How does an 'anchor baby' legally anchor his illegal alien parents ?

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.

I live in Maricopa County, Peach! You are repeating something from the past. That blush is off the Rose now with voters finally seeing how the Sherriff has used his office for self promotion with the contempt charges he faced this Spring.

Have a read of Shelley's poem, Ozymandias. Sherriff Joe is caricatured in the last five lines!
If an illegal alien woman has a baby in the U.S. (who is then considered to be a U.S. citizen) what exactly gives her the right to remain in the U.S. ?

None of the following mechanisms seem to bring in a parent legally....

There are four different mechanisms at work here, as my CIS colleague, Jon Feere, and I see it:

  • the most obvious, and the least numerically significant, is the right of a 21-year-old citizen to petition for immigrant status for a non-citizen parent. By definition, this cannot happen until at least 21 years have passed.
  • under some quite precise circumstances the presence of a U.S.-born child of an illegal alien, or a green card holder in trouble with the law, can cause a judge to grant legal status to an alien who would not get it otherwise.
  • much more important is the hidden, undocumented, and uncounted influence of the presence of a U.S.-citizen child in the household of an illegal alien; officials are less likely to deport the parent of such a child than they are to deport an alien who is otherwise similar, but childless.
  • the fourth mechanism may be more important than all the rest, and is the least susceptible to counting. This is the perception in the minds of the illegal alien parents, usually mothers, that somehow the presence of a U.S.-born baby will be helpful to parents in immigration proceedings. That thought process probably works, in most instances, without any detailed knowledge of the three mechanisms noted above.
From a broader policy point of view the presence of the U.S.-citizen child of an illegal alien is part of the whole business of chain migration, a worrisome process to many of us.

Just How Does an Anchor Baby Anchor the Illegal Alien Parent?

They are anchored by liberal guilt and "respect for the sanctity of the family unit".
Trump will not issue an EO because he knows LEO would not obey it.

Congress will never pass such a law.

A minor citizen has every right to expect the government to ensure that is parents are permitted to stay.
there is no 'right' for that.....
Bringing in pregnant Chinese women is an industry.

Far more insidious than the Hispanic invasion.
Anchor babies have no right to citizenship when both parents are illegals.

Actually, they are citizens, period.
No, the courts have never ruled on the "subject to its jurisdiction" part.

An illegal has not subjected himself to the jurisdiction of US, and therefore, citizenship for their kids could be ruled unconstitutional.

Hell, this court has proved the court can rule anything, even if it has to rewrite the dictionary.
Go away 'FakeJake'. And dwell in the your 'unexpected virtue of ignorance'. You probably liked the movie, 'Birdman', which sucks like you.
Trolling with no content by you reveals the hollowness of your nativist agenda. The illegals are home; they will not be rounded up. Your way is the no way.

You started the name calling in this thread and you accuse me of trolling? Now I know how Trump feels......
:blahblah:You accuse me of what you did? You are a troll, you are a nativist, and like most of your ilk, you whine when you get dished with what you handed out. Live it, learn it, love it, because that is going to our relationship on the Board for the rest of your time here.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.

Page 9 this thread, your post #82. I hadn't called you a name prior to that. You lie just like your Dear Leader Obama. I invite the threatened relationship you mentioned cause you are the thinnest skinned maggot infesting this board.
Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.

I live in Maricopa County, Peach! You are repeating something from the past. That blush is off the Rose now with voters finally seeing how the Sherriff has used his office for self promotion with the contempt charges he faced this Spring.

Have a read of Shelley's poem, Ozymandias. Sherriff Joe is caricatured in the last five lines!

He won again just three years ago.
Last 5 lines;
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

Not even close. :laugh:
And who is utilizing demeaning terminology as a mechanism for expressing extreme contempt and disdain for those invaders.

The person you see in your mirror.
Oh, absolutely... guilty as charged... I use demeaning terminology directed against Illegal Aliens, as a measure of my contempt and disdain for them.

I will "make nice" about them again, once they return to their own side of the border.

Next slide, please.

Thank you for admitting to being a bigot.
And who is utilizing demeaning terminology as a mechanism for expressing extreme contempt and disdain for those invaders.

The person you see in your mirror.
Oh, absolutely... guilty as charged... I use demeaning terminology directed against Illegal Aliens, as a measure of my contempt and disdain for them.

I will "make nice" about them again, once they return to their own side of the border.

Next slide, please.

Thank you for admitting to being a bigot.

I admit to being an American Citizen, loyal to my country and its people, rather than foreigners, and refusing to advocate for tolerance of the 12,000,000 Invaders now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent, and refusing to advocate for the continuation of the extending of 14th Amendment rights to the American-born offspring of Illegal Aliens, born while their parents were out-of-compliance with US Immigration Law. Oh, and also refusing to be Politically Correct, and to refrain from labeling them with disdain.

But what I am or am not doesn't matter in the slightest.

What DOES matter is that - after years of smug assurance that they were going to get in, after all - that Illegal Aliens may now be in for a very rough time.

IF the child is actually a U.S. citizen.....then he has the right to stay.....but his mother does NOT.....she should be deported but should/would she just leave her baby behind...?

That is the dilemma that T-Rump wants to address by illegally deporting American citizens who are minors because their parents are illegal immigrants.

The INS should determine if the child has a parent who is gainfully employed and then provide them with a work visa and an application for residence.

That is called a path to citizenship and no one on the extremist rightwing wants that to happen even though these illegal immigrants are gainfully employed and will pay taxes like everyone else.

how about an orphanage set up for 'anchor babies' if the illegal alien parents want to leave him behind when they are deported back to their own country.....?

How exactly is that going to win over the "hearts and minds" of the Hispanic voters when you propose turning their children into orphans?

They can't vote because they are here illegally.

There are millions of Hispanic Americans who have the same voting rights that you do. They have become large enough to make the difference between winning and losing an election.

Your choice if you want to treat them badly and lose elections.
And you are going to be sure to tell that lie that they are being treated badly, aren't you?
Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.

I live in Maricopa County, Peach! You are repeating something from the past. That blush is off the Rose now with voters finally seeing how the Sherriff has used his office for self promotion with the contempt charges he faced this Spring.

Have a read of Shelley's poem, Ozymandias. Sherriff Joe is caricatured in the last five lines!

He won again just three years ago.
Last 5 lines;
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

Not even close. :laugh:

Yeah, three years ago! That was the point as compared to the charges he faced this Spring!

No appreciation for poetry that portrays the variability of real life, eh? Of fortunes gained and horizons lost? Oh well, some never can locate those deeper caverns within!
Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.

I live in Maricopa County, Peach! You are repeating something from the past. That blush is off the Rose now with voters finally seeing how the Sherriff has used his office for self promotion with the contempt charges he faced this Spring.

Have a read of Shelley's poem, Ozymandias. Sherriff Joe is caricatured in the last five lines!

Do you have any news on his hearing that was suppose to be on Aug.14th 2015?
Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.

I live in Maricopa County, Peach! You are repeating something from the past. That blush is off the Rose now with voters finally seeing how the Sherriff has used his office for self promotion with the contempt charges he faced this Spring.

Have a read of Shelley's poem, Ozymandias. Sherriff Joe is caricatured in the last five lines!

He won again just three years ago.
Last 5 lines;
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

Not even close. :laugh:

Yeah, three years ago! That was the point as compared to the charges he faced this Spring!

No appreciation for poetry that portrays the variability of real life, eh? Of fortunes gained and horizons lost? Oh well, some never can locate those deeper caverns within!

How many court trials in the last 23 years?
Not one has stuck. :)
It depends on how you look at it.
"They are anchored by liberal guilt and lrespect for the sanctity of the family unit'" is half right. The other part that is right is that good Americans are armored against the hate of the nativists.
Go away 'FakeJake'. And dwell in the your 'unexpected virtue of ignorance'. You probably liked the movie, 'Birdman', which sucks like you.
Trolling with no content by you reveals the hollowness of your nativist agenda. The illegals are home; they will not be rounded up. Your way is the no way.

You started the name calling in this thread and you accuse me of trolling? Now I know how Trump feels......
:blahblah:You accuse me of what you did? You are a troll, you are a nativist, and like most of your ilk, you whine when you get dished with what you handed out. Live it, learn it, love it, because that is going to our relationship on the Board for the rest of your time here.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.

Page 9 this thread, your post #82. I hadn't called you a name prior to that. You lie just like your Dear Leader Obama. I invite the threatened relationship you mentioned cause you are the thinnest skinned maggot infesting this board.
So you continue to lie. I have no trouble dealing with the ilk of you. :lol:
"And you are going to be sure to tell that lie that they are being treated badly" is a lie itself. Look at the nativists on the Board and their lies.
"...good Americans are armored against the hate of the nativists."
Translation: "Grab your ankles, bend over, and take it (waves of millions of invaders) like a man, or you're a racist and a bigot and hateful."

Response: "Horseshit"
Anchor babies have no right to citizenship when both parents are illegals.

Actually, they are citizens, period.
amazing how liberals can 'legislate' American law in a footnote.....but then again that's how they 'legislated' abortion rights, gay marriage rights, etc....
The 14th amendment is not a footnote. The language is quite plain.

They are citizens, period.
no.... it was Justice Brennan who wrote a footnote to a case in 1982 about 'jurisdiction'....creating the insane immigration policy on anchor babies....
You're way off.

It was United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 which established that everyone born in the US is a citizen.
Anchor babies have no right to citizenship when both parents are illegals.

Actually, they are citizens, period.
amazing how liberals can 'legislate' American law in a footnote.....but then again that's how they 'legislated' abortion rights, gay marriage rights, etc....
The 14th amendment is not a footnote. The language is quite plain.

They are citizens, period.
no.... it was Justice Brennan who wrote a footnote to a case in 1982 about 'jurisdiction'....creating the insane immigration policy on anchor babies....
You're way off.

It was United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 which established that everyone born in the US is a citizen.

Because his parents were here legally under the Domicile Law under the Jurisdiction of California laws at that time.
They were not here illegally.
The 14th Amendment is not for Alien law breakers.
Actually, they are citizens, period.
amazing how liberals can 'legislate' American law in a footnote.....but then again that's how they 'legislated' abortion rights, gay marriage rights, etc....
The 14th amendment is not a footnote. The language is quite plain.

They are citizens, period.
no.... it was Justice Brennan who wrote a footnote to a case in 1982 about 'jurisdiction'....creating the insane immigration policy on anchor babies....
You're way off.

It was United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 which established that everyone born in the US is a citizen.

Because his parents were here legally under the Domicile Law under the Jurisdiction of California laws at that time.
They were not here illegally.
The 14th Amendment is not for Alien law breakers.
What law are they breaking?

US law.

Ergo, illegals are under our jurisdiction. Ergo, their children born here are citizens. Simple as that.

By the way, did you read the case? Wong Kim Ark's parents weren't allowed to become citizens due to bigoted laws in the US at the time which excluded Chinese from attaining citizenship.

As the child of parents of an excluded race, Wong Kim Ark was Chinese, and it was believed by your bigoted political ancesters the exclusion applied to him, too.

But thanks to the 14th amendment, it didn't.

Same for the children of illegals.
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