chamber, so there will be fewer CO2 molecules, even though the PPM doesn't change.
https://scied.ucar>leafning-zone The highs and lows of air pressure/center for scientific education. At low pressure or high temperature there will be fewer air molecules in the sample chamber, so there will be fewer CO2 molecules, even though the PPM doesn't change.
I thought co2 drove temperatures?
Ahhhhhhahahahahahaha! That's what ever dumbass in the trailer park says. LOL.

Let me know when you get your GED, Cletus.
I’ll take common sense over master degree all the time. How many years of school does it take to get that master degree and number of loans? Oh wait Creepy joe will forgive!!! Ahhh

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