How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

Just ask evangelicals Christians Catholics and born again if your belief in generic God is good enough to get you into heaven.

Welcome to hell with the rest of us.
Dude, I doubt any of those assholes know what God really wants. What I believe is that an all-merciful, all-knowing God wouldn't punish people with eternal damnation for simply making a mistake. Repentance is a big part of Christianity.

Do you really believe God doesn't accept the repentant?

So you just "believe" something. It's easy to be right when you believe and don't know.

What an unenlightening disbrilliance of unbrainful unthoughts.

Yeah, so making things up and passing them off as reality is enlightenment, brilliance and good use of your brain?

My hardware is not my spirit. So my thoughts are able to be thought from every other brain too - and even a damaged brain would change nothing in the love of god for me or others or in the fact that atheism is also only a belief. If you think your belief is more worthful than any other belief than you have to say what's better if someone thinks in your way. Only to be agressive is not a reason for anything.

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50 years ago every American took the bible literally.

Total. Utter. Nonsense.

There are entire religious denominations that were founded on the basis of differing viewpoints regarding literal interpretation in the Bible. It's been that way for more than 2,000 years. To somehow pretend that any discrepancies over what the Bible meant only began 50 years ago is laughably stupid. I mean... beyond dumb... borderline retarded.
Just ask evangelicals Christians Catholics and born again if your belief in generic God is good enough to get you into heaven.

Welcome to hell with the rest of us.
Dude, I doubt any of those assholes know what God really wants. What I believe is that an all-merciful, all-knowing God wouldn't punish people with eternal damnation for simply making a mistake. Repentance is a big part of Christianity.

Do you really believe God doesn't accept the repentant?

So you just "believe" something. It's easy to be right when you believe and don't know.

What an unenlightening disbrilliance of unbrainful unthoughts.

Yeah, so making things up and passing them off as reality is enlightenment, brilliance and good use of your brain?

My hardware is not my spirit. So my thohgszut are ebel to be thozghst from every other brain too - and even a damaged brain would change nothing in the love of god for me and in the fact that atheism is also only a belief. OIf youn think your beofif is moire worthfule than any otehr beofi than hav e sto say what#s bttert ifn sone thgnks in iyout way and nto in another way. Only to be agressive is not reason for anything.

Dude, I doubt any of those assholes know what God really wants. What I believe is that an all-merciful, all-knowing God wouldn't punish people with eternal damnation for simply making a mistake. Repentance is a big part of Christianity.

Do you really believe God doesn't accept the repentant?

So you just "believe" something. It's easy to be right when you believe and don't know.

What an unenlightening disbrilliance of unbrainful unthoughts.

Yeah, so making things up and passing them off as reality is enlightenment, brilliance and good use of your brain?

My hardware is not my spirit. So my thohgszut are ebel to be thozghst from every other brain too - and even a damaged brain would change nothing in the love of god for me and in the fact that atheism is also only a belief. OIf youn think your beofif is moire worthfule than any otehr beofi than hav e sto say what#s bttert ifn sone thgnks in iyout way and nto in another way. Only to be agressive is not reason for anything.



So you just "believe" something. It's easy to be right when you believe and don't know.

What an unenlightening disbrilliance of unbrainful unthoughts.

Yeah, so making things up and passing them off as reality is enlightenment, brilliance and good use of your brain?

My hardware is not my spirit. So my thohgszut are ebel to be thozghst from every other brain too - and even a damaged brain would change nothing in the love of god for me and in the fact that atheism is also only a belief. OIf youn think your beofif is moire worthfule than any otehr beofi than hav e sto say what#s bttert ifn sone thgnks in iyout way and nto in another way. Only to be agressive is not reason for anything.



Are you talking hypothetical because I don't think Gods exist.

The other day you said that you didn't know if God exists. Does your opinion change daily?
Do you understand the difference between what I think and know? I don't believe a God exists but do I know? Does anyone?

You either believe gods exist or you don't. But you can't say you know. Well, you can say you do but that would be an untruth. You may think you know but that's a lie
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?
50 years ago every American took the bible literally.

Total. Utter. Nonsense.

There are entire religious denominations that were founded on the basis of differing viewpoints regarding literal interpretation in the Bible. It's been that way for more than 2,000 years. To somehow pretend that any discrepancies over what the Bible meant only began 50 years ago is laughably stupid. I mean... beyond dumb... borderline retarded.
You're right. Lots of closeted atheists and cherry pickers back then too.

But you know my point. 50 years ago all Christians said "you'll go to hell" and most Christians today don't believe all non Christians are in hell. Look at the love everyone has for Mohammad Ali. No one thinks he's in hell. Only a few nuts do. But 50 years ago was much different. 1966.
50 years ago every American took the bible literally.

Total. Utter. Nonsense.

There are entire religious denominations that were founded on the basis of differing viewpoints regarding literal interpretation in the Bible. It's been that way for more than 2,000 years. To somehow pretend that any discrepancies over what the Bible meant only began 50 years ago is laughably stupid. I mean... beyond dumb... borderline retarded.
You're right. Lots of closeted atheists and cherry pickers back then too.

But you know my point.

That you're borderline retarded?

50 years ago all Christians said "you'll go to hell" and most Christians today don't believe all non Christians are in hell. Look at the love everyone has for Mohammad Ali. No one thinks he's in hell. Only a few nuts do. But 50 years ago was much different. 1966.

No... 50 years ago, all Christians didn't collectively say anything. Again, Christians have all kinds of differing beliefs within Christianity.

I don't know of anyone who is speculating on where Ali's soul is at. His body is dead. Maybe his soul went to heaven or hell, or maybe it went to one of the 7 other dimensions in our universe that we can't relate with? I have no idea and any Christian who says they do is contradicting the first rule of Christianity... no judgement.

So yeah, things ARE different than 50 years ago, but you know what hasn't changed? Only 5% of the human race are Nihilist, the other 95% believe in something greater than self. That hasn't changed in over 100k years of human history and it won't change anytime soon.
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?

What IS gravity?

Why does it exist in our universe?

Why is the physical empirical constant 6.674×10−11 N⋅m2/kg2 in an otherwise "random" universe?

And more to the point of the question you answered... where is your proof that gravity is a source of information?

Are you talking hypothetical because I don't think Gods exist.

The other day you said that you didn't know if God exists. Does your opinion change daily?
Do you understand the difference between what I think and know? I don't believe a God exists but do I know? Does anyone?

You either believe gods exist or you don't. But you can't say you know. Well, you can say you do but that would be an untruth. You may think you know but that's a lie

That's why Christians say "I believe in god" and trust in god. Gnosticism and Esotercis are not real christian ways. Keeps the problem: If everyone would know that Atheism is in general "only" a belief, why Atheism becomes more and more the state religion of Europe and the USA, while other regions of the world have also problems with the freedom of religion basing on gnosticistic and esoteric structures.

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50 years ago every American took the bible literally.

Total. Utter. Nonsense.

There are entire religious denominations that were founded on the basis of differing viewpoints regarding literal interpretation in the Bible. It's been that way for more than 2,000 years. To somehow pretend that any discrepancies over what the Bible meant only began 50 years ago is laughably stupid. I mean... beyond dumb... borderline retarded.
You're right. Lots of closeted atheists and cherry pickers back then too.

But you know my point. 50 years ago all Christians said "you'll go to hell" and most Christians today don't believe all non Christians are in hell. Look at the love everyone has for Mohammad Ali. No one thinks he's in hell. Only a few nuts do. But 50 years ago was much different. 1966.

You have a problem with your knowledge about history and the christian religion. Since a long row of centuries Christians believe:

"... And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. This is the catholic faith ..."
Athanasian Creed

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The history of religions is that a lot of people like to think themselves as part of the group without actually doing the work or believing in anything that religion says. You can like the things Christ says, but if you don't think that he resurrected, then you're not a real Christian. Seems like quite a simple concept actually.
You're dancing nicely, but not good enough. Obviously you've danced away from "If you don't believe the Creation story or in Noah, you're not a fucking Christian, dammit!!!!!" to "If you don't believe Christ resurrected, you're not a real Christian". Why the big backpedal?
If you don't believe the creation story or the flood, you're not a real Christian. Happy? :D
And I don't say "dammit", maybe fucktard or douchesack.:D
Is insulting people who are just trying to have a conversation part of your religious beliefs? Or are you just pissed because you now realize that you're not a real Christian, just someone who gets a warm fuzzy making shit up to suit yourself?

lol, The only reason you would feel insulted by anything I said is if it applied. Don't blame that on me.

That would explain why you still think I am claiming to be a Christian even though I have said many times that I am not a Christian or a member or believer of any religion.
Only a cock sucking retard with a hole where his nose should be to go balls deep would write what you write. Sorta like that? :D

No, that just demonstrates that you are vulgar..

Who would disagree?
lol, The only reason you would feel vulgarized by anything I said is if it applied. Don't blame that on me.

I don't feel vulgarized, whatever that means, what you posted is vulgar.

Vulgar is a word with a specific definition that fits perfectly with the garbage that came out of your mind.

I don't get offended if you crap in your pants, you should be embarrassed.
So you can be vulgar, but I get shit for it? It's ok, you can come and lick the shit out of my pants since you've been thinking about my shit so much lately. I'll even throw in a golden shower for free.
So you can be vulgar, but I get shit for it? It's ok, you can come and lick the shit out of my pants since you've been thinking about my shit so much lately. I'll even throw in a golden shower for free.
This is a real scientific approach. Intelligence and eloquence are not only apparent but clearly expressed. Thank you for disqualifying yourself from an intelligent debate.
So you can be vulgar, but I get shit for it? It's ok, you can come and lick the shit out of my pants since you've been thinking about my shit so much lately. I'll even throw in a golden shower for free.
This is a real scientific approach. Intelligence and eloquence are not only apparent but clearly expressed. Thank you for disqualifying yourself from an intelligent debate.
I'm obviously intelligent enough for you to converse with, or are you simply a dumbass as well? :dunno:
Yeah, so making things up and passing them off as reality is enlightenment, brilliance and good use of your brain?
You are free to disbelieve in enlightenment or anything beyond the physical universe. If you want to believe we are just meat computers walking around reacting only to biochemical programming. Go for it. From your reaction, I think that's a great summation of your value; a meat computer.
So you just "believe" something. It's easy to be right when you believe and don't know.
Yes believe, no "be right". That's what arrogant atheists and theists believe, that they are "right".

Maybe. However Atheists say "there is no God" and religious people say "there is God", both would be arrogant. Saying you believe something, is saying it exists, especially if they act on this their whole life.

I don't say there is or isn't something. I just ask people questions and then they get angry because they can't answer.
This is a step in the right direction. This is the slow evolution of man and his beliefs. 50 years ago every American took the bible literally. Today I doubt even 50% do.

Just ask evangelicals Christians Catholics and born again if your belief in generic God is good enough to get you into heaven.

Welcome to hell with the rest of us.
Another of your many unsubstantiated, emotionally-based lies. How can any person, regardless of beliefs, be trusted who consistently and unrepentantly uses both emotional arguments and lies to push a personal agenda?

Although this poll doesn't go back to 1966, it's more evidence than you have provided, sealybobo

In U.S., 3 in 10 Say They Take the Bible Literally

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