How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

that's an imbecilic question.

the better question is how do we prevent the plutocracy that the orange sociopath is creating.

bitter broke loser. maybe you should get educated so YOU won't be so problematic.

Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
I don't believe poor people are worse than rich people.
Some of the most horrible crimes in history were committed by rich people.
Every person is different :)

NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
that's an imbecilic question.

the better question is how do we prevent the plutocracy that the orange sociopath is creating.

bitter broke loser. maybe you should get educated so YOU won't be so problematic.

Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
I don't believe poor people are worse than rich people.
Some of the most horrible crimes in history were committed by rich people.
Every person is different :)

NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.

Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet
This is getting really repetitive. Education needs to be affordable, healthcare needs to be affordable, pay rates need to rise in proportion to living costs. These things will be better off for society as a whole. It will lower poverty rates and most importantly it will set people up who are born into poverty, to be able to climb out. The middle class will boom again and the wealth gap will gradually shrink.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the problem. It is a natural rate of structural inefficiency in our economy. Even if everyone is required to obtain a doctorate before entering the work force, will not solve that structural problem, in the long run.

And, education is affordable. What can you not learn on YouTube?
its not what you cant learn, but what you can't earn- a degree. Youtube videos wont get poor kids jobs.
why not; a piece of paper is no guarantee of future success. You can learn just about anything on YouTube. Tutoring videos on most any subject are online.
because if you go into an interview and say "well I have watched a lot of youtube videos on the topic" you sound like a goof.
If you go into an interview and say "I have a degree in four year degree in this field" you're going to get the job.
Fast Facts
Some videos actually are, continuing education.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the problem. It is a natural rate of structural inefficiency in our economy. Even if everyone is required to obtain a doctorate before entering the work force, will not solve that structural problem, in the long run.

And, education is affordable. What can you not learn on YouTube?
its not what you cant learn, but what you can't earn- a degree. Youtube videos wont get poor kids jobs.
why not; a piece of paper is no guarantee of future success. You can learn just about anything on YouTube. Tutoring videos on most any subject are online.
because if you go into an interview and say "well I have watched a lot of youtube videos on the topic" you sound like a goof.
If you go into an interview and say "I have a degree in four year degree in this field" you're going to get the job.
depends on whether you just watched videos or learned the subject.
I guess if you get a chance to wow someone with your knowledge, if not they are going on your interview and resume. Without that degree your youtube edu holds no credit. Keeping education out of reach for poor is just another tactic to perpetuate generational poverty. (and the government dependants they hate so much)
Not really, a person without a degree can do the same or similar job, they only charge less.
Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.

Lie to yourself all you want to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy...I'm okay with that.

The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

You linked to an editorial authored by the black KKK?
Framed, spun and repackaged black can or will ever say; "it's true, all the facts that support the stereotype of us is accurate."
Come on lady...REALLY?
What project in The Bronx do you live in?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.

Lie to yourself all you want to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy...I'm okay with that. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

You linked to an editorial authored by the black KKK?
Framed, spun and repackaged black can or will ever say; "it's true, all the facts that support the stereotype of us is accurate."
Come on lady...REALLY?
What project in The Bronx do you live in?
How in the hell is the NAACP the black KKK??
I'm sorry, but Sean's parents are very likely conservative, which means abortion isn't on the table, much less would they pay for it. Sean more likely gets told "You stuck your dick in it, straight to work ya dumb shit I'm not raising your kids for you." (The latter's pretty much exactly what I've told /all/ my boys despite being pro-choice, most of the gals up here are religious so abortion ain't happening.) Anyway, I'm going to stop there because, really, your comparison is nothing but a fantasy based on your own biased bullshit. It's not the 'norm' anywhere but in your own head.

That said, no education necessary really, if you must get in on the bottom rung then you climb, no other choice. If you're well spoken you can charm the shit out of an interviewer and your lack of experience (which was the huge thing when I was younger cause /everyone/ my age had a degree - Alaska's well to do, military, so /everyone/ had a degree,) I did it all the time when I was younger. I became an assistant manager before I even had my degree, hell it was before I was even supposed to graduate HS - and I didn't even have a diploma, HS bored the fuck out of me so I quit in my freshmen year, went straight to college for accounting. I'll admit I had a "bite" as it were, computers, they were hot off the presses and I knew damn well they were going to revolutionize business so I went all in on them; from building and programming them. Thing is I taught myself /all/ of it, there were no classes for that shit, I basically apprenticed coding under a black hat hacker (not that I told the interviewers that haha)

On the education thing, needing a degree and all, I thought that too, even despite having gotten into executive level shit before I had a degree, I made damn sure to set aside the hundreds of thousands it would take to get my [ultimately 5 though marriage] kids through school. We've had money set aside for every one of them, and yet... only fucking two went (or will go - the last one is just finishing HS now and starts college in the fall) Two of them are out of state, daughter went, the eldest son completely rebelled, even running away from his mom's home to avoid it. Back home in Alaska, one of the boys basically just stopped talking to us because we were pushing for him to start college, the other did half a year of college then dropped out. It's fucked up, but all three of the non-college shits are doing great, and our daughter with a 4 year is now a housewife who hasn't worked a single day in her life... Like seriously, she met a guy in college, got married, and that was the end of it (waste of damn money.) The other three are all making over $20/h no fucking education. It drives me nuts frankly, I mean all the studies say it's so much better to have a college education and I believe it, but I can't back that shit up with /any/ of my personal experiences, NONE. Fuck even my mom, who has like a hundred degrees and certifications, started work with nothing but a HS diploma.

I got nothing, I mean I /know/ having college is a good thing, but I can't give any example but my mom, who got all of her degrees and shit /while/ she was working - that's how she climbed the ladder to six figures... Myself, I landed in a $90k a year job with the help of writing software I taught myself, then it just went up from there as I forced my way into the executive field...
its not what you cant learn, but what you can't earn- a degree. Youtube videos wont get poor kids jobs.
why not; a piece of paper is no guarantee of future success. You can learn just about anything on YouTube. Tutoring videos on most any subject are online.
because if you go into an interview and say "well I have watched a lot of youtube videos on the topic" you sound like a goof.
If you go into an interview and say "I have a degree in four year degree in this field" you're going to get the job.
depends on whether you just watched videos or learned the subject.
I guess if you get a chance to wow someone with your knowledge, if not they are going on your interview and resume. Without that degree your youtube edu holds no credit. Keeping education out of reach for poor is just another tactic to perpetuate generational poverty. (and the government dependants they hate so much)
Not really, a person without a degree can do the same or similar job, they only charge less.
Right but this is what I was talking about before..
education is not a luxury- but a necessity. You guys want to know how to make the poor so "problematic".. Stop keeping them poor. :banghead:

Education is not a necessity. There are plenty of people delivering packages to doors, working behind a machine at a machine shop, washing windows of commercial buildings, driving trucks across the United States that are all doing just fine.

Education is an investment. Because it's an investment and not a necessity, you use your own money to make that investment.
making minimum wage, and then when they can't progress you tell them to get an education.. which they can't afford.
Are you people dence?

So what are you saying, that all blue collar jobs are minimum wage? I'm blue collar and I'll tell you that you're wrong. In fact, my industry needs tens of thousands of workers we can't find in America. Americans are either too drugged up to pass a drug test, on the dole, or both. So now industry is turning to foreigners to take these jobs.
There are plenty of jobs and plenty of workers looking for jobs. What needs to happen is that our education and our job trainings are geared towards preparing citizens for the right jobs. No not all blue collar jobs are minimum wage. I was trying to imply that only minimum wage jobs really accept people without degrees not a days. That's why education is vital to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Why would anybody offering a minimum wage job care whether you have a college degree or not? That doesn't even make any sense.

My niece and nephew are both college graduates. My nephew has a Masters. They both took out loans along with my sister. They are working night and day to repay those loans, and I'm sure it will take years to do, but they are doing it.

They were not born rich. My sister and her ex husband both had regular jobs. Nothing fancy and nothing six figures. They raised their family in a nice middle-class home. It's not like they did anything special that was limited to people in their situation.

It's sad that some people are so dependent on government that they feel incapacitated without it. But thanks Democrats, i guess we trained people to be victims instead of independents.
Reading comprehension problems? I said "I was trying to imply that only minimum wage jobs really accept people without degrees not a days."
= If you want over minimum wage, get a degree.
that's an imbecilic question.

the better question is how do we prevent the plutocracy that the orange sociopath is creating.

bitter broke loser. maybe you should get educated so YOU won't be so problematic.

Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
I don't believe poor people are worse than rich people.
Some of the most horrible crimes in history were committed by rich people.
Every person is different :)

NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?

Aries isn't making excuses. Sean isn't "too smart" to get caught, he just gets a break for "making a mistake" or "being a kid." Deshawn gets arrested and punished because "law and order" and "you know how those people are."

You are an asshole and ignorant to boot. Perfect fit for today's conservative.
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Which doesn't even tell half of the story because sentences are given for much more than the crime alone.

A judge takes into consideration many other factors. One is how the suspect interacted with the police. Yes, the judge discusses the behavior of the suspect with the arresting officers before the case is heard. If you ran from the cops, gave them a hard time like lying about who you were, lying about the crime, lying about evidence they found, that judge will come down harder on you than a suspect that cooperated with the police.

The same holds true after the suspect is arrested. If you gave the processing cops a hard time while getting fingerprinted or locked up, that too is taken into consideration.

Criminal history. Yes, judges do give more time to criminals that don't seem to learn from their mistakes. A person arrested with one gram of coke for the first time will likely get less of a sentence than one who was arrested three or four times for the same crime.

Respect for the court. Judges are very sensitive about their job. If you go into a court room dressed like you were going to the laundry mat, are disruptive during the trial, rolling your eyes or giving other people involved in the case dirty looks, shaking your head back and forth while somebody is testifying against you, judges really look down on that. You are disrespecting their court so don't expect any breaks from the judge because of your behavior. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Which doesn't even tell half of the story because sentences are given for much more than the crime alone.

A judge takes into consideration many other factors. One is how the suspect interacted with the police. Yes, the judge discusses the behavior of the suspect with the arresting officers before the case is heard. If you ran from the cops, gave them a hard time like lying about who you were, lying about the crime, lying about evidence they found, that judge will come down harder on you than a suspect that cooperated with the police.

The same holds true after the suspect is arrested. If you gave the processing cops a hard time while getting fingerprinted or locked up, that too is taken into consideration.

Criminal history. Yes, judges do give more time to criminals that don't seem to learn from their mistakes. A person arrested with one gram of coke for the first time will likely get less of a sentence than one who was arrested three or four times for the same crime.

Respect for the court. Judges are very sensitive about their job. If you go into a court room dressed like you were going to the laundry mat, are disruptive during the trial, rolling your eyes or giving other people involved in the case dirty looks, shaking your head back and forth while somebody is testifying against you, judges really look down on that. You are disrespecting their court so don't expect any breaks from the judge because of your behavior.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.
Reading comprehension problems? I said "I was trying to imply that only minimum wage jobs really accept people without degrees not a days."
= If you want over minimum wage, get a degree.

Which I earlier explained how ridiculous that was. And as I stated, there are plenty of people out there working with no degree at all that are supporting themselves and family just fine.
Reading comprehension problems? I said "I was trying to imply that only minimum wage jobs really accept people without degrees not a days."
= If you want over minimum wage, get a degree.

Which I earlier explained how ridiculous that was. And as I stated, there are plenty of people out there working with no degree at all that are supporting themselves and family just fine.
but its getting harder and harder... that number that is doing "just fine", has been shrinking for decades.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

Oh really? Then I invite you to watch a few dozen episodes of COPS tonight. See the difference between how black suspects act compared to white. You tell me they act the same. Ever go to court with black people? I have. I seen how they act towards the judge and others in the court room.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

Oh really? Then I invite you to watch a few dozen episodes of COPS tonight. See the difference between how black suspects act compared to white. You tell me they act the same. Ever go to court with black people? I have. I seen how they act towards the judge and others in the court room.

Well, if it's on COPS........:anj_stfu:
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

Oh really? Then I invite you to watch a few dozen episodes of COPS tonight. See the difference between how black suspects act compared to white. You tell me they act the same. Ever go to court with black people? I have. I seen how they act towards the judge and others in the court room.

Well, if it's on COPS........:anj_stfu:

Yep. Because COPS is a reality show. No acting, no editing. You see what really goes on with police work. It's on all day and evening on SPIKE TV. Record a few dozen episodes and learn a few things.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

Oh really? Then I invite you to watch a few dozen episodes of COPS tonight. See the difference between how black suspects act compared to white. You tell me they act the same. Ever go to court with black people? I have. I seen how they act towards the judge and others in the court room.

Well, if it's on COPS........:anj_stfu:

Yep. Because COPS is a reality show. No acting, no editing. You see what really goes on with police work. It's on all day and evening on SPIKE TV. Record a few dozen episodes and learn a few things.
Why don't you just leave your mansion once in a while and take a walk in your local urban setting. You seem clueless.
Haha...another twisted and confused utopian fairy...why does the truth and facts hurt your feelings? it's always mind-blowing to watch you whackos self manipulate and shield yourselves from realities.
NEGATIVE, you're reaching to divert and you're sadly mistaken. Nobody really cares about the 1% of anything. (the problematic wealthy)
Here are some facts to ponder. Let's bring more reality AND RACE into this to really twist up our resident loons.
Blacks and Hispanics....usually "poor" represent 60% of our nations incarcerated.
Blacks, usually poor...More than four in ten on welfare
Hispanics, usually poor, nearly four in ten on welfare
Hmmm, so what do these FACTS tell us?
The facts tell us that our systematic oppression is biting us all in the ass. predictable you "takers" are.
Our "system" has been tailored to assure the success of minorities and the poor. There has never been more free resources available to minorities. Shit, we even have employment laws that force employers to hire less qualified minorities to stay compliant.
Ask yourself basic questions, put down that weird block you've set up in your head and allow yourself to be enlightened.
Is our "system" holding a gun to DeShawns head and forcing him to have five children with three baby momma's?
Is our system forcing Jose and Guadalupe to drop out of FREE school?
Is our system forcing that crack pipe to the lips of Tyrone?

Our system (and taxpayers) pretty much holds the hand of our poor and attempts to walk them through life but at some point they have to make decisions on their own and that's where things go terribly wrong.
At some point you and your weird people may have to just pull your heads from your asses and stop being afraid to call a spade a spade...Is it at all possible that just maybe we have a vast number of lazy piece of shits among us who are somehow able to find comfort and complacency in depending on others to survive?
I know, I your twisted head all of our low-life's have an inner Bill Gates waiting to blossom...BUT "the system" just keeps that Bill Gates held down....hahaha
Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?

Aries isn't making excuses. Sean isn't "too smart" to get caught, he just gets a break for "making a mistake" or "being a kid." Deshawn gets arrested and punished because "law and order" and "you know how those people are."

You are an asshole and ignorant to boot. Perfect fit for today's conservative.
Haha...sorry to expose you to real world facts, I know how you kooks hate that. Insert your head back in your ass and you will find your make believe world again...I promise.

Our system was designed by and for the benefit of white males. Has that changed? Slightly. Not enough. The system is not set up for them to succeed but for them to fail.
Take DeShawn vs Sean (white/wealthy) Both kids engaged in premarital sex, and childish law breaking IE. Pot smoking/ underage drinking.
Deshawn and sean get arrested for pot smoking.
Sean gets sent home to mommy.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record, while sean's mommy is making him a snack to quench his munchies.
Sean gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents freak out and get her an abortion. Sean is safe.
Deshawn gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant, her parents don't care/can't afford to do anything about it.
Deshawn now has a charge on his record and a kid on the way.
Sean goes on to college and gets a four year degree.
Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress.
Deshawn has 4 years of work experience ahead of sean, but sean's degree secures him jobs that deshawn wouldn't even qualify for.
Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up.
Sean is safe.
Deshawn misses his court date and a bench warrant is issued.
Deshawn is arrested, fined, incarcerated.

Life for Deshawn and Sean are not the same, and guess what, it is not deshawn's fault.

Awesome how well you frame this....A+ for you as you followed Liberal protocol perfectly with the excuse making.
However, you failed to factor in the ever so common blignorance in your repackaging of reality. What is blignorance you ask? BLACK IGNORANCE.

You see, Sean is smart enough to drink and smoke weed without getting caught...while DeShawn being ignorant thinks it's cool to smoke weed and drink his 40oz in public on that ghetto street corner.

Sean was taught by intelligent, caring parents to engage in responsible premarital sex. He wears rubbers and doesn't impregnate his female partners. He looks past his nose and considers his future.
DeShawn never wears a rubber....he has been taught that it's cool to have multiple baby mama''s a ghetto thing that defines masculinity among the blignorant.

Sean is taught and mentored as a child...he takes school and education serious...he is driven to make something of himself one day.
DeShawn has been taught by excuse makers like you and his ghetto parents that no matter how hard he tries he is destined to fail by way of skin color...DeShawn decides its easier not to try at all.

"Deshawn enters the workforce to pay for his child.
Deshawns lack of education and previous arrest hinder his progress"

DeShawn hinders his own progress in the real world outside his ghetto because he has zero communication skills. He has spent his youth trying to be as ghetto and tuff as possible. He speaks a weird form of street jungle English and he can't string two intellectual sentences together.

"Sean gets pulled over- he gets a warning and a have a nice day.
Deshawn gets pulled out of the car searched, ticketed or charged with whatever the cop can conjure up."

Sean shows respect for authority, is honest with police and is apologetic for screwing up.
DeShawn basks in his blignorance, becomes a tuff guy, is disrespectful and lies to police...and following blignorance protocol he plays the race card.

Seem at all reasonable to your unreasonable peanut brain? So what now excuse maker?
:banghead::banghead: WHITE people are not any more likely to be smarter, more respectful, less ignorant than in other race. Implying such, is the essence of racism.


Minorities are not more likely to committ crimes but far more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Once prosecuted they serve much higher sentences than their white counterparts.
NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Which doesn't even tell half of the story because sentences are given for much more than the crime alone.

A judge takes into consideration many other factors. One is how the suspect interacted with the police. Yes, the judge discusses the behavior of the suspect with the arresting officers before the case is heard. If you ran from the cops, gave them a hard time like lying about who you were, lying about the crime, lying about evidence they found, that judge will come down harder on you than a suspect that cooperated with the police.

The same holds true after the suspect is arrested. If you gave the processing cops a hard time while getting fingerprinted or locked up, that too is taken into consideration.

Criminal history. Yes, judges do give more time to criminals that don't seem to learn from their mistakes. A person arrested with one gram of coke for the first time will likely get less of a sentence than one who was arrested three or four times for the same crime.

Respect for the court. Judges are very sensitive about their job. If you go into a court room dressed like you were going to the laundry mat, are disruptive during the trial, rolling your eyes or giving other people involved in the case dirty looks, shaking your head back and forth while somebody is testifying against you, judges really look down on that. You are disrespecting their court so don't expect any breaks from the judge because of your behavior.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

A racist argument...or is it a realists argument?
Hey look, if I were one of "them" I'd be defending them as well. You're doing a fine job setting aside reality to follow your misguided logic. I love your commitment to ignorance.
again, implying that white people are just more respectful, just smarter, just nicer and that's why there is a huge disparity in the races of actual criminals and the races of those who are arrested, is a racist argument.

Oh really? Then I invite you to watch a few dozen episodes of COPS tonight. See the difference between how black suspects act compared to white. You tell me they act the same. Ever go to court with black people? I have. I seen how they act towards the judge and others in the court room.

Well, if it's on COPS........:anj_stfu:

Yep. Because COPS is a reality show. No acting, no editing. You see what really goes on with police work. It's on all day and evening on SPIKE TV. Record a few dozen episodes and learn a few things.

No EDITING? Bullshit.

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