How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

I thought co2 drove temperatures?
Radiation from the Sun heats our planet. Most of it bounces right back out into space after it hits the Earth. CO2 interferes with that process and deflecks i some of that escaping radiation back to the Earth again. That's why temperatures are rising all around the world. To the ordinary person it seems miniscule and is occurring at a slow rate. But in the chronology of Earth's time it's increasing rapidly and altering our climate I live in the Nebraska, what was called tornado Alley. The increases in temperature equate to increases in the power and variability of the weather patterns. I don't think we're in tornado Alley anymore, it's been shifted East several hundred miles and now places like Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky are having all the tornadoes they might be the new tornado Alley. Power has the ability to move things and we keep giving Earth's climate patterns more and more power.
I’ll take common sense over master degree all the time. How many years of school does it take to get that master degree and number of loans? Oh wait Creepy joe will forgive!!! Ahhh
Wouldn't America be great if success and power did not depend on money but hard work and the will to do better. Remove those barriers and America will take a quantum leap into the future.
Where are temperatures rising? Not here in Chicago. In fact, it’s gotten cooler
Since 1901 the average surface temperature in the contiguous 48 states has risen at an average rate of 0.17° Fahrenheit per decade. ( That's warp speed in chronological time of the Earth ) Worldwide, 2010 was the warmest year on record, 20/20 was the second warmest and 2012 through 2021 was the warmest decade ever recorded. Chicago maybe an exception I don't know. There are exceptions to every rule, but overall temperatures are increasing all over the world and unfortunately that's not going to change anytime soon no matter what we do. We still might have time to avoid the worst of the changes if we act now, but time is running out.
Radiation from the Sun heats our planet. Most of it bounces right back out into space after it hits the Earth. CO2 interferes with that process and deflecks i some of that escaping radiation back to the Earth again. That's why temperatures are rising all around the world. To the ordinary person it seems miniscule and is occurring at a slow rate. But in the chronology of Earth's time it's increasing rapidly and altering our climate I live in the Nebraska, what was called tornado Alley. The increases in temperature equate to increases in the power and variability of the weather patterns. I don't think we're in tornado Alley anymore, it's been shifted East several hundred miles and now places like Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky are having all the tornadoes they might be the new tornado Alley. Power has the ability to move things and we keep giving Earth's climate patterns more and more power.

Radiation from the Sun heats our planet. Most of it bounces right back out into space after it hits the Earth.

Most of it bounces back into space?
Is that your final answer?
I’ll take common sense over master degree all the time.

Of course you will! Because you couldn't hack a Masters degree! LOL.

How many years of school does it take to get that master degree and number of loans? Oh wait Creepy joe will forgive!!! Ahhh

LOL. You don't even know what you are talking about here! LOLOL.

It's SO FUNNY seeing people like you struggle to understand academia! I mean HILARIOUS.

You simpleton.
I thought co2 drove temperatures?
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we need something like, well, a PLAN...or a NEW DEAL

The best way I see to guarantee this is representing and protecting equal rights of all people,
is to orchestrate a separate administration and policy where those reps are elected by the people,
a mirror or parallel structure to Congress but all GREEN focused, like the Green party would organize
by district state and region/issue. Why expect the same reps to be experts on environment and energy policies?
Why not have a separate network just for that and run conventions democratically?
The best way I see to guarantee this is representing and protecting equal rights of all people,
is to orchestrate a separate administration and policy where those reps are elected by the people,
a mirror or parallel structure to Congress but all GREEN focused, like the Green party would organize
by district state and region/issue. Why expect the same reps to be experts on environment and energy policies?
Why not have a separate network just for that and run conventions democratically?
Address and climate change should not be a political matte, it affects all of us. I agree with that. But rather than form a whole another infrastructure that's just say x amount of dollars a year will address the issue and it can't be increased or curtailed by a political party or used for any other purpose.
I've posted this before, but I'll post it again. Those who genuinely care about truth will want to learn the history of the whole thing. Those who only care about politics and winning an argument? I'm sure they'll turn a blind eye.

This documentary exposes and destroys the orchestrated lie of "climate change," which is just another fearmongering pretext for bringing about political agendas. (Good ol' Problem - Reaction - Solution... which works every time, no wonder they keep using that tactic.)

It's long, but the pertinent part is Part 2, so people can skip ahead to that. It starts at 36:24.

I've posted this before, but I'll post it again. Those who genuinely care about truth will want to learn the history of the whole thing. Those who only care about politics and winning an argument? I'm sure they'll turn a blind eye.

This documentary exposes and destroys the orchestrated lie of "climate change," which is just another fearmongering pretext for bringing about political agendas. (Good ol' Problem - Reaction - Solution... which works every time, no wonder they keep using that tactic.)

It's long, but the pertinent part is Part 2, so people can skip ahead to that. It starts at 36:24.

Thanks. Interesting film. But no. It does nothing to destroy the fact of "climate change." Those paying attention pretty much knew all along that Big Oil was hogging the stage and lying its ass off. It is entirely possible for young, naïve heirs of oil fortunes to get conned themselves by eugenics promoting jerkoffs before growing increasingly self-centered, manipulative, bitter, and grabby with age. One can be excruciatingly correct about some things while full of beans regarding others.

I don't get my news from extremists, but I see you do. I don't believe it serves a person very well. Piers Corbin / Piers Corbyn is an English weather forecaster, businessman, anti-vaxxer, climate change denier and conspiracy theorist. He speaks at haunted science denial events. I don't know what Twitter bots are, but his name came up with those too. With a warning that much of the disinformation about the science of climate change comes from Twitter bots. He must be one of those too.
I don't get my news from extremists, but I see you do. I don't believe it serves a person very well. Piers Corbin / Piers Corbyn is an English weather forecaster, businessman, anti-vaxxer, climate change denier and conspiracy theorist. He speaks at haunted science denial events. I don't know what Twitter bots are, but his name came up with those too. With a warning that much of the disinformation about the science of climate change comes from Twitter bots. He must be one of those too.
There is a typo in the above that I didn't catch it's, " he speaks at climate science denial events. " I do not know how my voice machine translator got haunted out of that.
No l don’t. Before you jump to any subjective conclusions, and attack the messenger, why don’t you dispute his assertions in a civilised grownup way.
Post 1,915. I did address it, gave it all the credit is due. I looked up the data on this character. That tells the whole story.
But rather than form a whole another infrastructure that's just say x amount of dollars a year will address the issue and it can't be increased or curtailed by a political party or used for any other purpose.

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