How Does A Snowflake Answer The Question:"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??

It's not another word for confiscation at all.
Obviously you keep it then. I think it should have to be registered though.

Too bad. There is no need to register a rifle.

If you dopes were smart, you would willingly offer some concessions to avoid overreach.

Moron.....all the gun owners have done is give in to anti gun extremists don't see concessions as end points, they are just one more item on your list on the way to confiscation........

And nothing you want actually stops criminals or mass shooters...which your leadership simply want to get to registration, so that you know who has the guns.....

I want registration to track the movement of guns and to hold the owner responsible for it's safety. If a gun turns up at a crime scene in CA and is registered in MN, then the owner has some questions to answer. If people were held to account for the safety of their guns, and background checks as well as a transfer of registration were required, there really couldn't be a black market without someone being accountable.

Yeah the government never misuses information

There is no need to force people to register firearms other than to take them away at a later date
And history has already played out on that under mr. hitler.
What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.
I don't think most of these Moon Bats even know which end of a gun to point down range if the instructions were written on the butt end..
What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.
well their solution is that one guy killed 17 kids so 150 million other people should pay for the one guy that shot 17 and not the one guy. It's amazing how far off the mark they are.
What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.

I posted some pictures the other day of the Moron March where the placards said "Repeal the Second Amendment" so it is hard for these Moon Bats to deny that it is their agenda .

The right to keep and bear arms is a direct threat to the Moon Bat agenda to turn this country into a socialist shithole. That is why they hate it so much.

We know they are not concerned about gun violence because they never say a word about the tremendous number of shootings in the Democrat controlled big city ghettos where most of the gun crime in this country takes place. Their agenda is to take guns away from White non Democrat voting males.
What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.

The real goal is the severe curtailing of the rights of the people.

We have people marching who are begging the governemnt to take away rights.

That is a first in this country and it is the the first toll of the death knell of the USA.

We gave away rights after 9/11 all in the name of safety now we have people actually asking the governemnt to take more rights away

This attitude and the idea of liberty cannot coexist
What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.

I posted some pictures the other day of the Moron March where the placards said "Repeal the Second Amendment" so it is hard for these Moon Bats to deny that it is their agenda .

The right to keep and bear arms is a direct threat to the Moon Bat agenda to turn this country into a socialist shithole. That is why they hate it so much.

We know they are not concerned about gun violence because they never say a word about the tremendous number of shootings in the Democrat controlled big city ghettos where most of the gun crime in this country takes place. Their agenda is to take guns away from White non Democrat voting males.
well I will correct you, yes they did mention the shootings in Virginia. A young black girl provided that speech.

Oh boy here come the gun nerds.

Ok , an assault weapon is a firearm designed for war. Designed to poke big holes in people as quickly as possible .



Real Rifle bullets:

What is the real goal?

If it is to reduce mass shootings, the recommended or requested action appears to either fall well short of that goal or completely misses the mark.

I posted some pictures the other day of the Moron March where the placards said "Repeal the Second Amendment" so it is hard for these Moon Bats to deny that it is their agenda .

The right to keep and bear arms is a direct threat to the Moon Bat agenda to turn this country into a socialist shithole. That is why they hate it so much.

We know they are not concerned about gun violence because they never say a word about the tremendous number of shootings in the Democrat controlled big city ghettos where most of the gun crime in this country takes place. Their agenda is to take guns away from White non Democrat voting males.
well I will correct you, yes they did mention the shootings in Virginia. A young black girl provided that speech.

The massive amount of gun crimes in this country takes place in the inner city ghettos of this country. Almost all are run by Democrats that will not do anything of substance against the Black, Illegal, minority and gang banger population. That is why every weekend we have about the same number of killings in Chicago as we had at Parkland.

I don't see the big cry to enforce the existing laws in the high crime areas. I guess that is too politically incorrect or racists or something. All I hear is how we should take guns away form the tens of millions of law abiding gun owners in this country.

this tells me that their agenda is not to reduce gun crimes but to diminish the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

In Britain, Germany, Canada and Australia, they are also examples of countries with much much lower gun homicide rates than ours.
And people can own guns in all of those countries.

They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
Buy back. As an example, there are just under 2 million ARs. Pay above retail for turn in. Let's say $2k. That would be the best $4b ever spent. Do the same w/handguns. Even illegal ones. Maybe those kids on the street would find it more lucrative to turn them in rather than use them or sell them on. It would also kill the black market trade.

Another word for confiscation.

What if I don't want to "sell" my gun to the fucking governemnt?
Another word for confiscation.

What if I don't want to "sell" my gun to the fucking governemnt?

It's not another word for confiscation at all.
Obviously you keep it then. I think it should have to be registered though.

And what does registration do? I have actual news pieces on registration where law enforcement states it does not stop crime, it does not help solve wastes time, money and resources that the police can actually use to stop actual criminals...

The only thing registration is good for is eventual confiscation....Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia, New York, California, Chicago, and now Oregon.......all examples of registration leading to confiscation.....
In Britain, Germany, Canada and Australia, they are also examples of countries with much much lower gun homicide rates than ours.
And people can own guns in all of those countries.

When will you stop with these ridiculous comparisons?

The murder rate in the UK has always been lower than the US as far back as I can look.

And you always seem to ignore the fact that the murder rate in the UK went UP after their strictest gun laws were passed not down and in fact their murder rate has never dropped below what it was before their gun laws that included bans and confiscations were passed

I've told you people over and over again that if you want to lower the murder rate ( you don't really but let's pretend you do) then you would be concentrating your effort in the 5% of counties in the US where 70% of all murders occur

But you don't do that. You think that telling people like me and the millions of other people like me who own guns that if we can't own firearms that magically the murder rate will drop to zero
Let's stick to gun homicide stats instead of murders. Of course every death sucks, counts, but we're talking about effects of guns.

In Britain, Germany, Canada and Australia, they are also examples of countries with much much lower gun homicide rates than ours.
And people can own guns in all of those countries.

They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
Where are you proposing to send the American citizens?

In Britain, Germany, Canada and Australia, they are also examples of countries with much much lower gun homicide rates than ours.
And people can own guns in all of those countries.

They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
Where are you proposing to send the American citizens?

If it was up to me I would send the Negroes to Africa, the Illegals back to Mexico and throw the gang bangers in jail.

However, it is not up to me so not to worry.

The point that I was trying to make that seem to go over your head is that the great majority of the gun crime that happens in this country is from a minority demographics that don't exist in great numbers in places like Australia. They had lower crime than us before they enacted the draconian gun laws.

It is comparing apples and oranges to compare the crime stats.

In the mostly White rural and suburban populations in the US gun crime is actually very low even with high gun ownership.

It is high in the big city shitholes mostly run by Democrats that have strict gun control laws already. Taking guns away from the rural and suburban Whites won't do a damn thing to change those crime stats. However, it will greatly reduce our Liberty.
There is, in popular parlance, the term 'assault weapon'. In generic terms, an assault weapon is a weapon that includes a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high capacity ammunition magazine. There are distinct guns designed for sporting purposes. Among these are hunting rifles (bolt and lever action), pump action shot guns designed to hunt water fowl or shoot clay pigeons, and pistols and revolvers designed for target shooting and self defense.

Assault weapons, on the other hand, have design characteristics more akin to combat weapons. Characteristics that do not necessarily augment their use in sporting activities.

You wanted a definition, you got one.

Now, I know your reputation. You will no doubt respond with a smiley emoticon denoting you think this post is funny. If you want to discuss the merits and virtues of the weapons I described as 'assault weapons', fine. But if all you seek are posts you can ridicule as poorly framed, inarticulate or just plain silly, you might find that some opinions that differ from your own still have merit.
Actually the definition of an Assault weapon is that it is equipped with a selector switch to allow Burst or automatic fire and those are already HEAVILY regulated.

And that’s why the AR doesn’t have that switch. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a weapon of war decide to kill people. Just because you remove that one option. The gun nerds always trying to misinform people.
They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
There is no need for the racist shit. That is not the real issue. It discredits your arguments and is not based on reason.

Communists, mostly in the Democrat party, have ruined many families with their communist shit. It is unfortunate that the black families have been hit the hardest, but removing the need for fathers and replacing them with Government to act as parents to many black children results in a lack of guidance and direction, which further result in criminal behavior.

Before LBJ, most blacks voted for Republicans (the ones who saved them from slavery). LBJ famously boasted about how he would have them voting Democrat for 200 years.

To their detriment, unfortunately, blacks have voted nearly lock-step for Democrats. Decades of Government playing parent has given us the current crime culture in the inner cities. Stop blaming race and focus on the real cause.
And that’s why the AR doesn’t have that switch. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a weapon of war decide to kill people. Just because you remove that one option. The gun nerds always trying to misinform people.
An AR15 has never been used in war. It's less a weapon of war than a Winchester 30-30.
They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
There is no need for the racist shit. That is not the real issue. It discredits your arguments and is not based on reason.

Communists, mostly in the Democrat party, have ruined many families with their communist shit. It is unfortunate that the black families have been hit the hardest, but removing the need for fathers and replacing them with Government to act as parents to many black children results in a lack of guidance and direction, which further result in criminal behavior.

Before LBJ, most blacks voted for Republicans (the ones who saved them from slavery). LBJ famously boasted about how he would have them voting Democrat for 200 years.

To their detriment, unfortunately, blacks have voted nearly lock-step for Democrats. Decades of Government playing parent has given us the current crime culture in the inner cities. Stop blaming race and focus on the real cause.

The fact of the matter is that most of the gun crimes that happen in this country are in the minority populations in the big cities. No amount of politically correctness will change that fact. I will not apologize for being factually correct.

We need to understand that fact to effectively deal with the problem. It is a cultural problem not a firearm possession problem.
The fact of the matter is that most of the gun crimes that happen in this country are in the minority populations in the big cities. No amount of politically correctness will change that fact. I will not apologize for being factually correct.

We need to understand that fact to effectively deal with the problem. It is a cultural problem not a firearm possession problem.
Nobody is arguing against your statistics. It is fact. But, that fact is not necessarily because of race, unless you consider that blacks were 2nd class citizens until the 1960s which paved the way for their government parenting and caused them to be disproportionately dependent, causing a lack of parental guidance which leads to crime. One could argue that white people enslaving black people caused generational family problems that are causing the current crime rate in the black community. There's plenty of racial blame to go around.

This issue is not directly related to race, though race played a role in producing these circumstances. The argument attributing the circumstances solely to race is illogical and unproductive.
They don't have our Negroes, Illegals and gang bangers.

Lets export some of them and just see how the crime changes.
There is no need for the racist shit. That is not the real issue. It discredits your arguments and is not based on reason.

Communists, mostly in the Democrat party, have ruined many families with their communist shit. It is unfortunate that the black families have been hit the hardest, but removing the need for fathers and replacing them with Government to act as parents to many black children results in a lack of guidance and direction, which further result in criminal behavior.

Before LBJ, most blacks voted for Republicans (the ones who saved them from slavery). LBJ famously boasted about how he would have them voting Democrat for 200 years.

To their detriment, unfortunately, blacks have voted nearly lock-step for Democrats. Decades of Government playing parent has given us the current crime culture in the inner cities. Stop blaming race and focus on the real cause.

Blacks (as well as all minorities) vote dem because the gop is the party of racists . And that’s a deal breaker .

Even you explanation is a racist gop talking point!

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