How Does A Snowflake Answer The Question:"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??

The fact of the matter is that most of the gun crimes that happen in this country are in the minority populations in the big cities. No amount of politically correctness will change that fact. I will not apologize for being factually correct.

We need to understand that fact to effectively deal with the problem. It is a cultural problem not a firearm possession problem.
Nobody is arguing against your statistics. It is fact. But, that fact is not necessarily because of race, unless you consider that blacks were 2nd class citizens until the 1960s which paved the way for their government parenting and caused them to be disproportionately dependent, causing a lack of parental guidance which leads to crime. One could argue that white people enslaving black people caused generational family problems that are causing the current crime rate in the black community. There's plenty of racial blame to go around.

This issue is not directly related to race, though race played a role in producing these circumstances. The argument attributing the circumstances solely to race is illogical and unproductive.

It is directed towards the violent Black ghetto culture. where the great majority of the gun crimes takes place. Not genetic race based but certainly culturally based.

The rural and suburban Whites are not the problem. They do very little of the gun crimes in this country. It is not zero but it is relatively low. However, that is who these proposed gun laws will effect. It will change nothing in the high crime Black big cities.

We need to be realistic about the problem or else we are just fooling ourselves.

I would rather be politically incorrect than to put my head in the sand.
There is, in popular parlance, the term 'assault weapon'. In generic terms, an assault weapon is a weapon that includes a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high capacity ammunition magazine.

Wrong, moron. True assault weapons are fully auto-matic. They are illegal for civilians to own.

There are distinct guns designed for sporting purposes. Among these are hunting rifles (bolt and lever action), pump action shot guns designed to hunt water fowl or shoot clay pigeons, and pistols and revolvers designed for target shooting and self defense.

Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.

Assault weapons, on the other hand, have design characteristics more akin to combat weapons. Characteristics that do not necessarily augment their use in sporting activities.
Assualt wepons are combat weapons, moron.

You wanted a definition, you got one.

We got exactly what we expected. That's why we're laughing.

Now, I know your reputation. You will no doubt respond with a smiley emoticon denoting you think this post is funny. If you want to discuss the merits and virtues of the weapons I described as 'assault weapons', fine. But if all you seek are posts you can ridicule as poorly framed, inarticulate or just plain silly, you might find that some opinions that differ from your own still have merit.

Not yours, obviously.
You're really not too bright, are you? I phrased that answer and n terms of popular parlance and generic term, but you don't know what those words mean, do you?

What a frail, shallow mind you suffer from.
It is directed towards the violent Black ghetto culture. where the great majority of the gun crimes takes place. Not genetic race based but certainly culturally based.
I don't disagree with that. You should make sure you state it that way, rather than making it sound like a genetic flaw.
There is, in popular parlance, the term 'assault weapon'. In generic terms, an assault weapon is a weapon that includes a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high capacity ammunition magazine.

Wrong, moron. True assault weapons are fully auto-matic. They are illegal for civilians to own.

There are distinct guns designed for sporting purposes. Among these are hunting rifles (bolt and lever action), pump action shot guns designed to hunt water fowl or shoot clay pigeons, and pistols and revolvers designed for target shooting and self defense.

Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.

Assault weapons, on the other hand, have design characteristics more akin to combat weapons. Characteristics that do not necessarily augment their use in sporting activities.
Assualt wepons are combat weapons, moron.

You wanted a definition, you got one.

We got exactly what we expected. That's why we're laughing.

Now, I know your reputation. You will no doubt respond with a smiley emoticon denoting you think this post is funny. If you want to discuss the merits and virtues of the weapons I described as 'assault weapons', fine. But if all you seek are posts you can ridicule as poorly framed, inarticulate or just plain silly, you might find that some opinions that differ from your own still have merit.

Not yours, obviously.
You're really not too bright, are you? I phrased that answer and n terms of popular parlance and generic term, but you don't know what those words mean, do you?

What a frail, shallow mind you suffer from.
"Popular parlance" is exactly the problem. That is intentionally designed to mislead people. People think AR-15s are assault weapon, and hence they believe AR-15s are fully automatic. Then scumbags use the term "assault weapon" to refer to semiautomatic weapons. Use of imprecise or ambiguous terms is the mark of the demagogue.
There is, in popular parlance, the term 'assault weapon'. In generic terms, an assault weapon is a weapon that includes a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high capacity ammunition magazine.

Wrong, moron. True assault weapons are fully auto-matic. They are illegal for civilians to own.

There are distinct guns designed for sporting purposes. Among these are hunting rifles (bolt and lever action), pump action shot guns designed to hunt water fowl or shoot clay pigeons, and pistols and revolvers designed for target shooting and self defense.

Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.

Assault weapons, on the other hand, have design characteristics more akin to combat weapons. Characteristics that do not necessarily augment their use in sporting activities.
Assualt wepons are combat weapons, moron.

You wanted a definition, you got one.

We got exactly what we expected. That's why we're laughing.

Now, I know your reputation. You will no doubt respond with a smiley emoticon denoting you think this post is funny. If you want to discuss the merits and virtues of the weapons I described as 'assault weapons', fine. But if all you seek are posts you can ridicule as poorly framed, inarticulate or just plain silly, you might find that some opinions that differ from your own still have merit.

Not yours, obviously.
You're really not too bright, are you? I phrased that answer and n terms of popular parlance and generic term, but you don't know what those words mean, do you?

What a frail, shallow mind you suffer from.
"Popular parlance" is exactly the problem. That is intentionally designed to mislead people. People think AR-15s are assault weapon, and hence they believe AR-15s are fully automatic. Then scumbags use the term "assault weapon" to refer to semiautomatic weapons. Use of imprecise or ambiguous terms is the mark of the demagogue.
What weapons were included in the Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990s?
"Popular parlance" is exactly the problem. That is intentionally designed to mislead people. People think AR-15s are assault weapon, and hence they believe AR-15s are fully automatic. Then scumbags use the term "assault weapon" to refer to semiautomatic weapons. Use of imprecise or ambiguous terms is the mark of the demagogue.
And when we ask them to clarify what exactly they are trying to ban, they start crying about technicalities and semantics.

The truth is that any proposed ban affects 90% of the guns in civil possession. That's the dirty little secret their overlords hide from their ignorant asses.
"Popular parlance" is exactly the problem. That is intentionally designed to mislead people. People think AR-15s are assault weapon, and hence they believe AR-15s are fully automatic. Then scumbags use the term "assault weapon" to refer to semiautomatic weapons. Use of imprecise or ambiguous terms is the mark of the demagogue.
And when we ask them to clarify what exactly they are trying to ban, they start crying about technicalities and semantics.

The truth is that any proposed ban affects 90% of the guns in civil possession. That's the dirty little secret their overlords hide from their ignorant asses.
During the debate over the last Assault Weapons Ban, the gun lobby argued over grips, flash suppressor and stocks. In other words, cosmetics, not the real hazard.
What weapons were included in the Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990s?
Guns that looked scary.

All you had to do was make them look NOT scary, changing nothing else, and you were good.

I bought an AK variant for under $200.00 after the ban. Best money I ever spent. The only thing that changed on it was the pistol grip.


Sad that I lost it in a tragic boating accident. It's gone forever.

But, that weapon had everything the pre-ban rifle had in terms of effectiveness and mechanics. It fired just as fast. It was all the same. Just that stupid looking stock that replaced the pistol grip.

That's all the left could do without achieving their real objective. That's all they could do now without a complete ban. There is literally no other reasonable measure.

That's why we laugh at the ignorant left. But, I guess I should thank them for the cheap AK variant I once enjoyed.
What weapons were included in the Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990s?
Guns that looked scary.

All you had to do was make them look NOT scary, changing nothing else, and you were good.

I bought an AK variant for under $200.00 after the ban. Best money I ever spent. The only thing that changed on it was the pistol grip.


Sad that I lost it in a tragic boating accident. It's gone forever.

But, that weapon had everything the pre-ban rifle had in terms of effectiveness and mechanics. It fired just as fast. It was all the same. Just that stupid looking stock that replaced the pistol grip.

That's all the left could do without achieving their real objective. That's all they could do now without a complete ban. There is literally no other reasonable measure.

That's why we laugh at the ignorant left. But, I guess I should thank them for the cheap AK variant I once enjoyed.
Precisely. The gun lobby watered down a real assault weapons ban and concentrated on cosmetics.

More inaction from your friends at the NRA.
During the debate over the last Assault Weapons Ban, the gun lobby argued over grips, flash suppressor and stocks. In other words, cosmetics, not the real hazard.
To ban the "real hazard" is a compete ban and that could not happen. The left got the best they could under the circumstances. Anything else would have cause an even BIGGER backlash and would like have been shot down by the SCOTUS. That's why we now have the RIDICULOUS, LUDICROUS argument that the 2nd Amendment was nothing but a grant to states the right to organize a militia (or whatever the fuck that stupid argument has become).

The left is trying to pretend that there are guns that are deadly and guns that are not. ALL FIREARMS are deadly.
Precisely. The gun lobby watered down a real assault weapons ban and concentrated on cosmetics.

More inaction from your friends at the NRA.

THE LEFT focused on cosmetics because they were trying to ban military looking guns, knowing they could never ban all guns or ban semi-autos. I paid very close attention back then. I know exactly what was going on.

The left needed a gun control victory, even if it was a toothless, useless POS. They had no support for a ban on semi-autos or handguns, so they caved and focused on cosmetic.

That's all they will get this time around too. That is annoying, stupid, and wasteful, but they can't leave well enough alone, so...

"Popular parlance" is exactly the problem. That is intentionally designed to mislead people. People think AR-15s are assault weapon, and hence they believe AR-15s are fully automatic. Then scumbags use the term "assault weapon" to refer to semiautomatic weapons. Use of imprecise or ambiguous terms is the mark of the demagogue.
And when we ask them to clarify what exactly they are trying to ban, they start crying about technicalities and semantics.

The truth is that any proposed ban affects 90% of the guns in civil possession. That's the dirty little secret their overlords hide from their ignorant asses.
During the debate over the last Assault Weapons Ban, the gun lobby argued over grips, flash suppressor and stocks. In other words, cosmetics, not the real hazard.

The gun grabbers are the ones who insisted that those things were in the bill. What do you propose to ban?
Precisely. The gun lobby watered down a real assault weapons ban and concentrated on cosmetics.

More inaction from your friends at the NRA.

THE LEFT focused on cosmetics because they were trying to ban military looking guns, knowing they could never ban all guns or ban semi-autos. I paid very close attention back then. I know exactly what was going on.

The left needed a gun control victory, even if it was a toothless, useless POS. They had no support for a ban on semi-autos or handguns, so they caved and focused on cosmetic.

That's all they will get this time around too. That is annoying, stupid, and wasteful, but they can't leave well enough alone, so...


They won't even get that. Most people are wise to their ploys by now.
:abgg2q.jpg: I just saw the footage on Fox News as I was coming home. A reporter was sent to some anti-gun March, must of been a very blue state. He is asking a few of the young female protesters if they knew what an assault weapon is. But as expected, they had no clue!
They may as well answered, the real hard question like this.
So like, uh, what is an assault weapon? Uh, like, isn't that like a gun that shoots a lot of bullets?
Or maybe answer it like this?,,,uh,,like,,uhm,,uh?,,,so like, what's an assault weapon? Uh, is that like a gun made from salt?
:CryingCow: :haha: :iyfyus.jpg:

Don't ask them that, soon we will have even spoons banned.
What weapons were included in the Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990s?
Guns that looked scary.

All you had to do was make them look NOT scary, changing nothing else, and you were good.

I bought an AK variant for under $200.00 after the ban. Best money I ever spent. The only thing that changed on it was the pistol grip.


Sad that I lost it in a tragic boating accident. It's gone forever.

But, that weapon had everything the pre-ban rifle had in terms of effectiveness and mechanics. It fired just as fast. It was all the same. Just that stupid looking stock that replaced the pistol grip.

That's all the left could do without achieving their real objective. That's all they could do now without a complete ban. There is literally no other reasonable measure.

That's why we laugh at the ignorant left. But, I guess I should thank them for the cheap AK variant I once enjoyed.
Precisely. The gun lobby watered down a real assault weapons ban and concentrated on cosmetics.

More inaction from your friends at the NRA.

What would a "real assault weapons ban" ban?
What weapons were included in the Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990s?
Guns that looked scary.

All you had to do was make them look NOT scary, changing nothing else, and you were good.

I bought an AK variant for under $200.00 after the ban. Best money I ever spent. The only thing that changed on it was the pistol grip.


Sad that I lost it in a tragic boating accident. It's gone forever.

But, that weapon had everything the pre-ban rifle had in terms of effectiveness and mechanics. It fired just as fast. It was all the same. Just that stupid looking stock that replaced the pistol grip.

That's all the left could do without achieving their real objective. That's all they could do now without a complete ban. There is literally no other reasonable measure.

That's why we laugh at the ignorant left. But, I guess I should thank them for the cheap AK variant I once enjoyed.
Precisely. The gun lobby watered down a real assault weapons ban and concentrated on cosmetics.

More inaction from your friends at the NRA.

What would a "real assault weapons ban" ban?
Place the same restrictions on semi-automatics as fully automatics.

Don't effect pump shot guns, bolt or lever action rifles or revolvers.

Before you say 'revolvers ARE semi-automatics', remember that revolvers have six rounds and cannot be equipped with a magazine.
Place the same restrictions on semi-automatics as fully automatics.
That would be a near total ban. Not gonna happen and we will go to war to stop that.

Don't effect pump shot guns, bolt or lever action rifles or revolvers.
Which are increasingly unavailable.

Before you say 'revolvers ARE semi-automatics', remember that revolvers have six rounds and cannot be equipped with a magazine.
That has nothing to do with the operation. Semi-auto is one pull = one shot.

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