How Do You Find Middle Ground With a Party That Has No Plan?’

The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.

What plan?:confused:
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.

What plan?:confused:

$1.5T yearly deficit in perpetuity? :confused:
Obama had a plan, it was voted down 99 to 0.
I know Rand doesn't have a reputation for being the brightest bulb in the box but he should at least try to follow current events.

The Democrats passed a slate of Medicare reforms over two years ago: Affordable Care Act Title Three. For a deeper dive into select individual pieces, see: Medicare Implementation Briefs.

A few days ago, S&P released their healthcare economic indices data through March. Medicare cost growth continues its impressive slowdown, now 2+ plus years in. Still hanging down in the low single digits.

Growth rates in Medicare claim costs rose by 2.41%, down from February’s +2.72%, according to the S&P Healthcare Economic Medicare Index.
In March 2012, the Professional Services Medicare Index hit its lowest rate in more than two years, +2.99%. This is down more than a half a percentage point from February’s +3.55% rate. The Hospital Medicare annual growth rate was also down in March, to +1.80% from its February rate of +1.94%.
Smart folks believe the exact opposite of anything Ayn Rand Paul says.
He said that on the same day that he voted against the Ryan "plan". Paul's budget was voted down 16-83. The parties agree basically on one thing; that Paul's budget sucked.
He said that on the same day that he voted against the Ryan "plan". Paul's budget was voted down 16-83. The parties agree basically on one thing; that Paul's budget sucked.

But obviously, not as much as Obama's.

Not too mention that voting for Obama's would have garnered some favor, unless of course the Democrats were TOLD to vote against it? Think that happened?
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?:confused:

Rand Paul and Senate GOP:

Oh the dems have a plam. The problem is that it won't work out.:lol:

Smart folks believe the exact opposite of anything Ayn Rand Paul says.

Says the silly fool on a message board. Have you read Ayn? Odds are you haven't.

I may not be one of those that will swoon at the sight of Rand or his father, but both men think "outside the box" of Washington.

I admire both of them. I'm trying to really try to get a grip on Rand. I think I could learn to love him politically.
I deleted all the words, but you can flip back, via the arrow off original post.

You really think that image and comment on image changes a thing? Really, thought better of you, than you did yourself.
Oh cripes. I'm praying now I didn'd capture an offensive bannable quote.

Can you give me a heads up on this? I will delete immediately.
The OP is wrong. The Democrats have a plan:
1)Spend more money
2) Increase regulations across the board
3) Increase taxes to pay for it
4) Demonize opponents
5) Blame Bush
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.

What plan?:confused:

Free gubmint stuff for everyone who votes for them, of course!
The Democrats have no plan to fix any of our big problems why would anyone vote for them?

Democrats have a plan, you simply don’t like it for subjective partisan reasons.

And republicans are on the record for refusing to compromise, in addition to offering poorly conceived plans predicated on failed policies.

One could ask why anyone would vote for them as well.

The biggest problem we have is runaway debt. Following that in no particular order is no policy on energy, high unemployment, a population that is just giving up and a generation of kids being raised to believe that they have no hope and no chance.

It seems to me that a good first step in planning how to handle the money we we are borrowing might be to assemble a plan on exactly what to do with the cash. This thing is called a budget. The Dems develop a rash whenever the word is said out loud in the same room.

There is no energy policy outside of ignoring court orders. There are not enough jobs to go around and there is a prevailing orthodoxy that the best days of America are bygone.

What is the Democrat plan to address these points?
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I know Rand doesn't have a reputation for being the brightest bulb in the box but he should at least try to follow current events.

The Democrats passed a slate of Medicare reforms over two years ago: Affordable Care Act Title Three. For a deeper dive into select individual pieces, see: Medicare Implementation Briefs.

A few days ago, S&P released their healthcare economic indices data through March. Medicare cost growth continues its impressive slowdown, now 2+ plus years in. Still hanging down in the low single digits.

Growth rates in Medicare claim costs rose by 2.41%, down from February’s +2.72%, according to the S&P Healthcare Economic Medicare Index.
In March 2012, the Professional Services Medicare Index hit its lowest rate in more than two years, +2.99%. This is down more than a half a percentage point from February’s +3.55% rate. The Hospital Medicare annual growth rate was also down in March, to +1.80% from its February rate of +1.94%.


This is a part of the ACA that reduces medicare funding by 500 Billion?
The OP is wrong. The Democrats have a plan:
1)Spend more money
2) Increase regulations across the board
3) Increase taxes to pay for it
4) Demonize opponents
5) Blame Bush

If their actions reflect their plan, you have nailed it.

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